QTableModel Class Reference


QTableModel Class Reference

#include <qtablewidget_p.h>

Inheritance diagram for QTableModel:

Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for QTableModel:

Collaboration graph
List of all members.

Detailed Description

Definition at line 70 of file qtablewidget_p.h.


Public Types

enum   ItemFlagsExtension

Public Member Functions

  QTableModel (int rows, int columns, QTableWidget *parent)
  ~QTableModel ()
bool  insertRows (int row, int count=1, const QModelIndex &parent=QModelIndex())
bool  insertColumns (int column, int count=1, const QModelIndex &parent=QModelIndex())
bool  removeRows (int row, int count=1, const QModelIndex &parent=QModelIndex())
bool  removeColumns (int column, int count=1, const QModelIndex &parent=QModelIndex())
void  setItem (int row, int column, QTableWidgetItem *item)
QTableWidgetItem *  takeItem (int row, int column)
QTableWidgetItem *  item (int row, int column) const
QTableWidgetItem *  item (const QModelIndex &index) const
void  removeItem (QTableWidgetItem *item)
void  setHorizontalHeaderItem (int section, QTableWidgetItem *item)
void  setVerticalHeaderItem (int section, QTableWidgetItem *item)
QTableWidgetItem *  takeHorizontalHeaderItem (int section)
QTableWidgetItem *  takeVerticalHeaderItem (int section)
QTableWidgetItem *  horizontalHeaderItem (int section)
QTableWidgetItem *  verticalHeaderItem (int section)
QModelIndex  index (int row, int column, const QModelIndex &parent=QModelIndex()) const
QModelIndex  index (const QTableWidgetItem *item) const
void  setRowCount (int rows)
void  setColumnCount (int columns)
int  rowCount (const QModelIndex &parent=QModelIndex()) const
int  columnCount (const QModelIndex &parent=QModelIndex()) const
QVariant  data (const QModelIndex &index, int role=Qt::DisplayRole) const
bool  setData (const QModelIndex &index, const QVariant &value, int role)
QVariant  headerData (int section, Qt::Orientation orientation, int role) const
bool  setHeaderData (int section, Qt::Orientation orientation, const QVariant &value, int role)
Qt::ItemFlags  flags (const QModelIndex &index) const
void  sort (int column, Qt::SortOrder order)
void  ensureSorted (int column, Qt::SortOrder order, int start, int end)
QVectorQTableWidgetItem * >  columnItems (int column) const
void  updateRowIndexes (QModelIndexList &indexes, int movedFromRow, int movedToRow)
bool  isValid (const QModelIndex &index) const
long  tableIndex (int row, int column) const
void  clear ()
void  clearContents ()
void  itemChanged (QTableWidgetItem *item)
QTableWidgetItem *  createItem () const
const QTableWidgetItem *  itemPrototype () const
void  setItemPrototype (const QTableWidgetItem *item)
QStringList  mimeTypes () const
QMimeData *  mimeData (const QModelIndexList &indexes) const
bool  dropMimeData (const QMimeData *data, Qt::DropAction action, int row, int column, const QModelIndex &parent)
Qt::DropActions  supportedDropActions () const
QMimeData *  internalMimeData () const

Static Public Member Functions

static bool  itemLessThan (const QPairQTableWidgetItem *, int > &left, const QPairQTableWidgetItem *, int > &right)
static bool  itemGreaterThan (const QPairQTableWidgetItem *, int > &left, const QPairQTableWidgetItem *, int > &right)
static bool  canConvertToDouble (const QVariant &value)
static QVectorQTableWidgetItem 
* >::iterator 
sortedInsertionIterator (const QVectorQTableWidgetItem * >::iterator &begin, const QVectorQTableWidgetItem * >::iterator &end,Qt::SortOrder order, QTableWidgetItem *item)

Private Attributes

const QTableWidgetItem *  prototype
QVectorQTableWidgetItem * >  tableItems
QVectorQTableWidgetItem * >  verticalHeaderItems
QVectorQTableWidgetItem * >  horizontalHeaderItems
QModelIndexList  cachedIndexes

Member Enumeration Documentation

Definition at line 74 of file qtablewidget_p.h.

00074                             {
00075         ItemIsHeaderItem = 128
00076     }; // we need this to separate header items from other items

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

QTableModel::QTableModel(int  rows,
  int  columns,
  QTableWidget *  parent 

Definition at line 31 of file qtablewidget.cpp.

00032     : QAbstractTableModel(parent),
00033       prototype(0),
00034       tableItems(rows * columns, 0),
00035       verticalHeaderItems(rows, 0),
00036       horizontalHeaderItems(columns, 0)
00037 {}

QTableModel::~QTableModel(   )  

Definition at line 39 of file qtablewidget.cpp.

References clear(), and prototype.

00040 {
00041     clear();
00042     delete prototype;
00043 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

Member Function Documentation

bool QTableModel::insertRows(int  row,
  int  count = 1,
  const QModelIndex &  parent = QModelIndex() 
 )  [virtual]

On models that support this, inserts count rows into the model before the given row. The items in the new row will be children of the item represented by the parentmodel index.

If row is 0, the rows are prepended to any existing rows in the parent. If row is rowCount(), the rows are appended to any existing rows in the parent. If parent has no children, a single column with count rows is inserted.

Returns true if the rows were successfully inserted; otherwise returns false.

The base class implementation does nothing and returns false.

If you implement your own model, you can reimplement this function if you want to support insertions. Alternatively, you can provide you own API for altering the data.

See also:

Reimplemented from QAbstractItemModel.

Definition at line 45 of file qtablewidget.cpp.

References QAbstractItemModel::beginInsertRows()QVector< T >::count()QAbstractItemModel::endInsertRows()horizontalHeaderItemsQVector< T >::insert()QVector< T >::resize()tableIndex()tableItems, and verticalHeaderItems.

Referenced by setRowCount().

