HOWTO: Django on Windows

IMPORTANT NOTE: This was originally posted in April 2006 and has been deprecated. Check out my new/revised Django on Windows guide instead.

Django, TurboGears, Pylons, Zope, Quixote ,

There has been a proliferation of Python web frameworks lately, possibly due in part to the success of Ruby on Rails. I don’t claim to be an expert in web applications, but I have been playing around two of the frameworks: Django and TurboGears. I don’t think TurboGears could be any easier to install, and Django isn’t bad either. But getting an entire stack together to run Django on Windows could be non-obvious to a newcomer. So I decided to put together a tutorial on how to start from scratch and end up with a working Django install.

This guide covers installing Python (and required modules), Postgres, Apache, mod_python, and Django. Also, it includes steps to confirm that Django is working properly post-install. It does not, however, cover how to actually build web applications with the Django framework, as that is well beyond the scope of this guide. However, I do recommend checking out the official tutorial.

There are quite a few steps, so let’s get started…

1. Install Python

The first step is to get the latest version of Python installed. Head on over to and download the latest Windows installer. At the time of writing that is Python 2.4.3:

Double click, walk through the installation wizard and you’ll be all set. Easy enough.

2. Install PostgreSQL

You’ll need a database to use Django. You can use PostgreSQL, MySQL, or SQLite. I’ve become quite a fan of Postgres in recent days, so that’s what I’ll be using. But the other options would work just as well.

Grab the latest win32 binaries for the 8.x series. Right now, that’s

Unpack the zip and you’ll have three files (including a README.TXT). Double click the postgresql-8.1.msi file and then walk through the installer. The default options for what gets installed will probably be fine, but take a look through the options and see if there is anything else you want (e.g. PL/Java). Make sure that you have psql and pgAdmin III selected to be installed. You’ll need those:


You will be asked if you want to run Postgres as a service. If you are running Windows 2000 or Windows XP (so it’s an option) I highly recommend you say yes. It will automatically start the database and run it in the background so it’s there when you need it. You’ll need to pick a username and password for the Windows account for the service. It will create the user account for you if it doesn’t already exist.

When configuring your cluster, the default port of 5432/tcp should be fine unless you have a compelling reason to use something else. Select the proper locale (English, United States for me), and encoding (cool kids use UTF-8). You’ll also need to pick your Postgres superuser name and password. Note that this is not the same as the Windows account the service will be running as, and in fact it is not recommended to have the same password for both. I do recommend using postgres as the username, and a nice secure password:


Click through the final screens and finish. You should now have PostgreSQL installed and running as a service. To try it out, go to Start | Programs | PostgreSQL 8.1 | pgAdmin III and run it. If you have Postgres running properly you should be able to double click on “PostgreSQL Database Server” see something like the following:


Congrats, you have Python and PostgreSQL installed!

3. Install mx Extensions for Python

Django requires psycopg so it can talk to the database. But psycopg depends on mx Extensions, so we’ll install that next.

Download the latest Windows installer for Python 2.4 and run it. Click through the steps and you’ll be all set.

4. Install win-psycopg

Now that we have Python 2.4 and mx Extensions installed, we can install psycopg. Unfortunately the psycopg devs do not maintain win32 binaries. But you can use the unofficial Windows installer which seems to work quite nicely.

Grab the latest win-psycopg package that is built for Python 2.4.x and PostgreSQL 8.x. Unzip it and copy libpq.dll and psycopg.pyd into your $(PYTHONDIR)/DLLs directory This is usually C:/Python24/DLLs.

That’s it.

5. Install Apache 2.x

Next up is Apache. While Django does come with an extremely handy development server that you can use for coding and testing apps, you’ll eventually want to be able to push your application into production. So it’s probably a good idea to get a real Apache install up and running that you can play with.

Installing Apache 2.x on Windows wasn’t nearly as difficult as I thought it would be. Basically head on over to the Apache site and grab the latest win32 binaries. As of right now, the latest is apache_2.0.55-win32-x86-no_ssl.msi.

