两个日期类 php类收集

/* *
农历类的计算方法使用了林洵贤先生的算法,在此表示感谢!在joy Asp可以找到林先生的大作(javascript)

/* *
* 日期类
* 本对象套用JavaScript的日期对象的方法
* 设置$mode属性,可兼容JavaScript日期对象
class   Date  {
var   $time   =   0 ;
var   $mode   =   0 //  本属性为与JavaScript兼容而设,$mode=1为JavaScript方式
var   $datemode   =   " Y-m-d H:i:s " //  日期格式 "Y-m-d H:i:s",可自行设定
function   Date ( $t = 0 ) {
if ( $t   ==   0 )
$this -> time   =   time ();
/* *
  * 返回从GMT时间1970年1月1日0时开始的毫秒数
function  getTime() {
$temp   =   gettimeofday ();
return   $temp [sec] * 1000 + round ( $temp [usec] / 1000 );
/* *
  * 返回年份
function  getYear() {
$temp   =   getdate ( $this -> time );
return   $temp [year];
/* *
  * 返回月份
function  getMonth() {
$temp   =   getdate ( $this -> time );
return   $temp [mon] - $this -> mode;
/* *
  * 返回日期
function   getDate () {
$temp   =   getdate ( $this -> time );
return   $temp [mday];
/* *
  * 返回星期
function  getDay() {
$temp   =   getdate ( $this -> time );
return   $temp [wday] - $this -> mode;
/* *
  * 返回小时
function  getHours() {
$temp   =   getdate ( $this -> time );
return   $temp [hours];
/* *
  * 返回分
function  getMinutes() {
$temp   =   getdate ( $this -> time );
return   $temp [minutes];
/* *
  * 返回秒
function  getSeconds() {
$temp   =   getdate ( $this -> time );
return   $temp [seconds];
/* *
  * 设定年份
  * php 4.0.6 year 1970 -- 2038
function  setYear( $val ) {
$temp   =   getdate ( $this -> time );
$temp [year]  =   $val ;
$this -> set_time( $temp );
/* *
  * 设定月份
function  setMonth( $val ) {
$temp   =   getdate ( $this -> time );
$temp [mon]  =   $val + $this -> mode;
$this -> set_time( $temp );
/* *
  * 设定日期
function  setDate( $val ) {
$temp   =   getdate ( $this -> time );
$temp [mday]  =   $val ;
$this -> set_time( $temp );
/* *
  * 设定星期
function  setDay( $val ) {
$temp   =   getdate ( $this -> time );
$temp [wday]  =   $val + $this -> mode;
$this -> set_time( $temp );
/* *
  * 设定小时
function  setHours( $val ) {
$temp   =   getdate ( $this -> time );
$temp [hours]  =   $val ;
$this -> set_time( $temp );
/* *
  * 设定分
function  setMinutes( $val ) {
$temp   =   getdate ( $this -> time );
$temp [minutes]  =   $val ;
$this -> set_time( $temp );
/* *
  * 设定秒
function  setSeconds( $val ) {
$temp   =   getdate ( $this -> time );
$temp [seconds]  =   $val ;
$this -> set_time( $temp );
/* *
  * 返回系统格式的字符串
function  toLocaleString() {
return   date ( $this -> datemode , $this -> time );
/* *
  * 使用GTM时间创建一个日期值
function  UTC( $year , $mon , $mday , $hours = 0 , $minutes = 0 , $seconds = 0 ) {
$this -> time   =   mktime ( $hours , $minutes , $seconds , $mon , $mday , $year );
return   $this -> time ;
/* *
  * 等价于DateAdd(interval,number,date)
  * 返回已添加指定时间间隔的日期。
  * Inetrval为表示要添加的时间间隔字符串表达式,例如分或天
  * number为表示要添加的时间间隔的个数的数值表达式
  * Date表示日期
  * Interval(时间间隔字符串表达式)可以是以下任意值: 
  * yyyy year年 
  * q Quarter季度 
  * m Month月 
  * y Day of year一年的数 
  * d Day天 
  * w Weekday一周的天数 
  * ww Week of year周 
  * h Hour小时 
  * n Minute分 
  * s Second秒 
  * w、y和d的作用是完全一样的,即在目前的日期上加一天,q加3个月,ww加7天。 
function  Add( $interval ,   $number ,   $date ) {
$date   =   Date :: get_time( $date );
$date_time_array   =   getdate ( $date ); 
$hours   =   $date_time_array [ " hours " ]; 
$minutes   =   $date_time_array [ " minutes " ]; 
$seconds   =   $date_time_array [ " seconds " ]; 
$month   =   $date_time_array [ " mon " ]; 
$day   =   $date_time_array [ " mday " ]; 
$year   =   $date_time_array [ " year " ]; 
switch  ( $interval ) { 
case   " yyyy " :   $year   += $number break
case   " q " :   $month   += ( $number * 3 );  break
case   " m " :   $month   += $number break
case   " y " :  
case   " d " :  
case   " w " :   $day += $number break
case   " ww " :   $day += ( $number * 7 );  break
case   " h " :   $hours += $number break
case   " n " :   $minutes += $number break
case   " s " :   $seconds += $number break
$temptime   =   mktime ( $hours   , $minutes ,   $seconds , $month   , $day ,   $year ); 
return   $temptime ;

