
vManage Training Course
(Nokia Masan)

M4: vManage Installation (Advanced)

U17: Mobile Solution Installation

Block 45:

Micro-splicing Application
Micro-Splicing Application Agenda
Micro-splicing Application Overview
Application purpose, training course scope

Micro-splicing Application Configuration
Configuration parameters, special barcodes

Micro-splicing Basic Operations / Screens
Start application, close application, switching between machines and lines, low level warning (machine level), low level warning (line level), getting reel details, kitting, verification, splicing

Micro-splicing Additional Operations / Screens
Feeder Summary, using TXMobileStationPattern on NXT, Performance Monitor, PCB buffer, alarms, operator trace, Material Manager Verifier

Technical Details
NIS log files
© 2010 Valor Computerized Systems Ltd. All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
Micro-splicing Application Overview
Application purpose

This application provides the a mobile solution user interface for the vManage system

The functionality is almost identical to the ShopFloor Manager application and the operations performed using the PDA typically mimic the same operations performed using the ShopFloor Manager

The concept of the Micro-splicing application is to provide a hand held solution which combines the monitoring information and controls of the ShopFloor Manager application with the ability to scan feeder, material and other barcodes

The ShopFloor Manager client still needs to be running, but the PDA can be considered a remote terminal linked to the ShopFloor Manager client

The PDA communicates with the ShopFloor Manager client through the Network Interface Service. The details of this service is handled in another training course

It is important to note that the PDA just collects and displays information, the ShopFloor Manager client processes the data and updates the database and provides data to update the PDA screen
© 2010 Valor Computerized Systems Ltd. All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
Micro-splicing Application Overview
Application purpose

Most of the time the Micro-splicing application will be displaying the Low Level Warning screen. This is the normal operational display for the operator

However, other functionality such as kitting and splicing is also possible with this application

This includes drill down to display details of the feeder or machine position

The Micro-splicing application has also been expanded to
allow connection to the Material Management Verifier Server and act as a Verifier tool in the stock area

This allows material to be collected for production and booked back into stock using a PDA

In the future it is expected that the use of the mobile solution (PDA) will be expanded to cover other areas of the vManage system (e.g. Dry Oven / Store, Screen Printer etc.)

© 2010 Valor Computerized Systems Ltd. All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
ShopFloor Manager Application Overview
Training course scope

Although the application can utilize many of more advanced functionality of the ShopFloor Manager application, this is because (as already stated) the ShopFloor Manager client is processing the data

Therefore this course will focus only on the operational use of the Micro-splicing application (the ShopFloor Manager application functionality is covered in another training course)

Also, this course will cover a number of configuration parameters associated with the Micro-splicing application (defined when configuring the ShopFloor Manager client for PDA use), however this course will not attempt to describe all of the possible parameters used by the ShopFloor Manager (this is covered in other courses)

This course also does not cover any hardware specifics, or the installation and troubleshooting of the Network Interface Service. These are also covered in other training courses
© 2010 Valor Computerized Systems Ltd. All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
Micro-Splicing Application Configuration
Configuration parameters

There are many parameters that can be set to configure the ShopFloor Manager application. When using the Micro-splicing application, the configuration parameters are taken from the ShopFloor Manager that the PDA is connected to

Listed here are the configuration parameters which need to be considered when using the Micro-splicing application (this does not include the standard ShopFloor Manager parameters e.g. “NumberModules”, “feederPattern”, “FVCOM” etc.)

RemoteSplicing – This parameter must be set to “Yes” if the ShopFloor Manager client will accept incoming communication from a PDA. If this is set to “No” PDA communication will be ignored

NetworkServiceIPAddress – This defines the IP address of the PC where the Network Interface Service is running. If this is left empty it is assumed that the NIS is running on the local PC

NetworkServicePort – This is the TCP/IP port that the NIS uses to provide communication between the PDA and the ShopFloor Manager client. The default is 4500 and typically will not be changed
© 2010 Valor Computerized Systems Ltd. All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
Micro-Splicing Application Configuration
Configuration parameters

