[翻译] Ruby Golf



Ruby golf is the art of writing code that uses as few characters as possible. The idea originates in the world of Perl (where it is, unsurprisingly, known as Perl Golf). As a language, Perl is well suited to this as it has more than its fair share of bizarre constructs and syntactic sugar. Ruby also contains some large dollops of syntactic sugar which makes it suited to the odd round of golf.

Ruby golf 是一种使用尽量少的字符来编写代码的技术。这个想法最初产生于Perl社区(不出意料的成为Perl Golf)。由于Perl拥有一系列奇异的语法结构和特征,所以很适合应用这种技术。Ruby同样包含大量的奇异语法特征,所以也非常适合这种成为Golf的技术。

The obsession with trying to minimise the number of bytes used in a program harks back to a bygone age when memory was at a premium and every byte counted. It doesn’t really have any practical use in today’s world, but this does not mean that it is not still used. Code minimisation can be found in competitions such as the 1k JavaScript competitions and Perl Apocalypse. There are also a number of sites dedicated to the art of Code Golf.

试着减少程序中使用的字节数的想法可以追溯到那个内存昂贵到以每个字节来计费的时代。当下,这种想法并没有多少实际意义,但是很多时候它仍被使用。代码最小化可以在一些比如称作1k JavaScript competitions和Perl Apocalypse的比赛中找到。也有很多网站试着对Code Golf这种技术有所贡献。

There is often a competitve element associated with Code Golf: Hackers try to outdo each other as they strive to find the ‘perfect’ solution. One that achieves the aim of the code but could not possibly be done in fewer characters. I find this to be analagous to mathemticians who search for ‘elegant proofs’ and am reminded of Einstein’s quote “Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler”.

跟Code Golf相关的一个竞争元素是:黑客们总是试图通过找到'完美'解决方案而超越他人。一个人可以完成代码的功能却可能无法用更少的字母实现。我发现这类似一个寻找“最优解”的数学家被爱因斯坦的名言提醒:"任何事情都应该尽可能简单,而不仅仅是简单。"

Unfortunately, the code that is produced is often very difficult to understand as it usually relies on various hacks and shortcuts. In fact, a complimentary game is to try and figure out what the code produced actually does! There is often a thin line between being clever and too clever…


Code Golf has a bit of a marmite reputation – people either love it or hate it, so to try and maintain some balance, I’ve listed a few of the advantages and disadvantes of trying your hand at a round or two:

Code Golf有截然不同的两种名称:喜欢它或者厌恶它。所以为了试着去保持某种平衡,我列举了一些Code Gold的优点和缺点:


  • You get to learn some lesser known parts of the language and some neat tricks.
  • You get a nice smug feeling inside when you manage to chip a few more characters off the best solution.
  • Sometimes the more succinct way of writing the code actually looks cleaner.
  • You can learn techniques that could be of use in other situtations.
  • The process itself encourages ingenuity.
  • It’s fun!
1. 你会学到这门语言的一些很少人知道的部分和一些优雅的技巧
2. 当你试着减少最佳解决方案的代码你会得到快感
3. 有时候更简洁的代码看上去的确更干净
4. 你可以学到能够在其他环境中使用的技术
5. 这个过程鼓励你发挥聪明才智
6. 有乐趣!


  • The code usually looks horrible
  • The code can often be difficult to read or understand, which is a shame because one of the best aspects of Ruby is how readable it is.
  • The code would be a maintenance nightmare – even by yourself never mind others.
1. 代码很有可能看起来畏惧
2. 代码经常比较难于理解或者阅读,这真是强调可读性的Ruby代码的一个耻辱啊
3. 代码真是维护者的噩梦——即便是你自己来维护

Pro Tips

If you fancy having a go at some golf, then here are a few tips that can be used to cut your Ruby code down to size and reduce your golfing handicap:



Mass Assignment

This is an easy one that most people will know, but assigning all your variables at once will help to cut down on code bloat.

