穿梭福音 from AyuanX@newsmth

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新添了 紫霞->水木社区 的福音

试试这个吧:【穿梭福音: 紫霞->自由空间】,刚写的
0. 先改脚本里的user和pass,保存(只做一次)
1. 然后开Fterm
2. 然后通过Fterm的菜单运行这个脚本
3. 然后用SSH方式登录bbs.zixia.net,手动/自动登录皆可(一定要SSH,一定用域名登)
然后.....Wait & See

  • 【脚本源代码】
' <Transevangel -- ZIXIA 2 FREE> Auto Proxy script for Fterm
' By AyuanX, July 2007
' Version 1.1
' Report Bugs to <ayuanx$163!com>
' Q: Why do we need it?
' A:
'    Because it is in pain that we find the meaning of life.
'    And the state of grace that we lose when we sway.
' Q: How do we use it?
' A:
'    0. Set up your preference(user & pass) below
'    1. Run this script from Fterm menu
'    2. Login ZIXIA by domain name in SSH
'    PS: a) Telnet is not supported yet, maybe in future version
'        b) Domain name must contain "ZIXIA"(ingnore case), IP login is not supported yet
'        c) Currently the script is far from perfect, so you're on your own risk!
' Q: What's new in V1.1?
' A:
'    Solved the freezing problem at Friends Online Interface
user="AyuanX"     '== Your ID of Free NOT Zixia
pass="whosgonnabemybaby"  '== Sorry but we have to show our love in PLAIN language
Const delay=10    '== Oh yeah, World Wide Waiting (in millisecond)
Const tag="欢迎您使用ssh方式访问" '== I'm sure you will neither suicide nor modify this
Function waitandact(wid, line, char, key)
 If IsNull(char) Then
  Dim buf(22)
  For j=0 To 22
   For j=0 To 22
    k=k+Abs(StrComp(buf(j), FTerm.Windows(wid).GetBuffer(j)))
  Loop until k
  If InStr(1, buf, char, 0) Then
   Loop until StrComp(buf, buff)
  End If
 End If
End Function
Sub FTerm_OnDataCome(wid, data)
 If flag Then
  If InStr(1, LCase(FTerm.Windows(wid).HostAddress), "zixia", 1) Then
   If InStr(1, data, tag, 0) Then
    On Error Resume Next
    call waitandact(wid, 22, Null, "^M")
    For j=0 To 10 'To avoid dead lock
     If waitandact(wid, 0, "主选单", "z^Mb^Mf^M") Then
      Exit For
      If waitandact(wid, 0, "好朋友列表", "^[[D") Then
       call waitandact(wid, 0, Null, "^[[D")
      End If
     End If
    call waitandact(wid, 22, Null, user&"^M"&pass&"^M^M")
    For j=0 To 10 'To avoid dead lock
     If waitandact(wid, 0, "自由空间", "^[[Df^M") Then
      Exit For
      call waitandact(wid, 0, Null, "^[[D")
     End If
   End If
  End If
 End If
End Sub
' Run just one time and forever auto proxy!




' <Transevangel -- ZIXIA 2 NEWSMTH> Auto Proxy script for Fterm
' By AyuanX, July 2007
' Version 1.1
' Report Bugs to <ayuanx$163!com>
' Q: Why do we need it?
' A:
'    Because it is in pain that we find the meaning of life.
'    And the state of grace that we lose when we sway.
' Q: How do we use it?
' A:
'    0. Set up your preference(user & pass) below
'    1. Run this script from Fterm menu
'    2. Login ZIXIA by domain name in SSH
'    PS: a) Telnet is not supported yet, maybe in future version
'        b) Domain name must contain "ZIXIA"(ingnore case), IP login is not supported yet
'        c) Currently the script is far from perfect, so you're on your own risk!
' Q: What's new in V1.1?
' A:
'    Solved the freezing problem at Friends Online Interface
user="AyuanX"     '== Your ID of Free NOT Zixia
pass="whosgonnabemybaby"  '== Sorry but we have to show our love in PLAIN language
Const delay=10    '== Oh yeah, World Wide Waiting (in millisecond)
Const tag="欢迎您使用ssh方式访问" '== I'm sure you will neither suicide nor modify this
Function waitandact(wid, line, char, key)
 If IsNull(char) Then
  Dim buf(22)
  For j=0 To 22
   For j=0 To 22
    k=k+Abs(StrComp(buf(j), FTerm.Windows(wid).GetBuffer(j)))
  Loop until k
  If InStr(1, buf, char, 0) Then
   Loop until StrComp(buf, buff)
  End If
 End If
End Function
Sub FTerm_OnDataCome(wid, data)
 If flag Then
  If InStr(1, LCase(FTerm.Windows(wid).HostAddress), "zixia", 1) Then
   If InStr(1, data, tag, 0) Then
    On Error Resume Next
    call waitandact(wid, 22, Null, "^M")
    For j=0 To 10 'To avoid dead lock
     If waitandact(wid, 0, "主选单", "z^Mb^Mc^M") Then
      Exit For
      If waitandact(wid, 0, "好朋友列表", "^[[D") Then
       call waitandact(wid, 0, Null, "^[[D")
      End If
     End If
    call waitandact(wid, 22, Null, user&"^M"&pass&"^M^M")
    For j=0 To 10 'To avoid dead lock
     If waitandact(wid, 0, "水木社区", "^[[Df^M") Then
      Exit For
      call waitandact(wid, 0, Null, "^[[D")
     End If
   End If
  End If
 End If
End Sub
' Run just one time and forever auto proxy!

url : http://ayuanx.spaces.live.com/blog/cns!1870FA594F47FA92!869.entry

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