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原创 Python Exercise #16

#!/usr/bin/python # exact position of python#!/usr/bin/env python # position of python in enviornment variables# -*- coding:utf-8 -*- # coding# Purpose: Reading And Writing Filesfrom sys im

2013-05-31 20:10:07 744

原创 Python Exercise #15

#!/usr/bin/python # exact position of python #!/usr/bin/env python # position of python in enviornment variables # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- # coding # Purpose: Reading Filesfrom sys import a

2013-05-30 22:28:19 799

原创 Python Exercise #14

#!/usr/bin/python # exact position of python#!/usr/bin/env python # position of python in enviornment variables# -*- coding:utf-8 -*- # coding# Purpose: Prompting And Passingfrom sys import

2013-05-30 20:26:29 939

原创 Python Exercise #13

#!/usr/bin/python # exact position of python#!/usr/bin/env python # position of python in enviornment variables# -*- coding:utf-8 -*- # coding# Purpose: Parameters,Unpacking,Variablesfrom s

2013-05-29 22:14:52 802

原创 Python Exercise #12

#!/usr/bin/python # exact position of python#!/usr/bin/env python # position of python in enviornment variables# -*- coding:utf-8 -*- # codingage = raw_input("How old are you? ")height = ra

2013-05-28 20:16:00 699

原创 Python Exercise #11

#!/usr/bin/python # exact position of python#!/usr/bin/env python # position of python in enviornment variables# -*- coding:utf-8 -*- # codingprint "How old are you?",age = raw_input()prin

2013-05-28 14:20:38 763

原创 Python Exercise #10

#!/usr/bin/python # exact position of python#!/usr/bin/env python # position of python in enviornment variables# -*- coding:utf-8 -*- # codingprint "I am 6'2\" tall." # escape double-quote i

2013-05-28 13:01:17 804

原创 MySQL查询结果导出为文件

select * from db into outfile '/tmp/db.csv'fields terminated by ',';如需字段名可用以下方法:mysql -uroot -pmysql mysql -Be "select * from db" > /tmp/db.xls

2013-05-28 11:48:26 762

原创 Python Exercise #9

#!/usr/bin/python # exact position of python#!/usr/bin/env python # position of python in enviornment# -*- coding:utf-8 -*- # coding# Here's some new strange stuff, remember type it exactly.

2013-05-27 22:03:36 710

原创 Python Exercise #8

#!/usr/bin/python # exact position of python#!/usr/bin/env python # position of python in enviornment # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- # codingformatter = "%r %r %r %r"print formatter % (1, 2, 3, 4)

2013-05-27 21:56:47 801

原创 Python Exercise #7

#!/usr/bin/python # exact position of python#!/usr/bin/env python # position of python in enviornment variables# -*- coding:utf-8 -*- # codingprint "Mary had a little lamb."print "Its fleec

2013-05-27 13:20:00 838

原创 Python Exercise #6

#!/usr/bin/python # exact position of python#!/usr/bin/env python # position of python in enviornment variables# -*- coding:utf-8 -*- # coding# %r is for debugging,displaying the "raw" data

2013-05-27 13:10:06 884

原创 Python Exercise #5

#!/usr/bin/python # exact position of python#!/usr/bin/env python # position of python in enviornment# -*- coding:utf-8 -*- # codingmy_name = 'kin zhang'my_age = 29 # it's truemy_heigh

2013-05-24 21:13:49 797

原创 Python Exercise #4

#!/usr/bin/python # exact position of python#!/usr/bin/env python # position of python in enviornment# -*- coding:utf-8 -*- # codingcars = 100space_in_a_car = 4.0drivers = 30passengers =

2013-05-24 16:22:47 1079

原创 Python Exercise #3

#!/usr/bin/python # exact position#!/usr/bin/env python # position in enviornment# -*- coding:utf-8 -*- # coding# + plus# - minus# / slash# * asterisk# % percent? mod# < less-than# > g

2013-05-24 16:06:47 769

原创 Python Exercise #2

#!/usr/bin/python # exact position#!/usr/bin/env python # position in enviornment# -*- coding:utf-8 -*- # coding# A comment,this is so you can read your program later.# Anything after the #

2013-05-24 15:39:42 712

原创 Python Exercise #1

#!/usr/bin/python # exact position#!/usr/bin/env python # position in enviornment# -*- coding:utf-8 -*- # codingprint "hello world!"print "hello again"print "i like typing this."print "thi

2013-05-24 10:46:39 817

原创 CentOS6.2安装VNC

yum instal tigervnc-serveryum install tigervnc-server-appletyum install tigervnc-server-moduleyum install xtermyum install xorg-x11-xinityum install xorg-x11-twmyum install libXfont xorg-x

2013-05-02 10:43:21 918

data Guard Concepts and Administration

data Guard Concepts and Administration



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