
assimilate v.

     The students assimilate knowledge rapidly.

  猜一猜 A. 珍惜B. 阅读C.(使或被)吸收,消化 D. 刻苦

  翻译 学生们吸收知识极为迅速。

  分析 as-+ simil + -ate ad-, to+ similar相似 + 使

     大头巧计 as, as the same as 和…一样; simil, similar 相似;-ate, 使 →使相似。

  词义扩展 (使或被)同化

     The children of the immigrants easily assimilated into American culture.


assign v.

  My boss assigned me the task of finding new offices to rent.

  猜一猜 A.协助B.成功C.迁移D.分配  

     翻译 经理让我负责去找几间新的办公室。

  分析 as(=ad, to )+ sign 

     大头巧计 sign to 即指示,在上面打符号决定,即分配,委派。

  词义扩展 指定(时间,地点等)

      The quad was assigned to accomplish the market planning in two weeks.


  近义词 allot, allocate, distribute, ration

assault v.

  The enemy made a surprise assault on us last night.

  猜一猜 A.打扫B. 打扰 C. 震荡D.袭击,攻击  

     翻译 敌军昨晚偷袭了我们。

  分析 as+ sault → ad (加强意义)+ jump(跳) 

     大头巧计 jump onto 跳在什么上面,就是攻击,袭击。

  大头例句 a converging assault 围攻  an assault force 突击队

  He got two years  imprisonment for assaulting police.


  近义词 attack

astronaut n.

  The name of the first astronaut setting his feet on the moon will remain in human history


     猜一猜 A.密封舱B.宇航员 C.机舱D.飞行器 

     翻译 第一个踏上月球的宇航员的名字将在人类史上永存。

  分析 astro + naut → 星空,天空+ 航行

  大头巧计 星际航行者即宇航员。

  大头例句 The astronaut said that the great wall is the only manmade object that can be

     seen from the moon.


atom n.

  A molecule of water is made up of two atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen.

  猜一猜 A. 原子B. 分子 C. 电流 D. 反应 

     翻译 一个水分子是由两个氢原子和一个氧原子组成的。

  分析 a  + tom → 不+ 分割 

     大头巧计  过去人们错认为原子是“不可分割的”。

  词义扩展 微粒,微量

      There is not an atom of truth in his allegations.


       smash sth. to atoms


attempt v.

  In spite of the rigid warning, he still attempts to carry out the extremely dangerous plan.

  猜一猜 A. 诱导B. 诈骗C. 尝试D. 谋略 

     翻译 他不顾严厉警告,仍然试图实施这项极其危险的计划。

  分析 at+ tempt → ad, to加强意义 + 试

  词义扩展 n. 企图,努力

     The super powers attempt to redivide the world failed. 


  近义词 endeavor, strive, try

awfully ad.

  She is awfully good at adaptation 

      猜一猜 A. 始终B. 可能 C. 即将 D. 非常,很

  翻译 她适应性很强。

awkward a.

  He is so awkward that he spilled the water out of the cup.

  猜一猜 A.广博的B. 洪大的 C.笨拙的,不灵活的D. 自动的  

     翻译 他行动笨拙,把水全洒了出来。


     ① 棘手的,尴尬的 

     The conference was sunk into an awkward situation.


     ② 使用不便的

     The handle of the teapot is of awkward shape.


  近义词 burgling, clumsy, inept, gawky

ax/axe n.

  The heavy ax was awkward to the carpenter  

      猜一猜 A. 削掉B. 切割C. 锤子D. 斧子  

      翻译 重斧对木匠来说不方便使用。

bandage n.

  The cloth used as a bandage was stained with blood. 

      猜一猜 A. 绷带B. 徽章C. 图腾D. 橡皮条 

      翻译 这块充当绷带的布已经染上了血。


      v. 包扎

      The soldier bandaged his wound promptly with his ragged sleeve.


beneficial a.

  Hardship is always beneficial to build up one's character. 

     猜一猜 A. 有利的B.于事无补的 C. 空虚的D. 压抑的  

     翻译 苦难能磨炼一个人的意志。

  近义词 favorable, profitable, advantageous

bet v.

