




$ svn checkout


$ svn checkout file:///var/svn/repos
$ svn checkout file://localhost/var/svn/repos

Also, users of the file:// scheme on Windows platforms will need to use an unofficially “standard” syntax for accessing repositories that are on the same machine, but on a different drive than the client's current working drive. Either of the two following URL path syntaxes will work, where X is the drive on which the repository resides:

C:\> svn checkout file:///X:/var/svn/repos
C:\> svn checkout "file:///X|/var/svn/repos"


也必须意识到Subversion的file: URL不能在普通的web服务器中工作。当你尝试在web服务器查看一个file:的URL时,它会通过直接检测文件系统读取和显示那个位置的文件内容,但是Subversion的资源存在于虚拟文件系统(见“版本库层”一节)中,你的浏览器不会理解怎样读取这个文件系统。

Finally, it should be noted that the Subversion client will automatically encode URLs as necessary, just like a web browser does. For example, if a URL contains a space or upper-ASCII character as in the following:

$ svn checkout "http://host/path with space/project/españa"

then Subversion will escape the unsafe characters and behave as if you had typed:

$ svn checkout http://host/path%20with%20space/project/espa%C3%B1a





After you've made some changes to the files in your working copy and verified that they work properly, Subversion provides you with commands to “publish” your changes to the other people working with you on your project (by writing to the repository). If other people publish their own changes, Subversion provides you with commands to merge those changes into your working copy (by reading from the repository).

A working copy also contains some extra files, created and maintained by Subversion, to help it carry out these commands. In particular, each directory in your working copy contains a subdirectory named .svn, also known as the working copy's administrative directory. The files in each administrative directory help Subversion recognize which files contain unpublished changes, and which files are out of date with respect to others' work.


举一个例子,你的版本库包含两个软件项目,paintcalc。每个项目在它们各自的顶级子目录下,见图 1.6 “版本库的文件系统”

图 1.6. 版本库的文件系统

To get a working copy, you must check out some subtree of the repository. (The term check out may sound like it has something to do with locking or reserving resources, but it doesn't; it simply creates a private copy of the project for you.) For example, if you check out /calc, you will get a working copy like this:

$ svn checkout
A    calc/Makefile
A    calc/integer.c
A    calc/button.c
Checked out revision 56.

$ ls -A calc
Makefile  button.c integer.c .svn/

The list of letter As in the left margin indicates that Subversion is adding a number of items to your working copy. You now have a personal copy of the repository's /calc directory, with one additional entry—.svn—which holds the extra information needed by Subversion, as mentioned earlier.

假定你修改了button.c,因为.svn目录记录着文件的修改日期和原始内容,Subversion可以告诉你已经修改了文件,然而,在你明确告诉它之前,Subversion不会将你的改变公开,将改变公开的操作被叫做提交(committing,或者是checking in)修改到版本库。


$ svn commit button.c -m "Fixed a typo in button.c."
Sending        button.c
Transmitting file data .
Committed revision 57.


Suppose you have a collaborator, Sally, who checked out a working copy of /calc at the same time you did. When you commit your change to button.c, Sally's working copy is left unchanged; Subversion modifies working copies only at the user's request.

To bring her project up to date, Sally can ask Subversion to update her working copy, by using the update command. This will incorporate your changes into her working copy, as well as any others that have been committed since she checked it out.

$ pwd

$ ls -A
Makefile button.c integer.c .svn/

$ svn update
U    button.c
Updated to revision 57.

The output from the svn update command indicates that Subversion updated the contents of button.c. Note that Sally didn't need to specify which files to update; Subversion uses the information in the .svn directory as well as further information in the repository, to decide which files need to be brought up to date.


An svn commit operation publishes changes to any number of files and directories as a single atomic transaction. In your working copy, you can change files' contents; create, delete, rename, and copy files and directories; then commit a complete set of changes as an atomic transaction.

By atomic transaction, we mean simply this: either all of the changes happen in the repository, or none of them happen. Subversion tries to retain this atomicity in the face of program crashes, system crashes, network problems, and other users' actions.

Each time the repository accepts a commit, this creates a new state of the filesystem tree, called a revision. Each revision is assigned a unique natural number, one greater than the number of the previous revision. The initial revision of a freshly created repository is numbered 0 and consists of nothing but an empty root directory.