UsingMobileSolution - This parameter must be set to “Yes” if the Verifier Server will accept incoming communication from a PDA (i.e. it will accept a PDA as a Verifier Tool)

MMVerifierMobilePort – This is the TCP/IP port that the NIS uses to provide communication between the PDA and the Material Manager Verifier Server (i.e. it allows the PDA to become a Verifier Tool). The default is 8081 and typically will not be changed

TXMobileStationPattern – Unlike the “StationPattern” parameter which is design to be used in conjunction with “SlotPattern” and “SubSlotPattern”, this parameter defines the pattern used for a machine station / module which can be scanned by itself. If this is scanned only the material loaded in that station will be displayed in the Low Level Warning window

TXMobileTrayStationPattern – Similar to the “TXMobileStationPattern” except this is used for tray stations. If this is scanned only the material loaded in that tray station will be displayed in the Low Level Warning window (see also “UsingIntelligentFeeders”)
© 2010 Valor Computerized Systems Ltd. All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
Micro-Splicing Application Configuration
Configuration parameters

TXMobileUsingSiemensBarcodes – This is only applicable to Siemens machines. If this is set to “Yes” then the standard Siemens station and position barcodes can be scanned to switch to station or position views on the PDA. If set to “No” then barcodes matching vManage defined positions (“StationPattern”, “SlotPattern” and “SubSlotPattern”) need to be used

TXMobilePassword – If this is set (i.e. not empty) then this defines the password that needs to be used before the Micro-splicing application can be closed. It is also used (if set) when clearing the PCB buffer on the PDA

TXMobileClearStationEnabled – If this is set to “Yes” then it is possible to clear a complete machine station (unkit all feeders). To do this the “-CLEAR-” barcode is scanned, followed by the station barcode

TXMobileLeftSideModules – This is a comma separated list which defines the modules on the left of the machine (when looking down the line). This needs to be set before the “RIGHT” and “LEFT” barcodes can be used
© 2010 Valor Computerized Systems Ltd. All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
Micro-Splicing Application Configuration
Configuration parameters

ShowAlarms – This needs to be set to “Yes” if alarms for the line are to be displayed by the PDA as a red warning bar at the top. If set to “No” then only alarms in the current screen will be displayed

AdjustQuantityOnKittedReel – If this parameter is set to “Yes” the operator can adjust the quantity on the kitted reel. This function should be used with care

ShowUnverifiedFeedersOnTop – If this parameter is set to “Yes” then in the Low Level Warning screen all the unverified feeders will always be shown on top. If set to “No” they will be shown in the program order

UsingIntelligentFeeders – When this is set to “Yes” the ShopFloor Manager expects all feeder verification to be done using the intelligent feeder interface. Trays can still be verified as long as the “TXMobileTrayStation” pattern is scanned first (so that the system knows that trays are being scanned and not feeders)
© 2010 Valor Computerized Systems Ltd. All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
Micro-Splicing Application Configuration
Configuration parameters

multiFeederPattern – This is the pattern of the machine vendor feeder ID labels. Used when linking these to standard vManage feeder labels

SafeSplicingEnabled – If this is set to “Yes” the splicing procedure (detailed later) is modified to ensure a correct splicing is performed (the new reel needs to be scanned twice)

SafeSplicingMin – Only used when “SafeSplicingEnabled” is set to “Yes”. This defines the minimum time (in seconds) between the first and second scanning of the new reel ID. If the scanning interval is shorter than this the splicing will be rejected

SafeSplicingMax – Only used when “SafeSplicingEnabled” is set to “Yes”. This defines the maximum time (in seconds) between the first and second scanning of the new reel ID. If the scanning interval is longer than this the splicing will be rejected

© 2010 Valor Computerized Systems Ltd. All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
Micro-Splicing Application Configuration
Special barcodes

In order to enable quick and easy selection of different functions and operational modes, the Micro-splicing application supports a set of special barcodes

Listed here are the special barcodes supported by the Micro-splicing application. Note that the operational barcodes used in the standard ShopFloor Manager implementations (e.g. “-CLEAR-”, “-FORCE-”, StationPattern etc.) are supported by Micro-splicing application but are not included in this list

