FFmpeg In Android - JNI文档


转:Android NDK开发扫盲及最新CMake的编译使用

The Java™ Native Interface

  • Programmer’s Guide and Specification

1 Introduction

JavaTM Native Interface(JNI)是Java平台一项强力的特性.使用JNI的应用既可以使用Java语言,也可以使用C和C++语言。JNI允许程序员在不需要废弃现有代码的情况下,就可以使用Java平台的能力。由于JNI是Java平台的一部分,所以程序员可以一次性解决互操作性问题,并期望他们的解决方案能够在所有的Java平台都是有效的。

  • 第二章通过一个简单的示例介绍了JNI,主要是面向JNI的初学者。
  • 第三章到第十章概述了很多JNI的特性,组成了程序员的指南。我们也会通过一系列短小但能描述清楚JNI特性的示例,这些都是JNI编程中很有用的技术。
  • 第十一到第十三章给出了所有JNI类型和方法的明确规范,这几章也可以作为参考手册。

1.1 The Java Platform and Host Environment

因为所写的程序包括了Java,C,C++语言,让我们先澄清这些语言在编程环境中的作用范围。Java平台是由Java虚拟机(Java VM)和Java API组成的编程环境,Java程序用Java语言编写,并编译成机器无关的二进制类,一个类可以在任何Java VM执行。任何Java平台的实现都保证了支持Java语言,VM和API。
Java平台一般是部署在本地环境的上层,例如,the Java Runtime Environment(JRE)是一项由Sun公司开发,可以在Solaris和Windows等操作系统上支持Java平台的产品。Java平台提供了一系列跟本地环境无关的特性给应用程序使用。

1.2 Role of the JNI



  • 你可以用JNI写Java程序可以调用的本地方法,来调用本地库实现的函数,Java程序就像调用普通方法一样调用本地方法,但实际上本地方法是由另一种语言实现的,并驻留在本地库。
  • JNI支持invocation interface,允许你嵌入一个Java VM到本地程序。本地程序可以链接一个实现了Java VM的本地库,然后使用invocation interface来执行由Java语言编写的软件组件。例如,一个C语言编写的web浏览器可以通过这种嵌入式Java虚拟机执行下载Applet。

1.3 Implications of Using the JNI


1.4 When to Use the JNI

在您使用JNI开始项目之前,值得花费时间来调查是否有更合适的替代解决方案。如上节提到的,相比纯Java程序,JNI程序有着固有的缺点,例如失去了Java语言保证的类型安全特性。也有许多允许Java应用程序与用其他语言编写的代码进行交互的替代方法, 例如:

  • 通过TCP/IP连接,或者通过IPC进程间通信
  • 通过JDBC API
  • 通过Java IDL API
  • 一个应用需要用到某个主机相关的特性,Java语言是不支持的。比如想调用某些文件操作,Java不支持,如果通过进程通信又太笨重和低效率了
  • 与本地代码交互,如果通过进程通信的方式,数据复制传输的成本太高,在同一进程则效率大大提高
  • 你可能希望把一小部分对时间要求较高的代码用本地语言实现,例如汇编。如果一个3D密集型程序花了大部分时间在图形渲染上,可能需要用汇编来写图形库的关键代码以达到最高性能。

1.5 Evolution of the JNI

The need for Java applications to interoperate with native code has been recognized since the very early days of the Java platform. The first release of the Java platform, Java Development Kit (JDK™) release 1.0, included a native method interface that allowed Java applications to call functions written in other languages such as C and C++. Many thirdparty applications, as well as the implementation of the Java class libraries (including, for example, java.lang , java.io , and java.net ), relied on the native method interface to access the features in the underlying host environment.
Unfortunately, the native method interface in JDK release 1.0 had two major problems:

  • First, the native code accesses fields in objects as members of C structures.
    However, the Java virtual machine specification does not define how objects are laid out in memory. If a given Java virtual machine implementation lays out objects in a way other than that assumed by the native method interface, then you have to recompile the native method libraries.
  • Second, the native method interface in JDK release 1.0 relies on a conserva-
    tive garbage collector because native methods can get hold of direct pointers to objects in the virtual machine. Any virtual machine implementation that uses more advanced garbage collection algorithms cannot support the native method interface in JDK release 1.0.
    The JNI was designed to overcome these problems. It is an interface that can be supported by all Java virtual machine implementations on a wide variety of host environments. With the JNI:
  • Each virtual machine implementor can support a larger body of native code.
  • Development tool vendors do not have to deal with different kinds of native method interfaces.
  • Most importantly, application programmers are able to write one version of their native code and this version will run on different implementations of the Java virtual machine.
    The JNI was first supported in JDK release 1.1. Internally, however, JDK
    release 1.1 still uses old-style native methods (as in JDK release 1.0) to implement the Java APIs. This is no longer the case in Java 2 SDK release 1.2 (formerly known as JDK release 1.2). Native methods have been rewritten so that they conform to the JNI standard.
    The JNI is the native interface supported by all Java virtual machine implementations. From JDK release 1.1 on, you should program to the JNI. The old-style native method interface is still supported in Java 2 SDK release 1.2, but will not (and cannot) be supported in advanced Java virtual machine implementations in the future.
    Java 2 SDK release 1.2 contains a number of JNI enhancements. The
    enhancements are backward compatible. All future evolutions of JNI will maintain complete binary compatibility.