1 a,b = 1,2



Create Arrays Using the Shortcut Notation %w

You can create arrays of strings by using the following notation:

1 a = %w(a b c) => ["a","b","c"]




Use the Ternary Operator for Logic

1 a>10?"too big":"fine"




Use Chained Ternary Operators for More Complex Logic

1 a<0?"no negatives":(a>10?"too big":"fine")




Use Scientific Notation for Numbers

If you need big numbers, then 1e6 is shorter than 1000000.





Use Dash-Rocket Syntax for Procs

If you’re using Ruby 1.9, use the dash-rocket (->) syntax for procs

1 sayhello = -> {p "hello"}
2 sayhello = -> name {p "hello #{name}"}


如果你使用的是Ruby 1.9,在创建proc结构时使用dash-rocket(->)符号


1 Character Strings

For 1 digit strings, use ?x = "x" (again, this only works in Ruby 1.9 though)


对于单字母字符串,可以使用?x 来标识"x"(同样,这个仅适用于Ruby 1.9)


Learn Regular Expressions

Regular expressions can express some complicated expressions in a few characters.




Use the Modulo Operator to Test if a Number is a Factor

12%3==0, because 12 is a multiple of 3
13%3!=0, because 13 is not a multiple of 3


This has been improved further by Cyrus in the comments. You can actually just test if the answer is less than one rather than equal to zero:

1 12%3<1 => true






12%3<1 => true


Use Map to Iterate

Iterators are usually better than for loops and map is the best iterator as it has the least characters. It can be used instead of each because you don’t have to change each element in the array, it still loops through it.

1%w(a b c).map{|x| puts x}




Use Symbol To Proc

This saves a lot of time (and possibly looks neater).

1%w(a b c).map{ |e| e.upcase }


1 %w(a b c).map(&:upcase)
2 => ["A""B""C"]

What actually happens is that & calls the to_proc method for the symbol that follows (in this case the upcase method is called on each element of the array.



%w(a b c).map{ |e| e.upcase}


%w(a b c).map(&:upcase)



Easy Joins
%w(a b c)*"-" is the same as %w(a b c).join"-"
=> “a-b-c”



%w(a b c)*"-" 等同于%w(a b c).join"-" 

=> "a-b-c"


Reuse Loops

A good way to avoid using 2 loops for different object types is to bung all the objects into a single array and use just one iterator, but then perform different tasks depending on the object type.

1 ["a","b",2,4].map{|e|(e.to_s==e)?(e.upcase):(e*2)}
2 => ["A""B"48]




=> ["A","B",4, 8]


Testing Types

If you want to test if an object is a string then e.to_s==e is shorter than e.is_a? String.


如果你想要测试一个对象是否是字符串,e.to_s==e 要比 e.is_a? String 要短。



Do you have any other tips to bring one’s handicap down? Leave your tips in the comments.


Almost Sinatra

Konstantin Hasse (Sinatra Jedi Grand Master) performed an extreme form of Ruby golf when he condensed Sinatra (not exactly bloated at 1646 lines of code) into a measly 8 lines of code. It didn’t quite have the same functionality, but came pretty darn close. He used some great tricks when doing this, the last couple of tips in the list above are from the Almost Sinatra code.

Almost Sinatra

Konastantin Hasse(Sinatra的绝地一代宗师)诠释了一种Ruby golf的极致形式:他将Sinatra(估计大约有1646行代码)浓缩到了极少的8行代码。确切的讲它并没有完全复制原有功能,但是却相当的接近。在这个过程中,他使用了一些非常棒的技巧,上面列的一些贴士就是来源于Almost Sinatra的代码。



An Example Hole

As a example, I tried writing a method that would find the sum of all multiples of a given number up to a given value. For example sum(5,24) would calculate the sum of all the multiples of 5 up to 24 (ie 5 + 10 + 15 + 20).

