oVirt CLI is a dynamic, runtime interface discovering command line interface for the oVirt engine




  • dynamic interface that can work against any version of sdk discovering it at runtime
  • Interactive prompt
  • Smart auto-completion
  • Smart help
  • Generic interface (list, show, add, update, action verbs).
  • Self descriptive.



  • note help is dynamically created for each command respectively
 help <command> [arguments] [options]


available commands
   [oVirt shell (connected)]# <TAB><TAB>
   EOF         clear       console     remove      echo        help        ping        
   show        update    action        connect     add          disconnect
   exit           list          shell           status
available options for specific command
   [oVirt shell (connected)]# add <TAB><TAB>
   cdrom          datacenter     group          network        permission     role           storagedomain  template       vm             
   cluster        disk           host           nic            permit         snapshot       tag            user           vmpool
available options for command on specific resource
   [oVirt shell (connected)]# add vm <TAB><TAB>
   cluster-id                               display-type                             os-boot-dev                              template-id
   cluster-name                             domain-name                              os-cmdline                               template-name
   cpu-topology-cores                       high_availability-enabled                os-initRd                                timezone
   cpu-topology-sockets                     high_availability-priority               os-kernel                                type
   custom_properties-custom_property        memory                                   os-type                                  usb-enabled
   description                              name                                     placement_policy-affinity                
   display-monitors                         origin                                   stateless
available options for command on specific sub-resource
   [oVirt shell (connected)]# add nic --vm-identifier xxx <TAB><TAB> 
   interface     mac-address   name          network-id    network-name
  • note typing beginning of the option name and then hitting <TAB>, will convert

option to appropriate option format adding prefix or suffix.


get help for connect
[mpastern@ovirt-engine-cli (master)]$ ovirt-shell --help
Usage: ovirt-shell [options]
       ovirt-shell [options] command...

This program is a command-line interface to oVirt Virtualization.

 -h, --help            show this help message and exit
 -l URL, --url=URL     specifies the API entry point URL
 -u USERNAME, --username=USERNAME
                       connect as this user
 -K KEY_FILE, --key-file=KEY_FILE
                       specify client PEM key-file
 -C CERT_FILE, --cert-file=CERT_FILE
                       specify client PEM cert-file
 -A CA_FILE, --ca-file=CA_FILE
                       specify server CA cert-file
 -I, --insecure        allow connecting to SSL sites without certificates
 -F, --filter          enables user permission based filtering
 -P PORT, --port=PORT  specify port
 -T TIMEOUT, --timeout=TIMEOUT
                       specify timeout
 -c, --connect         automatically connect
 -f FILE, --file=FILE  read commands from FILE instead of stdin
connect from ovirt-shell
 [mpastern@ovirt-engine-cli (master)]$ ovirt-shell
            Welcome to oVirt shell
 [oVirt shell (disconnected)]# connect --url "http://server:8080/api" --user "user@domain" --password 'password'
 >>> connected to oVirt manager <<<
 [oVirt shell (connected)]# 
connect from linux shell
configuration file based login
 1. vi ~/.ovirtshellrc
 2. set args:

    username = user@domain
    url = http[s]://server[:port]/api
    #insecure = False
    #filter = False
    #timeout = -1
    password = ******
    * NOTE: if url/username/password is not configured/commented in .ovirtshellrc
            and ovirt-shell executed in auto-connect mode (ovirt-shell -c/--connect), 
            you will be prompted to specify it upon login
 3. run ovirt-shell 
    [mpastern@ovirt-engine-cli (master)]$ ovirt-shell -c
     >>> connected to oVirt manager <<<

               Welcome to oVirt shell

    [oVirt shell (connected)]# 
cli options based login
 [mpastern@ovirt-engine-cli (master)]$ ovirt-shell -c -l "http://server:8080/api" -u "user@domain"
 Password: ****