Double click and run the installer:


You will need to enter some information about your system. Your network name will generally be your domain (e.g. Your server name will probably either be localhost if you only want local access, or your full hostname if you want to be able to access it over the net (e.g. Enter an email address for the administrator and select the option to install for all users on port 80. If you run on port 8000, it will conflict with the default port for the Django development/test server. Not cool.


Now test to see if Apache is up and running. Point your favorite browser at http://localhost (or and see what happens. If you a see a page similar to the following, you are all set:


A nice feature of Apache on Windows (did I just say that?!) is the Apache Service Monitor that you can access via the icon in the bottom-right of your screen. Just click on it and it will come up. From there you can stop, start, and restart the server:


Quite handy.

6. Install mod_python 3.x

We all know that the P in LAMP stands for Python, so the next step is to get mod_python installed. Remember that Django requires mod_python 3.x. So go to the mod_python website and download the latest Windows installer. As of right now, that is: mod_python-3.2.5b.win32-py2.4.exe.

Download, double-click, and run:


After the installer finishes, you still have one more thing to do. Open your Apache configuration file, usually located at C:/Program Files/Apache Group/Apache2/conf/httpd.conf with notepad. Scroll down and look for a section that includes a bunch of lines that start with LoadModule. Add the following line to that section:

LoadModule python_module modules/

Save the file and close it. Open up the Apache Service Monitor and click Restart. You should see the following text:

The Apache2 service is restarting. The Apache2 service has restarted.

If you get errors, you probably made a typo in the configuration file when you were editing it. Check it and try again. If you don’t have any errors, you should be all set.

7. Install SVN for Win32

This step technically isn’t required. You could just use the latest “release” version of Django, but that usually trails the development snapshot by quite a bit these days. So you probably want to install Subversion (aka SVN) so you can check out the latest source.

Go to and download the latest Windows installer. Right now that is: svn-1.3.0-setup.exe.

Download, double-click, and run the installer. There aren’t really any tricky options, so it should be rather straight-forward. After you are done, you’ll be ready to install Django.

8. Download and install Django

Finally! Now that you (should) have all the Django dependencies taken care of, you can actually install the Django framework.

Open up a console window (cmd.exe) and use svn to checkout (co) the trunk source into a directory called django_src:

C:/>svn co django_src

A    django_src/docs/overview.txt
A    django_src/docs/model-api.txt
A    django_src/docs/faq.txt
A    django_src/docs/outputting_pdf.txt
A    django_src/docs/legacy_databases.txt
A    django_src/docs/middleware.txt
A    django_src/docs/authentication.txt
A    django_src/docs/i18n.txt
A    django_src/docs/modpython.txt
A    django_src/docs/redirects.txt
A    django_src/docs/forms.txt
A    django_src/docs/django-admin.txt
A    django_src/docs/generic_views.txt
A    django_src/docs/syndication_feeds.txt
A    django_src/docs/writing-apps-guide-outline.txt
A    django_src/docs/design_philosophies.txt
A    django_src/README
 U   django_src
Checked out revision 2602.


Next, cd into the django_src directory and run the develop to install Django. Note that using the ‘develop’ option makes links from C:/Python24 to C:/django_src so your actual files will still reside in django_src:

C:/>cd django_src C:/django_src>python develop running develop running egg_info creating Django.egg-info writing Django.egg-info/PKG-INFO writing top-level names to Django.egg-info/top_level.txt writing manifest file 'Django.egg-info/SOURCES.txt' writing manifest file 'Django.egg-info/SOURCES.txt' running build_ext Creating c:/python24/lib/site-packages/Django.egg-link Adding Django 0.91 to easy-install.pth file Installing script to C:/Python24/Scripts Installed c:/django_src Processing dependencies for Django==0.91

If your paths are set correctly and everything worked, you should be able to run the following command without any errors:


By the way, if you ever want to update your Django source to the latest revision, just cd into django_src and run svn update from there:

C:/>cd django_src C:/django_src>svn update At revision 2602.

