//Rotate and zoom out the outgoing scene, and then rotate and zoom in the incoming
//Zoom out and jump the outgoing scene, and then jump and zoom in the incoming
//Move in from to the left the incoming scene.
//Move in from to the right the incoming scene.
//Move in from to the top the incoming scene.
//Move in from to the bottom the incoming scene.
//Slide in the incoming scene from the left border.
//Slide in the incoming scene from the right border.
//Slide in the incoming scene from the top border. T代表(Top)
//Slide in the incoming scene from the bottom border.
//Shrink(收缩) the outgoing scene while grow the incoming scene
//Flips the screen horizontally.
//The front face is the outgoing scene and the back face is the incoming scene.
CCTransitionFlipX //从X轴方向立体翻转
//Flips the screen vertically.
//The front face is the outgoing scene and the back face is the incoming scene.
CCTransitionFlipY //从Y轴方向立体翻转
//Flips the screen half horizontally and half vertically.
//The front face is the outgoing scene and the back face is the incoming scene.
CCTransitionFlipAngular //从右边头翻转进入
//Flips the screen horizontally doing a zoom out/in
//The front face is the outgoing scene and the back face is the incoming scene.
CCTransitionZoomFlipX //从X轴方向立体跳动翻转
//Flips the screen vertically doing a little zooming out/in
//The front face is the outgoing scene and the back face is the incoming scene.
CCTransitionZoomFlipY //从Y轴方向立体跳动翻转
//Flips the screen half horizontally and half vertically doing a little zooming out/in.
//The front face is the outgoing scene and the back face is the incoming scene.
//Fade out the outgoing scene and then fade in the incoming scene.
CCTransitionFade //从中间渐变进入
//Cross fades two scenes using the CCRenderTexture object.
CCTransitionCrossFade //从外围渐变进入
//Turn off the tiles of the outgoing scene in random order
CCTransitionTurnOffTiles //从格子覆盖上层进入
//The odd columns(奇数列) goes upwards while the even columns(偶数列) goes downwards.
CCTransitionSplitCols //竖直分三个方块切入
//The odd rows(奇数行) goes to the left while the even rows(偶数行) goes to the right.
CCTransitionSplitRows //横向分三个方块切入
//Fade the tiles of the outgoing scene from the left-bottom corner the to top-right corner.
CCTransitionFadeTR //从左下角向右上角格子渐变进入
//Fade the tiles of the outgoing scene from the top-right corner to the bottom-left corner.
CCTransitionFadeBL //从右上角角向左下角格子渐变进入
//Fade the tiles of the outgoing scene from the top to the bottom.
CCTransitionFadeDown //从上向下渐变进入
//Fade the tiles of the outgoing(即将离去) scene from the bottom to the top.
CCTransitionFadeUp //从下向上渐变进入
CCTransitionPageTurn, //翻页效果
void GameMainScene::transition(CCObject* pSender)
CCScene* scene = CCTransitionFadeDown::create(1.0f, GameLevelScene::scene());