
【001】The connection itself is secure because symmetric cryptography is used to encrypt the data transmitted.
【002】The keys are uniquely generated for each connection and are based on a shared secret negotiated at the beginning of the session, also known as a TLS handshake.
【003】Many IP-based protocols, such as HTTPS, SMTP, POP3, FTP support TLS to encrypt data.
【004】(RFC 8446).
【006】 SSL Server Test tool:https://www.ssllabs.com/ssltest/

【007】TLS is a so-called “hybrid” cryptosystem。Hybrid schemes are the predominant form of encryption used on the Internet and are used in SSH, IPsec, Signal, WireGuard and other protocols. In hybrid cryptosystems, public key cryptography is used to establish a shared secret between both parties, and the shared secret is used to create symmetric keys that can be used to encrypt the data exchanged.public keys are used to establish symmetric keys.
【007-1】RSA key exchange:one party encrypts the shared secret with the other party’s public key and sends it along. The other party then uses its private key to decrypt the shared secret and … voila! They both share the same secret.
【007-1-1】In TLS’s RSA key exchange, the shared secret is decided by the client, who then encrypts it to the server’s public key (extracted from the certificate) and sends it to the server.
【007-2】Diffie-Hellman key agreement:the client and server both start by creating a public-private key pair. They then send the public portion of their key share to the other party. When each party receives the public key share of the other, they combine it with their own private key and end up with the same value: the pre-main secret.
【007-2-2】The server then uses a digital signature to ensure the exchange hasn’t been tampered with. This key exchange is called “ephemeral” if the client and server both choose a new key pair for every exchange.
【007-3】To reduce the risks caused by non-forward secret connections and million-message attacks, RSA encryption was removed from TLS 1.3, leaving ephemeral Diffie-Hellman as the only key exchange mechanism.
【008】When it comes to cryptography, giving too many options leads to the wrong option being chosen.
【009】TLS 1.3 takes the opinionated route, restricting the Diffie-Hellman parameters to ones that are known to be secure.
【010】Symmetric ciphers usually come in two main forms: block ciphers and stream ciphers.
【010-1】To encrypt with a stream cipher, you take your message and combine it with the key stream by XORing each bit of the key stream with the corresponding bit of your message.o decrypt, you take the encrypted message and XOR it with the key stream。Examples of pure stream ciphers are RC4 and ChaCha20。
【011】The only type of symmetric crypto allowed in TLS 1.3 is a new construction called AEAD (authenticated encryption with additional data), which combines encryption and integrity into one seamless operation.
【013】TLS 1.3 removes many of these legacy features, allowing for a clean split between three orthogonal negotiations:
Cipher + HKDF Hash
Key Exchange
Signature Algorithm
【014】1-RTT mode:
TLS 1.3 now has a radically simpler cipher negotiation model and a reduced set of key agreement options (no RSA, no user-defined DH parameters). This means that every connection will use a DH-based key agreement and the parameters supported by the server are likely easy to guess (ECDHE with X25519 or P-256). Because of this limited set of choices, the client can simply choose to send DH key shares in the first message instead of waiting until the server has confirmed which key shares it is willing to support. That way, the server can learn the shared secret and send encrypted data one round trip earlier. Chrome’s implementation of TLS 1.3, for example, sends an X25519 keyshare in the first message to the server.
【014-2】In the rare situation that the server does not support one of the key shares sent by the client, the server can send a new message, the HelloRetryRequest, to let the client know which groups it supports. Because the list has been trimmed down so much, this is not expected to be a common occurrence.
【015】0-RTT resumption:
It lets clients send encrypted data in their first message to the server, resulting in no additional latency cost compared to unencrypted HTTP。
【015-1】In TLS 1.2, there are two ways to resume a connection, session ids and session tickets. In TLS 1.3 these are combined to form a new mode called PSK (pre-shared key) resumption. The idea is that after a session is established, the client and server can derive a shared secret called the “resumption main secret”. This can either be stored on the server with an id (session id style) or encrypted by a key known only to the server (session ticket style). This session ticket is sent to the client and redeemed when resuming a connection.
【015-2】For resumed connections, both parties share a resumption main secret so key exchange is not necessary except for providing forward secrecy. The next time the client connects to the server, it can take the secret from the previous session and use it to encrypt application data to send to the server, along with the session ticket. Something as amazing as sending encrypted data on the first flight does come with its downfalls.
【015-4】An example of dangerous replayed data is anything that changes state on the server. If you increment a counter, perform a database transaction, or do anything that has a permanent effect, it’s risky to put it in 0-RTT data.
As a client, you can try to protect against this by only putting “safe” requests into the 0-RTT data. In this context, “safe” means that the request won’t change server state. In HTTP, different methods are supposed to have different semantics. HTTP GET requests are supposed to be safe, so a browser can usually protect HTTPS servers against replay attacks by only sending GET requests in 0-RTT. Since most page loads start with a GET of “/” this results in faster page load time.
【015-5】To help prevent against this failure case, TLS 1.3 also includes the time elapsed value in the session ticket. If this diverges too much, the client is either approaching the speed of light, or the value has been replayed. In either case, it’s prudent for the server to reject the 0-RTT data.
it has to be backwards compatible with existing software.
【018】TLS 1.3握手框架:
第1步,客户端发送 ClientHello 消息,该消息主要包括客户端支持的协议版本、DH 密钥交换参数列表 KeyShare;