Django is now installed on your system.

9. Create a Django project and test setup

Next, let’s use the tutorial to create a basic Django project and test the setup:

C:/django_src>cd /

C:/>mkdir django

C:/>cd django

C:/django> startproject myproject

C:/django>cd myproject

C:/django/myproject>python runserver
Validating models...
0 errors found.

Django version 0.9.1(SVN), using settings 'myproject.settings'
Development server is running at
Quit the server with CONTROL-C or CTRL-BREAK.

Running ` runserver` starts the built-in dev server on port 8000. Browse to http://localhost:8000 and you should see the following:

Django - It worked!

10. Enable mod_python handlers for Django

Now that everything is installed and we know that Django is working properly, it’s time to get it working with Apache and mod_python.

Open your Apache2 config file located at C:/Program Files/Apache Group/Apache2/conf/httpd.conf and add the following to the bottom of the file:

<Location "/mysite/"> SetHandler python-program PythonPath "['C:/django'] + sys.path" PythonHandler django.core.handlers.modpython SetEnv DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE myproject.settings PythonDebug On </Location> <Location "/media/"> SetHandler None </Location> <LocationMatch "/.(jpg|gif|png)$"> SetHandler None </LocationMatch>

Open the Apache Service Monitor and hit the Restart button.

Browse to http://localhost/mysite/ (note that this is port 80 this time) and you should see the following:


If you do, then you have Django installed and running via Apache and mod_python, ready for anything you can throw at it. Congrats!


  • Quite a few people have had problems with their Windows path or their Python path. Please see the comments below for some tips on getting that working.
  • Please note that since the time this HOWTO was published, a lot has changed regarding installing Django on Windows. Check out the new Django on Windows guide instead!


61 Responses to “HOWTO: Django on Windows”

  1. Joe Says:

    Nice writeup. I’m really enjoying the Python articles at thinkhole!

  2. arwen Says:

    Thanks a lot, One more thing about “”" Note that the Beta Version (2.0b8) is NOT built with the MX Toolkit, so it is not required. “”"

  3. Alfonso Says:

    Excellent tutorial though once I get to the ‘’ stage to test everything has been installed I get this: ‘’ is not recognized as an internal or external command

    Is the something obvious I’m missing?

  4. Vitrious Says:

    Alfonso, I had the same problem, and that is that is not in your path. Add c:/Python24/Scripts to your path by right-clicking on My Computer, Select Properties, Goto Advanced tab, Click Environment Variables button at the bottom, at the bottom list look for path and select edit. Add “;C:/Python24/Scripts” at the end without the quotes. Close your terminal window, reopen it and try again. This assumes that python is installed in c:/python24. Hope this helps.

  5. import this. » Blog Archive » Django for non-programmers Says:

    [...] Related: Django on Windows HOWTO [...]

  6. Dan Says:

    Thanks fot the gret tut i’m 90 percent of the way but am getting hug up just like Alfonso was. I followed the instructions that Vitrious gave above but I’m still recieving this error when I try to access

    C:/django_src> Traceback : File “C:/Python24/Scripts/”, line 4, in ? from pkg_resources impot require; require ImportError: No Module named pkg_resources

    If anyone acan help I would appreciate it, I’m a total NOOOBE at this.

  7. Guy Says:

    I’m having the same problem as Dan. Is there a module pkg_resources that must be installed manually, if so could somebody please tell me how to find it? I looked all over for it.

  8. Guy Says:

    Hey Dan, I’ve gotten it to work. Execute That will clear up all dependancy issues.