 >>> connected to oVirt manager <<<

           Welcome to oVirt shell
 [oVirt shell (connected)]# 


list resources
   [oVirt shell (connected)]# list vms
   id         : aa849efc-4194-4b00-b274-ab32d4c222c9
   name       : aa
   id         : 7b4ebc3f-40ba-4eb3-94ef-ca222d62fbe6
   name       : demo
   [oVirt shell (connected)]# list vms --show-all
   id                        : aa849efc-4194-4b00-b274-ab32d4c222c9
   name                      : aa
   cluster-id                : e8861726-0b88-11e1-bd8c-27fb0a7aaa76
   cpu-topology-cores        : 1
   cpu-topology-sockets      : 1
   creation_time             : 2012-02-16T20:00:50.859+02:00
   display-monitors          : 1
   display-type              : spice
   high_availability-enabled : False
   high_availability-priority: 1
   memory                    : 1073741824
   memory_policy-guaranteed  : 1073741824
   origin                    : ovirt
   os-boot-dev               : hd
   os-type                   : unassigned
   placement_policy-affinity : migratable
   start_time                : 2012-02-29T13:36:27.880Z
   stateless                 : False
   status-state              : down
   template-id               : 9c42b69e-daa3-48d7-bf97-779603892f15
   type                      : desktop
   usb-enabled               : True
   id                        : 7b4ebc3f-40ba-4eb3-94ef-ca222d62fbe6
   name                      : demo
   cluster-id                : e8861726-0b88-11e1-bd8c-27fb0a7aaa76
   cpu-topology-cores        : 1
   cpu-topology-sockets      : 1
   creation_time             : 2012-02-16T11:15:56.014+02:00
   display-address           :
   display-monitors          : 1
   display-type              : vnc
   high_availability-enabled : False
   high_availability-priority: 1
   memory                    : 1073741824
   memory_policy-guaranteed  : 1073741824
   origin                    : ovirt
   os-boot-dev               : hd
   os-type                   : unassigned
   placement_policy-affinity : migratable
   start_time                : 2012-02-29T13:36:27.887Z
   stateless                 : False
   status-state              : down
   template-id               : 9c42b69e-daa3-48d7-bf97-779603892f15
   type                      : desktop
  • notice: --show-all option extends listed entities (default mode is collapsed).
list resources using oVirt query engine filtering
   [oVirt shell (connected)]# list vms --query "name=demo"
   id         : 7b4ebc3f-40ba-4eb3-94ef-ca222d62fbe6
   name       : demo
list resources using client side filtering
   [oVirt shell (connected)]# list vms --kwargs "memory=1073741824"
   id         : aa849efc-4194-4b00-b274-ab32d4c222c9
   name       : aa
   id         : 7b4ebc3f-40ba-4eb3-94ef-ca222d62fbe6
   name       : demo
   id         : f4a51ae1-4f31-45ee-ab6d-d5965e3bcf71
   name       : iscsi_desktop
   description: myvm
   id         : fea05ded-c246-4e51-885e-fef33a7ef2ad
   name       : pythond_sdk_poc2
list sub-resources
   [oVirt shell (connected)]# list disks --vm-identifier nfs_desktop
   id         : 889bad90-6efa-42c5-a545-d0ce2033218d
   name       : Disk 2
   id         : 7a014754-a10e-42b3-91ff-6a325043f9b0
   name       : Disk 4
   id         : 4d267464-e126-45fa-8e42-381e2f82354a
   name       : Disk 1
   id         : b007747c-ad99-4c03-a318-42ad502afb23
   name       : Disk 3
   [oVirt shell (connected)]# list nics --vm-identifier demo
   id         : fbc1f30f-7c21-44e7-9c0a-7e4ffb57fcb4
   name       : nic3
   id         : 1f295a64-0a4a-4fba-928d-162b458503a5
   name       : nic1
   id         : 7ba3c79c-c619-422f-9035-6b5c8e5ea9e6
   name       : nic2
  • note: ether id or name can be used as --resource-identifier
list sub-resources using client side filtering
   [oVirt shell (connected)]# list disks --vm-identifier nfs_desktop --kwargs "name=Disk 3"
   id         : b007747c-ad99-4c03-a318-42ad502afb23
   name       : Disk 3
   [oVirt shell (connected)]# list vms --kwargs "usb-enabled=True"
   id         : aa849efc-4194-4b00-b274-ab32d4c222c9
   name       : aa
   id         : 7b4ebc3f-40ba-4eb3-94ef-ca222d62fbe6
   name       : demo
  • note: ether id or name can be used as --resource-identifier