Note that there are two barcode patterns defined in the configuration parameters (described earlier) which can also be considered as special barcodes

This labels are typically located somewhere on the machines where they can be scanned easily

IP???.???.???.??? ~ This pattern format is the barcode for scanning to identify the IP address of the NIS computer. The “???.???.???.???” string is replaced with the required IP address
© 2010 Valor Computerized Systems Ltd. All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
Micro-Splicing Application Configuration
Special barcodes

MCID??? ~ This pattern format is the barcode for scanning to identify the ShopFloor Manager machine ID to connect to. The “???” string is replaced with the required machine ID. This will display the machine level Low Level Warning screen. Note that to return to a single machine details the from almost any screen this pattern can be scanned

KITTING ~ When this barcode is scanned the PDA displays the Kitting Station screen. If the barcode is scanned while displaying the Kitting Station it will return to the Low Level Warning screen

PERFORMANCE ~ When this barcode is scanned the PDA displays the Performance screen. If the barcode is scanned while displaying the Performance screen it will return to the Low Level Warning screen

GLOBAL ~ When this barcode is scanned the PDA will display the Low Level Warning screen but will show typically show all positions for the whole line. Note that the display can only show position information for ShopFloor Manager clients which are connected to the same NIS that the PDA is connected to (see also “LEFT” and “RIGHT”)
© 2010 Valor Computerized Systems Ltd. All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
Micro-Splicing Application Configuration
Special barcodes

MODULES ?-? ~ This pattern format defines a barcode pattern which can be used to display a series of modules on (typically) a long multi-module machine (e.g. NXT). An example would be “MODULES 1-4” which, when scanned, will show all positions for module (station) 1, 2, 3 and 4

LEFT ~ This barcode requires that the “TXLeftSideModules” configuration parameter is defined, and can only be scanned after the “GLOBAL” barcode has been used. If this is scanned it will show the left side module / station material for the line (i.e. the right side modules will not be displayed)

RIGHT ~ This is the same as the “LEFT” pattern except that it will display the right hand side modules / stations for the line

PCBLIST ~ If this barcode is scanned the PCB buffer (i.e. the panel barcodes for the boards currently in the machine) will be displayed

-CLEARALL- ~ If this barcode is scanned all the feeders currently active in the machine will be cleared (i.e. unkitted)
© 2010 Valor Computerized Systems Ltd. All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
Micro-Splicing Application Configuration
Special barcodes

TXTESTCONNECTION ~ This barcode pattern can be used to switch the PDA to a communication test mode. This will allow communication testing between the PDA, the NIS and the ShopFloor Manager client. To exit from this test mode the same barcode should be scanned again

-IGNORE- ~ This barcode can be used to ignore a single feeder position during the verification process. This may be required if some parts listed in the program are unavailable

-ENABLE- ~ This barcode can be used to enable a single feeder position that was previously ignored

-ENABLE ALL- ~ This barcode can be used to enable all feeder positions that were previously ignored

-CLEARSEARCH- ~ This barcode is used when the Generic Program Selection screen is displayed. It will clear any active program searches
© 2010 Valor Computerized Systems Ltd. All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
Micro-Splicing Basic Operations / Screens

Start application

When the Micro-splicing application is first started on the PDA a splash screen will be shown. This will display the version number of the software

Once the application has started the operator will normally be required to scan (or enter) either the NIS IP address to connect the PDA to, or (if the NIS address is known to the PDA) the machine ID to connect to

When the machine ID has been scanned the first screen that is shown is the Low Level Warning screen
This will show the current machine positions used in the program, and the status for each position (verified, unverified or with alarm, and the amount of material remaining). This is similar to combining the Low Level Warning and Verification areas of the ShopFloor Manage display
© 2010 Valor Computerized Systems Ltd. All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
Micro-Splicing Basic Operations / Screens

Close application

In order to close the Micro-splicing application the PDA stylus needs to be used

This should be tapped on the extreme bottom left of the PDA screen followed by the extreme bottom right of the PDA screen

This process should be continued until the application closes

If the “TXMobilePassword” has been set then the operator will need to enter this password before the application closes