  9. Steven Says:

    I was having the same problem Dan was. I solved it by editing my PATH and PATHTEXT variables. To do this, go to system properties (right click on my computer, click settings). Click the “Advanced” tab and then at the bottom of that screen, click on “Environment Variables.” In the bottom list, scroll down until you see PATH under the Variable column heading and. Click on it and then click the “Edit” button. Make sure C:/Python24;C:/django_src/conf/project_template;C:/Python24/Scripts is in that text box, but be sure to correct it for your installation paths. Click OK and then click on PATHTEXT and the “Edit” button. Ad .PY to the end of that text box. Click Ok and you’re done. Note that you need to close any open command prompts you have open before your new settings will take effect.

  10. Michael Andersen Says:

    Another n00b, having some trouble way up at step 6. I edit my httpd.conf file as instructed, but Apache tells me “Cannot load c:/[...]/modules/ into server: The specified procedure could not be found.” I checked my modules folder; the file is there.

    I’m on Apache 2.2, so I’m going to try an earlier version, I suppose.

  11. » links for 2006-05-30 Says:

    [...] import this. » Blog Archive » Django on Windows HOWTO This guide covers installing Python (and required modules), Postgres, Apache, mod_python, and Django. Also, it includes steps to confirm that Django is working properly post-install. It does not, however, cover how to actually build web applications with (tags: django apache windows python mod_python postgres) [...]

  12. graham Says:

    Thanks. Good tutorial which fills in a few gaps from the django project site. To run from Apache I found I needed to add the following to httpd.conf, otherwise I got 404 not found errors when accessing the site through Apache:

    Alias /mysite/ “C:/django/myproject/”

  13. mellis Says:

    I’m trying to run python syncdb but I get the error python21.dll not found

    I’ve followed all the instructions as above for a Windows XP install. I’m not yest using apache, just django’s built in webserver.

  14. Why Dont You…Blog? » Technological Retreat Says:

    [...] The best I found was a link to a blog Django on Windows but that was just a comment which hasnt been replied to yet. Macromedia / Adobe had some hope on their support forums but that provided the solution on a URL which doesnt work. All in all - not a successful evening.   [...]

  15. WhyDontYou Says:

    I have a similar problem to Michael Andersen. Whenever I add the LoadModule python_module modules/ to the httpd.conf Apache refuses to start.

    All it does is produce the error message:

    “The specified procedure could not be found”

  16. Ray Says:

    @Michael Andersen and WhyDontYou

    Note that the current official stable release of mod_python does not work with Apache 2.2 yet. You’ll either have to do some patching/get an SVN release, or use Apache 2.0.x

  17. Oliver Charles Says:

    Great job, great guide - no problems at all here!

  18. the blixtra blog » Blog Archive » Top 30 Django Tutorials and Articles Says:

    [...] Django on Windows HOWTO [...]

  19. Nikolay Lapshin Says:

    I have a similar problem to Michael Andersen and WhyDontYou. LoadModule python_module modules/ to the httpd.conf Apache refuses to start with the error message:

    “The specified module could not be found”

    I have tried Apache 2.0.55 and 2.0.58.

  20. Nikolay Lapshin Says:

    I solved this problem with Apache 2.0.xx by copying python24.dll to the Apache2/bin direcotry. :)

  21. davetown Says:

    mellis, i had the same problem and rebuilt everything. i think i might have missed a step…if you try and reinstall mod-python, you should get the same error. Make sure you run both win-psycopg and psycopg. Hope that helps!

  22. Stephen Says:

    I am also getting hung up on the command.

    I adjusted the PATH and PATHTEXT variables as suggested by both Vitrious and Steven, and I likewise ran as mentioned by Guy.

    Nonetheless, I still receive the following message - ‘’ is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.

    Any further ideas would be greatly appreciated.

  23. Stephen Says:

    It looks like that command problem is solved via the following:

    cd C:/Python24/Lib/site-packages svn co

    cd django/bin

    I found this tip at


  24. Stephen Says:

    btw - I had to run

    and NOT exemaker

    as suggested at the above mentioned effbot link - and that led to success

  25. Stephen Says:

    I take all that back - I seem to have returned to my first post (very frustrating).