1.6 Example Programs

This book contains numerous example programs that demonstrate JNI features. The example programs typically consist of multiple code segments written in the Java programming language as well as C or C++ native code. Sometimes the native code refers to host-specific features in Solaris and Win32. We also show how to build JNI programs using the command line tools (such as javah ) shipped with JDK and Java 2 SDK releases.
Keep in mind that the use of the JNI is not limited to specific host environments or specific application development tools. The book focuses on writing the code, not on the tools used to build and run the code. The command line tools bundled with JDK and Java 2 SDK releases are rather primitive. Third-party tools
may offer an improved way to build applications that use the JNI. We encourage you to consult the JNI-related documentation bundled with the development tools of your choice.
You can download the source code of the examples in this book, as well as the latest updates to this book, from the following web address:
jni books online

2 Getting Started

本节写一个使用JNI的简单例子,使用Java语言调用C语言函数来打印"Hello world!".(省略了很多翻译)


package com.example.king.cmakedemo;
public class NativeUtil {
    static {

    public native void stringFromJNI();
#include <jni.h>
#include <string>
#include <android/log.h>

#define  ANDROID_LOG_TAG    "native"
#define  ANDROID_LOG_ERR    "native"

#define  LOGD(...)  __android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_DEBUG,ANDROID_LOG_TAG,__VA_ARGS__)

#define  LOGI(...)  __android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_INFO,ANDROID_LOG_TAG,__VA_ARGS__)

#define  LOGE(...)  __android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_ERROR,ANDROID_LOG_ERR,__VA_ARGS__)

        JNIEnv* env,
        jobject /* this */) {
    const char * hello = "Hello from C++";

3 Basic Types, Strings, and Arrays

3.1 Method declaration and Arguments

如上面看到声明函数的方式,JNIEXPORTJNICALL宏(在jni.h中定义)确保此函数是从本地库导出,并且C编译器生成可以正确调用此函数的代码.格式是以Java_开头,然后到类名,再到方法名.第一个参数JNIEnv,是一个结构体指针,该结构体内部包含了函数指针,每个函数指针都指向一个JNI函数.本地代码总是通过JNI函数来访问Java VM里面的数据结构.下图描绘了JNIEnv:

/**jni.h中的声明,可以看出实际C和C++最后都是调用了JNINativeInterface */
struct _JNIEnv;
struct _JavaVM;
typedef const struct JNINativeInterface* C_JNIEnv;

#if defined(__cplusplus)
typedef _JNIEnv JNIEnv;
typedef _JavaVM JavaVM;
typedef const struct JNINativeInterface* JNIEnv;
typedef const struct JNIInvokeInterface* JavaVM;
struct JNINativeInterface {
  jint        (*GetVersion)(JNIEnv *);

struct _JNIEnv {
    const struct JNINativeInterface* functions;
  #if defined(__cplusplus)
    jint GetVersion()
    { return functions->GetVersion(this); }
   #endif /*__cplusplus*/


3.2 Mapping of Types

JNI用不同的方式处理这两种类型:基本类型直接映射到本地,例如int直接对应jint(typedef int jint;), float对应jfloat(typedef float jfloat;),如下:

typedef unsigned char   jboolean;       /* unsigned 8 bits */
typedef signed char     jbyte;          /* signed 8 bits */
typedef unsigned short  jchar;          /* unsigned 16 bits */
typedef short           jshort;         /* signed 16 bits */
typedef int             jint;           /* signed 32 bits */
typedef long long       jlong;          /* signed 64 bits */
typedef float           jfloat;         /* 32-bit IEEE 754 */
typedef double          jdouble;        /* 64-bit IEEE 754 */

引用类型对于本地代码来说是不透明的,引用类型是指向Java VM内部数据结构的指针,该数据结构的实际内存布局对开发者是不可见的,本地代码必须通过JNI函数即JNIEnv来操作这些引用类型.例如java.lang.String对应的jstring,本地代码是不知道其内容是什么,只能调用GetStringUTFChars等函数来获取其内容.