00046 {
00047     if (count < 1 || row < 0 || row > verticalHeaderItems.count())
00048         return false;
00050     beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(), row, row + count - 1);
00051     int rc = verticalHeaderItems.count();
00052     int cc = horizontalHeaderItems.count();
00053     verticalHeaderItems.insert(row, count, 0);
00054     if (rc == 0)
00055         tableItems.resize(cc * count);
00056     else
00057         tableItems.insert(tableIndex(row, 0), cc * count, 0);
00058     endInsertRows();
00059     return true;
00060 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

bool QTableModel::insertColumns(int  column,
  int  count = 1,
  const QModelIndex &  parent = QModelIndex() 
 )  [virtual]

On models that support this, inserts count new columns into the model before the given column. The items in each new column will be children of the item represented by the parent model index.

If column is 0, the columns are prepended to any existing columns. If column is columnCount(), the columns are appended to any existing columns. If parent has no children, a single row with count columns is inserted.

Returns true if the columns were successfully inserted; otherwise returns false.

The base class implementation does nothing and returns false.

If you implement your own model, you can reimplement this function if you want to support insertions. Alternatively, you can provide you own API for altering the data.

See also:

Reimplemented from QAbstractItemModel.

Definition at line 62 of file qtablewidget.cpp.

References QAbstractItemModel::beginInsertColumns()QVector< T >::count()QAbstractItemModel::endInsertColumns()horizontalHeaderItems,QVector< T >::insert()QVector< T >::resize()rowtableIndex()tableItems, and verticalHeaderItems.

Referenced by setColumnCount().

00063 {
00064     if (count < 1 || column < 0 || column > horizontalHeaderItems.count())
00065         return false;
00067     beginInsertColumns(QModelIndex(), column, column + count - 1);
00068     int rc = verticalHeaderItems.count();
00069     int cc = horizontalHeaderItems.count();
00070     horizontalHeaderItems.insert(column, count, 0);
00071     if (cc == 0)
00072         tableItems.resize(rc * count);
00073     else
00074         for (int row = 0; row < rc; ++row)
00075             tableItems.insert(tableIndex(row, column), count, 0);
00076     endInsertColumns();
00077     return true;
00078 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

bool QTableModel::removeRows(int  row,
  int  count = 1,
  const QModelIndex &  parent = QModelIndex() 
 )  [virtual]

On models that support this, removes count rows starting with the given row under parent parent from the model. Returns true if the rows were successfully removed; otherwise returns false.

The base class implementation does nothing and returns false.

If you implement your own model, you can reimplement this function if you want to support removing. Alternatively, you can provide you own API for altering the data.

See also:

Reimplemented from QAbstractItemModel.

Definition at line 80 of file qtablewidget.cpp.

References QVector< T >::at()QAbstractItemModel::beginRemoveRows()columnCount()QVector< T >::count(),QAbstractItemModel::endRemoveRows()ijQTableWidgetItem::modelnqMax()QVector< T >::remove()tableIndex()tableItems, andverticalHeaderItems.

Referenced by setRowCount().

00081 {
00082     if (count < 1 || row < 0 || row + count > verticalHeaderItems.count())
00083         return false;
00085     beginRemoveRows(QModelIndex(), row, row + count - 1);
00086     int i = tableIndex(row, 0);
00087     int n = count * columnCount();
00088     QTableWidgetItem *oldItem = 0;
00089     for (int j = i; j < n + i; ++j) {
00090         oldItem = tableItems.at(j);
00091         if (oldItem)
00092             oldItem->model = 0;
00093         delete oldItem;
00094     }
00095     tableItems.remove(qMax(i, 0), n);
00096     for (int v = row; v < row + count; ++v) {
00097         oldItem = verticalHeaderItems.at(v);
00098         if (oldItem)
00099             oldItem->model = 0;
00100         delete oldItem;
00101     }
00102     verticalHeaderItems.remove(row, count);
00103     endRemoveRows();
00104     return true;
00105 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

bool QTableModel::removeColumns(int  column,
  int  count = 1,
  const QModelIndex &  parent = QModelIndex() 
 )  [virtual]

On models that support this, removes count columns starting with the given column under parent parent from the model. Returns true if the columns were successfully removed; otherwise returns false.

The base class implementation does nothing and returns false.

If you implement your own model, you can reimplement this function if you want to support removing. Alternatively, you can provide you own API for altering the data.

See also:

Reimplemented from QAbstractItemModel.

Definition at line 107 of file qtablewidget.cpp.

References QVector< T >::at()QAbstractItemModel::beginRemoveColumns()QVector< T >::count()QAbstractItemModel::endRemoveColumns()h,horizontalHeaderItemsijQTableWidgetItem::modelQVector< T >::remove()rowrowCount()tableIndex(), and tableItems.

Referenced by setColumnCount().

00108 {
00109     if (count < 1 || column < 0 || column + count >  horizontalHeaderItems.count())
00110         return false;
00112     beginRemoveColumns(QModelIndex(), column, column + count - 1);
00113     QTableWidgetItem *oldItem = 0;
00114     for (int row = rowCount() - 1; row >= 0; --row) {
00115         int i = tableIndex(row, column);
00116         for (int j = i; j < i + count; ++j) {
00117             oldItem = tableItems.at(j);
00118             if (oldItem)
00119                 oldItem->model = 0;
00120             delete oldItem;
00121         }
00122         tableItems.remove(i, count);
00123     }
00124     for (int h=column; h<column+count; ++h) {
00125         oldItem = horizontalHeaderItems.at(h);
00126         if (oldItem)
00127             oldItem->model = 0;
00128         delete oldItem;
00129     }
00130     horizontalHeaderItems.remove(column, count);
00131     endRemoveColumns();
00132     return true;
00133 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

void QTableModel::setItem(int  row,
  int  column,
  QTableWidgetItem *  item 

Definition at line 135 of file qtablewidget.cpp.

References QVector< T >::at()QVector< T >::begin()QAbstractItemModel::changePersistentIndexList()columnCount()columnItems()QVector< T >::count()QAbstractItemModel::dataChanged()emitQVector< T >::end()header()QTableView::horizontalHeader()iQAbstractTableModel::index(),QVector< T >::insert()QTableWidget::isSortingEnabled()item()jQAbstractItemModel::layoutAboutToBeChanged(),QAbstractItemModel::layoutChanged()QTableWidgetItem::modelQObject::parent()QAbstractItemModel::persistentIndexList()qMax()QVector< T >::remove()sortedInsertionIterator()QHeaderView::sortIndicatorOrder()QHeaderView::sortIndicatorSection()tableIndex()tableItems,updateRowIndexes(), and verticalHeaderItems.