This application closure process has been deliberately made difficult in order to avoid unintentional closure of the application. It is also expected that, apart from upgrades, the application will typically remain running
© 2010 Valor Computerized Systems Ltd. All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
Micro-Splicing Basic Operations / Screens

Switching between machines and lines

One reason for using a PDA is that it can be moved around the factory area almost as the operators personal terminal

As noted previously there are two things that control the PDA connection. The NIS server(s) and which ShopFloor Manager clients are connected to which server

Once the PDA has connected to an NIS service it will remember this IP address and try to use this as the default connection
If the connection is lost, or the PDA is new and no connection has been made then the user will be prompted to scan or enter the IP address of the NIS service to connect to

If multiple NIS services are running (for example one for each line) then IP address barcodes must be implemented if PDA’s will need to be switched between lines (i.e. switched between different NIS services)

If the IP address barcode is scanned the PDA will connect to this NIS server
© 2010 Valor Computerized Systems Ltd. All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
Micro-Splicing Basic Operations / Screens

Switching between machines and lines

Once the PDA has connected to the new NIS server the PDA then needs to be connected to the required ShopFloor Manager application (i.e. the machine ID)

Of course, if trying to connect to a different machine ID which is connected to the same NIS server only the machine ID needs to be scanned

Therefore machine ID barcodes and IP address barcodes will typically need to be implemented if PDA’s are to be moved around the factory area
The ability to move PDA’s, the number of machines in each line, the number of ShopFloor Manager client computers will all impact on the decision about how to implement the NIS services around the factory

This is covered in the Network Interface Service training course
© 2010 Valor Computerized Systems Ltd. All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
Micro-Splicing Basic Operations / Screens

Low Level Warning (machine level)

The Low Level Warning screen is the usual screen interface used by the operator

It is this screen which is displayed when the machine ID barcode is scanned

When the program changes or if there has been no verification on the machine all the parts specified in the NC program will appear as red lines (similar to the ShopFloor Manager interface)
The machine nickname is displayed at the top of the screen

When the verification has been completed the screen will show the material usage. The length of the bars indicates the amount of material left before the position runs empty

The list is sorted with the positions which will run empty first at the top

If a position has an alarm (i.e. unverified) it will be typically shown at the top
© 2010 Valor Computerized Systems Ltd. All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
Micro-Splicing Basic Operations / Screens
Low Level Warning (machine level)

The Low Level Warning screen also supports the display of MSD component information

If a position uses MSD components, the water drop icon is shown to the right of the position information

The colour of the icon indicates the time left before the MSD component needs to be dried

A green drop indicates more than ten hours remaining, a yellow drop indicates on to ten hours remaining and a red drop indicates less than one hour remaining

A battery indicator was added in version 4.2

This is only visible in the Low Level Warning mode and is only working on the Datalogic Memor PDA

The battery status changes in intervals of 20%
© 2010 Valor Computerized Systems Ltd. All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
Micro-Splicing Basic Operations / Screens
Low Level Warning (line level)

The line level Low Level Warning allows the operator to see the material status for all machines in the line

This screen can only be entered by scanning the special “GLOBAL” barcode

The screen information will also show the machine ID as well as the position. The line name is shown at the top

Note that this screen is a little different from the machine level screen in that it does not display empty positions (it is expected that these will be handled using the alarms)

As with the single machine Low Level Warning window, when the number of boards drops to less than half of the screen width (typically 50 panels) then the part number for the position is displayed

One important point to note is that when the line level view is displayed a position can only be selected by clicking the screen. It is not possible to select a position using a feeder, reel or position barcode scan

© 2010 Valor Computerized Systems Ltd. All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
Micro-Splicing Basic Operations / Screens
Low Level Warning (line level)

If a position is selected (using a screen click) from the global line view, the PDA will connect to the to the machine and display the reel summary for that position

It is also possible to display the only the machine modules on either the right or left side of the line

The configuration parameter “TXMobileLeftSideModules” must be defined in order to support this

After scanning “GLOBAL”; if the “LEFT” barcode is scanned, only the modules defined as left side will be displayed