图 1.7 “版本库”可以更形象的描述版本库,想象有一组修订号,从0开始,从左到右,每一个修订号有一个目录树挂在它下面,每一个树好像是一次提交后的版本库“快照”。

图 1.7. 版本库





假设此刻,Sally提交了对integer.c的修改,建立修订版本6,如果你使用svn update来更新你的工作拷贝,你会看到:





  • What revision your working file is based on (this is called the file's working revision) and

  • A timestamp recording of when the local copy was last updated by the repository



文件在工作目录里没有修改,在工作修订版本之后没有修改提交到版本库。svn commit操作不做任何事情,svn update不做任何事情。


在工作目录已经修改,从基本修订版本之后没有修改提交到版本库。本地修改没有提交,因此svn commit会成功提交,svn update不做任何事情。


The file has not been changed in the working directory, but it has been changed in the repository. The file should eventually be updated in order to make it current with the latest public revision. An svn commit of the file will do nothing, and an svn update of the file will fold the latest changes into your working copy.


The file has been changed both in the working directory and in the repository. An svn commit of the file will fail with an “out-of-date” error. The file should be updated first; an svn update command will attempt to merge the public changes with the local changes. If Subversion can't complete the merge in a plausible way automatically, it leaves it to the user to resolve the conflict.

这看起来需要记录很多事情,但是svn status命令可以告诉你工作拷贝中文件的状态,关于此命令更多的信息,请看“查看你的修改概况”一节



Updates and commits are separate

One of the fundamental rules of Subversion is that a “push” action does not cause a “pull,” nor the other way around. Just because you're ready to submit new changes to the repository doesn't mean you're ready to receive changes from other people. And if you have new changes still in progress, then svn update should gracefully merge repository changes into your own, rather than forcing you to publish them.

The main side effect of this rule is that it means a working copy has to do extra bookkeeping to track mixed revisions as well as be tolerant of the mixture. It's made more complicated by the fact that directories themselves are versioned.

For example, suppose you have a working copy entirely at revision 10. You edit the file foo.html and then perform an svn commit, which creates revision 15 in the repository. After the commit succeeds, many new users would expect the working copy to be entirely at revision 15, but that's not the case! Any number of changes might have happened in the repository between revisions 10 and 15. The client knows nothing of those changes in the repository, since you haven't yet run svn update, and svn commit doesn't pull down new changes. If, on the other hand, svn commit were to automatically download the newest changes, then it would be possible to set the entire working copy to revision 15—but then we'd be breaking the fundamental rule of “push” and “pull” remaining separate actions. Therefore, the only safe thing the Subversion client can do is mark the one file—foo.html—as being at revision 15. The rest of the working copy remains at revision 10. Only by running svn update can the latest changes be downloaded and the whole working copy be marked as revision 15.


The fact is, every time you run svn commit, your working copy ends up with some mixture of revisions. The things you just committed are marked as having larger working revisions than everything else. After several commits (with no updates in between), your working copy will contain a whole mixture of revisions. Even if you're the only person using the repository, you will still see this phenomenon. To examine your mixture of working revisions, use the svn status --verbose command (see “查看你的修改概况”一节 for more information.)

通常,新用户对于工作拷贝的混合修订版本一无所知,这会让人糊涂,因为许多客户端命令对于所检验条目的修订版本很敏感。例如svn log命令显示一个文件或目录的历史修改信息(见“Generating a List of Historical Changes”一节),当用户对一个工作拷贝对象调用这个命令,他们希望看到这个对象的整个历史信息。但是如果这个对象的修订版本已经相当老了(通常因为很长时间没有运行svn update),此时会显示比这个对象更老的历史。


If your project is sufficiently complex, you'll discover that it's sometimes nice to forcibly backdate (or, update to a revision older than the one you already have) portions of your working copy to an earlier revision; you'll learn how to do that in 第 2 章 基本使用. Perhaps you'd like to test an earlier version of a submodule contained in a subdirectory, or perhaps you'd like to figure out when a bug first came into existence in a specific file. This is the “time machine” aspect of a version control system—the feature that allows you to move any portion of your working copy forward and backward in history.



First, you cannot commit the deletion of a file or directory that isn't fully up to date. If a newer version of the item exists in the repository, your attempt to delete will be rejected in order to prevent you from accidentally destroying changes you've not yet seen.

Second, you cannot commit a metadata change to a directory unless it's fully up to date. You'll learn about attaching “properties” to items in 第 3 章 高级主题. A directory's working revision defines a specific set of entries and properties, and thus committing a property change to an out-of-date directory may destroy properties you've not yet seen.

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