00136 {
00137     int i = tableIndex(row, column);
00138     if (i < 0 || i >= tableItems.count())
00139         return;
00140     QTableWidgetItem *oldItem = tableItems.at(i);
00141     if (item == oldItem)
00142         return;
00144     // remove old
00145     if (oldItem)
00146         oldItem->model = 0;
00147     delete tableItems.at(i);
00149     // set new
00150     if (item)
00151         item->model = this;
00152     tableItems[i] = item;
00154     QTableWidget *view = qobject_cast<QTableWidget*>(QObject::parent());
00155     if (view && view->isSortingEnabled()
00156         && view->horizontalHeader()->sortIndicatorSection() == column) {
00157         // sorted insertion
00158         Qt::SortOrder order = view->horizontalHeader()->sortIndicatorOrder();
00159         QVector<QTableWidgetItem*> colItems = columnItems(column);
00160         if (row < colItems.count())
00161             colItems.remove(row);
00162         int sortedRow;
00163         if (item == 0) {
00164             // move to after all non-0 (sortable) items
00165             sortedRow = colItems.count();
00166         } else {
00167             QVector<QTableWidgetItem*>::iterator it;
00168             it = sortedInsertionIterator(colItems.begin(), colItems.end(), order, item);
00169             sortedRow = qMax((int)(it - colItems.begin()), 0);
00170         }
00171         if (sortedRow != row) {
00172             emit layoutAboutToBeChanged();
00173             // move the items @ row to sortedRow
00174             int cc = columnCount();
00175             QVector<QTableWidgetItem*> rowItems(cc);
00176             for (int j = 0; j < cc; ++j)
00177                 rowItems[j] = tableItems.at(tableIndex(row, j));
00178             tableItems.remove(tableIndex(row, 0), cc);
00179             tableItems.insert(tableIndex(sortedRow, 0), cc, 0);
00180             for (int j = 0; j < cc; ++j)
00181                 tableItems[tableIndex(sortedRow, j)] = rowItems.at(j);
00182             QTableWidgetItem *header = verticalHeaderItems.at(row);
00183             verticalHeaderItems.remove(row);
00184             verticalHeaderItems.insert(sortedRow, header);
00185             // update persistent indexes
00186             QModelIndexList oldPersistentIndexes = persistentIndexList();
00187             QModelIndexList newPersistentIndexes = oldPersistentIndexes;
00188             updateRowIndexes(newPersistentIndexes, row, sortedRow);
00189             changePersistentIndexList(oldPersistentIndexes,
00190                                       newPersistentIndexes);
00192             emit layoutChanged();
00193             return;
00194         }
00195     }
00196     QModelIndex idx = QAbstractTableModel::index(row, column);
00197     emit dataChanged(idx, idx);
00198 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

QTableWidgetItem * QTableModel::takeItem(int  row,
  int  column 

Definition at line 200 of file qtablewidget.cpp.

References iQTableWidgetItem::modeltableIndex()tableItems, and QVector< T >::value().

00201 {
00202     long i = tableIndex(row, column);
00203     QTableWidgetItem *itm = tableItems.value(i);
00204     if (itm) {
00205         itm->model = 0;
00206         tableItems[i] = 0;
00207     }
00208     return itm;
00209 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

QTableWidgetItem * QTableModel::item(int  row,
  int  column 
 )  const

QTableWidgetItem * QTableModel::item(const QModelIndex &  index ) const

Definition at line 216 of file qtablewidget.cpp.

References QVector< T >::at()QModelIndex::column()index()isValid()QModelIndex::row()tableIndex(), and tableItems.

00217 {
00218     if (!isValid(index))
00219         return 0;
00220     return tableItems.at(tableIndex(index.row(), index.column()));
00221 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

void QTableModel::removeItem(QTableWidgetItem *  item )  

Definition at line 223 of file qtablewidget.cpp.

References QAbstractItemModel::dataChanged()emitQAbstractItemModel::headerDataChanged()Qt::HorizontalhorizontalHeaderItemsiindex(),QVector< T >::indexOf()item()tableItemsQt::Vertical, and verticalHeaderItems.

Referenced by QTableWidgetItem::~QTableWidgetItem().

00224 {
00225     int i = tableItems.indexOf(item);
00226     if (i != -1) {
00227         tableItems[i] = 0;
00228         QModelIndex idx = index(item);
00229         emit dataChanged(idx, idx);
00230         return;
00231     }
00233     i = verticalHeaderItems.indexOf(item);
00235     if (i != -1) {
00236         verticalHeaderItems[i] = 0;
00237         emit headerDataChanged(Qt::Vertical, i, i);
00238         return;
00239     }
00240     i = horizontalHeaderItems.indexOf(item);
00241     if (i != -1) {
00242         horizontalHeaderItems[i] = 0;
00243         emit headerDataChanged(Qt::Horizontal, i, i);
00244         return;
00245     }
00246 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

void QTableModel::setHorizontalHeaderItem(int  section,
  QTableWidgetItem *  item 

Definition at line 248 of file qtablewidget.cpp.

References QVector< T >::at()QVector< T >::count()emitQAbstractItemModel::headerDataChanged()Qt::HorizontalhorizontalHeaderItemsitem(),QTableWidgetItem::itemFlagsItemIsHeaderItem, and QTableWidgetItem::model.

00249 {
00250     if (section < 0 || section >= horizontalHeaderItems.count())
00251         return;
00252     QTableWidgetItem *oldItem = horizontalHeaderItems.at(section);
00253     if (item == oldItem)
00254         return;
00256     if (oldItem)
00257         oldItem->model = 0;
00258     delete oldItem;
00260     if (item) {
00261         item->model = this;
00262         item->itemFlags = Qt::ItemFlags(int(item->itemFlags)|ItemIsHeaderItem);
00263     }
00264     horizontalHeaderItems[section] = item;
00265     emit headerDataChanged(Qt::Horizontal, section, section);
00266 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

void QTableModel::setVerticalHeaderItem(int  section,
  QTableWidgetItem *  item 

Definition at line 268 of file qtablewidget.cpp.