3.2 Accessing Strings

Java_Prompt_getLine(JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jstring prompt)
/* ERROR: incorrect use of jstring as a char* pointer */
printf("%s", prompt);
3.2.1 Converting to Native Strings


extern "C" JNIEXPORT jstring JNICALL
        JNIEnv* env,
        jobject thiz, jstring prompt) {
        /* ERROR: incorrect use of jstring as a char* pointer */
		//printf("%s", prompt);
    const char* str_prompt = env->GetStringUTFChars(prompt, NULL);
    if (str_prompt == NULL) {
    	return NULL;
    env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(prompt, str_prompt);

    const char * hello = "Hello from C++";
    return env->NewStringUTF(hello);

不要忘记检查GetStringUTFChars的返回值,Java VM需要分配内存来存放UTF-8字符串,有小概率内存分配会失败,这种情况下会返回NULL并且抛出OutOfMemoryError异常,在JNI抛出异常不同于在Java中抛出异常,在JNI抛出异常不会打断正在执行的控制流程,因此,我们需要显式地用return来跳过剩余代码流程并返回,返回后,在上层Java调用处会抛出异常.

3.2.2 Freeing Native String Resources

When your native code finishes using the UTF-8 string obtained through GetStringUTFChars, it calls ReleaseStringUTFChars. Calling ReleaseStringUTFChars indicates that the native method no longer needs the UTF-8 string returned by GetStringUTFChars; thus the memory taken by the UTF-8 string can be freed. Failure to call ReleaseStringUTFChars would result in a memory leak, which could ultimately lead to memory exhaustion.

3.2.3 Constructing New Strings


3.2.4 Other JNI String Functions
* 说明:以 UTF-16 的编码方式创建一个 Java 的字符串(jchar 的定义为 uint16_t)
@Param unicodeChars:指向字符数组的指针
@Param len:字符数组的长度
jstring NewString(const jchar* unicodeChars, jsize len)

* 按Unicode格式来获取字符串长度
jsize GetStringLength(jstring string)

* 按UTF-8格式来获取字符串长度(也可以转换jstring后用C函数strlen获取)
jsize GetStringUTFLength(jstring string)

* 获取Unicode编码的字符串(本地环境支持Unicode时很有用)
const jchar* GetStringChars(jstring string, jboolean* isCopy)

* 释放指定的字符串指针,通常来说,Get 和 Release 是成对出现的
* @Param string: Java 风格的字符串
* @Param chars/utf: 对应的 C 风格的字符串 
void ReleaseStringChars(jstring string, const jchar* chars)
void ReleaseStringUTFChars(jstring string, const char* utf)

void GetStringRegion(jstring str, jsize start, jsize len, jchar* buf)
void GetStringUTFRegion(jstring str, jsize start, jsize len, char* buf)
const jchar* GetStringCritical(jstring string, jboolean* isCopy)
void ReleaseStringCritical(jstring string, const jchar* carray)

上面的参数jboolean* isCopy,当获取的字符串是原来的一份副本时,它的值会被设为JNI_TRUE,当获取的字符串是直接指向原内容的指针时,它的值会被设为JNI_FALSE.当返回JNI_FALSE时,本地代码禁止修改字符串内容,否则原内容也会被修改,这违反了Java平台String实例是不可变的规范.大多数情况下,该参数传0即可.

3.3 Accessing Arrays

int[] iarr;
float[] farr;
Object[] oarr;
int[][] arr2;

iarr, farr是primitive(基本类型)数组,oarr, arr2是object(引用类型)数组.在本地代码访问数组内容,也类似与访问字符串,需要用JNI函数.

/** 访问数组,错误代码 */
        JNIEnv* env,
        jobject /* this */,
        jintArray arr) {
    int i, sum = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
        sum += arr[i];
    return sum;

/** 应该这样访问数组 */
        JNIEnv* env,
        jobject /* this */,
        jintArray arr) {
    jint buf[3];
    jint i, sum = 0;
    env->GetIntArrayRegion(arr, 0, 3, buf);
    for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
        sum += buf[i];
    return sum;

/** 或者这样访问数组 */
        JNIEnv* env,
        jobject /* this */,
        jintArray arr) {
    jint * carr;
    jint i, sum = 0;
    carr = env->GetIntArrayElements(arr, NULL);
    if (carr == NULL) {
        return 0; /* exception occurred */
    for (i=0; i<3; i++) {
        sum += carr[i];
    env->ReleaseIntArrayElements(arr, carr, 0);
    return sum;

Get<Type>ArrayRegion (GetIntArrayRegion(), GetFloatArrayRegion(), GetBooleanArrayRegion() ...)


jsize GetArrayLength(jarray array)
// 创建一个给定长度的primitive数组


3.3.1 Accessing Arrays of Objects


/** 返回一个新创建的二维数组 */
extern "C" JNIEXPORT jobjectArray JNICALL
        JNIEnv* env,
        jobject /* this */,
        jint size) {

    jobjectArray result;
    int i;
    jclass intArrCls = env->FindClass("[I");
    if (intArrCls == NULL) {
        return NULL; /* exception thrown */
    result = env->NewObjectArray(size, intArrCls,
    if (result == NULL) {
        return NULL; /* out of memory error thrown */
    for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
        jint tmp[size]; /* make sure it is large enough! */
        int j;
        jintArray iarr = env->NewIntArray(size);
        if (iarr == NULL) {
            return NULL; /* out of memory error thrown */
        for (j = 0; j < size; j++) {
            tmp[j] = i + j;
        env->SetIntArrayRegion(iarr, 0, size, tmp);
        env->SetObjectArrayElement(result, i, iarr);
    return result;

4 Fields and Methods

先介绍可以支持访问成员和方法的JNI函数,稍后介绍怎样令这些操作效率更高的缓存技术,In the last
section, we will discuss the performance characteristics of calling native methods as well as accessing fields and calling methods from native code.