/* *
  * 等价于DateDiff(interval,date1,date2)
  * 返回两个日期之间的时间间隔
  * intervals(时间间隔字符串表达式)可以是以下任意值: 
  *   w 周
  *   d 天
  *   h 小时
  *   n 分钟
  *   s 秒
function  Diff( $interval ,   $date1 , $date2 ) { 
//  得到两日期之间间隔的秒数 
   $timedifference   =   Date :: get_time( $date2 -   Date :: get_time( $date1 ); 
switch  ( $interval ) { 
case   " w " :   $retval   =   bcdiv ( $timedifference   , 604800 );  break
case   " d " :   $retval   =   bcdiv $timedifference , 86400 );  break
case   " h " :   $retval   =   bcdiv  ( $timedifference , 3600 );  break
case   " n " :   $retval   =   bcdiv $timedifference , 60 );  break
case   " s " :   $retval   =   $timedifference break
return   $retval ;

/* *
  * 输出,根据需要直接修改本函数或在派生类中重写本函数
function  display() {
$nStr   =   array ( ' ' , ' ' , ' ' , ' ' , ' ' , ' ' , ' ' );
echo   sprintf ( " %4d年%2d月%2d日 星期%s<br> " , $this -> getYear() , $this -> getMonth() , $this -> getDate () , $nStr [ $this -> getDay() % 7 ]);
/* *
  * 工作函数
function  set_time( & $ar ) {
$this -> time   =   mktime ( $ar [hours] , $ar [minutes] , $ar [seconds] , $ar [mon] , $ar [mday] , $ar [year]);
/* *
  * 转换为UNIX时间戳
function  get_time( $d ) {
if ( is_numeric ( $d ))
return   $d ;
else  {
if ( !   is_string ( $d ))  return   0 ;
if ( ereg ( " : " , $d )) {
$buf   =   split ( "  + " , $d );
$year   =   split ( " [-/] " , $buf [ 0 ]);
$hour   =   split ( " : " , $buf [ 1 ]);
if ( eregi ( " pm " , $buf [ 2 ]))
$hour [ 0 +=   12 ;
return   mktime ( $hour [ 0 ] , $hour [ 1 ] , $hour [ 2 ] , $year [ 1 ] , $year [ 2 ] , $year [ 0 ]);
else  {
$year   =   split ( " [-/] " , $d );
return   mktime ( 0 , 0 , 0 , $year [ 1 ] , $year [ 2 ] , $year [ 0 ]);
//  日期类定义结束

/* *
* 农历类
class  Lunar {
var   $year ;
var   $month ;
var   $day ;
var   $isLeap ;
var   $yearCyl ;
var   $dayCyl ;
var   $monCyl ;
var   $time ;
var   $lunarInfo   =   array (
0x04bd8 , 0x04ae0 , 0x0a570 , 0x054d5 , 0x0d260 , 0x0d950 , 0x16554 , 0x056a0 , 0x09ad0 , 0x055d2 ,
0x04ae0 , 0x0a5b6 , 0x0a4d0 , 0x0d250 , 0x1d255 , 0x0b540 , 0x0d6a0 , 0x0ada2 , 0x095b0 , 0x14977 ,
0x04970 , 0x0a4b0 , 0x0b4b5 , 0x06a50 , 0x06d40 , 0x1ab54 , 0x02b60 , 0x09570 , 0x052f2 , 0x04970 ,
0x06566 , 0x0d4a0 , 0x0ea50 , 0x06e95 , 0x05ad0 , 0x02b60 , 0x186e3 , 0x092e0 , 0x1c8d7 , 0x0c950 ,
0x0d4a0 , 0x1d8a6 , 0x0b550 , 0x056a0 , 0x1a5b4 , 0x025d0 , 0x092d0 , 0x0d2b2 , 0x0a950 , 0x0b557 ,
0x06ca0 , 0x0b550 , 0x15355 , 0x04da0 , 0x0a5d0 , 0x14573 , 0x052d0 , 0x0a9a8 , 0x0e950 , 0x06aa0 ,
0x0aea6 , 0x0ab50 , 0x04b60 , 0x0aae4 , 0x0a570 , 0x05260 , 0x0f263 , 0x0d950 , 0x05b57 , 0x056a0 ,
0x096d0 , 0x04dd5 , 0x04ad0 , 0x0a4d0 , 0x0d4d4 , 0x0d250 , 0x0d558 , 0x0b540 , 0x0b5a0 , 0x195a6 ,
0x095b0 , 0x049b0 , 0x0a974 , 0x0a4b0 , 0x0b27a , 0x06a50 , 0x06d40 , 0x0af46 , 0x0ab60 , 0x09570 ,
0x04af5 , 0x04970 , 0x064b0 , 0x074a3 , 0x0ea50 , 0x06b58 , 0x055c0 , 0x0ab60 , 0x096d5 , 0x092e0 ,
0x0c960 , 0x0d954 , 0x0d4a0 , 0x0da50 , 0x07552 , 0x056a0 , 0x0abb7 , 0x025d0 , 0x092d0 , 0x0cab5 ,
0x0a950 , 0x0b4a0 , 0x0baa4 , 0x0ad50 , 0x055d9 , 0x04ba0 , 0x0a5b0 , 0x15176 , 0x052b0 , 0x0a930 ,
0x07954 , 0x06aa0 , 0x0ad50 , 0x05b52 , 0x04b60 , 0x0a6e6 , 0x0a4e0 , 0x0d260 , 0x0ea65 , 0x0d530 ,
0x05aa0 , 0x076a3 , 0x096d0 , 0x04bd7 , 0x04ad0 , 0x0a4d0 , 0x1d0b6 , 0x0d250 , 0x0d520 , 0x0dd45 ,
0x0b5a0 , 0x056d0 , 0x055b2 , 0x049b0 , 0x0a577 , 0x0a4b0 , 0x0aa50 , 0x1b255 , 0x06d20 , 0x0ada0 ,
0x14b63 );