References QVector< T >::at()QVector< T >::count()emitQAbstractItemModel::headerDataChanged()item()QTableWidgetItem::itemFlags,ItemIsHeaderItemQTableWidgetItem::modelQt::Vertical, and verticalHeaderItems.

00269 {
00270     if (section < 0 || section >= verticalHeaderItems.count())
00271         return;
00272     QTableWidgetItem *oldItem = verticalHeaderItems.at(section);
00273     if (item == oldItem)
00274         return;
00276     if (oldItem)
00277         oldItem->model = 0;
00278     delete oldItem;
00280     if (item) {
00281         item->model = this;
00282         item->itemFlags = Qt::ItemFlags(int(item->itemFlags)|ItemIsHeaderItem);
00283     }
00284     verticalHeaderItems[section] = item;
00285     emit headerDataChanged(Qt::Vertical, section, section);
00286 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

QTableWidgetItem * QTableModel::takeHorizontalHeaderItem(int  section )  

Definition at line 288 of file qtablewidget.cpp.

References QVector< T >::at()QVector< T >::count()horizontalHeaderItemsQTableWidgetItem::itemFlagsItemIsHeaderItem, andQTableWidgetItem::model.

00289 {
00290     if (section < 0 || section >= horizontalHeaderItems.count())
00291         return 0;
00292     QTableWidgetItem *itm = horizontalHeaderItems.at(section);
00293     if (itm) {
00294         itm->model = 0;
00295         itm->itemFlags &= ~ItemIsHeaderItem;
00296         horizontalHeaderItems[section] = 0;
00297     }
00298     return itm;
00299 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

QTableWidgetItem * QTableModel::takeVerticalHeaderItem(int  section )  

Definition at line 301 of file qtablewidget.cpp.

References QVector< T >::at()QVector< T >::count()QTableWidgetItem::itemFlagsItemIsHeaderItemQTableWidgetItem::model, andverticalHeaderItems.

00302 {
00303     if (section < 0 || section >= verticalHeaderItems.count())
00304         return 0;
00305     QTableWidgetItem *itm = verticalHeaderItems.at(section);
00306     if (itm) {
00307         itm->model = 0;
00308         itm->itemFlags &= ~ItemIsHeaderItem;
00309         verticalHeaderItems[section] = 0;
00310     }
00311     return itm;
00312 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

QTableWidgetItem * QTableModel::horizontalHeaderItem(int  section )  

Definition at line 314 of file qtablewidget.cpp.

References horizontalHeaderItems, and QVector< T >::value().

00315 {
00316     return horizontalHeaderItems.value(section);
00317 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

QTableWidgetItem * QTableModel::verticalHeaderItem(int  section )  

Definition at line 319 of file qtablewidget.cpp.

References QVector< T >::value(), and verticalHeaderItems.

00320 {
00321     return verticalHeaderItems.value(section);
00322 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

QModelIndex QTableModel::index(int  row,
  int  column,
  const QModelIndex &  parent = QModelIndex() 
 )  const [inline, virtual]

Returns the index of the data in row and column with parent.

See also:

Reimplemented from QAbstractTableModel.

Definition at line 100 of file qtablewidget_p.h.

References QAbstractTableModel::index(), and QObject::parent().

Referenced by data()dropMimeData()flags()isValid()item()itemChanged()removeItem()setData(), and updateRowIndexes().

00101         { return QAbstractTableModel::index(row, column, parent); }

Here is the call graph for this function:

QModelIndex QTableModel::index(const QTableWidgetItem *  item ) const

Definition at line 324 of file qtablewidget.cpp.

References columnCount()iQAbstractTableModel::index()QVector< T >::indexOf()item()row, and tableItems.

00325 {
00326     if (!item)
00327         return QModelIndex();
00328     int i = tableItems.indexOf(const_cast<QTableWidgetItem*>(item));
00329     if (i < 0)
00330         return QModelIndex();
00331     int row = i / columnCount();
00332     int col = i % columnCount();
00333     return QAbstractTableModel::index(row, col);
00334 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

void QTableModel::setRowCount(int  rows )  

Definition at line 336 of file qtablewidget.cpp.

References QVector< T >::count()insertRows()qMax()removeRows(), and verticalHeaderItems.

00337 {
00338     int rc = verticalHeaderItems.count();
00339     if (rows < 0 || rc == rows)
00340         return;
00341     if (rc < rows)
00342         insertRows(qMax(rc, 0), rows - rc);
00343     else
00344         removeRows(qMax(rows, 0), rc - rows);
00345 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

void QTableModel::setColumnCount(int  columns )  

Definition at line 347 of file qtablewidget.cpp.

References QVector< T >::count()horizontalHeaderItemsinsertColumns()qMax(), and removeColumns().

00348 {
00349     int cc = horizontalHeaderItems.count();
00350     if (columns < 0 || cc == columns)
00351         return;
00352     if (cc < columns)
00353         insertColumns(qMax(cc, 0), columns - cc);
00354     else
00355         removeColumns(qMax(columns, 0), cc - columns);
00356 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

int QTableModel::rowCount(const QModelIndex &  parent = QModelIndex() ) const [virtual]

Returns the number of rows under the given parent.

See also:

Implements QAbstractItemModel.

Definition at line 358 of file qtablewidget.cpp.

References QVector< T >::count()QObject::parent(), and verticalHeaderItems.

Referenced by columnItems()dropMimeData()removeColumns(), and sort().

00359 {
00360     return parent.isValid() ? 0 : verticalHeaderItems.count();
00361 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

int QTableModel::columnCount(const QModelIndex &  parent = QModelIndex() ) const [virtual]

Returns the number of columns for the children of the given parent.

In most subclasses, the number of columns is independent of the parent. For example:

itemviews/simpledommodel/dommodel.cpp columnCount /^$/

See also:

Implements QAbstractItemModel.