If the “RIGHT” barcode is scanned, only the modules NOT defined as left side will be displayed

A scan of the “GLOBAL” barcode will show all the modules again
© 2010 Valor Computerized Systems Ltd. All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
Micro-Splicing Basic Operations / Screens
Getting reel details

There are different ways that the reel details screen can be accessed:-
Scanning the feeder label
Scanning the reel ID label (if used)
Clicking on the Low Level Warning bar on the screen

The reel details will show the position, the part number, the reel ID, the feeder ID and the current quantity

In addition to this information, and based on the number of components left and the consumption, the number of boards and the estimated time before empty is shown

If the machine is set for splicing, then the splicing state of the reel is displayed

If this is an MSD position the remaining MSD open time is shown

If the part number area is clicked, the PDA screen will display the part number and also the default stock location (as defined in the database “stocklocation” table)
© 2010 Valor Computerized Systems Ltd. All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
Micro-Splicing Basic Operations / Screens
Getting reel details

If the quantity area of the screen is clicked then it is possible to change the active quantity on the position

This is only enabled if the “AdjustQuantityOnKittedReel” configuration parameter has been set to “Yes”

In this situation a quantity input screen will be displayed. The operator can now change the quantity for the selected reel

The change will be stored in the database as a “correction” in the “complist” table

Note that there are operational issues associated with enabling this functionality. If this is going to be used it is important that the operators are aware of the implications involved when changing the active quantity

This will impact splicing limits, parts out calculations and may affect traceability data

It is also possible to get the details about the parts carried by a feeder which is not in the machine. Scan the feeder ID and the details will be shown
© 2010 Valor Computerized Systems Ltd. All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
Micro-Splicing Basic Operations / Screens

There are two ways to open a Kitting Station in the Micro-splicing application

The first is to scan the “KITTING” barcode. This switches the PDA to be only a Kitting Station (i.e. it will consider kitting only and not attempt verification on any machine position)

In this mode of operation it will be seen that the feeder number is a required field and needs to be scanned

The kitting operation is very similar to the standard kitting station. All of the required fields need to be scanned and as each field is scanned it turns green

When all the fields are green the kitting is complete and the next feeder can be kitted

The kitting fields required are defined in exactly the same way as for the ShopFloor Manager application (using the Configure Barcodes application)

Note that the only manual input allowed in the PDA Kitting Station is the quantity (if “AllowKeyboard” is set to “Yes”)
© 2010 Valor Computerized Systems Ltd. All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
Micro-Splicing Basic Operations / Screens

The second way to access the Kitting Station is by scanning a feeder label

Note that this will only open a Kitting Station if the system believes that this is the required action. The Kitting Station will open if the part loaded is incorrect (on non-intelligent feeder machines) or if the feeder is not kitted

Note that if using this method of opening a Kitting Station is used the feeder ID field is not shown (the feeder is known)

The “-CLEAR-” barcode can also be used to initiate a kitting station

If working on the Low Level Warning screen the “-CLEAR-” scan needs to be followed by a feeder label scan (if the reel details or feeder summary screen is displayed the system will assume that the current feeder should be cleared)

As with other Kitting Stations, once all fields are scanned the kitting process is complete (if “KitAndVerify” is enabled the system will also attempt to verify the selected position)
© 2010 Valor Computerized Systems Ltd. All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
Micro-Splicing Basic Operations / Screens

When a new program is sent to the machine the Low Level Warning window will show the new setup list. Typically all the positions will be unverified at this time

Typically the operator will work from the top of the list and verify each position, however it is also possible to click one of the lines and select a position to verify

The list of machine positions can be focused on a single station or a series of modules using the special barcodes (noted earlier in the training course)

In order to verify a position the feeder label should be scanned

If the feeder is kitted correctly with the right parts then the red warning line will disappear and the position is verified

If the feeder is unkitted or carries the wrong part a kitting window is opened. The correct material can be kitted and the system will then verify the position

The process continues until all the positions have been verified correctly
© 2010 Valor Computerized Systems Ltd. All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
Micro-Splicing Basic Operations / Screens