  She bet me a meal that Jane would get the first place in the speech contest.

  猜一猜 A. 等待B. 选择C. 惩罚D. 打赌

  翻译 她和我赌一顿饭,说简一定是演讲比赛的第一名。

  词义扩展 n. 打赌,赌注

     They made a bet that the Chinese football team would win in this match.


bite v.

  I tried to sell him my old car at a high price, but he wouldn't bite.  

     猜一猜 A. 咬B. 撕裂C. 抓住D. 回顾  翻译 我想把我的旧车高价卖给他,但他不肯上钩。


      n. 一口  

      eat sth. in one bite 一口吃下某东西

   bite the hand that feeds one 忘恩负义

   近义词 gnaw, nibble

boast v.

  The small town boasts of a world famous writer.

     猜一猜 A. 接触B. 修建塑像  C. 管理D.自夸,夸耀  

     翻译 这个小镇以拥有一位举世闻名的作家而引以为荣。

  词义扩展 n. 自夸,大话

     It was the enemy's boast of impregnability that caused their own defeat.


  近义词 brag, pride

atmosphere n.

  The atmosphere mainly refers to the mixture of gases that surrounds the earth.

  猜一猜 A. 元素B. 氧气C. 臭氧D. 大气 

     翻译 大气层主要是指包围地球的气体。


     ① 空气a moist atmosphere 潮湿的空气

  ② 气氛,环境create a tense atmosphere 制造紧张气氛

          an atmosphere of peace and calm 和平安定的环境

  ③ 大气压(压力单位)

bound v.

  He bounded back home to tell his mother that the teacher praised him in class.

  猜一猜 A. 践踏B. 跳跃C. 踉跄D. 追赶  

     翻译 他蹦蹦跳跳地跑回家,告诉他妈妈老师上课表扬他了。

  大头巧计 bind - bound - bound 捆,绑 (不规则动词)

  bound - bounded - bounded 跳跃 (规则动词)


      n. 束缚      With one bound the dog was over the fence.


  a. 被束缚的,必定的,一定的

      Since you have signed your name on the contract, you are now bound to keep it.


  a. 准备(或正在)到…去的,开往…的Flight 112 bounding for Beijing is taking off .


  be bound to 一定要…

     He was said to have been bright at school and almost certainly  bound to go to a university.


  近义词 leap, spring, duty bound, liable, oblige

brisk a.

  A young woman is approaching me at a brisk pace. 

     猜一猜 A. 匆忙的B. 悠闲的 C. 轻快的D. 愉快的  

     翻译 一个年轻的女人正以轻快的步伐向我走过来。

  词义扩展 a.

     ① 生气勃勃的 Children are always brisk. 孩子们总是生气勃勃。

  ② 兴隆的 Business is brisk in this company. 这家公司生意兴隆。

circumstance n.

  What was the circumstance of the Glorious Revolution in 1668?

  猜一猜 A. 条件B. 形势,环境 C. 导火线 D. 结果 

     翻译 1668年光荣革命发生的环境是怎样的?

  词义扩展 n. 经济,情形,境况

      His circumstances have changed a lot since he got a new job.


  近义词 background 背景case 情况condition 情况,状态situation 形势,情况surrounding 环境

clip v.

  When the guests came in I was clipping the roses in the garden.

  猜一猜 A. 采摘B. 修剪C. 种植D. 欣赏 

     翻译 当客人们进来的时候,我正在花园里修剪玫瑰。

  词义扩展 v. 钳,夹住

      The secretary clipped the important documents onto aboard.


  n. ① 夹,钳a hair clip 发夹

         ② 回形针 a paper clip 夹纸的回形针

  近义词 cut 砍,切lop 修剪shear 修剪,剪slip 切掉trim 修剪

coincidence n.

  It is pure coincidence that I meet him here after three years.

  猜一猜 A. 奇迹B. 惊喜C. 巧合D. 错误  

     翻译 我在三年以后遇到他纯属巧合。

  词义扩展 n. 一致,符合

      My viewpoint is in coincidence with you.


collaborate v.

  David collaborated with a group of professors on the academic research.