Definition at line 363 of file qtablewidget.cpp.

References QVector< T >::count()horizontalHeaderItems, and QObject::parent().

Referenced by ensureSorted()index()removeRows()setItem(), and sort().

00364 {
00365     return parent.isValid() ? 0 : horizontalHeaderItems.count();
00366 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

QVariant QTableModel::data(const QModelIndex &  index,
  int  role = Qt::DisplayRole 
 )  const [virtual]

Returns the data stored under the given role for the item referred to by the index.

See also:

Implements QAbstractItemModel.

Definition at line 368 of file qtablewidget.cpp.

References QTableWidgetItem::data()index(), and item().

Referenced by dropMimeData().

00369 {
00370     QTableWidgetItem *itm = item(index);
00371     if (itm)
00372         return itm->data(role);
00373     return QVariant();
00374 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

bool QTableModel::setData(const QModelIndex &  index,
  const QVariant &  value,
  int  role 
 )  [virtual]

Sets the role data for the item at index to value. Returns true if successful; otherwise returns false.

The dataChanged() signal should be emitted if the data was successfully set.

The base class implementation returns false. This function and data() must be reimplemented for editable models. Note that the dataChanged() signal must be emitted explicitly when reimplementing this function.

See also:

Reimplemented from QAbstractItemModel.

Definition at line 376 of file qtablewidget.cpp.

References QModelIndex::column()createItem()index()QModelIndex::isValid()item()QObject::parent()QModelIndex::row(),QTableWidgetItem::setData()QTableWidget::setItem(), and value.

Referenced by QTableWidgetItem::setBackground()QTableWidgetItem::setBackgroundColor()QTableWidgetItem::setCheckState(),QTableWidgetItem::setForeground()QTableWidgetItem::setSizeHint()QTableWidgetItem::setTextAlignment(), and QTableWidgetItem::setTextColor().

00377 {
00378     if (!index.isValid())
00379         return false;
00381     QTableWidgetItem *itm = item(index);
00382     if (itm) {
00383         itm->setData(role, value);
00384         return true;
00385     }
00387     // don't create dummy table items for empty values
00388     if (!value.isValid())
00389         return false;
00391     QTableWidget *view = qobject_cast<QTableWidget*>(QObject::parent());
00392     if (!view)
00393         return false;
00395     itm = createItem();
00396     itm->setData(role, value);
00397     view->setItem(index.row(), index.column(), itm);
00398     return true;
00399 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

QVariant QTableModel::headerData(int  section,
  Qt::Orientation  orientation,
  int  role 
 )  const [virtual]

Returns the data for the given role and section in the header with the specified orientation.

See also:

Reimplemented from QAbstractItemModel.

Definition at line 627 of file qtablewidget.cpp.

References QVector< T >::at()QVector< T >::count()QTableWidgetItem::data()Qt::DisplayRoleQt::HorizontalhorizontalHeaderItemsQt::Vertical, andverticalHeaderItems.

00628 {
00629     if (section < 0)
00630         return QVariant();
00632     QTableWidgetItem *itm = 0;
00633     if (orientation == Qt::Horizontal && section < horizontalHeaderItems.count())
00634         itm = horizontalHeaderItems.at(section);
00635     else if (orientation == Qt::Vertical && section < verticalHeaderItems.count())
00636         itm = verticalHeaderItems.at(section);
00637     else
00638         return QVariant(); // section is out of bounds
00640     if (itm)
00641         return itm->data(role);
00642     if (role == Qt::DisplayRole)
00643         return section + 1;
00644     return QVariant();
00645 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

bool QTableModel::setHeaderData(int  section,
  Qt::Orientation  orientation,
  const QVariant &  value,
  int  role 
 )  [virtual]

Sets the role for the header section to value. The orientation gives the orientation of the header.

Note that the headerDataChanged() signal must be emitted explicitly when reimplementing this function.

See also:

Reimplemented from QAbstractItemModel.

Definition at line 647 of file qtablewidget.cpp.

References QVector< T >::at()Qt::HorizontalhorizontalHeaderItemsQTableWidgetItem::setData()QVector< T >::size()valueQt::Vertical, andverticalHeaderItems.

00649 {
00650     if (section < 0 ||
00651        (orientation == Qt::Horizontal && horizontalHeaderItems.size() <= section) ||
00652        (orientation == Qt::Vertical && verticalHeaderItems.size() <= section))
00653     return false;
00655     QTableWidgetItem *itm = 0;
00656     if (orientation == Qt::Horizontal)
00657         itm = horizontalHeaderItems.at(section);
00658     else
00659         itm = verticalHeaderItems.at(section);
00660     if (itm) {
00661         itm->setData(role, value);
00662         return true;
00663     }
00664     return false;
00665 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

Qt::ItemFlags QTableModel::flags(const QModelIndex &  index ) const [virtual]

Returns the item flags for the given index.

The base class implementation returns a combination of flags that enables the item (ItemIsEnabled) and allows it to be selected (ItemIsSelectable).

See also:

Reimplemented from QAbstractItemModel.

Definition at line 401 of file qtablewidget.cpp.

References index()QModelIndex::isValid()item()Qt::ItemIsDragEnabledQt::ItemIsDropEnabledQt::ItemIsEditableQt::ItemIsEnabled,Qt::ItemIsSelectable, and Qt::ItemIsUserCheckable.

00402 {
00403     if (!index.isValid())
00404         return Qt::ItemIsDropEnabled;
00405     if (QTableWidgetItem *itm = item(index))
00406         return itm->flags();
00407     return (Qt::ItemIsEditable
00408             |Qt::ItemIsSelectable
00409             |Qt::ItemIsUserCheckable
00410             |Qt::ItemIsEnabled
00411             |Qt::ItemIsDragEnabled
00412             |Qt::ItemIsDropEnabled);
00413 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

void QTableModel::sort(int  column,
  Qt::SortOrder  order 
 )  [virtual]

Sorts the model by column in the given order.

The base class implementation does nothing.

Reimplemented from QAbstractItemModel.

Definition at line 415 of file qtablewidget.cpp.