  26. import this. » Blog Archive » Top 30 Django tutorials Says:

    [...] The blixtra blog has a list of the Top 30 Django Tutorials and Articles. My Django on Windows HOWTO appears to have made the list. [...]

  27. Stephen Says:

    Somehow I managed to tinker away and complete this tutorial as my primary source.

    It’s very well-written.

    The petty annoyances I ran into were inevitable path discrepancies and not a problem at all with the tutorial.

    Many thanks are owed by me to thinkhole labs.

    thanks etc. and so on…

    I did struggle with the final mod_python apache linkup, but that finally appears as follows, in case that becomes a problem for anybody (note especially changes made inside the brackets):

    SetHandler python-program PythonPath “['/django_src/django/'] + sys.path” PythonHandler django.core.handlers.modpython SetEnv DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE mysite.settings PythonDebug On

    SetHandler None

    SetHandler None

  28. newDjango Says:

    Good article. Definitely it helps a lots. Thanks.

    I have some problem to create a project. From a command line, I type the following comment startprojet nameOfNewProject

    then I have the following error message

    Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600] (C) Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp.

    D:/django/TestSite> D:/django/TestSite> D:/django/TestSite> startproject nameOfProject Traceback (most recent call last): File “D:/django/django_src/django/bin/”, line 2, in ? from django.core import management ImportError: No module named django.core

    Any help would be appreciated.

  29. Ryno Says:

    I’m also having dramas, having this output when I enter http://localhost/mysite/

    Mod_python error: “PythonHandler django.core.handlers.modpython”

    Traceback (most recent call last):

    File “C:/Python24/Lib/site-packages/mod_python/”, line 299, in HandlerDispatch result = object(req)

    File “c:/django_src/django/core/handlers/”, line 163, in handler return ModPythonHandler()(req)

    File “c:/django_src/django/core/handlers/”, line 125, in __call__ if settings.ENABLE_PSYCO:

    File “c:/django_src/django/conf/”, line 27, in __getattr__ self._import_settings()

    File “c:/django_src/django/conf/”, line 54, in _import_settings self._target = Settings(settings_module)

    File “c:/django_src/django/conf/”, line 82, in __init__ raise EnvironmentError, “Could not import settings ‘%s’ (Is it on sys.path? Does it have syntax errors?): %s” % (self.SETTINGS_MODULE, e)

    EnvironmentError: Could not import settings ‘myproject.settings’ (Is it on sys.path? Does it have syntax errors?): No module named myproject.settings

  30. Ryno Says:

    Sorry, remove the above comment, was a stuff up on my behalf. I missed the ‘mkdir django’ step and created the ‘myproject’ folder in the root of C:/ instead. Sorry about that :(

  31. Sigg3 Says:

    Just a note from the psycopg site:

    Note that the Psycopg2 (2.0.4) is NOT built with the MX Toolkit, so it is not required.

  32. Realw4r3 Says:

    yeah this tutorial is great, nice job, i worked uut at the 1s time!

  33. Oscar Says:

    Hi all, im searchin for a good tutorial post-installation, about getting started and build a new app with django, managing templates and more. Thanx for this Very nice installation tutorial. Just for who encountered something wrong like me, be sure to set your path environment variables correctly!!! for example ;c:/python24/scripts

    Tnx for your help

  34. Orlando Pozo Says:

    Nice Tutorial,

    Just make sure to set the environment variables of the operating system for:

    python.exe (Note: I am using from django_src/django/bin)

  35. Scott Newman Says:

    Is it possible to run .91 and .95 at the same time? I have been using .95, and now I need to support an app written in .91 on my Windows dev box.

  36. Jayesh Says:

    I still can not get step # 10 to work for me. I get 404 page not found error. I tried all the options mentioned by other users here. I dont know what is wrong. Step # 9 works just fine.

  37. import this. » Blog Archive » Minimal Django install on Windows Says:

    [...] Here’s a quick guide for a minimal Django install on Windows, as opposed to my more complex Django on Windows HOWTO from a while back. [...]

