With Silverlight 4 and RIA Services all-but done, I thought it would be worthwhile to highlight some of the key features of the platform and tools that make Silverlight a fantastic platform for building business applications.    I’ll avoid gratuitous video and dancing hippos and focus on just the bread and butter of business applications:  Querying, Updating, Validating and securing your important business-data.  I’ll also use this to refresh a few of the posts from my Silverlight 3 era series .   

The walk through requires:

You can download the completed application .  

I authored this with Silverlight 4 RC, but I fully expect it to work with Silverlight 4 RTM. 

  1. Starting a New Project with the Business Application Template  
  2. Exposing Data from Entity Framework  
  3. Consuming Data in the Client
  4. Updating Data
  5. Validating Data
  6. Authentication and Personalization
  7. Silverlight and Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  8. Exposing OData Services
  9. Exposing WCF (WSDL) Services
  10. Exposing JSON Endpoint
  11. Working with Reference Data - In Progress
  12. Deploying to a 3rd Party Hoster (I could not do any better than Saurabh's post!)
  13. Workflow Integration - In Progress
  14. Management with AppFabric - In Progress
  15. Debugging Tips and Tricks - In Progress
  16. Globalized and Localized