If the machine has an intelligent feeder system there is usually no need to perform verification (this is done automatically by the machine interface)

However, on most machines tray units will need to be verified manually (which is why there are two different parameters for the PDA station pattern and the PDA tray pattern)

For the NXT machines the tray verification process is now fully supported on the PDA (previously this required a hand scanner)

The configuration parameters needed to enable this are listed here (note that “PatternGotoModule” and “PatternGotoSlot” are also required):-
UsingIntelligentFeeders = Yes
AutoTrayVerificationAfterKitting = Yes
PatternGotoSub = 0
TrayPattern = (A pattern must be defined)

In addition to the parameters noted above the barcode patterns for the tray X and Y coordinates also need to be defined

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Micro-Splicing Basic Operations / Screens

The tray verification process on the NXT machine is as follows

When the “PatternGotoModule/PatternGotoSlot” barcode is scanned the tray verification window is opened

Scan all the required kitting fields, tray ID and tray coordinates

It does not matter in which order the different information is scanned. When all the kitting fields, tray ID and tray coordinates have been filled out the kitting and verification will be processed

The tray coordinates are by default set to one and to change these the required tray coordinate barcodes need to be scanned

Once all the information has been scanned, and is found to be correct, the tray position will become verified
© 2010 Valor Computerized Systems Ltd. All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
Micro-Splicing Basic Operations / Screens

In some cases there may be a need to ignore a position that is defined in the NC program

This may be because parts are unavailable and will be placed on the assembly later; or that a program requires duplicate components on several positions and either material or feeders are not available

Previously, the only way to work around this problem would have been to edit the machine program and then resend to the machine (and therefore modify the program seen by the ShopFloor Manager)

Three new barcode patterns can be scanned into the ShopFloor Manager. This can only be done using a PDA

These patterns are:-

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Micro-Splicing Basic Operations / Screens

In order to ignore a component (station, slot) the position needs to be selected on the PDA and then the “-IGNORE-” barcode needs to be scanned. This position will then be excluded from verification

To enable the position again, the “-ENABLE-” barcode needs to be scanned and then this needs to be followed by the position barcode on the machine. If no position barcodes exist on the machine then the “-ENABLE ALL-” barcode needs to be scanned (this enables all the previously “ignored” positions)

When a new program is sent to the machine the “ignored” positions will be reset (i.e. all positions will be set as requiring verification)

Note that if any consumption is reported by the machine interface for a position that has been ignored the ShopFloor Manager will stop the machine and will remove the “ignore” flag. This position will then need to have a kitted feeder verified in order to continue production
© 2010 Valor Computerized Systems Ltd. All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
Micro-Splicing Basic Operations / Screens

Splicing is supported both with and without the use of reel ID’s

Using reel ID’s provides a safer and quicker process for the operators. However, both process will be described here

The first step in the splicing process with reel ID’s is to open the reel summary. As noted previously the reel summary can be opened by a reel ID scan, a feeder scan, a position pattern scan or a click on the position bar on the PDA screen

If the reel summary was opened using any of the methods described EXCEPT the reel ID scan, the summary will request the operator to scan the old reel ID first (this will then request the new reel ID to be scanned)

If the reel ID was scanned there is no need to scan the old (current) reel ID. The summary window will request the operator to scan the new reel ID

When the new reel ID is scanned the splicing reel details screen will be displayed

To complete the splicing process scan all the required information (if the reel ID is already registered in the database, the new reel scan can collect this automatically
© 2010 Valor Computerized Systems Ltd. All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
Micro-Splicing Basic Operations / Screens

If reel ID’s are not used splicing can still be done

The first step in the splicing process without reel ID’s is to open the reel summary. As noted previously the reel summary can be opened by a feeder scan, a position pattern scan or a click on the position bar on the PDA screen

The part number on the old (current) reel must be scanned to start the splicing process

When the old reel part number is scanned the splicing reel details screen will be displayed

To complete the splicing process scan all the required information. Depending on the system set up this may be many scans

