- @Override
- public void onUpdate(Context context, AppWidgetManager appWidgetManager,
- int[] appWidgetIds) {
- // 创建一个Intent对象
- Intent intent = new Intent();
- intent.putExtra("id", R.id.btn1);
- intent.setAction(broadCastString);
- // 设置pendingIntent的作用
- PendingIntent pendingIntent = PendingIntent.getBroadcast(context,UUID.randomUUID().hashCode(),intent, PendingIntent.FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT);
- RemoteViews remoteViews = new RemoteViews(context.getPackageName(),R.layout.example_appwidget);
- remoteViews.setOnClickPendingIntent(R.id.btn1, pendingIntent);
- // 创建一个Intent对象
- Intent intent2 = new Intent();
- intent2.putExtra("id", R.id.btn2);
- intent2.setAction(broadCastString);
- // 设置pendingIntent的作用
- PendingIntent pendingIntent2 = PendingIntent.getBroadcast(context, UUID.randomUUID().hashCode(),intent2,PendingIntent.FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT);
- RemoteViews remoteViews2 = new RemoteViews(context.getPackageName(),R.layout.example_appwidget);
- remoteViews2.setOnClickPendingIntent(R.id.btn2, pendingIntent2);
- // 更新Appwidget
- appWidgetManager.updateAppWidget(appWidgetIds, remoteViews);
- }
- @Override
- public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
- if (intent == null) {
- return;
- }
- String action = intent.getAction();
- if (broadCastString.equals(action)) {
- int id = intent.getIntExtra("id", -1);
- String str = "";
- if(id == R.id.btn1){
- str ="btn 1 click:";
- }else if(id == R.id.btn2){
- str ="btn 2 click:";
- }
- // 只能通过远程对象来设置appwidget中的控件状态
- RemoteViews remoteViews = new RemoteViews(context.getPackageName(),
- R.layout.example_appwidget);
- // 通过远程对象将按钮的文字设置为”一个随机数”
- Random random1 = new Random();
- remoteViews.setTextViewText(R.id.text,str + random1.nextInt());
- // 获得appwidget管理实例,用于管理appwidget以便进行更新操作
- AppWidgetManager appWidgetManager = AppWidgetManager.getInstance(context);
- // 相当于获得所有本程序创建的appwidget
- ComponentName componentName = new ComponentName(context,ExampleAppWidgetProvider.class);
- // 更新appwidget
- appWidgetManager.updateAppWidget(componentName, remoteViews);
- //这里没有绑定pendingIntent,
- }
- super.onReceive(context, intent);
- }
A PendingIntent itself is simply a reference to a token maintained by the system describing the original data used to retrieve it. This means that, even if its owning application's process is killed, the PendingIntent itself will remain usable from other processes that have been given it. If the creating application later re-retrieves the same kind of PendingIntent (same operation, same Intent action, data, categories, and components, and same flags), it will receive a PendingIntent representing the same token if that is still valid, and can thus call cancel()
to remove it.
Because of this behavior, it is important to know when two Intents are considered to be the same for purposes of retrieving a PendingIntent. A common mistake people make is to create multiple PendingIntent objects with Intents that only vary in their "extra" contents, expecting to get a different PendingIntent each time. This does not happen. The parts of the Intent that are used for matching are the same ones defined by Intent.filterEquals
. If you use two Intent objects that are equivalent as per Intent.filterEquals
, then you will get the same PendingIntent for both of them.
There are two typical ways to deal with this.
If you truly need multiple distinct PendingIntent objects active at the same time (such as to use as two notifications that are both shown at the same time), then you will need to ensure there is something that is different about them to associate them with different PendingIntents. This may be any of the Intent attributes considered by Intent.filterEquals
, or different request code integers supplied to getActivity(Context, int, Intent, int)
, getActivities(Context, int, Intent[], int)
, getBroadcast(Context, int, Intent, int)
, or getService(Context, int, Intent, int)
public boolean filterEquals (Intent other)
Determine if two intents are the same for the purposes of intent resolution (filtering). That is, if their action, data, type, class, and categories are the same. This does not compare any extra data included in the intents.
- @Override
- public void onUpdate(Context context, AppWidgetManager appWidgetManager,
- int[] appWidgetIds) {
- // 创建一个Intent对象
- Intent intent = new Intent();
- intent.setData(Uri.parse("harvic:" + R.id.btn1));
- intent.setAction(broadCastString);
- // 设置pendingIntent的作用
- PendingIntent pendingIntent = PendingIntent.getBroadcast(context, UUID
- .randomUUID().hashCode(), intent,
- RemoteViews remoteViews = new RemoteViews(context.getPackageName(),
- R.layout.example_appwidget);
- remoteViews.setOnClickPendingIntent(R.id.btn1, pendingIntent);
- // 创建一个Intent对象
- Intent intent2 = new Intent();
- intent2.setData(Uri.parse("harvic:" + R.id.btn2));
- intent2.setAction(broadCastString);
- // 设置pendingIntent的作用
- PendingIntent pendingIntent2 = PendingIntent.getBroadcast(context, UUID
- .randomUUID().hashCode(), intent2,
- RemoteViews remoteViews2 = new RemoteViews(context.getPackageName(),
- R.layout.example_appwidget);
- remoteViews2.setOnClickPendingIntent(R.id.btn2, pendingIntent2);
- // 更新Appwidget
- appWidgetManager.updateAppWidget(appWidgetIds, remoteViews);
- }
- public class ExampleAppWidgetProvider extends AppWidgetProvider {
- String broadCastString = "harvic.provider";
- @Override
- public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
- if (intent == null) {
- return;
- }
- String action = intent.getAction();
- if (broadCastString.equals(action)) {
- Uri data = intent.getData();
- int resID = -1;
- if(data != null){
- resID = Integer.parseInt(data.getSchemeSpecificPart());
- }
- // 只能通过远程对象来设置appwidget中的控件状态
- RemoteViews remoteViews = new RemoteViews(context.getPackageName(),
- R.layout.example_appwidget);
- // 通过远程对象将按钮的文字设置为”一个随机数”
- Random random1 = new Random();
- remoteViews.setTextViewText(R.id.text, resID +":" + random1.nextInt());
- // 获得appwidget管理实例,用于管理appwidget以便进行更新操作
- AppWidgetManager appWidgetManager = AppWidgetManager
- .getInstance(context);
- // 相当于获得所有本程序创建的appwidget
- ComponentName componentName = new ComponentName(context,
- ExampleAppWidgetProvider.class);
- // 更新appwidget
- appWidgetManager.updateAppWidget(componentName, remoteViews);
- // 这里没有绑定pendingIntent,
- }
- super.onReceive(context, intent);
- }