show resource
   [oVirt shell (connected)]# show vm demo
   id                        : 7b4ebc3f-40ba-4eb3-94ef-ca222d62fbe6
   name                      : demo
   cluster-id                : e8861726-0b88-11e1-bd8c-27fb0a7aaa76
   cpu-topology-cores        : 1
   cpu-topology-sockets      : 1
   creation_time             : 2012-02-16T11:15:56.014+02:00
   display-address           :
   display-monitors          : 1
   display-type              : vnc
   high_availability-enabled : False
   high_availability-priority: 1
   memory                    : 1073741824
   memory_policy-guaranteed  : 1073741824
   origin                    : ovirt
   os-boot-dev               : hd
   os-type                   : unassigned
   placement_policy-affinity : migratable
   start_time                : 2012-02-29T13:55:15.443Z
   stateless                 : False
   status-state              : down
   template-id               : 9c42b69e-daa3-48d7-bf97-779603892f15
   type                      : desktop
   usb-enabled               : True
   [oVirt shell (connected)]# show vm --name nfs_desktop
   id                        : e0adee2b-2c95-483e-8259-2d8b29aa414d
   name                      : nfs_desktop
   description               : updated_desc
   cluster-id                : f16a5ea6-0b88-11e1-9844-bb5eb66ca68b
   cpu-topology-cores        : 1
   cpu-topology-sockets      : 1
   creation_time             : 2011-11-10T14:12:09.379+02:00
   display-address           : 0
   display-monitors          : 1
   display-type              : spice
   high_availability-enabled : False
   high_availability-priority: 1
   memory                    : 536870912
   memory_policy-guaranteed  : 536870912
   origin                    : rhev
   os-boot-dev               : hd
   os-type                   : rhel_6x64
   placement_policy-affinity : migratable
   start_time                : 2012-02-29T13:55:56.448Z
   stateless                 : False
   status-state              : down
   template-id               : 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
   type                      : desktop
   usb-enabled               : True
show resource using client side filtering
   [oVirt shell (connected)]# show vm --id f4a51ae1-4f31-45ee-ab6d-d5965e3bcf71
   id                        : f4a51ae1-4f31-45ee-ab6d-d5965e3bcf71
   name                      : iscsi_desktop
   description               : myvm
   cluster-id                : e8861726-0b88-11e1-bd8c-27fb0a7aaa76
   cpu-topology-cores        : 1
   cpu-topology-sockets      : 1
   creation_time             : 2012-01-04T13:27:05.266+02:00
   display-monitors          : 4
   display-type              : spice
   high_availability-enabled : True
   high_availability-priority: 7
   memory                    : 1073741824
   memory_policy-guaranteed  : 1073741824
   origin                    : rhev
   os-boot-dev               : hd
   os-type                   : unassigned
   placement_policy-affinity : migratable
   start_time                : 2012-02-29T13:57:07.096Z
   stateless                 : False
   status-state              : down
   template-id               : 9c42b69e-daa3-48d7-bf97-779603892f15
   type                      : desktop
   usb-enabled               : True
show sub-resource
   [oVirt shell (connected)]# show nic nic1 --vm-identifier demo
   id         : 1f295a64-0a4a-4fba-928d-162b458503a5
   name       : nic1
   interface  : virtio
   mac-address: 00:1a:4a:16:01:68
   network-id : d85a5cb2-057b-40ec-8d9c-b4ee6a7646c4
   vm-id      : 7b4ebc3f-40ba-4eb3-94ef-ca222d62fbe6


add resource
   [oVirt shell (connected)]# add vm --name demo2 --template-name iscsi_desktop_tmpl --cluster-name Default_iscsi
   id                        : dd981334-afb7-4142-a880-536bb8aef53f
   name                      : demo2
   cluster-id                : e8861726-0b88-11e1-bd8c-27fb0a7aaa76
   cpu-topology-cores        : 1
   cpu-topology-sockets      : 1
   creation_status-state     : pending
   creation_time             : 2012-02-29T16:01:57.896+02:00
   display-monitors          : 1
   display-type              : spice
   high_availability-enabled : False
   high_availability-priority: 1
   memory                    : 1073741824
   memory_policy-guaranteed  : 1073741824
   origin                    : ovirt
   os-boot-dev               : hd
   os-type                   : unassigned
   placement_policy-affinity : migratable
   start_time                : 2012-02-29T14:02:01.533Z
   stateless                 : False
   status-state              : image_locked
   template-id               : 9c42b69e-daa3-48d7-bf97-779603892f15
   type                      : desktop
   usb-enabled               : True
   [oVirt shell (connected)]# add datacenter --name mydc --storage_type nfs --version-major 3 --version-minor 1
   id                              : 4c490b43-e681-49d8-958c-9300787982eb
   name                            : mydc
   status-state                    : uninitialized
   storage_type                    : nfs
   supported_versions-version-major: 3
   supported_versions-version-minor: 1
   version-major                   : 3
   version-minor                   : 1
add sub-resource
   [oVirt shell (connected)]# add nic --vm-identifier demo2 --network-name engine --name mynic
   id         : a211d8bb-8abb-429b-8d36-fc4eb44b6ea8
   name       : mynic
   interface  : virtio
   mac-address: 00:1a:4a:16:01:5a
   network-id : d85a5cb2-057b-40ec-8d9c-b4ee6a7646c4
   vm-id      : dd981334-afb7-4142-a880-536bb8aef53f


remove resource
   [oVirt shell (connected)]# remove vm aa
remove sub-resource
   [oVirt shell (connected)]# remove disk "Disk 1" --vm-identifier demo2
  • note: ether id or name can be used as --resource-identifier