This process is not so secure because without reel ID’s the operator can rescan the original reel part number, lot number, date code etc. This increases the risk of incorrect part placement and will affect the accuracy of trace data
© 2010 Valor Computerized Systems Ltd. All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
Micro-Splicing Basic Operations / Screens

Some vManage users want a double check when splicing is being performed, and therefore an enhanced “safe splicing” process has been introduced

This process requires that the configuration parameters “SafeSplicingEnabled”, “SafeSplicingMax”, and “SafeSplicingMin” are defined; and reel ID’s must be used

It also requires that there is a degree of operational control as the operator is expect to scan the new reel ID (as described before), complete the splicing of the reel and then scan the new reel ID again

The initial part of the process is similar to the standard splicing process, however when the new reel details are scanned the screen switches to yellow. The operator now has a time limit (“SafeSplicingMin”) in which to complete the physical splicing of the reel. Note that the reel ID field will be empty (red).

When the time limit (“SafeSplicingMin”) has been reached the screen turns green, and the operator now has a time limit before which the reel ID must be scanned again (“SafeSplicingMax”). If the final reel ID scan is not completed within the time limit the splicing is ignored by the system
© 2010 Valor Computerized Systems Ltd. All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
Micro-Splicing Additional Operations / Screens
Feeder Summary

It is also possible to get the details about the parts carried by a feeder which is not in the machine

To display the Feeder Summary, scan the feeder ID (of a feeder not located on the machine) and the details will be shown

Using TXMobileStationPattern on NXT

Fir intelligent feeder machines (e.g. NXT machines), if the “TXMobileStationPattern” barcode is scanned then the operator will be see a series of buttons (not bars) on the screen (if non-intelligent feeders then bars are shown)

This screen will not display positions with alarms

Note that if the displayed station has no alarms, but another station has alarms (e.g. unverified positions); the display will revert to the full machine list window after a few seconds if no action is performed

© 2010 Valor Computerized Systems Ltd. All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
Micro-Splicing Additional Operations / Screens

Performance Monitor

The machine Performance Monitor can be displayed if the “PERFORMANCE” barcode is scanned

This displays the machine performance for the previous two and a half hours

The colours used are the same as in the ShopFloor Manager
PCB buffer

If a PCB scanner is placed before the machine the active PCB barcodes will be stored in a buffer

This buffer can be viewed if the “PCBLIST” barcode is scanned

If there are more PCB’s than can be displayed on screen the up/down scroll arrows will become active

The “Clear” button will remove all active PCB’s from the buffer (note that this should only be done when the machine is empty)

© 2010 Valor Computerized Systems Ltd. All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
Micro-Splicing Basic Operations / Screens

As already discussed the main screen displays warnings when one of the positions shown has a problem

The ability to see these problem is dependant on the screen being used at the time

It is possible to enable an alarm system which will indicate on the PDA whenever any position anywhere on the line has a problem. This is displayed at the top of the PDA screen

The PDA will also emit a sound every time an alarm is added to the alarm list

The alarm bar (at the top of the screen) and the warning sound are updated on all PDA screens

If the operator clicks on the red “Alarms” bar the Alarm window is opened. This will display the alarms for the current line (a green bar indicates there are no alarms)

The operator can choose to solve the problem (the PDA will connect to the specific machine) or go back to the current machine Low Level Warning screen
© 2010 Valor Computerized Systems Ltd. All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
Micro-Splicing Basic Operations / Screens

In order to enable the PDA alarms the configuration parameter “ShowAlarms” must be set to “Yes”

The alarms shown indicate problems that will cause the machine to stop or are critical to the ShopFloor Manager application

Examples of alarms are:- position unverified, empty reel, kitting station not working, wrong component, system is disabled

Note that there can only be one alarm of each type per machine. For example if there are three unverified positions on one machine only one alarm will be shown

Also note that the alarms that can be detected is dependant on the NIS service that the PDA connects to. Typically there is one NIS for each line, however if (for example) there are two NIS services for the line the alarms will only be shown for the ShopFloor Managers connected to the same NIS as the PDA

Also, if there is one NIS service for two lines alarms on the PDA’s can be shown for all machines across both lines
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Micro-Splicing Basic Operations / Screens
Operator trace