4.1 Accessing Fields

Java语言支持两种fields,每个类对象都有自己的instance fields的副本,所有的类对象都共享static fields,JNI提供了让本地代码可以获取和设置对象instance fields,static fields的函数.

/** Instance Fields Access */
public class NativeUtil {
    static {

    public String s = "abc";

    public native String stringFromJNI();

    public native void accessField();


        JNIEnv* env,
        jobject obj) {

    jfieldID fid; /* store the field ID */
    jstring jstr;
    const char *str;
    /* Get a reference to obj’s class */
    jclass cls = env->GetObjectClass(obj);

    /* Look for the instance field s in cls */
    fid = env->GetFieldID(cls, "s",
    if (fid == NULL) {
        return; /* failed to find the field */

    /* Read the instance field s */
    jstr = static_cast<jstring>(env->GetObjectField(obj, fid));
    str = env->GetStringUTFChars(jstr, NULL);
    if (str == NULL) {
        return; /* out of memory */
    LOGD(" c.s = \"%s\"\n", str);
    env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(jstr, str);

    /* Create a new string and overwrite the instance field */
    jstr = env->NewStringUTF("123");
    if (jstr == NULL) {
        return; /* out of memory */
    env->SetObjectField(obj, fid, jstr);

4.1.1 Field Descriptors

更正: long --> j

4.1.2 Accessing Static Fields

jfieldID GetFieldID(jclass clazz, const char* name, const char* sig)
jfieldID GetStaticFieldID(jclass clazz, const char* name, const char* sig)

NativeType Get<type>Field(jobject obj, jfieldID fieldID)  例如:  GetIntField, GetObjectField
NativeType GetStaticField(jobject obj, jfieldID fieldID) 例如: GetStaticIntField , GetStaticObjectField

void Set<type>Field(jobject obj, jfieldID fieldID, NativeType value)   例如: SetIntField , SetObjectField

void SetStaticField(jobject obj, jfieldID fieldID, NativeType value) 例如:SetStaticIntField, SetStaticObjectField

4.2 Calling Methods


package com.king.cmakedemo;
public class Util {
    public void callback() {
        System.out.println("Util callback");

package com.king.cmakedemo;
public class NativeUtil {
    static {
    public native void nativeMethod();
    public void callback() {
        System.out.println("NativeUtil callback");

    public static void callback2() {
         System.out.println("static callback");

    public native String stringFromJNI();

jstring MyNewString(JNIEnv * env, const jchar* chars, jint len);

* 调用成员方法,  调用静态方法,调用父类方法
        JNIEnv* env,
        jobject obj) {
    jjclass cls = env->GetObjectClass(obj);

    jmethodID mid =
            env->GetMethodID(cls, "callback", "()V");
    if (mid == NULL) {
        return; /* method not found */
    // 调用成员方法,
    env->CallVoidMethod(obj, mid);

    mid = env->GetStaticMethodID(cls, "callback2", "()V");
    if (mid == NULL) {
        return; /* method not found */
    //  调用静态方法
    env->CallStaticVoidMethod(cls, mid);

   // 调用父类方法
    cls = env->GetSuperclass(cls);
    mid = env->GetMethodID(cls, "callback", "()V");
    env->CallNonvirtualVoidMethod(obj, cls, mid);

  // 调用String类构造方法
  const char content[] = "HelloNewString";
  jstring str_content = env->NewStringUTF(content);
  const jchar* jchar_content = env->GetStringChars(str_content, 0);

  jstring s = MyNewString(env, jchar_content, env->GetStringLength(str_content));

  LOGD("new create string=%s\n", env->GetStringUTFChars(s, 0));

// 调用String类构造方法
jstring MyNewString(JNIEnv * env, const jchar* chars, jint len) {
    jclass stringClass;
    jmethodID cid;
    jcharArray elemArr;
    jstring result;

    stringClass = env->FindClass("java/lang/String");
    if (stringClass == NULL) {
        return NULL; /* exception thrown */

    /* Get the method ID for the String(char[]) constructor */
    cid = env->GetMethodID(stringClass,
                              "<init>", "([C)V");
    if (cid == NULL) {
        return NULL; /* exception thrown */

    /* Create a char[] that holds the string characters */
    elemArr = env->NewCharArray(len);
    if (elemArr == NULL) {
        return NULL; /* exception thrown */
    env->SetCharArrayRegion(elemArr, 0, len, chars);
    /* Construct a java.lang.String object */
    result = static_cast<jstring>(env->NewObject(stringClass, cid, elemArr));

    /* Free local references */
    return result;