  • note: You have to quote the description if it contains spaces. E.g. "iscsi_desktop desc"
update resource
   [oVirt shell (connected)]# update vm iscsi_desktop --description iscsi_desktop_desc
   id                        : f4a51ae1-4f31-45ee-ab6d-d5965e3bcf71
   name                      : iscsi_desktop
   description               : iscsi_desktop_desc
   cluster-id                : e8861726-0b88-11e1-bd8c-27fb0a7aaa76
   cpu-topology-cores        : 1
   cpu-topology-sockets      : 1
   creation_time             : 2012-01-04T13:27:05.266+02:00
   display-monitors          : 4
   display-type              : spice
   high_availability-enabled : True
   high_availability-priority: 7
   memory                    : 1073741824
   memory_policy-guaranteed  : 1073741824
   origin                    : rhev
   os-boot-dev               : hd
   os-type                   : unassigned
   placement_policy-affinity : migratable
   start_time                : 2012-02-29T14:08:15.353Z
   stateless                 : False
   status-state              : down
   template-id               : 9c42b69e-daa3-48d7-bf97-779603892f15
   type                      : desktop
   usb-enabled               : True
   [oVirt shell (connected)]# update vm iscsi_desktop --display-monitors 2 --description test1
   id                        : f4a51ae1-4f31-45ee-ab6d-d5965e3bcf71
   name                      : iscsi_desktop
   description               : test1
   cluster-id                : e8861726-0b88-11e1-bd8c-27fb0a7aaa76
   cpu-topology-cores        : 1
   cpu-topology-sockets      : 1
   creation_time             : 2012-01-04T13:27:05.266+02:00
   display-monitors          : 2
   display-type              : spice
   high_availability-enabled : True
   high_availability-priority: 7
   memory                    : 1073741824
   memory_policy-guaranteed  : 1073741824
   origin                    : rhev
   os-boot-dev               : hd
   os-type                   : unassigned
   placement_policy-affinity : migratable
   start_time                : 2012-02-29T14:11:13.357Z
   stateless                 : False
   status-state              : down
   template-id               : 9c42b69e-daa3-48d7-bf97-779603892f15
   type                      : desktop
   usb-enabled               : True

update sub-resource
   [oVirt shell (connected)]# update nic nic1 --vm-identifier demo --interface virtio
   id         : 1f295a64-0a4a-4fba-928d-162b458503a5
   name       : nic1
   interface  : virtio
   mac-address: 00:1a:4a:16:01:68
   network-id : d85a5cb2-057b-40ec-8d9c-b4ee6a7646c4
   vm-id      : 7b4ebc3f-40ba-4eb3-94ef-ca222d62fbe6


action on resource
   [oVirt shell (connected)]# action vm demo start --vm-display-type vnc --async true
   status: 400
   reason: Bad Request
   detail: [Cannot run VM. Low disk space on relevant Storage Domain.]
action on sub-resource
   [oVirt shell (connected)]# action nic bond0 attach --host-identifier grey-vdsa
   status: 400
   reason: Bad Request
   detail: Action [|name] required for attach


connect to vm using vm name
   console 'my_vm'
connect to vm using vm id
   console '7dff8517-7007-42cd-9cf7-b7a13a9d96b7'


Writing a script

no special format, just commands in plain text

  less /home/mpastern/script
  list vms
  show vm test | grep status
  list vms --query "name=test*" --show-all | grep status
  list clusters
  list datacenters
Executing script
From linux shell
   [mpastern@lp /]#  ovirt-shell -f /home/mpastern/script
From ovirt shell
  [oVirt shell (connected)]# file /home/mpastern/script

Run all vms
The script

1. the script (less run_all_vms.txt) will look like:

 list vms | grep name | sed s/'name       :'/'action vm'/ | sed -e 's/$/ start/' > /home/mpastern/new_script_to_run
 file /home/mpastern/new_script_to_run

2. run the script

 [RHEVM shell (connected)]# file /home/mpastern/run_all_vms

1. run rhevm command and process the output saving it in to temp script new_script_to_run

 list vms | grep name | sed s/'name       :'/'action vm'/ | sed -e 's/$/ start/' > /home/mpastern/new_script_to_run

2. invoke temp script internally at runtime

 file /home/mpastern/new_script_to_run


disable pagination

 at /home/user/.ovirtshellrc change autopage to False



easy_install ovirt-shell


To build rpm and install it, from ovirt-engine-cli repo:

yum install -y rpm-build python-devel python-setuptools python-kitchen
make rpm
yum localinstall rpmtop/RPMS/noarch/ovirt-engine-cli-x.y-z.noarch.rpm

Because lxml is not yet packaged, please follow the instructions below to get lxml installed.

development deployment

For local install in site-packages, from ovirt-engine-cli repo:

yum install python-ply libxml2-devel libxslt-devel pexpect python-kitchen
python develop

That will install lxml, because EPEL's python-lxml is not yet up to the version required by CLI.

  • note: both deployment procedures require super-user permissions

TODO list


Change Log



Michael Pasternak:, Juan Hernandez:

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