A Filter that restricts search results to a range of term values in a given field.
This filter matches the documents looking for terms that fall into the supplied range according to Byte.compareTo(Byte), It is not intended for numerical ranges; use NumericRangeFilter instead.
If you construct a large number of range filters with different ranges but on the same field, FieldCacheRangeFilter may have significantly better performance.
- @Test
- public void testTermRangeFilter(){
- try {
- String path = "D:\\LuceneEx\\day01";
- String keyword = "android";
- File file = new File(path);
- Directory mdDirectory = FSDirectory.open(file);
- // 使用 商业分词器
- Analyzer mAnalyzer = new IKAnalyzer();
- IndexReader reader = IndexReader.open(mdDirectory);
- IndexSearcher searcher = new IndexSearcher(reader);
- String[] fields = { "title", "category" }; // (在多个Filed中搜索)
- QueryParser parser = new MultiFieldQueryParser(Version.LUCENE_36,
- fields, mAnalyzer);
- Query query = parser.parse(keyword);
- //查询publishTime范围在2011-09 - 2012-06之间的记录
- Filter filter = new TermRangeFilter("publishTime", "2011-09", "2012-06", true, true);
- TopDocs tops = searcher.search(query, filter, 100);
- int count = tops.totalHits;
- System.out.println("totalHits=" + count);
- ScoreDoc[] docs = tops.scoreDocs;
- for (int i = 0; i < docs.length; i++) {
- Document doc = searcher.doc(docs[i].doc);
- float score = docs[i].score;
- int id = Integer.parseInt(doc.get("id"));
- String title = doc.get("title");
- String author = doc.get("author");
- String publishTime = doc.get("publishTime");
- String source = doc.get("source");
- String category = doc.get("category");
- float reputation = Float.parseFloat(doc.get("reputation"));
- System.out.println(id + "\t" + title + "\t" + author + "\t"
- + publishTime + "\t" + source + "\t" + category + "\t"
- + reputation+"\t"+score);
- }
- reader.close();
- searcher.close();
- } catch (CorruptIndexException e) {
- e.printStackTrace();
- } catch (IOException e) {
- e.printStackTrace();
- } catch (ParseException e) {
- e.printStackTrace();
- }
- }
A Filter that only accepts numeric values within a specified range. To use this, you must first index the numeric values using IntField, FloatField, LongField or DoubleField (expert: NumericTokenStream).
- @Test
- public void testNumericRangeFilter(){
- try {
- String path = "D:\\LuceneEx\\day02";
- String keyword = "android";
- File file = new File(path);
- Directory mdDirectory = FSDirectory.open(file);
- // 使用 商业分词器
- Analyzer mAnalyzer = new IKAnalyzer();
- IndexReader reader = IndexReader.open(mdDirectory);
- IndexSearcher searcher = new IndexSearcher(reader);
- String[] fields = { "title", "category" }; // (在多个Filed中搜索)
- QueryParser parser = new MultiFieldQueryParser(Version.LUCENE_36,
- fields, mAnalyzer);
- Query query = parser.parse(keyword);
- //过滤 reputation 在9.0f到 9.8 分之间 的记录
- Filter filter = NumericRangeFilter.newFloatRange("reputation", 9.0f, 9.8f, true, true);
- TopDocs tops = searcher.search(query, filter, 100);
- int count = tops.totalHits;
- System.out.println("totalHits=" + count);
- ScoreDoc[] docs = tops.scoreDocs;
- for (int i = 0; i < docs.length; i++) {
- Document doc = searcher.doc(docs[i].doc);
- float score = docs[i].score;
- int id = Integer.parseInt(doc.get("id"));
- String title = doc.get("title");
- String author = doc.get("author");
- String publishTime = doc.get("publishTime");
- String source = doc.get("source");
- String category = doc.get("category");
- float reputation = Float.parseFloat(doc.get("reputation"));
- System.out.println(id + "\t" + title + "\t" + author + "\t"
- + publishTime + "\t" + source + "\t" + category + "\t"
- + reputation+"\t"+score);
- }
- reader.close();
- searcher.close();
- } catch (CorruptIndexException e) {
- e.printStackTrace();
- } catch (IOException e) {
- e.printStackTrace();
- } catch (ParseException e) {
- e.printStackTrace();
- }
- }