views Windowing system

views provides support for creating dialog boxes and other kinds of windows through its  Widget object. The developer creates a  WidgetDelegate (or sub-interface) implementation that provides the  Window with the necessary information to display itself, and also provides callbacks for notifications about windowing events.
A Simple Example
To create a simple window:

#include "ui/gfx/canvas.h"
#include "views/controls/label.h"
#include "views/view.h"
#include "views/widget/widget.h"
#include "views/widget/widget_delegate.h"

class WindowView : public views::View, public views::WidgetDelegate {
  WindowView() : label_(new views::Label(L"Hello, World!")) {

  // Overridden from views::View:
  virtual void Paint(gfx::Canvas* canvas) {
    canvas->FillRectInt(SK_ColorWHITE, 0, 0, width(), height());
  virtual void Layout() {
    gfx::Size ps = label_->GetPreferredSize();
    label_->SetBounds((width() - ps.width() )/ 2, (height() - ps.height()) / 2, ps.width(), ps.height());
  virtual gfx::Size GetPreferredSize() {
    gfx::Size ps = label_->GetPreferredSize();
    ps.set_width(ps.width() + 200);
    ps.set_height(ps.height() + 200);
    return ps;

  // Overridden from views::WidgetDelegate:
  virtual std::wstring GetWindowTitle() const {
    return L"Hello World Window";
  virtual bool CanResize() const {
    return true;
  virtual bool CanMaximize() const {
    return true;
  virtual views::View* GetContentsView() {
    return this;
  virtual views::Widget* GetWidget() {
    return View::GetWidget();
  virtual const views::Widget* GetWidget() const {
    return View::GetWidget();

  views::Label* label_;



views::Widget::CreateWindow(new WindowView)->Show();

The window will delete itself when the user closes it, which will cause the RootView within it to be destroyed, including the WindowView.
The  WidgetDelegate is an interface that provides information to the  Widget class used when displaying the window, such as its title and icon, as well as properties such as whether or not the  window can be resized. It also provides callbacks for events like closing. It has an accessor  window() which provides access to the associated  Window object. A  Widget has a ContentsView, provided by the  WidgetDelegate, which is a  View that is inserted into the  Window's client area.
DialogDelegate is a specialized kind of  WidgetDelegate specific to dialog boxes that have OK/Cancel buttons. The  DialogDelegate and its associated  ClientView (see below) provide built in OK/Cancel buttons, keyboard handlers for Esc/Enter and enabling for those features. As a user, you write a View that is inserted into the  DialogClientView that provides the contents of the dialog box, and implement  DialogDelegate instead of  WidgetDelegate, which provides callbacks for when the buttons are clicked as well as methods to provide the button text, etc.
Client and Non Client Views

Due to Chrome's non-standard window design, views supports custom rendered non-client areas. This is supported via the  Window class and  NonClientFrameView subclasses. To provide a custom window frame, a  View subclasses  NonClientFrameView. This allows the overriding  View to render and respond to events from the non-client areas of a window. views contains two built in type that do this -  CustomFrameView and  NativeFrameView. These are used for standard dialog boxes and top level windows.

For the  Browser Window, different subclasses of  NonClientFrameView are used ( GlassBrowserFrameView and  OpaqueBrowserFrameView). To allow these to be used the browser overrides Window's CreateFrameViewForWindow method to construct the appropriate frame view.

Aside from the  RootView, the topmost  View in a  Window's  View hierarchy is the  NonClientView. This view is a container of exactly two views - the  NonClientFrameViewdescribed above and a  ClientView or subclass. The  ClientView subclass contains the contents of the client area of the window (the stuff inside the titlebar/frame). A common ClientView subclass is  DialogClientView, which provides built in handling for OK/Cancel buttons and a dialog theme background. The specific  ClientView to be used is specified by a  WidgetDelegate in its  CreateClientView implementation. The default implementation of  DialogDelegate automatically creates a  DialogClientView. Custom WidgetDelegates can implement this method to return their own  ClientView, which is what  BrowserView does (the Browser window's  WidgetDelegate implementor) to return itself. The  ClientView API is fairly minimal except it is given a chance to perform non-client hit-testing, which is how the draggable title bar within the TabStrip and the resize corner of windows is implemented.

The  ClientView and  NonClientFrameView are siblings because it is fairly common for Views to do one-time initialization when they are inserted into a View hierarchy and DWM toggling on Windows Vista and newer mean the  NonClientFrameView needs to be swapped out when the DWM is enabled or disabled. As such if the  ClientView were a child of the NonClientFrameView it would be re-parented, meaning its children might re-initialize with negative side-effects.
Creating a Window
Some simple code to create a  Window using the  WindowView defined in the example above:

views::Widget* window = views::Widget::CreateWindow(new WindowView);


附件 (1)

  • NonClientView.graffle - 创建时间:2009-2-28 下午9:37,创建者:Ben Goodger (版本 1) 
    147k 下载




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