In a similar way to the ShopFloor Manager application, the Micro-splicing application also supports operator login (and therefore the ability to trace the operator)

If the “OperatorPattern” configuration parameter is set an operator can log into the PDA in the same way as with a hand scanner and the ShopFloor Manager application

The first scan logs the operator in and the second logs them out. A different badge scan will change the operator

Important actions carried out on the machine are recorded in the “operatortrace” table. If a user is logged in then the user ID will be recorded for these actions

It is possible to stop the machine if no operator is logged in. The configuration parameter “StopMcIfNoLogon” must be set to “Yes”

If this is set, and there is no operator logged in to the machine on the PDA (and also on the ShopFloor Manager application using a hand scanner) then the machine will be stopped after the next PCB finish
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Micro-Splicing Basic Operations / Screens
Material Manager Verifier

The PDA can also be used as a Verifier Tool to move material into storage and also to verify material against a Scheduler generated picklist

This functionality is dependant on the station type being connected to and also configuration parameters being defined (described earlier in the training material)

When using the PDA to store material the storage location can be displayed. Note that chaotic storage is supported

The available picklists are displayed and can be selected for material picking

Once a picklist has been selected the required material can be verified (booked out of stock)

This requires that a Verifier Server is running and uses one of the Verifier Server client licenses
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Technical Details
NIS log file

As with all vManage applications, the Network Interface Service creates a log file

This has been included in the Micro-splicing course as the contents of the log file are mainly concerned with communication between the NIS and the PDA and ShopFloor Manager clients

Although these log files are not designed to be interpreted by engineers in the field (they are designed for R&D use when debugging software problems), it can be useful to be able to recognize some of the key lines in the log file

A small section of an example log file will appear like this:-
14:21:00.111 INFO Alarm response sent to 48: 10,cTxModules…………………..
14:21:03.236 INFO PortListener.HandlePacket(46,p):46 -> 2
14:21:03.330 INFO PortListener.HandlePacket(2,p):2 -> 46
14:21:03.736 INFO PortListener.HandlePacket(2,p):2 -> -1
14:21:03.736 INFO Alarm information received from 2
14:21:03.861 INFO PortListener.HandlePacket(46,p):46 -> -1
14:21:03.861 INFO AlarmRequest received from 46
14:21:03.861 INFO Alarm response sent to 46:
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Technical Details
NIS log file

There is not a lot of information available to the engineer when looking at this log file. What can be seen is which client or PDA is communicating through the NIS

For example, the following strings show:-
INFO Alarm response sent to 48: 10,cTxModules…………………..
(A full response string is sent to “48”)

14:21:03.236 INFO PortListener.HandlePacket(46,p):46 -> 2
(Message from “46” to “2”)

14:21:03.330 INFO PortListener.HandlePacket(2,p):2 -> 46
(Message from “2” to “46”)

14:21:03.736 INFO PortListener.HandlePacket(2,p):2 -> -1
(Message from “2” to “-1” – note “-1” is always the NIS service)

14:21:03.736 INFO Alarm information received from 2
(Incoming alarm from “2”)
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Technical Details
NIS log file

The previous slide showed that there are PDA’s and clients communicating through the NIS, however this does not tell us which clients and PDA’s (only the alias ID)

To get this information we need to search elsewhere in the log file and find the entries when connections to the NIS were made

For example, a ShopFloor Manager client with machine ID 299 connects to the service and gets the alias ID “1”:-
14:05:03.236 INFO Accepted connection, id = 1, alias: IP: ………
14:05:03.330 INFO Init request recivied from 299 in line 1 (connection id 1)

For example, a PDA with IP address “” connects to the service and gets the alias ID “2” (note that the line number is “-1” because this is a PDA):-
14:06:53.136 INFO Accepted connection, id = 2, alias: IP: ….
14:06:53.237 INFO Init request recivied from IP: 2002:8bb5:ff65::8bb5:ff65 IP: in line -1 (connection id 2)

With the alias ID’s it is now possible to track the communication events
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Thank You For Your Attention
© 2010 Valor Computerized Systems Ltd. All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.





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