This is what I came up with in the end:

1 def sum(n,t)
2   n*(1..t/n).to_a.inject(&:+)

I utilised the symbol to proc notation to use the inject method to sum the integers. How many integers to sum was found by doing integer division and relying on the fact that remainders are ignored.

This contains 27 characters (not including the method definition). Can anybody beat it? Leave your answer in the comments if you can.




def sum(n,t)








Now it’s time to find out who is the Tiger Woods of the Ruby World. Below are five ‘holes’ that make up the RubySource Golf Course. Try your hand at any or all of them and post your solutions in the comments.


现在是时候去找出Ruby世界里的Tiger Woods了。下面有五个holes组成了Ruby代码Golf课程。请尝试其中的一些或全部并将你的解决方案列在评论中。



Hole 1: Fizz Buzz

Given a number the function returns “Fizz” if it is a multiple of 3, “Buzz” if it is a multiple of 5 and “FizzBuzz” if it is a multiple of 15. If the number is not a multiple of 3 or 5 then the number is returned as a string.

1 fizzbuzz(3) => "Fizz"
2 fizzbuzz(10) => "Buzz"
3 fizzbuzz(45) => "FizzBuzz"
4 fizzbuzz(31) => "31"





fizzbuzz(3) => "Fizz"

fizzbuzz(10) => "Buzz"

fizzbuzz(45" => "FizzBuzz"

fizzbuzz(31) => "31"


Hole 2: Caesar Cipher

Implement a Caesar Shift Cipher

1 caeser("hello",3) => "khoor"

You should also be able to produce negative shifts.




caeser("hello",3) => "khoor"



Hole 3: Rock,Paper,Scissors Game

Write a simple method that ‘plays’ this game, where the player enters their ‘move’ as an argument to the method. If the player enters an invalid option then the result should be ‘lose’. The computer should choose its move at random. The output gives the computer’s ‘move’ and the result as a comma-separated string.

1 play("Rock") => "Rock,Draw"
2 play("Paper") => "Rock,Win"
3 play("Scissors") => "Rock,Lose"
4 play("Soap") => "Paper,Lose"




Hole 4: String Counter

Write a method that when given a string and substring, returns the number of times the substring occurs in that string (ignoring case).

1 count("Banana","a") => 3
2 count("RubySource provides advice, tutorials, commentary, and insight into the Ruby and Rails ecosystem","ruby") => 2




count("Banana","a") => 3

count("RubySource provides advice, tutorials, commentary, and insight into the Ruby and Rails ecosystem","ruby") => 2


Hole 5: Swingers Function

Write a function that replaces ‘putting your keys in a tin’. The argument to the function is an array of arrays that contain two objects. The function returns a new array where the pairs of objects have been mixed up. An object should not end up with it’s original ‘partner’.

1 swingers([["Homer","Marge"],["Micky","Minnie"],["Fred","Wilma"],["Peter","Lois"],["George","Judy"]])
2 => [["Homer","Wilma"],["Micky","Lois"],["Fred","Judy"],["Peter","Marge"],["George","Minnie"]]

To enter, write your method in the comments below. The person whose entry contains the lowest number of characters will win each hole. There’s a Sitepoint book up for grabs for the winner of each hole. You can use Ruby 1.8 or 1.9. The deadline is 31st December 2011. Only the characters inside the method definition will be counted, so my example hole above would count as 27 characters. Feel free to post a Gist to your code.