4.3 Caching Field and Method IDs


4.3.1 Caching at the Point of Use

        JNIEnv* env,
        jobject obj) {
	static jfieldID fid = NULL;
	if (fid == NULL) {
	        fid = env->GetFieldID(cls, "s",

4.3.2 Caching in the Defining Class’s Initializer

public class NativeUtil extends Util {
    static {
    public native String nativeMethod();

    public void callback() {
        Log.e("kkunion", "NativeUtil callback");

    public native String stringFromJNI();

    public native void accessField();

    private static native void initIDs();

jmethodID MID_InstanceMethodCall_callback;

        JNIEnv* env,
        jclass cls) {
    MID_InstanceMethodCall_callback = env->GetMethodID(cls, "callback", "()V");

4.3.3 Comparison between the Two Approaches to Caching IDs

Caching IDs at the point of use is the reasonable solution if the JNI programmer does not have control over the source of the class that defines the field or method. For example, in the MyNewString example, we cannot inject a custom initIDs native method into the java.lang.String class in order to precompute and cache the method ID for the java.lang.String constructor. Caching at the point of use has a number of disadvantages when compared with caching in the static initializer of the defining class.
• As explained before, caching at the point of use requires a check in the execution fast path and may also require duplicated checks and initialization of the same field or method ID.
• Method and field IDs are only valid until the class is unloaded. If you cache field and method IDs at the point of use you must make sure that the defining class will not be unloaded and reloaded as long as the native code still relies on the value of the cached ID. (The next chapter will show how you can keep a class from being unloaded by creating a reference to that class using the JNI.) On the other hand, if caching is done in the static initializer of the defining class, the cached IDs will automatically be recalculated when the class is unloaded and later reloaded. Thus, where feasible, it is preferable to cache field and method IDs in the static initializer of their defining classes.

4.4 Performance of JNI Field and Method Operations

After learning how to cache field and method IDs to enhance performance, you might wonder: What are the performance characteristics of accessing fields and calling methods using the JNI? How does the cost of performing a callback from
native code (a native/Java callback) compare with the cost of calling a native method (a Java/native call), and with the cost of calling a regular method (a Java/Java call)?
The answer to this question no doubt depends on how efficiently the underlying virtual machine implements the JNI. It is thus impossible to give an exact account of performance characteristics that is guaranteed to apply to a wide variety of virtual machine implementations. Instead, we will analyze the inherent cost of native method calls and JNI field and method operations and provide a general performance guideline for JNI programmers and implementors.
Let us start by comparing the cost of Java/native calls with the cost of Java/Java calls. Java/native calls are potentially slower than Java/Java calls for the following reasons:

  • Native methods most likely follow a different calling convention than that used by Java/Java calls inside the Java virtual machine implementation. As a result, the virtual machine must perform additional operations to build arguments and set up the stack frame before jumping to a native method entry point.
  • It is common for the virtual machine to inline method calls. Inlining Java/native calls is a lot harder than inlining Java/Java calls.
    We estimate that a typical virtual machine may execute a Java/native call roughly two to three times slower than it executes a Java/Java call. Because a Java/Java call takes just a few cycles, the added overhead will be negligible unless the native method performs trivial operations. It is also possible to build virtual machine implementations with Java/native call performance close or equal to that of Java/Java calls. (Such virtual machine implementations, for example, may adopt the JNI calling convention as the internal Java/Java calling convention.)
    The performance characteristics of a native/Java callback is technically similar to a Java/native call. In theory, the overhead of native/Java callbacks could also be within two to three times of Java/Java calls. In practice, however, native/Java callbacks are relatively infrequent. Virtual machine implementations do not usually optimize the performance of callbacks. At the time of this writing many production virtual machine implementations are such that the overhead of a native/Java callback can be as much as ten times higher than a Java/Java call.

5 Local and Global References

JNI将类实例和数组类型(jobject, jclass, jstring, jarray等)当成不透明引用,本地代码从不直接查看这些引用的内容,而是用JNI函数来获取内容,你只需要关心JNI中的各种引用类型即可:

  • JNI支持三种不透明引用:局部引用local references, 全局引用global references, and 弱全局引用weak global references.
  • 局部引用, 全局引用有不同的生命周期,局部引用会自动释放,而全局引用,弱全局引用需要手动释放。
  • 局部引用, 全局引用不会被垃圾收集器收集,而弱全局引用会。
  • 不是所有的引用都可以在其他上下文,例如,局部引用在某个代码块被创建,退出该代码块作用域后就不能使用了。

5.1 Local and Global References


5.1.1 Local References

大多数JNI函数会创建局部引用,涉及到所有jobject的子类,如jclass, jstring, and jarray等。一个局部引用只在本地函数内创建它时才可用,并且只能该函数内使用。所有在本地函数内创建的局部引用都会在该函数返回后释放(即使被引用的对象还一直存在,该局部引用也不可以继续使用了)。

