Easy Widgets拖拽框架

什么是Easy Widgets?

Easy Widgets:是一个jQuery的插件。通过它可以很容易的掌握布局。
首先展示下Easy Widgets的最简单的功能。

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  • $(function(){   
  • // Prepare the Widgets 

  • $.fn.EasyWidgets();   
  • });   

$(function(){ // Prepare the Widgets $.fn.EasyWidgets(); }); html层,我们只需要定义:

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  • <div class="widget-place"> <div class="widget"> <div class="widget-header"> Widget title here </div> <div class="widget-editbox"> Widget edit stuff here </div> <div class="widget-content"> Widget content here </div> </div> </div> <div class="widget-place"></div>   

<div class="widget-place"> <div class="widget"> <div class="widget-header"> Widget title here </div> <div class="widget-editbox"> Widget edit stuff here </div> <div class="widget-content"> Widget content here </div> </div> </div> <div class="widget-place"></div> 上面的小例子,我定义了两个widget,其中一个widget可以拉到另外一个widget中。当然您可以通过Easy Widgets的简单的配置来改变这些。这里我们使用的是默认的插件设置。 当然Easy Widgets并不只是只能使用div作为容易,你可以使用其他的元素作为容器。比如说ul。Easy Widgets由header,editbox 和content三部分组成。 header:故名思意就是头部的意思。他用来包含widget标题,以及一些操作按钮。editbox:就是当您编辑widget所层现的东西。这里可以放一些form之类的。对他进行修改。content:就是widget的具体内容。 Easy Widgets默认的CSS: 
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  • .widget-place { margin: 0; padding: 0; float: left; width: 33.3%; height: auto; list-style: none; min-height: 400px; }   
  • .widget-placeholder { border: #000 dashed 1px; }   
  • .widget {}   
  • .widget-header {}   
  • .widget-menu { }   
  • .widget-menu a { margin: 0 0 0 0.5em; }   
  • .widget-editbox {}   
  • .widget-content {}  

.widget-place { margin: 0; padding: 0; float: left; width: 33.3%; height: auto; list-style: none; min-height: 400px; } .widget-placeholder { border: #000 dashed 1px; } .widget {} .widget-header {} .widget-menu { } .widget-menu a { margin: 0 0 0 0.5em; } .widget-editbox {} .widget-content {}    当然您可以修改默认的样式来达到您想要的效果。网上已经有很多很炫的效果大家自己可以去参考。 Easy Widgets也是一种全球化的插件,它有自己的语言包,您可以改变它默认的显示,当然你也可以通过图片来代替对应的文字,用来显示menu。  view plain print ?

  • i18n : {  
  •   editText : 'Edit',  
  •   closeText : 'Close',  
  •   extendText : 'Extend',  
  •   collapseText : 'Collapse',  
  •   cancelEditText : 'Cancel',  
  •   editTitle : 'Edit this widget',  
  •   closeTitle : 'Close this widget',  
  •   confirmMsg : 'Remove this widget?',  
  •   cancelEditTitle : 'Cancel edition',  
  •   extendTitle : 'Extend this widget',  
  •   collapseTitle : 'Collapse this widget'

  • }  

    i18n : {      editText : 'Edit',      closeText : 'Close',      extendText : 'Extend',      collapseText : 'Collapse',      cancelEditText : 'Cancel',      editTitle : 'Edit this widget',      closeTitle : 'Close this widget',      confirmMsg : 'Remove this widget?',      cancelEditTitle : 'Cancel edition',      extendTitle : 'Extend this widget',      collapseTitle : 'Collapse this widget'    }你可以通过设置cookie去保存Easy Widgets的当前状态,默认情况下Easy Widgets是关闭cookie的,您只需通过一下代码去设置cookie状态  view plain print ?

  • cookies : {  
  •   path : '',  
  •   domain : '',  
  •   expires : 90,  
  •   secure : false,  
  •   closeName : 'ew-close',  
  •   disableName : 'ew-disable',  
  •   positionName : 'ew-position',  
  •   collapseName : 'ew-collapse'

  • },  

    cookies : {      path : '',      domain : '',      expires : 90,      secure : false,      closeName : 'ew-close',      disableName : 'ew-disable',      positionName : 'ew-position',      collapseName : 'ew-collapse'    }, 同时Easy Widgets也可以让您定义多个task的callback事件。下面的代码列出所有的callback事件  view plain print ?