第2步,服务端回复 ServerHello,包含选定的加密套件;发送证书给客户端;使用证书对应的私钥对握手消息签名,将结果发送给客户端;选用客户端提供的参数生成 ECDH 临时公钥,结合选定的 DH 参数计算出用于加密 HTTP 消息的共享密钥;服务端生成的临时公钥通过 KeyShare 消息发送给客户端;

第3步,客户端接收到 KeyShare 消息后,使用证书公钥进行签名验证,获取服务器端的 ECDH 临时公钥,生成会话所需要的共享密钥;

【019】TLS1.3的握手流程于TLS1.2最大的区别,就在于TLS1.3提前走了加密,TLS1.2需要在双方明文交换了key exchange信息之后才会走加密通道,而TLS1.3在sever端发送玩ServerHello信息之后就会走加密通道,就连证书信息也是加了密的。
ECDH的秘钥协商过程:给定一个大家都知道的大数G,client在每次需要和server协商秘钥时,生成一段随机数a,然后发送A=aG给server,server收到这段消息(aG)后,生成一段随机数b,然后发送B=bG给client,然后server端计算(aG)b作为对称秘钥,client端收到后bG后计算a*(Gb),因为(aG)b = a(Gb),所以对称秘钥就是aGb。
在TLS1.2中,client发送client_hello,server收到后发送**server_hello和ECC证书(B =b
第一步中,Bob 的密钥可以是自己生成的,也可以由认证机构代为生成。
第三步中,认证机构在拿到 Bob 的公钥以后会开始认证这个公钥是否是 Bob 的。有三种验证等级,Class 1 通过邮箱中的邮件进行确认本人身份;Class 2 通过第三方数据库来确认本人身份;Class 3 通过当面认证和身份来确认本人身份。等级越高,身份认证越严格。
第五步中,Alice 使用认证机构 Trent 的公钥对证书中的数字签名进行验证,如果验证成功,就确认了证书中所包含的公钥是 Bob 的。
类似 Bob 注册公钥的用户:

类似 Alice 使用公钥的用户

认证机构(Certification Authority,CA)是对证书进行管理的人。主要负责以下操作:

认证机构中还可以细分一个注册机构(Registration Authority,RA),注册机构专门处理注册相关的业务,认证机构专门颁发证书和作废证书。
仓库(repository)是一个保存证书的数据库。仓库也叫证书目录。作废的证书也需要制作一张证书作废清单(Certificate Revocation List,CRL)。





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