  猜一猜 A. 分工B. 鉴别C. 合作D. 指导  

     翻译 戴维与一些教授合作进行学术研究。

  近义词 cooperate

column n.

  The shape of chimney is a column.

  猜一猜 A. 圆柱B. 棍子C. 树干D. 铁塔  

     翻译 烟囱的形状是圆柱形的。

  词义扩展 n.

     ①列The teacher asked the students to read the newspaper from first column to the last.


      ② (报刊中间的)专栏Her name appears frequently appears in the fashion column.


combat v.

  It is an everlasting task for the whole world to combat terrorism.

  猜一猜 A. 禁止B. 斗争C. 远离D. 消灭  

     翻译 与恐怖主义作斗争对于全世界来说是一项长期的艰巨任务。

  大头巧计 comb(梳子,用梳子梳头发)+at(在,向), 用梳子对着头上敲打,就是对打的意思。

  词义扩展 n. 战斗,格斗

       Numerous soldiers sacrificed their lives in that fierce combat.


  近义词 fight, conflict

commute v.

  She commutes from company to her apartment every day.

      猜一猜 A. 开车B. 乘车往返 C. 步行 D. 坐火车

  翻译 她每天乘车往返于公司和公寓之间。

comparative a.

  Comparative linguistics is a very interesting course in college.

  猜一猜 A. 外国的B. 比较的  C. 高级的 D. 初级的 

     翻译 比较语言学在大学里是一门十分有趣的课程。

  词义扩展 a. 相当的He is a comparative stranger in our impression. 


decline v.

  His influence declined after he was removed from that high position.

  猜一猜 A. 消除B. 加深C. 依旧D. 下降  

     翻译 当他被调离那个高职位后,影响力大大降低了。

  分析 de+ cline

  向下+ 倾斜 → 下倾,下降,下垂,衰落

  词义扩展 v./n. 斜面,倾斜

  v. 拒绝,谢绝

     Since we have just quarreled, she declined to say any word with me.  


  近义词 refuse, reject 拒绝

definite a.

  I have no definite plan for this summer vacation.

  猜一猜 A. 枯燥的B. 特别的 C. 明确的D. 精彩的  

     翻译 这个暑假我还没有明确的计划。

  分析 define+ ite 限定+ of → 明确的,肯定的,限定的

delicate a.

  He fell in that delicate girl at first sight and wrote several letter to her soon after.

  猜一猜 A. 纤弱的B. 美丽的 C. 特别的D. 成熟的  

     翻译 他对那个美丽的女孩一见钟情,马上给她写了几封信。


      ① 精致的

      I have just lost a delicate watch sent by my uncle as the prize of my winning in the

      national mathematics competition.


       ② 微妙的There is a delicate change in his tone of speaking.


       ③ 灵敏的Because of the delicate sense of smell of the dog, they are the good assistances

         of the police. 


  近义词 subtle 微妙的,敏锐的

descent n.

  The descent of the temperature is so great that many people catch a cold.

  猜一猜 A. 变化B. 下降C. 承受D. 预先  

      翻译 气温下降如此之大,许多人都感冒了。


      ① 斜坡Take care of the descent when riding.


      ②血统,家世She is a Spanish descent.


diploma n.

  After four years study, he is awarded s diploma in architecture.

  猜一猜 A. 等级证书B. 邀请函  C. 地位D. 毕业文凭  

      翻译 四年学习结束后,他获得了建筑学文凭。

  近义词 certification 证书,证明

directory n.

  It's convenient to look for the phone number with a directory.

     猜一猜 A. 指南B.(电话)号码簿,人名地址录

  C. 侍者D. 导游  

     翻译 用电话号码簿查号码很方便。

discipline n.

  The teacher cant keep discipline in her classroom.  

     猜一猜 A. 纪律B. 成绩C. 地位D. 声望  翻译 那位教师无法维持课堂纪律。

  词义扩展 学科You're not good at mathematics, so you'd better one of the other disciplines.


downtown n.

  It's very common to work downtown but live in suburbs in western countries. 

