Love in a Box

When I was a little girl, I found love in a box all because of a class assignment. On a Friday night I made an announcement at the dinner table. The words bubbled out in a torrent of excitement I could no longer contain. "My teacher said we have to bring a box for our valentines on Monday. But it has to be a special box, all decorated."

Mother said, "We'll see" and she continued eating.

I wilted faster than a flower with no water. What did "We'll see" mean? I had to have that box or there would be no valentines for me. My second grade Valentine's Day would be a disaster. Maybe they didn't love me enough to help me with my project.

All day Saturday I waited, and I worried, but there was no mention of a valentine box. Sunday arrived, and my concern increased, but I knew an inquiry about the box might trigger anger and loud voices. I kept an anxious eye on both my parents all day. In 1947, in my house, children only asked once. More than that invited punitive measures.

Late Sunday afternoon,my father called me into our apartment's tiny kitchen. The table was covered with an assorthment of white crepe paper, red construction paper, and bits and pieces of lace and ribbon from my mother's sewing basket. An empty shoebox rested on top of the paper.Relief flooded through me when Daddy said, "Let's get started on your project."

In the next hour my father transformed the empty shoebox into a valentine box I would never forget.Crepe paper covered the ugly cardboard. My father fashioned a wrinkled piece of the pliable paper and glued it around the middle. He cut a slot in the lid and covered it with more of the white paper. Next came red hearts attached in what I considered all the right places.He hummed a tune while he worked,and I kneeled on my chair witnessing the magical conversion of the showbox and handing him the glue when he needed it.When he finished, my father's eyes sparkled, and a smile stretched across his thin face. "What do you think of that?"

My answer was a hug and a "Thank you, Daddy."

But inside, joy danced all the way to my heart. It was the first time that my father devoted so much time to me. His world consisted of working hard to support his family, adoring my mother, disciplining my brother and me, and listening to every sports event broadcast on the radio. Suddenly, a new door opened in my life. My father loved me.

Monday morning, my mother found a brown grocery sack to protect the beautiful box while I carried it to school. I barely felt the bitter cold of the February day as I held the precious treasure close to me. I would let on harm come to my beautiful valentine box.

My teacher cleared a space on a long, wide windowsill where the decorated boxes would stay until Valentine's Day. I studied each one as it was placed on the sill, and none compared with mine. Every time I peeked at my valentine box, I felt my father's love. My pride knew no bounds.There were moments when the box actually glowed in a spotlight all its own. No doubt I was the only one who witnessed that glow.

Every day some of my classmates brought valentine cards to school and slipped them into the slots of the special boxes. The holiday party arrived, and we brought our boxes to our desks to open the valentines. Frosted heart cookies, red punch, valentines and giggles filled our classroom.Chaos reigned until dimissal time arrived.

I carried my valentine box home proudly. It wasn't hidden in a grocery sack but held out for the world to admire. I showed it to the policeman who guided us across a busy city street. He patted me on the head an exclaimed about it. I made sure everyone along the way took note of my valentine box. My father had made it for me,and the love that filled it meant more to me than all the valentines nestled inside.

From than time in I never doubted my father's feelings for me. The valentine box became a symbol of his love that lasted through decades of other Valentine's Days. He gave me other gifts through the years, but none ever compared with the tender love I felt within the confines of the old, empty shoebox.
# 高校智慧校园解决方案摘要 智慧校园解决方案是针对高校信息化建设的核心工程,旨在通过物联网技术实现数字化校园的智能化升级。该方案通过融合计算机技术、网络通信技术、数据库技术和IC卡识别技术,初步实现了校园一卡通系统,进而通过人脸识别技术实现了更精准的校园安全管理、生活管理、教务管理和资源管理。 方案包括多个管理系统:智慧校园管理平台、一卡通卡务管理系统、一卡通人脸库管理平台、智能人脸识别消费管理系统、疫情防控管理系统、人脸识别无感识别管理系统、会议签到管理系统、人脸识别通道管理系统和图书馆对接管理系统。这些系统共同构成了智慧校园的信息化基础,通过统一数据库和操作平台,实现了数据共享和信息一致性。 智能人脸识别消费管理系统通过人脸识别终端,在无需接触的情况下快速完成消费支付过程,提升了校园服务效率。疫情防控管理系统利用热成像测温技术、视频智能分析等手段,实现了对校园人员体温监测和疫情信息实时上报,提高了校园公共卫生事件的预防和控制能力。 会议签到管理系统和人脸识别通道管理系统均基于人脸识别技术,实现了会议的快速签到和图书馆等场所的高效通行管理。与图书馆对接管理系统实现了一卡通系统与图书馆管理系统的无缝集成,提升了图书借阅的便捷性。 总体而言,该智慧校园解决方案通过集成的信息化管理系统,提升了校园管理的智能化水平,优化了校园生活体验,增强了校园安全,并提高了教学和科研的效率。




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