使用 Google Repo、Python脚本管理 Android 组件化项目


随着项目的不断迭代,工程中的组件会越来越多,一个组件对应一个 git 仓库。一个项目中可能有几十个甚至上百个工程组件,如何高效的管理这么多的工程就显得越来越重要。

管理多个 git 仓库也可以使用 git submodule,但是这种方式比较繁琐,也容易出现问题,例如:当你执行 git pull 后,如果 submodule 有修改,你还需要执行 git submodule update 命令。

所以 git submodule 的方式,我们并没有采用,而是使用 google repo 作为多仓库管理工具。Android 源码也是通过 repo 工具来管理的,Android 源码的下载需要使用 repo 来下载。

repo 搭建

  • repo 依赖

repo 本身依赖了 git 版本管理工具,所以首先要安装 git。除此之外,还需要安装 Python,然后设置 Python 的环境变量(我安装的版本是 Python2.7)

  • repo 安装

根据官方文档 installing-repo 使用如下命令来安装:

mkdir ~/bin

curl https://storage.googleapis.com/git-repo-downloads/repo > ~/bin/repo
chmod a+x ~/bin/repo

如果使用的是 Windows 系统,上面的方式则不行(上面的下载地址对应的是一个 repo 文件),而且上面的 url 国内可能访问不了。

我们可以使用国内的镜像,把 repo 依赖的所有文件下载下来:

git clone https://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/git/git-repo

你也可以使用国外改良之后的 repo(支持 Windows 系统):


经过上面简单的几步,我们就将 repo 搭建好了。

项目中如何使用 repo

新建 Manifest

repo 通过一个 manifest 清单文件来列出要管理的仓库,需要新建一个 git 仓库(例如仓库名字叫做 Manifest),里面包含一个 default.xml 文件:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
     <remote name="origin" fetch="."/>

     <default revision="master" remote="origin" sync-j="4" />

     <project name="MRouter"             path="MRouter"/>
     <project name="AndroidUpdater"      path="AndroidUpdater"/>

sync-j 表示线程的数量,project 用指定被管理的仓库的名称。关于 manifest 文件格式解析,可以参考:manifest-format.md

需要注意的是,上面我们只是指定了仓库的名称,并没有指定仓库的 url,repo 是如何找到这些仓库的呢?repo 会安装 Manifest 对应的路径找,所以被管理的仓库需要和 Manifest 仓库在同一个分组下。

repo 初始化

新建好了 Manifest 仓库之后,就可以初始化 repo 了:

repo init -u https://github.com/chiclaim/Manifest.git

执行完命令后,会在当前文件夹下生成 .repo 目录,

然后执行 repo sync 命令就可以把所有需要管理的仓库都拉下来了:
repo sync

除了以上的两个命令,还需要使用其他的命令,接下来介绍下常用的 repo 命令

常用的 repo 命令

repo init

repo init -u url [options]

在当前文件初始化 repo ,会生成一个 .repo 的文件夹,该文件夹里有个文件 manifest.xml ,该文件符号链接(synlink)到我们 Manifest 仓库里的 manifest 文件 default.xml


repo sync [project-list]

如果整个工程是第一次执行该命令,那么该命令就相当于 git clone 。如果之前同步过,相当于:

git remote update
git rebase origin/branch

如果 rebase 过程中出现冲突,先解决冲突,然后 git rebase --continue


$ repo branch
   default                   | in all projects
*  master                    | in all projects


repo start branch-name [project-list]

// 将 project-list 中指定的项目切到 master 分支

$ repo start master MRouter AndroidUpdater

可以加上 --all 选项,表示所有的仓库切到某个分支上

$ repo start master --all

需要注意的是该命令不会将 manifest 仓库切到某个分支上,所以需要自己手动切。


repo status

例如我修改下 MRouter 工程里的 README.md 文件,然后执行 repo status 命令:

project MRouter/                                project AndroidUpdater/                         branch master
branch master -m        README.md

其中 -m 两个字符用来描述暂存区域(staging area)和最后一次提交状态(last committed state)的不同,有如下中可能:

-No changeSame in HEAD and index
AAddedNot in HEAD, in index
MModifiedIn HEAD, modified in index
DDeletedIn HEAD, not in index
RRenamedNot in HEAD, path changed in index
CCopiedNot in HEAD, copied from another in index
TMode changedSame content in HEAD and index, mode changed
UUnmergedConflict between HEAD and index; resolution required

第二个字符表示工作区(working directory)与索引(index)之间的差异,有如下可能:

-New/unknownNot in index, in work tree
mModifiedIn index, in work tree, modified
dDeletedIn index, not in work tree

repo forall

repo forall [project-list] -c command


repo forall -c git push

查看 manifest 文件

$ repo manifest

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
     <remote name="origin" fetch="."/>

     <default revision="master" remote="origin" sync-j="4" />

     <project name="MRouter"             path="MRouter"/>
     <project name="AndroidUpdater"      path="AndroidUpdater"/>


$ repo list

MRouter : MRouter
AndroidUpdater : AndroidUpdater 

repo 版本信息

$ repo version

repo version v0.4.20
       (from D:\git-repo\.git)
repo launcher version 1.25
       (from D:\git-repo\repo)
git version 2.15.1.windows.2
Python 2.7.14 (v2.7.14:84471935ed, Sep 16 2017, 20:25:58) [MSC v.1500 64 bit (AMD64)]

repo 的帮助命令

如果对有些命令忘记了用法,可以通过 repo help command 来查看命令的说明,如:

repo help status

Show the working tree status

Usage: repo status [<project>...]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -j JOBS, --jobs=JOBS  number of projects to check simultaneously
  -o, --orphans         include objects in working directory outside of repo

'repo status' compares the working tree to the staging area (aka index),
and the most recent commit on this branch (HEAD), in each project
specified. A summary is displayed, one line per file where there is a
difference between these three states.