写一个方法来取代‘putting your keys in a tin’。这个方法的参数是一个包含两个对象的数组的数组。这个方法返回一个新的数组,其中成对的对象都已经被混合了。一个对象不能以它原来的“搭档”结尾。











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目 录 序言 前言 读者指南 第1章 引言 1 1.1 什么是设计模式 2 1.2 Smalltalk MVC中的设计模式 3 1.3 描述设计模式 4 1.4 设计模式的编目 5 1.5 组织编目 7 1.6 设计模式怎样解决设计问题 8 1.6.1 寻找合适的对象 8 1.6.2 决定对象的粒度 9 1.6.3 指定对象接口 9 1.6.4 描述对象的实现 10 1.6.5 运用复用机制 13 1.6.6 关联运行时刻和编译时刻的 结构 15 1.6.7 设计应支持变化 16 1.7 怎样选择设计模式 19 1.8 怎样使用设计模式 20 第2章 实例研究:设计一个文档编 辑器 22 2.1 设计问题 23 2.2 文档结构 23 2.2.1 递归组合 24 2.2.2 图元 25 2.2.3 组合模式 27 2.3 格式化 27 2.3.1 封装格式化算法 27 2.3.2 Compositor和Composition 27 2.3.3 策略模式 29 2.4 修饰用户界面 29 2.4.1 透明围栏 29 2.4.2 Monoglyph 30 2.4.3 Decorator 模式 32 2.5 支持多种视感标准 32 2.5.1 对象创建的抽象 32 2.5.2 工厂类和产品类 33 2.5.3 Abstract Factory模式 35 2.6 支持多种窗口系统 35 2.6.1 我们是否可以使用Abstract Factory 模式 35 2.6.2 封装实现依赖关系 35 2.6.3 Window和WindowImp 37 2.6.4 Bridge 模式 40 2.7 用户操作 40 2.7.1 封装一个请求 41 2.7.2 Command 类及其子类 41 2.7.3 撤消和重做 42 2.7.4 命令历史记录 42 2.7.5 Command 模式 44 2.8 拼写检查和断字处理 44 2.8.1 访问分散的信息 44 2.8.2 封装访问和遍历 45 2.8.3 Iterator类及其子类 46 2.8.4 Iterator模式 48 2.8.5 遍历和遍历过程中的动作 48 2.8.6 封装分析 48 2.8.7 Visitor 类及其子类 51 2.8.8 Visitor 模式 52 2.9 小结 53 第3章 创建型模式 54 3.1 Abstract Factory(抽象工厂)— 对象创建型模式 57 3.2 Builder(生成器)—对象创建型 模式 63 3.3 Factory Method(工厂方法)— 对象创建型模式 70 3.4 Prototype(原型)—对象创建型 模式 87 3.5 Singleton(单件)—对象创建型 模式 84 3.6 创建型模式的讨论 89 第4章 结构型模式 91 4.1 Adapter(适配器)—类对象结构型 模式 92 4.2 Bridge(桥接)—对象结构型 模式 100 4.3 Composite(组成)—对象结构型 模式 107 4.4 Decorator(装饰)—对象结构型 模式 115 4.5 FACADE(外观)—对象结构型 模式 121 4.6 Flyweight(享元)—对象结构型 模式 128 4.7 Proxy(代理)—对象结构型 模式 137 4.8 结构型模式的讨论 144 4.8.1 Adapter与Bridge 144 4.8.2 Composite、Decorator与Proxy 145 第5章 行为模式 147 5.1 CHAIN OF RESPONSIBIL ITY(职责链) —对象行为型模式 147 5.2 COMMAND(命令)—对象行为型 模式 154 5.3 INTERPRETER(解释器)—类行为型 模式 162 5.4 ITERATOR(迭代器)—对象行为型 模式 171 5.5 MEDIATOR(中介者)—对象行为型 模式 181 5.6 MEMENTO(备忘录)—对象行为型 模式 188 5.7 OBSERVER(观察者)—对象行为型 模式 194 5.8 STATE(状态)—对象行为型模式 201 5.9 STRATEGY(策略)—对象行为型 模式 208 5.10 TEMPLATE METHOD(模板方法) —类行为型模式 214 5.11 VISITOR(访问者)—对象行为型 模式 218 5.12 行为模式的讨论 228 5.12 1 封装变化 228 5.12.2




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