  • callbacks : {  
  •   onAdd : null,  
  •   onEdit : null,  
  •   onShow : null,  
  •   onHide : null,  
  •   onClose : null,  
  •   onEnable : null,  
  •   onExtend : null,  
  •   onDisable : null,  
  •   onDragStop : null,  
  •   onCollapse : null,  
  •   onAddQuery : null,  
  •   onEditQuery : null,  
  •   onShowQuery : null,  
  •   onHideQuery : null,  
  •   onCloseQuery : null,  
  •   onCancelEdit : null,  
  •   onEnableQuery : null,  
  •   onExtendQuery : null,  
  •   onDisableQuery : null,  
  •   onCollapseQuery : null,  
  •   onCancelEditQuery : null,  
  •   onChangePositions : null,  
  •   onRefreshPositions : null

  • },  

    callbacks : {      onAdd : null,      onEdit : null,      onShow : null,      onHide : null,      onClose : null,      onEnable : null,      onExtend : null,      onDisable : null,      onDragStop : null,      onCollapse : null,      onAddQuery : null,      onEditQuery : null,      onShowQuery : null,      onHideQuery : null,      onCloseQuery : null,      onCancelEdit : null,      onEnableQuery : null,      onExtendQuery : null,      onDisableQuery : null,      onCollapseQuery : null,      onCancelEditQuery : null,      onChangePositions : null,      onRefreshPositions : null    },好了,介绍完插件的使用,下面列出Easy Widgets所有的默认设置。当然大家在使用的时候可以不修改就能使用,但是也可以通过一定的设置去完成自己想要的结果。 view plain print ?

  • $.fn.EasyWidgets.defaults = {  

  •     // Behaviour of the plugin

  •     behaviour : {  

  •       // Miliseconds delay between mousedown and drag start

  •       dragDelay : 100,  

  •       // Miliseconds delay between mouseup and drag stop

  •       dragRevert : 100,  

  •       // Determinme the opacity of Widget when start drag

  •       dragOpacity : 0.8,  

  •       // Use cookies to store positions and states

  •       useCookies : false

  •     },  

  •     // Some effects that can be apply sometimes

  •     effects : {  

  •       // Miliseconds for effects duration

  •       effectDuration : 500,  

  •       // Can be none, slide or fade

  •       widgetShow : 'none',  
  •       widgetHide : 'none',  
  •       widgetClose : 'none',  
  •       widgetExtend : 'none',  
  •       widgetCollapse : 'none',  
  •       widgetOpenEdit : 'none',  
  •       widgetCloseEdit : 'none',  
  •       widgetCancelEdit : 'none'

  •     },  

  •     // Only for the optional cookie feature

  •     cookies : {  

  •       // Cookie path

  •       path : '',  

  •       // Cookie domain

  •       domain : '',  

  •       // Cookie expiration time in days

  •       expires : 90,  

  •       // Store a secure cookie?

  •       secure : false,  

  •       // Cookie name for close Widgets

  •       closeName : 'ew-close',  

  •       // Cookie name for enable/disable Widgets

  •       disableName : 'ew-disable',  

  •       // Cookie name for positined Widgets

  •       positionName : 'ew-position',  

  •       // Cookie name for collapsed Widgets

  •       collapseName : 'ew-collapse'

  •     },  

  •     // Options name to use in the HTML markup

  •     options : {  

  •       // To recognize a movable Widget

  •       movable : 'movable',  

  •       // To recognize a editable Widget

  •       editable : 'editable',  

  •       // To recognize a collapse Widget

  •       collapse : 'collapse',  

  •       // To recognize a removable Widget

  •       removable : 'removable',  

  •       // To recognize a collapsable Widget

  •       collapsable : 'collapsable',  

  •       // To recognize Widget that require confirmation when remove

  •       closeConfirm : 'closeconfirm'

  •     },  

  •     // Callbacks functions

  •     callbacks : {  

  •       // When a Widget is added on demand, send the widget object and place ID

  •       onAdd : null,  

  •       // When a editbox is closed, send the link and the widget objects

  •       onEdit : null,  

  •       // When a Widget is show, send the widget object

  •       onShow : null,  

  •       // When a Widget is hide, send the widget object

  •       onHide : null,  

  •       // When a Widget is closed, send the link and the widget objects

  •       onClose : null,  

  •       // When Widgets are enabled using the appropiate public method

  •       onEnable : null,  

  •       // When a Widget is extend, send the link and the widget objects

  •       onExtend : null,  

  •       // When Widgets are disabled using the appropiate public method

  •       onDisable : null,  

  •       // When a editbox is closed, send a ui object, see jQuery::sortable()