The -j/--jobs option can be used to run multiple status queries in

The -o/--orphans option can be used to show objects that are in the
working directory, but not associated with a repo project. This includes
unmanaged top-level files and directories, but also includes deeper
items. For example, if dir/subdir/proj1 and dir/subdir/proj2 are repo
projects, dir/subdir/proj3 will be shown if it is not known to repo.

Status Display
The status display is organized into three columns of information, for
example if the file 'subcmds/status.py' is modified in the project
'repo' on branch 'devwork':

  project repo/                                   branch devwork
   -m     subcmds/status.py

The first column explains how the staging area (index) differs from the
last commit (HEAD). Its values are always displayed in upper case and
have the following meanings:

 -:  no difference
 A:  added         (not in HEAD,     in index                     )
 M:  modified      (    in HEAD,     in index, different content  )
 D:  deleted       (    in HEAD, not in index                     )
 R:  renamed       (not in HEAD,     in index, path changed       )
 C:  copied        (not in HEAD,     in index, copied from another)
 T:  mode changed  (    in HEAD,     in index, same content       )
 U:  unmerged; conflict resolution required

The second column explains how the working directory differs from the
index. Its values are always displayed in lower case and have the
following meanings:

 -:  new / unknown (not in index,     in work tree                )
 m:  modified      (    in index,     in work tree, modified      )
 d:  deleted       (    in index, not in work tree                )

自定义 Python 脚本

上面介绍了如何使用 Google Repo 来管理多 git 仓库,但是它存在以下不足:

  • google repo 繁琐问题,需要单独管理 Manifest 分支
  • google repo 不能跨多个 remote
  • google repo 的 status 命令输出信息过多

针对这些问题,我通过自定义 Python 脚本封装了常用的 git 命令。开发者只要关系业务代码开发即可,不需要关注其他不相关的内容。

具体的特点和使用详情可以查看 Github Repos


  • https://source.android.com/setup/build/downloading#installing-repo
  • https://source.android.com/setup/develop/repo
  • https://segmentfault.com/a/1190000015279330
  • https://www.jianshu.com/p/9c57696165f3


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To make edits to changes after they have been uploaded, you should use a tool like git rebase -i or git commit --amend to update your local commits. After your edits are complete: Make sure the updated branch is the currently checked out branch. For each commit in the series, enter the Gerrit change ID inside the brackets: # Replacing from branch foo [ 3021 ] 35f2596c Refactor part of GetUploadableBranches to lookup one specific... [ 2829 ] ec18b4ba Update proto client to support patch set replacments # Insert change numbers in the brackets to add a new patch set. # To create a new change record, leave the brackets empty. After the upload is complete the changes will have an additional Patch Set. If you only want to upload the currently checked out Git branch, you can use the flag --current-branch (or --cbr for short). diff repo diff [<PROJECT_LIST>] Shows outstanding changes between commit and working tree using git diff. download repo download <TARGET> <CHANGE> Downloads the specified change from the review system and makes it available in your project's local working directory. For example, to download change 23823 into your platform/build directory: repo download platform/build 23823 A repo sync should effectively remove any commits retrieved via repo download. Or, you can check out the remote branch; e.g., git checkout m/master. Note: There is a slight mirroring lag between when a change is visible on the web in Gerrit and when repo download will be able to find it for all users, because of replication delays to all servers worldwide. forall repo forall [<PROJECT_LIST>] -c <COMMAND> Executes the given shell command in each project. The following additional environment variables are made available by repo forall: REPO_PROJECT is set to the unique name of the project. REPO_PATH is the path relative to the root of the client. REPO_REMOTE is the name of the remote system from the manifest. REPO_LREV is the name of the revision from the manifest, translated to a local tracking branch. Used if you need to pass the manifest revision to a locally executed git command. REPO_RREV is the name of the revision from the manifest, exactly as written in the manifest. Options: -c: command and arguments to execute. The command is evaluated through /bin/sh and any arguments after it are passed through as shell positional parameters. -p: show project headers before output of the specified command. This is achieved by binding pipes to the command's stdin, stdout, and sterr streams, and piping all output into a continuous stream that is displayed in a single pager session. -v: show messages the command writes to stderr. prune repo prune [<PROJECT_LIST>] Prunes (deletes) topics that are already merged. start repo start <BRANCH_NAME> [<PROJECT_LIST>] Begins a new branch for development, starting from the revision specified in the manifest. The <BRANCH_NAME> argument should provide a short description of the change you are trying to make to the projects.If you don't know, consider using the name default. The <PROJECT_LIST> specifies which projects will participate in this topic branch. Note: "." is a useful shorthand for the project in the current working directory. status repo status [<PROJECT_LIST>] Compares the working tree to the staging area (index) and the most recent commit on this branch (HEAD) in each project specified. Displays a summary line for each file where there is a difference between these three states. To see the status for only the current branch, run repo status. The status information will be listed by project. For each file in the project, a two-letter code is used: In the first column, an uppercase letter indicates how the staging area differs from the last committed state. letter meaning description - no change same in HEAD and index A added not in HEAD, in index M modified in HEAD, modified in index D deleted in HEAD, not in index R renamed not in HEAD, path changed in index C copied not in HEAD, copied from another in index T mode changed same content in HEAD and index, mode changed U unmerged conflict between HEAD and index; resolution required In the second column, a lowercase letter indicates how the working directory differs from the index. letter meaning description - new/unknown not in index, in work tree m modified in index, in work tree, modified d deleted in index, not in work tree Was this page helpful? Let us know how we did:


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