
Problems in China China is one of the most very hot topics today. While its economy has been growing at a rapid race, more and more problems are being exposed in this old country. Many of the problems are exceedingly serious, like environmental pollution, widening gap between the rich and the poor, bubbles in property market, inflation, over-capacity of production, shortage of financial educational investment, exam-oriented education, common corruption and autocracy etc. In a word and definitely it is not a joke - the wheels of “China sports car” are rotating near the edge of the cliff!! Because too many people, including both of Chinese and some warming-hearted foreigners have already researched and discussed all of the above problems of China, it is not necessary to repeat their statements and opinions again. Here I just want to lay out my point on what is the biggest problem Chinese is facing? My answer is the declining culture. Though most of Chinese are proud of the long history and year-old culture, the Chinese, especially the people who are living in mainland, are shamming their ancestors. Chinese culture is losing its shine to foreigners, and even to natives. Chinese traditional virtues, like integrity, politeness, modesty, faithful to promise, honesty etc. are very difficult to be found in most of the Chinese currently. On the contrary, most of westerners have such merits today. In one way, the westerners look more like traditional Chinese than the Chinese. Because of selfish, Chinese factories don’t care their responsibility for the natural environment - the only thing they are purchasing is Money. Because of selfish, Chinese are not used to feel others when they are do some things – this is why they look so rude sometimes. Driving in China is a nightmare to many foreigners because most of drivers care themselves only in the road. Because of cowardice, Chinese don’t have courage to fight for their rights and just expect the charity from management – how can they avoid autocracy and the gap between the rich and the poor?? Because of cowardice, Chinese students get used to following anything told by their teacher - how they can expect some great philosophers generated in the land? I don’t want to list more here … So to resolve the other serious problems in China, the first thing I think Chinese must do is making culture Renaissance, like the one once happened in Italy. Chinese should find a way to get the essence of tradition back and open their mind to learn western culture, instead of attracting foreign capital and importing luxury goods only!




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