/* This code is illegal */
jstring MyNewString(JNIEnv *env, jchar *chars, jint len)
 	static jclass stringClass = NULL;
	jmethodID cid;
	jcharArray elemArr;
	jstring result;
	if (stringClass == NULL) {
		stringClass = (*env)->FindClass(env,
		if (stringClass == NULL) {
			return NULL; /* exception thrown */
	/* It is wrong to use the cached stringClass here, because it may be invalid. */
	cid = env->GetMethodID(stringClass, "<init>", "([C)V");
	elemArr = env->NewCharArray(len);
	result = env->NewObject(stringClass, cid, elemArr);
	return result;


5.1.2 Global References


jstring MyNewString(JNIEnv * env, const jchar* chars, jint len) {
    static jclass stringClass = NULL;
    jmethodID cid;
    jcharArray elemArr;
    jstring result;

    if (stringClass == NULL) {
        jclass localRecCls = env->FindClass("java/lang/String");
        if (localRecCls == NULL) {
            return NULL;
        stringClass = static_cast<jclass>(env->NewGlobalRef(localRecCls));

        if (stringClass == NULL) {
            return NULL;/* exception thrown */


5.1.3 Weak Global References


jstring MyNewString(JNIEnv * env, const jchar* chars, jint len) {
    static jclass stringClass = NULL;
    jmethodID cid;
    jcharArray elemArr;
    jstring result;

    if (stringClass == NULL) {
        jclass localRecCls = env->FindClass("java/lang/String");
        if (localRecCls == NULL) {
            return NULL;
        stringClass = static_cast<jclass>(env->NewWeakGlobalRef	(localRecCls));

        if (stringClass == NULL) {
            return NULL;/* exception thrown */


5.1.4 Comparing References

jboolean IsSameObject(jobject ref1, jobject ref2)
返回JNI_TRUE( 或者1 )表明是指向同一个,相反JNI_FALSE( 或者0 )。通过这个函数,可以检查引用是否指向空对象
jboolean ret = env->IsSameObject(ref, NULL);
ref == NULL
env->IsSameObject(wobj, NULL);

5.2 Freeing References


5.2.1 Freeing Local References


  • 在一个函数内创建了大量的局部引用,可能会造成JNI内部的局部引用表溢出,最好在不需要局部引用后立即删除。例如下面的代码中,可能在遍历一个巨大的字符串数组,每次都应该删除局部引用,如下:
for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
jstring jstr = (*env)->GetObjectArrayElement(env, arr, i);
... /* process jstr */
  • 在编写JNI工具函数时,工具函数在程序当中是公用的,被谁调用你是不知道的。上面MyNewString这个函数演示了怎么样在工具函数中使用完局部引用后,调用DeleteLocalRef删除。不这样做的话,每次调用MyNewString之后,都会遗留两个引用占用空间(elemArr和stringClass, stringClass不用static缓存的情况下)。
  • 如果你的本地函数不会返回。比如一个接收消息的函数,里面有一个死循环,用于等待别人发送消息过来while(true) { if (有新的消息) { 处理之。。。。} else { 等待新的消息。。。}}。如果在消息循环当中创建的引用你不显示删除,很快将会造成JVM局部引用表溢出。
  • 本地函数中需要访问一个大对象,因此一开始就创建了一个对这个对象的引用,然后又进行了另外的复杂计算,而在这个计算过程当中是不需要前面创建的那个大对象的引用的。但是,在计算的过程当中,如果这个大对象的引用还没有被释放的话,会阻止GC回收这个对象,内存一直占用者,造成资源的浪费。所以这种情况下,在进行复杂计算之前就应该把引用给释放了,以免不必要的资源浪费,因此需要显式地调用DeleteLocalRef。
/* A native method implementation */
Java_pkg_Cls_func(JNIEnv *env, jobject this)
lref = ... /* a large Java object */
... /* last use of lref */
(*env)->DeleteLocalRef(env, lref);
lengthyComputation(); /* may take some time */
return; /* all local refs are freed */

5.2.2 Managing Local References in Java 2 SDK Release 1.2

Java 2 SDK release 1.2开始另外提供了管理局部引用的一系列JNI函数: EnsureLocalCapacity, NewLocalRef, PushLocalFrame, PopLocalFrame。JNI规范指出,任何实现JNI规范的JVM,必须确保每个本地函数至少可以创建16个局部引用(可以理解为虚拟机默认支持创建16个局部引用)。实际经验表明,这个数量已经满足大多数不需要和JVM中内部对象有太多交互的本地方函数。如果需要创建更多的引用,可以通过调用EnsureLocalCapacity函数,确保在当前线程中创建指定数量的局部引用,如果创建成功则返回0,否则创建失败,并抛出OutOfMemoryError异常。EnsureLocalCapacity这个函数是1.2以上版本才提供的,为了向下兼容,在编译的时候,如果申请创建的局部引用超过了本地引用的最大容量,在运行时JVM会调用FatalError函数使程序强制退出。在开发过程当中,可以为JVM添加-verbose:jni参数,在编译的时如果发现本地代码在试图申请过多的引用时,会打印警告信息提示我们要注意。在下面的代码中,遍历数组时会获取每个元素的引用,使用完了之后不手动删除,不考虑内存因素的情况下,它可以为这种创建大量的局部引用提供足够的空间。由于没有及时删除局部引用,因此在函数执行期间,会消耗更多的内存。