  •       onDragStop : null,  

  •       // When a Widget is collapse, send the link and the widget objects

  •       onCollapse : null,  

  •       // When a Widget is try to added, send the widget object and place ID

  •       onAddQuery : null,  

  •       // When a editbox is try to close, send the link and the widget objects

  •       onEditQuery : null,  

  •       // When a Widget is try to show, send the widget object

  •       onShowQuery : null,  

  •       // When a Widget is try to hide, send the widget object

  •       onHideQuery : null,  

  •       // When a Widget is try to close, send the link and the widget objects

  •       onCloseQuery : null,  

  •       // When a editbox is cancel (close), send the link and the widget objects

  •       onCancelEdit : null,  

  •       // When Widgets are enabled using the appropiate public method

  •       onEnableQuery : null,  

  •       // When a Widget is try to expand, send the link and the widget objects

  •       onExtendQuery : null,  

  •       // When Widgets are disabled using the appropiate public method

  •       onDisableQuery : null,  

  •       // When a Widget is try to expand, send the link and the widget objects

  •       onCollapseQuery : null,  

  •       // When a editbox is try to cancel, send the link and the widget objects

  •       onCancelEditQuery : null,  

  •       // When one Widget is repositioned, send the positions serialization

  •       onChangePositions : null,  

  •       // When Widgets need repositioned, get the serialization positions

  •       onRefreshPositions : null

  •     },  

  •     // Selectors in HTML markup. All can be change by you, but not all is

  •     // used in the HTML markup. For example, the "editLink" or "closeLink"

  •     // is prepared by the plugin for every Widget.

  •     selectors : {  

  •       // Container of a Widget (into another element that use as place)

  •       // The container can be "div" or "li", for example. In the first case

  •       // use another "div" as place, and a "ul" in the case of "li".

  •       container : 'div',  

  •       // Class identifier for a Widget

  •       widget : '.widget',  

  •       // Class identifier for a Widget place (parents of Widgets)

  •       places : '.widget-place',  

  •       // Class identifier for a Widget header (handle)

  •       header : '.widget-header',  

  •       // Class for the Widget header menu

  •       widgetMenu : '.widget-menu',  

  •       // Class identifier for Widget editboxes

  •       editbox : '.widget-editbox',  

  •       // Class identifier for Widget content

  •       content : '.widget-content',  

  •       // Class identifier for editbox close link or button, for example

  •       closeEdit : '.widget-close-editbox',  

  •       // Class identifier for a Widget edit link

  •       editLink : '.widget-editlink',  

  •       // Class identifier for a Widget close link

  •       closeLink : '.widget-closelink',  

  •       // Class identifier for Widgets placehoders

  •       placeHolder : 'widget-placeholder',  

  •       // Class identifier for a Widget collapse link

  •       collapseLink : '.widget-collapselink'

  •     },  

  •     // To be translate the plugin into another languages

  •     // But this variables can be used to show images instead

  •     // links text, if you preffer. In this case set the HTML

  •     // of the IMG elements.

  •     i18n : {  

  •       // Widget edit link text

  •       editText : 'Edit',  

  •       // Widget close link text

  •       closeText : 'Close',  

  •       // Widget extend link text

  •       extendText : 'Extend',  

  •       // Widget collapse link text

  •       collapseText : 'Collapse',  

  •       // Widget cancel edit link text

  •       cancelEditText : 'Cancel',  

  •       // Widget edition link title

  •       editTitle : 'Edit this widget',  

  •       // Widget close link title

  •       closeTitle : 'Close this widget',  

  •       // Widget confirmation dialog message

  •       confirmMsg : 'Remove this widget?',  

  •       // Widget cancel edit link title

  •       cancelEditTitle : 'Cancel edition',  

  •       // Widget extend link title

  •       extendTitle : 'Extend this widget',  

  •       // Widget collapse link title

  •       collapseTitle : 'Collapse this widget'

  •     }  
  •   };  
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