  38. Djang Says:

    Best tutorial there is for Django! I got it working on my windows 2000 box awhile back. :)

  39. Graeme Says:

    When I run the command ‘python develop’, I get the following errors:

    ‘import site’ failed; use -v for traceback Traceback (most recent call last): File “”, line 1, in ? import ez_setup # From File “C:/django_src/”, line 33, in ? import sys, os ImportError: No module named os

    Any idea what I’m doing wrong?

  40. Steve M Says:

    A nice alternative is to install just one program on Windows, the VMWare Server (free to download). Then make a VM with Ubuntu 6.06 LTS Server and use apt-get to install PostgreSQL, Apache, sshd, svn, etc. and run it that way. You can also mount in the Ubuntu machine a volume or directory from the Windows system (or vice versa) and keep your project source code files there, so you can edit them using your favorite Windows editor (I like Scite).

  41. Thad Wheeler Says:

    Great article, got everything installed and sort of working. I am having a problem on getting the startproject myproject to run. I enter this into the command line and get the help text for the django-admin command, instead of it creating my new directory. I installed all the pre-reqs using Apache2Triad, and everything seems to be pathed correctly.

    btw - this is on Windows Server 2k3..


  42. Raja Agrawal Says:

    For all those who are getting the following error: EnvironmentError: Could not import DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE ‘djangoSite.settings.main’ (is it on sys.path?):

    Modify your Python path as follows: PythonPath “[r'c:/django'] + sys.path”

    The r in the r’c:/’ thingy is essential, it tells python to not parse the string for backslash escapes like /n or such. [Taken from the comments from] Anyways, Great tutorial indeed. Could you please reflect this change, many people seem to be finding this difficult.

  43. Joe Says:

    the “python develop” command causes “error: invalid command ‘develop’ “. I am trying to install with MySQL DB.

    Any help is much appreciated

  44. John Says:


    Unfortunately this guide has been come a bit outdated since I first posted it. The documentation on the Django site is actually quite good if you want to get up and running on Windows. You might want to check their guide instead.

    Perhaps I’ll post a newer/updated guide….

  45. Pradeep Says:

    The new command is python install !

  46. andkoma Says:

    Hi Joe, i spend hours to find a solution to integrade a python web application inside a local xampp installation with mod_python. i’ve found nothing, where the versions of needed packages are up-to-date or well documented.

    After finding this step-by-step guide, it cost me less than an hour to successful visit the local “Django Congratulation” page on an xampp 1.5.5 for Windows. Many thanx and yes - a new updated version will reduce confusion and half the needed time for install.

  47. John Says:


    Did you use Python 2.4 or Python 2.5?

  48. Industrial Something » Django Says:

    [...] that had changed, and if I get the free time, I may write those up into a how-to on this site. PermalinkTrackBack [...]

  49. Rahul Says:

    Hi we are implemented django on win xp pro , its working fine, except its admin interface. Its not getting the css,js at admin interface, we have also created the shorcuts in documentroot of media in apache. Is there any way so we get the admin interface with proper css.

  50. Raj Says:

    I found this very helpful to get setup! Everything worked with no problems.

  51. jzhang Says:

    good tutorial, the last step, at very first try i used the url http://localhost/mysite, but i always got the problem 404; I tried use alias … as suggested in the post above or add r’c:/django..”; I got the same result, but afte I review it, I found i forgot the / after mysite, so it should be http://localhost/mysite/, voila, i got it, in case someone has the same problem, read it again, you may miss something there; Good luck, and thank you for your great tutorial.