/* The number of local references to be created is equal to
the length of the array. */
if ((*env)->EnsureLocalCapacity(env, len)) < 0) {
	... /* out of memory */
for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
	jstring jstr = (*env)->GetObjectArrayElement(env, arr, i);
	... /* process jstr */
	/* DeleteLocalRef is no longer necessary */


#define N_REFS ... /* the maximum number of local references
used in each iteration */
for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
	if ((*env)->PushLocalFrame(env, N_REFS) < 0) {
	... /* out of memory */
	jstr = (*env)->GetObjectArrayElement(env, arr, i);
	... /* process jstr */
	(*env)->PopLocalFrame(env, NULL);

PushLocalFrame为指定数量的局部引用创建了新的作用域, PopLocalFrame则销毁最上层的作用域,释放该作用域所有的局部引用。使用Push/PopLocalFrame函数可以管理局部引用的生命周期,不用再时刻关注运行过程中创建的每个局部引用。在上面的例子中,如果在处理jstr的过程当中又创建了局部引用,则PopLocalFrame执行时,这些局部引用将全都会被销毁。在调用PopLocalFrame销毁当前frame中的所有引用前,如果第二个参数result不为空,会由result生成一个新的局部引用,再把这个新生成的局部引用存储在上一个frame中。请看下面的示例:

// 函数原型
jobject (JNICALL *PopLocalFrame)(JNIEnv *env, jobject result);

jstring other_jstr;
for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
    if ((*env)->PushLocalFrame(env, N_REFS) != 0) {
        ... /*内存溢出*/
     jstring jstr = (*env)->GetObjectArrayElement(env, arr, i);
     ... /* 使用jstr */
     if (i == 2) {
        other_jstr = jstr;
    other_jstr = (*env)->PopLocalFrame(env, other_jstr);  // 销毁局部引用栈前返回指定的引用

EnsureLocalCapacity或PushLocalFrame可设置超过16个局部引用的默认数量,Java VM会尝试分配内存给超出的数量,但内存不一定足够可用,如果分配失败,VM自动退出。Java 2 SDK release 1.2支持命令行选项:-verbose:jni ,开启后如果发现本地代码在试图申请过多的引用时,会打印警告信息提示我们要注意.

5.2.3 Freeing Global References

DeleteGlobalRef, DeleteWeakGlobalRef

5.3 Rules for Managing References


  • 直接实现Java层声明的native函数的本地代码:要注意在循环中过多地创建了局部引用,和函数未返回前已无效的局部引用,只能创建最多16个局部引用。不要造成全局引用和弱引用的累加,因为本地方法执行完毕后,这两种引用不会被自动释放。
  • 被用在任何环境下的工具函数:要当心不要在函数的调用轨迹上遗漏任何的局部引用,因为工具函数被调用的场合和次数是不确定的,一旦被大量调用,就很有可能造成内存溢出。所以在编写工具函数时,请遵守下面的规则:
  1. 一个返回值为基本类型的工具函数被调用时,它决不能造成局部、全局、弱全局引用数量的累加;
  2. 当一个返回值为引用类型的工具函数被调用时,它除了返回的引用以外,它决不能造成其它局部、全局、弱引用数量的累加。
while (JNI_TRUE) {
	jstring infoString = GetInfoString(info);
	... /* process infoString */
	??? /* we need to call DeleteLocalRef, DeleteGlobalRef,
	or DeleteWeakGlobalRef depending on the type of
	reference returned by GetInfoString. */


MyNewString(JNIEnv *env, jchar *chars, jint len)
	static jstring result;
	/* wstrncmp compares two Unicode strings */
	if (wstrncmp("CommonString", chars, len) == 0) {
		/* refers to the global ref caching "CommonString" */
		static jstring cachedString = NULL;
		if (cachedString == NULL) {
			/* create cachedString for the first time */
			jstring cachedStringLocal = ... ;
			/* cache the result in a global reference */
			cachedString = (*env)->NewGlobalRef(env, cachedStringLocal);
		return (*env)->NewLocalRef(env, cachedString);
	... /* create the string as a local reference and store in result as a local reference */
	return result;

The Push/PopLocalFrame functions are especially convenient for managing the lifetime of local references. If you called PushLocalFrame on entry to a native function, calling PopLocalFrame before the native function returns ensures that all local references created during native function execution will be freed. The Push/PopLocalFrame functions are efficient. You are strongly encouraged to use them.
If you call PushLocalFrame on function entry, remember to call PopLocalFrame in all function exit paths. For example, the following function has one call to PushLocalFrame but needs multiple calls to PopLocalFrame:

jobject f(JNIEnv *env, ...)
	jobject result;
	if ((*env)->PushLocalFrame(env, 10) < 0) {
		/* frame not pushed, no PopLocalFrame needed */
		return NULL;
	result = ...;
	if (...) {
		/* remember to pop local frame before return */
		result = (*env)->PopLocalFrame(env, result);
		return result;
	result = (*env)->PopLocalFrame(env, result);
	/* normal return */
	return result;