References QVector< T >::append()Qt::AscendingOrderQVector< T >::at()QVector< T >::begin()cQAbstractItemModel::changePersistentIndexList(),columnCount()compare()QVector< T >::count()QAbstractItemModel::createIndex()emitQVector< T >::end()iitem()itemGreaterThan(),itemLessThan()QAbstractItemModel::layoutAboutToBeChanged()QAbstractItemModel::layoutChanged()qStableSort()QVector< T >::reserve()row,rowCount()tableIndex(), and tableItems.

Referenced by QTableWidgetPrivate::_q_sort().

00416 {
00417     QVector<QPair<QTableWidgetItem*, int> > sortable;
00418     QVector<int> unsortable;
00420     sortable.reserve(rowCount());
00421     unsortable.reserve(rowCount());
00423     for (int row = 0; row < rowCount(); ++row) {
00424         if (QTableWidgetItem *itm = item(row, column))
00425             sortable.append(QPair<QTableWidgetItem*,int>(itm, row));
00426         else
00427             unsortable.append(row);
00428     }
00430     LessThan compare = (order == Qt::AscendingOrder ? &itemLessThan : &itemGreaterThan);
00431     qStableSort(sortable.begin(), sortable.end(), compare);
00433     emit layoutAboutToBeChanged();
00435     QVector<QTableWidgetItem*> sorted_table(tableItems.count());
00436     QModelIndexList from;
00437     QModelIndexList to;
00438     for (int i = 0; i < rowCount(); ++i) {
00439         int r = (i < sortable.count()
00440                  ? sortable.at(i).second
00441                  : unsortable.at(i - sortable.count()));
00442         for (int c = 0; c < columnCount(); ++c) {
00443             QTableWidgetItem *itm = item(r, c);
00444             sorted_table[tableIndex(i, c)] = itm;
00445             from << createIndex(r, c, 0);
00446             to << createIndex(i, c, 0);
00447         }
00448     }
00450     tableItems = sorted_table;
00451     changePersistentIndexList(from, to); // ### slow
00453     emit layoutChanged();
00454 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

bool QTableModel::itemLessThan(const QPairQTableWidgetItem *, int > &  left,
  const QPairQTableWidgetItem *, int > &  right 
 )  [static]

Definition at line 615 of file qtablewidget.cpp.

References left(), and right().

Referenced by ensureSorted(), and sort().

00617 {
00618     return *(left.first) < *(right.first);
00619 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

bool QTableModel::itemGreaterThan(const QPairQTableWidgetItem *, int > &  left,
  const QPairQTableWidgetItem *, int > &  right 
 )  [static]

Definition at line 621 of file qtablewidget.cpp.

References left(), and right().

Referenced by ensureSorted(), and sort().

00623 {
00624     return (*(right.first) < *(left .first));
00625 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

bool QTableModel::canConvertToDouble(const QVariant &  value ) [static]

Definition at line 456 of file qtablewidget.cpp.

References QVariant::BoolQVariant::CharQVariant::DoubleQVariant::IntQVariant::LongLongQVariant::UIntQVariant::ULongLong, and value.

Referenced by QTableWidgetItem::operator<().

00457 {
00458     switch (value.type()) {
00459     case QVariant::Bool:
00460     case QVariant::Int:
00461     case QVariant::UInt:
00462     case QVariant::LongLong:
00463     case QVariant::ULongLong:
00464     case QVariant::Double:
00465     case QVariant::Char:
00466         return true;
00467     default:
00468         return false;
00469     }
00470     return false;
00471 }

void QTableModel::ensureSorted(int  column,
  Qt::SortOrder  order,
  int  start,
  int  end 

Definition at line 481 of file qtablewidget.cpp.

References QVector< T >::append()Qt::AscendingOrderQVector< T >::at()QVector< T >::begin()QAbstractItemModel::changePersistentIndexList(),columnCount()columnItems()compare()QVector< T >::count()emitQVector< T >::end()header()iQVector< T >::insert()item(),itemGreaterThan()itemLessThan()jQAbstractItemModel::layoutAboutToBeChanged()QAbstractItemModel::layoutChanged()QTest::newRow(),QAbstractItemModel::persistentIndexList()qMax()qStableSort()QVector< T >::remove()QVector< T >::reserve()rowsortedInsertionIterator(),tableIndex()tableItemsupdateRowIndexes(), and verticalHeaderItems.

Referenced by QTableWidgetPrivate::_q_dataChanged().

00483 {
00484     int count = end - start + 1;
00485     QVector < QPair<QTableWidgetItem*,int> > sorting;
00486     sorting.reserve(count);
00487     for (int row = start; row <= end; ++row) {
00488         QTableWidgetItem *itm = item(row, column);
00489         if (itm == 0) {
00490             // no more sortable items (all 0-items are
00491             // at the end of the table when it is sorted)
00492             break;
00493         }
00494         sorting.append(QPair<QTableWidgetItem*,int>(itm, row));
00495     }
00497     LessThan compare = (order == Qt::AscendingOrder ? &itemLessThan : &itemGreaterThan);
00498     qStableSort(sorting.begin(), sorting.end(), compare);
00500     QModelIndexList oldPersistentIndexes = persistentIndexList();
00501     QModelIndexList newPersistentIndexes = oldPersistentIndexes;
00502     QVector<QTableWidgetItem*> newTable = tableItems;
00503     QVector<QTableWidgetItem*> newVertical = verticalHeaderItems;
00504     QVector<QTableWidgetItem*> colItems = columnItems(column);
00505     QVector<QTableWidgetItem*>::iterator vit = colItems.begin();
00506     bool changed = false;
00507     for (int i = 0; i < sorting.count(); ++i) {
00508         int oldRow = sorting.at(i).second;
00509         QTableWidgetItem *item = colItems.at(oldRow);
00510         colItems.remove(oldRow);
00511         vit = sortedInsertionIterator(vit, colItems.end(), order, item);
00512         int newRow = qMax((int)(vit - colItems.begin()), 0);
00513         vit = colItems.insert(vit, item);
00514         if (newRow != oldRow) {
00515             changed = true;
00516             // move the items @ oldRow to newRow
00517             int cc = columnCount();
00518             QVector<QTableWidgetItem*> rowItems(cc);
00519             for (int j = 0; j < cc; ++j)
00520                 rowItems[j] = newTable.at(tableIndex(oldRow, j));
00521             newTable.remove(tableIndex(oldRow, 0), cc);
00522             newTable.insert(tableIndex(newRow, 0), cc, 0);
00523             for (int j = 0; j < cc; ++j)
00524                 newTable[tableIndex(newRow, j)] = rowItems.at(j);
00525             QTableWidgetItem *header = newVertical.at(oldRow);
00526             newVertical.remove(oldRow);
00527             newVertical.insert(newRow, header);
00528             // update persistent indexes
00529             updateRowIndexes(newPersistentIndexes, oldRow, newRow);
00530             // the index of the remaining rows may have changed
00531             for (int j = i + 1; j < sorting.count(); ++j) {
00532                 int otherRow = sorting.at(j).second;
00533                 if (oldRow < otherRow && newRow >= otherRow)
00534                     --sorting[j].second;
00535                 else if (oldRow > otherRow && newRow <= otherRow)
00536                     ++sorting[j].second;
00537             }
00538         }
00539     }
00541     if (changed) {
00542         emit layoutAboutToBeChanged();
00543         tableItems = newTable;
00544         verticalHeaderItems = newVertical;
00545         changePersistentIndexList(oldPersistentIndexes,
00546                                   newPersistentIndexes);
00547         emit layoutChanged();
00548     }
00549 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

