Concurrency, Goroutines and GOMAXPROCS

When new people join the  Go-Miami  group they always write that they want to learn more about Go's concurrency model. Concurrency seems to be the big buzz word around the language. It was for me when I first started hearing about Go. It was Rob Pike's  Go Concurrency Patterns  video that finally convinced me I needed to learn this language. 
To understand how Go makes writing concurrent programs easier and less prone to errors, we first need to understand what a concurrent program is and the problems that result from such programs. I will not be talking about CSP (Communicating Sequential Processes) in this post, which is the basis for Go's implementation of channels. This post will focus on what a concurrent program is, the role that goroutines play and how the GOMAXPROCS environment variable and runtime function affects the behavior of the Go runtime and the programs we write. 
Processes and Threads 
When we run an application, like the browser I am using to write this post, a process is created by the operating system for the application. The job of the process is to act like a container for all the resources the application uses and maintains as it runs. These resources include things like a memory address space, handles to files, devices and threads. 
A thread is a path of execution that is scheduled by the operating system to execute the applications code against a processor or core. A process starts out with one thread, the main thread, and when that thread terminates the process terminates. This is because the main thread is the origin for the application. The main thread can then in turn launch more threads and those threads can launch even more threads. Once we have more than one thread running in our program, we have a concurrent program. 
The operating system schedules a thread to run on an available processor or core regardless of which process the thread belongs to. Each operating system has its own algorithms that make these decisions and it is best for us to write concurrent programs that are not specific to one algorithm or the other. Plus these algorithms change with every new release of an operating system, so it is dangerous game to play. 
Goroutines and Parallelism 
Goroutines are functions that we request the Go runtime goroutine scheduler to execute concurrently. We can consider that the main function is executing on a goroutine, however the Go runtime does not start that goroutine. Goroutines are considered to be lightweight because they use little memory and resources plus their initial stack size is small. Prior to version 1.2 the stack size started at 4K and now it starts at 8K. The stack has the ability to grow and shrink as needed. 
The operating system schedules threads to run against available processors and the Go runtime schedules goroutines to run against available threads from the schedulers thread pool. By default the schedulers thread pool is allocated with only one thread. Even with one thread, hundreds of thousands of goroutines can be scheduled to run concurrently. It is not recommended to change the size of the schedulers thread pool, but if you want to run goroutines in parallel, Go provides the ability to change the size of the schedulers thread pool via the GOMAXPROCS environment variable or runtime function. 
Parallelism is when two or more threads are executing code simultaneously against different processors or cores. We can achieve running goroutines in parallel as long as we are running on a machine with multiple processors or cores and we add more than one thread to the schedulers thread pool. If we add more threads to the schedulers thread pool but run our program on a single CPU machine, our goroutines will run against multiple threads but will be running concurrently against the single CPU, not in parallel. 
Concurrency Example 
Let's build a small program that shows Go running goroutines concurrently. In this example we are using the default setting for the schedulers thread pool which is one thread: 

package main 
import ( 

func main() { 
    fmt.Println("Starting Go Routines") 
    go func() { 
        for char := 'a'; char < 'a'+26; char++ { 
            fmt.Printf("%c ", char) 
    go func() { 
        for number := 1; number < 27; number++ { 
            fmt.Printf("%d ", number) 
    fmt.Println("Waiting To Finish") 
    time.Sleep(1 * time.Second) 
    fmt.Println("\nTerminating Program") 

This program launches two goroutines by using the keyword  go   and declaring two anonymous functions. The first goroutine displays the english alphabet using lowercase letters and the second goroutine displays numbers 1 through 26. When we run this program we get the following output: 

Starting Go Routines 
Waiting To Finish 
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 
12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 
Terminating Program

When we look at the output we can see that the code was run concurrently. Once the two goroutines are launched, the main goroutine is put to sleep for 1 second. We need to do this because once the main goroutine terminates, the program terminates. We want to give enough time for the two goroutines to complete their work. 
We can see that the first goroutine completes displaying all 26 letters and then the second goroutine gets a turn to display all 26 numbers. Because it takes less than a microsecond for the first goroutine to complete its work, we don't see the scheduler interrupt the first goroutine before it finishes its work. We can give a reason to the scheduler to swap the goroutines by putting a sleep into the first goroutine: 

package main 
import ( 

func main() { 
    fmt.Println("Starting Go Routines") 
    go func() { 
        time.Sleep(1 * time.Microsecond) 
        for char := 'a'; char < 'a'+26; char++ { 
            fmt.Printf("%c ", char) 
    go func() { 
        for number := 1; number < 27; number++ { 
            fmt.Printf("%d ", number) 
    fmt.Println("Waiting To Finish") 
    time.Sleep(1 * time.Second) 
    fmt.Println("\nTerminating Program") 

This time we add a microsecond of sleep in the first goroutine as soon as it starts. This is enough to cause the scheduler to swap the two goroutines: 

Starting Go Routines 
Waiting To Finish 
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 a 
b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z 
Terminating Program

This time the numbers display first and then the letters. A microsecond of sleep is enough to cause the scheduler to stop running the first goroutine and let the second goroutine do its thing. 
Parallel Example 
In our past two examples the goroutines were running concurrently, but not in parallel. Let's make a change to the code to allow the goroutines to run in parallel. All we need to do is change the default size of the schedulers thread pool to use two threads: 

package main 
import ( 

func main() { 
    fmt.Println("Starting Go Routines") 
    go func() { 
        for char := 'a'; char < 'a'+26; char++ { 
            fmt.Printf("%c ", char) 
    go func() { 
        for number := 1; number < 27; number++ { 
            fmt.Printf("%d ", number) 
    fmt.Println("Waiting To Finish") 
    time.Sleep(1 * time.Second) 
    fmt.Println("\nTerminating Program") 

Here is the output for the program: 

Starting Go Routines 
Waiting To Finish 
a b 1 2 3 4 c d e f 5 g h 6 i 7 j 8 k 9 10 11 12 l m n o p q 13 r s 14 
t 15 u v 16 w 17 x y 18 z 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 
Terminating Program

Every time we run the program we are going to get different results. The scheduler does not behave exactly the same for each and every run. We can see that the goroutines are truly running in parallel. Both goroutines start running immediately and you can see them both competing for standard out to display their results. 
Just because we can change the size of the schedulers thread pool, doesn't mean we should. There is a reason the Go team has set the defaults to the runtime the way they did. Especially the default for the schedulers thread pool. Just know that arbitrarily adding threads to the schedulers thread pool and running goroutines in parallel will not necessarily provide better performance for your programs. Always  profile  and benchmark your programs and make sure the Go runtime configuration is only changed if absolutely required. 




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