  52. Sita Says:

    Hi I am following your tutorial and am not successful

    window Xp apache 2.2 running mysql 4.1

    downloaded and installed:

    1. C:/dev/python25 also path set to %python25%/Lib/site-packages not sure if path set up was necessary

    2. mod_python-3.3.1.win32-py2.5-Apache2.2 installed mod-python at my C:/dev/python25 directory

    apache config the http file with LoadModule python_module modules/ apache would not start !

    also, During installation of mod_python, it couldn’t recognise my apache server error: Traceback (most recent call last): File “”, line 115, in File “C:/dev/Python25/lib/”, line 91, in copy2 copyfile(src, dst) File “C:/dev/Python25/lib/”, line 47, in copyfile fdst = open(dst, ‘wb’) IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: ‘C:/Program Files/Apache Software Foundation/Apache2.2/bin//modules//’ *** run_installscript: internal error 0xFFFFFFFF ***

    3. svn-python-1.4.4.win32-py2.5 also installed at my C:/dev/python25 directory

    4. subversion-1.4.4 also installed at my C:/dev/python25 directory

    I can get to recognise the SVN command at my dos window to install django,

    What steps am I missing?


  53. Cesar Says:

    It took me a while to figure out how to run and install django. Nevertheless I got it to work. At the moment I am trying to build an app similar to a video tutorial that jacobb comes out on which is the photo app. I was able to get the first part running which is making a photo project and making a photos app. Successfully launched the admin interface and from the admin I built the photos app. Was able to get the uploading part but when I go back to the admin photo interface I have a problem I cant view the photo thumbnails in the admin site. I have three fields which are the image field, title, and the time. Under the image field all i see is text that points to the name of the img. Is there a tutorial for setting up an image database using django. Im looking to build a simple sort of like a news posting similar to Jacobbs app in a google video tutorial. Can somebody help me. Been looking for documentation all over but cant seem to get anything done…thanks

  54. How to install and set up Django on Windows Says:

    [...] hate to say, there is 10 times better written article than this one on installing Django on Windows here. I will highly advice you to go there and see it. It is just that I was not aware of [...]

  55. Troy Says:

    Just a note on the “ImportError: No module named django.core” error. I hit this tonight and figured it was a problem with my environment path. After several failed attempts to fix it I found that the problem was with my windows association for the .py extension. Since my last run of from the command line I had installed Python 2.5 but my django installation was under 2.4. Just a reminder to be careful with where things are running.

    I fixed the problem by right clicking on a .py file and changing the default program back to the 2.4 version of python.

  56. Redza Says:

    Hello everyone,

    I’m stuck at the step #8b where I couldn’t execute this command:

    C:/django_src>python develop

    I really hope someone might show me where did I go wrong…




  57. Billy Says:

    Thanks for post. Got it going first thing.

  58. Jason Says:

    First of all, hats off to those who created this tutorial and also to all of you who have contributed your efforts on this board.

    I’m having the toughest time trying to get my httpd.conf file right. Here’s what I currently have at the end of the file:

    SetHandler python-program PythonPath “['C:/django'] + sys.path” PythonHandler django.core.handlers.modpython SetEnv DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE testproject.settings PythonDebug On

    SetHandler None

    SetHandler None

    When I go to restart Apache 2.2, I get an error message that says “The requested operation has failed.” When I remove all of the django config stuff, Apache starts just fine.


  59. Jason Says:

    I should also have noted that I’m attempting this with MySQL instead of PostgreSQL. I don’t think that would make a difference for this part of the setup but maybe I’m wrong on that?

  60. Django on Windows | Tim Almond Says:

    [...] I’ve followed some of this, while I keep going through the jolly good Django Book. I’ve not tried the database stuff yet [...]

  61. Mark Says:

    Hi, Very nice tutotial. But after all I have problems…

    after things like: PythonPath “[r'c:/'] + sys.path” etc doesn’t work for me. Only way is PythonPath “['c:/'] + sys.path” or PythonPath “['c:///'] + sys.path”. But this is not subject of my problem…

    I’m using Winsdows Vista Bus., Apache2.2.8, python2.5.1, mod_python3.3.1.

    Now it looks like working, buut: when I’m trying to connect my site i have error: ViewDoesNotExist or TemplateDoesNotExist (when trying to open simgle subpage) and this is untrue because with django server (run server) everything work fine.

    Sorry for me english. Please help





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