QVectorQTableWidgetItem * > QTableModel::columnItems(int  column ) const

Definition at line 556 of file qtablewidget.cpp.

References QVector< T >::append()item()QVector< T >::reserve()row, and rowCount().

Referenced by ensureSorted(), and setItem().

00557 {
00558     QVector<QTableWidgetItem*> items;
00559     int rc = rowCount();
00560     items.reserve(rc);
00561     for (int row = 0; row < rc; ++row) {
00562         QTableWidgetItem *itm = item(row, column);
00563         if (itm == 0) {
00564             // no more sortable items (all 0-items are
00565             // at the end of the table when it is sorted)
00566             break;
00567         }
00568         items.append(itm);
00569     }
00570     return items;
00571 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

void QTableModel::updateRowIndexes(QModelIndexList &  indexes,
  int  movedFromRow,
  int  movedToRow 

Definition at line 580 of file qtablewidget.cpp.

References QList< T >::begin()QList< T >::end()index(), and QTest::newRow().

Referenced by ensureSorted(), and setItem().

00582 {
00583     QModelIndexList::iterator it;
00584     for (it = indexes.begin(); it != indexes.end(); ++it) {
00585         int oldRow = (*it).row();
00586         int newRow = oldRow;
00587         if (oldRow == movedFromRow)
00588             newRow = movedToRow;
00589         else if (movedFromRow < oldRow && movedToRow >= oldRow)
00590             newRow = oldRow - 1;
00591         else if (movedFromRow > oldRow && movedToRow <= oldRow)
00592             newRow = oldRow + 1;
00593         if (newRow != oldRow)
00594             *it = index(newRow, (*it).column(), (*it).parent());
00595     }
00596 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

QVectorQTableWidgetItem * >::iterator QTableModel::sortedInsertionIterator(const QVectorQTableWidgetItem * >::iterator &  begin,
  const QVectorQTableWidgetItem * >::iterator &  end,
  Qt::SortOrder  order,
  QTableWidgetItem *  item 
 )  [static]

Definition at line 605 of file qtablewidget.cpp.

References Qt::AscendingOrderitem(), and qLowerBound().

Referenced by ensureSorted(), and setItem().

00609 {
00610     if (order == Qt::AscendingOrder)
00611         return qLowerBound(begin, end, item, QTableModelLessThan());
00612     return qLowerBound(begin, end, item, QTableModelGreaterThan());
00613 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

bool QTableModel::isValid(const QModelIndex &  index ) const

Definition at line 667 of file qtablewidget.cpp.

References QModelIndex::column()QVector< T >::count()horizontalHeaderItemsindex()QModelIndex::isValid()QModelIndex::row(), andverticalHeaderItems.

Referenced by item().

00668 {
00669     return (index.isValid()
00670             && index.row() < verticalHeaderItems.count()
00671             && index.column() < horizontalHeaderItems.count());
00672 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

long QTableModel::tableIndex(int  row,
  int  column 
 )  const [inline]

Definition at line 135 of file qtablewidget_p.h.

References QVector< T >::count(), and horizontalHeaderItems.

Referenced by ensureSorted()insertColumns()insertRows()item()removeColumns()removeRows()setItem()sort(), and takeItem().

00136         { return (row * horizontalHeaderItems.count()) + column; }

Here is the call graph for this function:

void QTableModel::clear(   )  

Definition at line 674 of file qtablewidget.cpp.

References QVector< T >::at()clearContents()QVector< T >::count()horizontalHeaderItemsjQTableWidgetItem::model, and verticalHeaderItems.

Referenced by ~QTableModel().

00675 {
00676     for (int j = 0; j < verticalHeaderItems.count(); ++j) {
00677         if (verticalHeaderItems.at(j)) {
00678             verticalHeaderItems.at(j)->model = 0;
00679             delete verticalHeaderItems.at(j);
00680             verticalHeaderItems[j] = 0;
00681         }
00682     }
00683     for (int k = 0; k < horizontalHeaderItems.count(); ++k) {
00684         if (horizontalHeaderItems.at(k)) {
00685             horizontalHeaderItems.at(k)->model = 0;
00686             delete horizontalHeaderItems.at(k);
00687             horizontalHeaderItems[k] = 0;
00688         }
00689     }
00690     clearContents();
00691 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

void QTableModel::clearContents(   )  

Definition at line 693 of file qtablewidget.cpp.

References QVector< T >::at()QVector< T >::count()iQTableWidgetItem::modelQAbstractItemModel::reset(), and tableItems.

Referenced by clear().