Failing to place PopLocalFrame calls properly would lead to undefined behavior, such as virtual machine crashes.
The above example also illustrates why it is sometimes useful to specify the second argument to PopLocalFrame. The result local reference is initially created in the new frame constructed by PushLocalFrame. PopLocalFrame converts its second argument, result, to a new local reference in the previous frame before popping the topmost frame.

6 Exceptions

我们将关注JNI函数调用出现的错误,而不是本地代码发生的错误,如果本地代码有系统调用,怎样检查错误需要看其相应的文档。不过如果涉及到本地代码回调Java API的方法,必须遵照下面描述的步骤,适当地检查可能已发生的异常并从函数执行中恢复过来。

6.1 Overview

We introduce JNI exception handling functions through a series of examples.

6.1.1 Catching and Throwing Exceptions in Native Code


package com.king.cmakedemo;

public class ExceptionUtil {
    static {
    public native void doit() throws IllegalArgumentException;

    private void callback() throws NullPointerException {
        throw new NullPointerException("CatchThrow.callback");

        JNIEnv* env,
        jobject obj) {

    jthrowable exc;
    jclass cls = env->GetObjectClass(obj);
    jmethodID mid =
            env->GetMethodID(cls, "callback", "()V");
    if (mid == NULL) {
    env->CallVoidMethod(obj, mid);
    exc = env->ExceptionOccurred();
    if (exc) {
        /* We don't do much with the exception, except that
        we print a debug message for it, clear it, and
        throw a new exception. */
        jclass newExcCls;
        newExcCls = env->FindClass("java/lang/IllegalArgumentException");
        if (newExcCls == NULL) {
        /* Unable to find the exception class, give up. */
        env->ThrowNew(newExcCls, "thrown from C code");


at CatchThrow.callback(CatchThrow.java)
at CatchThrow.doit(Native Method)
at CatchThrow.main(CatchThrow.java)
In Java:
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: thrown from C code


6.1.2 A Utility Function


void JNU_ThrowByName(JNIEnv *env, const char *name, const char *msg)
	jclass cls = (*env)->FindClass(env, name);
	/* if cls is NULL, an exception has already been thrown */
	if (cls != NULL) {
	(*env)->ThrowNew(env, cls, msg);
	/* free the local ref */
	(*env)->DeleteLocalRef(env, cls);

6.2 Proper Exception Handling


6.2.1 Checking for Exceptions


  1. 大多数JNI函数使用独特的返回值(例如NULL)来表明是否发生了错误,错误返回值也意味着在该线程将发生异常;
  2. JNI函数无法通过返回值来表明是否发生了错误,本地代码必须依赖异常来检查错误。通过JNI函数ExceptionOccurred来检测(Java 2 SDK release 1.2也可以使用ExceptionCheck)。
6.2.2 Handling Exceptions


  1. 本地函数立即返回,让调用者处理该异常;
  2. 调用 ExceptionClear 清除异常,然后执行自己的异常处理代码。
    即将发生异常时,必须先检查、处理、清除异常后再做其它 JNI 函数调用,否则会产生不可预知的结果。 在异常发生后,释放资源是一件很重要的事情。下面的例子中,调用 GetStringChars 函数后,如果后面的代码发生异常,要记得调用 ReleaseStringChars 释放资源。
Java_pkg_Cls_f(JNIEnv *env, jclass cls, jstring jstr)
	const jchar *cstr = (*env)->GetStringChars(env, jstr);
	if (c_str == NULL) {
	if (...) { /* exception occurred */
		(*env)->ReleaseStringChars(env, jstr, cstr);
	/* normal return */
	(*env)->ReleaseStringChars(env, jstr, cstr);


  1. ExceptionCheck:检查是否发生了异常,若有异常返回JNI_TRUE,否则返回JNI_FALSE
  2. ExceptionOccurred:检查是否发生了异常,若用异常返回该异常的引用,否则返回NULL
  3. ExceptionDescribe:打印异常的堆栈信息
  4. ExceptionClear:清除异常堆栈信息
  5. ThrowNew:在当前线程触发一个异常,并自定义输出异常信息
    jint (JNICALL *ThrowNew) (JNIEnv *env, jclass clazz, const char *msg);
  6. Throw:丢弃一个现有的异常对象,在当前线程触发一个新的异常
    jint (JNICALL *Throw) (JNIEnv *env, jthrowable obj);
  7. FatalError:致命异常,用于输出一个异常信息,并终止当前VM实例(即退出程序)
    void (JNICALL *FatalError) (JNIEnv *env, const char *msg);

7 The Invocation Interface





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