     猜一猜 A. 餐馆B. 大厦 C. 城市的商业区D. 自由的地区  

     翻译 西方国家,在城市的商业区工作但却在郊区居住是一个普遍现象。


      a. 城市商业区的 downtown Manhattan 曼哈顿商业区

explicit a.

  You had better give him an explicit instruction on how to do it.  

     翻译 你最好详细地指导他怎么做。


  大头例句 We should have some explicit aim in a short time.


  近义词 definite明确的direct直率的distinct清楚的,明确的detailed详细的

explode  v.

  The firework exploded and injured the little boy. 

     翻译 爆竹爆炸后,伤了那个小男孩。

  大头例句 The terrorists exploded the bomb and many people were injured or killed.


familiar a.

  The truth has already been familiar to everybody, except her.

    翻译 除了她以外,每个人都熟知真相了。


  词义扩展 亲近的a familiar friend 亲近的朋友 近义词 known, intimate, friendly

exploit  v.

  Many Americans exploited the West at that time.

     翻译 那时有很多美国人去开发西部。

  大头例句 The Chinese government summoned people to exploit the Western China.


  近义词 develop开发,发展

feminine a.

  He owns a feminine voice. 

     翻译 他的嗓音有一点女性化。

  词义扩展 娇柔的He is a bit feminine.


exploration  n.

  Nothing could stop our exploration of new theories. 

     翻译 任何事情都不能阻挡我们对新理论的探索。

  词义扩展 勘探,探测The mineral resource was found after long exploration.


bleak a.

  The overall atmosphere of the renowned novel the Wuthering Height is bleak.

翻译 名著《呼啸山庄》总体氛围是一片荒凉。


      ① 冷酷的The weather here all the year round is bleak.


     ② 没有希望的

     Due to the managers strategic encouragement the bleakprospects failed to chill anyone.


ferry n.

  The old man lives on his ferry but it has been broken by a storm now.

  翻译 老人靠他的渡船生活,但是现在它在暴风雨中损坏了。

  分析 fer+ ry carry+ ry → 渡船 词义扩展 v. 渡运(人,车或物等)

      He volunteered to ferry the children to and from school.


finance  n.

  The Minister of Finance was dismissed from his position on account of the ineffective

     economic policy.

   翻译 因为采取了行之无效的经济政策,财政部长被免职了。


         v. 为…提供资金

         The project was financed by a large transnational corporation.


financial  a.

  The financial oligarchs controlled the economy during the World War 1.

      翻译 第一次世界大战期间金融寡头控制着社会经济。

fertile a.

  Rice grows well when it grows on fertile soil.

  翻译 水稻在肥沃的土壤中会长得特别好。

  词义扩展  能繁殖的fertile egg 受精卵  

    近义词 productive 多产的,丰富的  rich 富裕的,富饶的

fluent a.

  He made a fluent speech yesterday, which was appreciated much.

  猜一猜 A. 流感B. 水流 C. 流畅, 流利 D. 浮动

  翻译 他昨天做了一个大受欢迎而又十分流利的演讲。

     近义词 eloquent, smooth

fertilizer/fertiliser  n.

  The fallen leaves can turn into the fertilizer to help the growth of trees.

  猜一猜 A. 肥料B. 装饰C. 衬托D. 陪伴

  翻译 落叶能成为树的肥料。

gossip n.

  Gossip about the new officials bribery spreads around the town these days.

  翻译 这几天村子里到处流传着关于新上任长官受贿的流言。

  词义扩展 n. 说长道短的人

     She is such a gossip that everyone dislikes her. 


  v. 传播流言蜚语,说长道短

     Gossiping is a bad habit that we should avoid.


  近义词 rumour

grace n.

  The gymnast leaped into the air with grace.  

     翻译 体操运动员腾空跃起,姿势优美。

  词义扩展 宽限;缓期

     Professer Lee decided to give Johnson another weeks grace to finish the thesis.


graceful  a.

  I was attracted by his graceful manners at the first sight.

  翻译 第一眼看到他,我就被他优雅的举止深深吸引了。

gracious  a.

  His gracious smile eased my tension immediately.

  翻译 他亲切的笑容令我顿时感到轻松。  

     词义扩展  a. 宽厚的,仁慈的  近义词 kind,cordial

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