00694 {
00695     for (int i = 0; i < tableItems.count(); ++i) {
00696         if (tableItems.at(i)) {
00697             tableItems.at(i)->model = 0;
00698             delete tableItems.at(i);
00699             tableItems[i] = 0;
00700         }
00701     }
00702     reset();
00703 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

void QTableModel::itemChanged(QTableWidgetItem *  item )  

Definition at line 705 of file qtablewidget.cpp.

References QAbstractItemModel::dataChanged()emitQTableWidgetItem::flags()QAbstractItemModel::headerDataChanged()Qt::Horizontal,horizontalHeaderItemsindex()QVector< T >::indexOf()QModelIndex::isValid()item()ItemIsHeaderItemrowQt::Vertical, and verticalHeaderItems.

Referenced by QTableWidgetItem::setData(), and QTableWidgetItem::setFlags().

00706 {
00707     if (!item)
00708         return;
00709     if (item->flags() & ItemIsHeaderItem) {
00710         int row = verticalHeaderItems.indexOf(item);
00711         if (row >= 0) {
00712             emit headerDataChanged(Qt::Vertical, row, row);
00713         } else {
00714             int column = horizontalHeaderItems.indexOf(item);
00715             if (column >= 0)
00716                 emit headerDataChanged(Qt::Horizontal, column, column);
00717         }
00718     } else {
00719         QModelIndex idx = index(item);
00720         if (idx.isValid())
00721             emit dataChanged(idx, idx);
00722     }
00723 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

QTableWidgetItem * QTableModel::createItem(   ) const

Definition at line 725 of file qtablewidget.cpp.

References QTableWidgetItem::clone(), and prototype.

Referenced by setData().

00726 {
00727     return prototype ? prototype->clone() : new QTableWidgetItem;
00728 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

const QTableWidgetItem * QTableModel::itemPrototype(   ) const

Definition at line 730 of file qtablewidget.cpp.

References prototype.

00731 {
00732     return prototype;
00733 }

void QTableModel::setItemPrototype(const QTableWidgetItem *  item )  

Definition at line 735 of file qtablewidget.cpp.

References item(), and prototype.

00736 {
00737     if (prototype != item) {
00738         delete prototype;
00739         prototype = item;
00740     }
00741 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

QStringList QTableModel::mimeTypes(   ) const [virtual]

Returns a list of MIME types that can be used to describe a list of model indexes.

See also:

Reimplemented from QAbstractItemModel.

Definition at line 743 of file qtablewidget.cpp.

References QTableWidget::mimeTypes(), and QObject::parent().

00744 {
00745     const QTableWidget *view = ::qobject_cast<const QTableWidget*>(QObject::parent());
00746     return (view ? view->mimeTypes() : QStringList());
00747 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

QMimeData * QTableModel::mimeData(const QModelIndexList &  indexes ) const [virtual]

Returns an object that contains serialized items of data corresponding to the list of indexes specified. The formats used to describe the encoded data is obtained from the mimeTypes() function.

If the list of indexes is empty, or there are no supported MIME types, 0 is returned rather than a serialized empty list.

See also:

Reimplemented from QAbstractItemModel.

Definition at line 754 of file qtablewidget.cpp.

References QList< T >::at()cachedIndexesQMimeData::clear()QList< T >::count()iitem()QTableWidget::mimeData(), and QObject::parent().

00755 {
00756     QList<QTableWidgetItem*> items;
00757     for (int i = 0; i < indexes.count(); ++i)
00758         items << item(indexes.at(i));
00759     const QTableWidget *view = ::qobject_cast<const QTableWidget*>(QObject::parent());
00761     // cachedIndexes is a little hack to avoid copying from QModelIndexList to
00762     // QList<QTreeWidgetItem*> and back again in the view
00763     cachedIndexes = indexes;
00764     QMimeData *mimeData = (view ? view->mimeData(items) : 0);
00765     cachedIndexes.clear();
00766     return mimeData;
00767 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

bool QTableModel::dropMimeData(const QMimeData *  data,
  Qt::DropAction  action,
  int  row,
  int  column,
  const QModelIndex &  parent 
 )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from QAbstractTableModel.

Definition at line 769 of file qtablewidget.cpp.

References QModelIndex::column()data()QTableWidget::dropMimeData()index()QModelIndex::isValid()QObject::parent()QModelIndex::row(), androwCount().

00771 {
00772     if (index.isValid()) {
00773         row = index.row();
00774         column = index.column();
00775     }else if (row == -1 || column == -1) {  // The user dropped outside the table.
00776         row = rowCount();
00777         column = 0;
00778     }
00780     QTableWidget *view = ::qobject_cast<QTableWidget*>(QObject::parent());
00781     return (view ? view->dropMimeData(row, column, data, action) : false);
00782 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

Qt::DropActions QTableModel::supportedDropActions(   ) const [virtual]

Returns the drop actions supported by this model.

The default implementation returns Qt::CopyAction. Reimplement this function if you wish to support additional actions. Note that you must also reimplement thedropMimeData() function to handle the additional operations.

See also:
dropMimeData(), Qt::DropActions, {Using Drag and Drop with  Item Views}

Reimplemented from QAbstractItemModel.

Definition at line 784 of file qtablewidget.cpp.

References Qt::IgnoreActionQObject::parent(), and QTableWidget::supportedDropActions().

00785 {
00786     const QTableWidget *view = ::qobject_cast<const QTableWidget*>(QObject::parent());
00787     return (view ? view->supportedDropActions() : Qt::DropActions(Qt::IgnoreAction));
00788 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

QMimeData * QTableModel::internalMimeData(   ) const

Definition at line 749 of file qtablewidget.cpp.

References cachedIndexes, and QAbstractItemModel::mimeData().

00750 {
00751     return QAbstractTableModel::mimeData(cachedIndexes);
00752 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

Member Data Documentation

Definition at line 156 of file qtablewidget_p.h.

Referenced by createItem()itemPrototype()setItemPrototype(), and ~QTableModel().

Definition at line 162 of file qtablewidget_p.h.

Referenced by internalMimeData(), and mimeData().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
Generated on Thu Mar 15 19:17:00 2007 for Qt 4.2 User's Guide by  doxygen 1.5.1





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