/* *
  * 传回农历 y年的总天数
function  lYearDays( $y ) {
$sum   =   348 ;
for ( $i = 0x8000 $i > 0x8 $i >>= 1 )
$sum   +=  ( $this -> lunarInfo[ $y - 1900 &   $i ) ?   1 :   0 ;
return   $sum + $this -> leapDays( $y );
/* *
  * 传回农历 y年闰月的天数
function  leapDays( $y ) {
if ( $this -> leapMonth( $y ))
return  ( $this -> lunarInfo[ $y - 1900 &   0x10000 ) ?   30 :   29 ;
else   return   0 ;
/* *
  * 传回农历 y年闰哪个月 1-12 , 没闰传回 0
function  leapMonth( $y ) {
return   $this -> lunarInfo[ $y - 1900 &   0xf ;
/* *
  * 传回农历 y年m月的总天数
function  monthDays( $y , $m ) {
return  ( $this -> lunarInfo[ $y - 1900 &  ( 0x10000 >> $m )) ?   30 :   29 ;
/* *
  * 创建农历日期对象
function  Lunar( $objDate , $month = 1 , $day = 1 ) {
$leap = 0 ;
$temp = 0 ;
if ( is_object ( $objDate ))
$this -> time   =   mktime ( 0 , 0 , 0 , $objDate -> getMonth() , $objDate -> getDate () , $objDate -> getYear());
else  {
$year   =   $objDate ;
$this -> time   =   mktime ( 0 , 0 , 0 , $month , $day , $year );
if ( $year   <   1970 ) {
return ;
$temp   =   0 ;
for ( $i = 1970 $i > $year $i -- ) {
$temp   =   $this -> lYearDays( $i );
$offset   -=   $temp ;
$offset   =   round ( $this -> time / 86400 + 25537 );

$this -> dayCyl  =   $offset   +   40 ;
$this -> monCyl  =   14 ;

for ( $i = 1900 $i < $year   &&   $offset > 0 $i ++ ) {
$temp   =   $this -> lYearDays( $i );
$offset   -=   $temp ;
$this -> monCyl  +=   12 ;

if ( $offset < 0 ) {
$offset   +=   $temp ;
$i -- ;
$this -> monCyl  -=   12 ;

$this -> year  =   $i ;
$this -> yearCyl  =   $i - 1864 ;
$leap   =   $this -> leapMonth( $i );  // 闰哪个月

$this -> isLeap  =   false ;
for ( $i = 1 $i < 13   &&   $offset > 0 $i ++ ) {
// 闰月
     if ( $leap > 0   &&   $i == ( $leap + 1 &&   $this -> isLeap == false ) {
$i -- ;
$this -> isLeap  =   true ;
$temp   =   $this -> leapDays( $this -> year);
else  {
$temp   =   $this -> monthDays( $this -> year ,   $i );

// 解除闰月
     if ( $this -> isLeap == true   &&   $i == ( $leap + 1 ))
$this -> isLeap  =   false ;

$offset   -=   $temp ;
if ( $this -> isLeap  ==   false )
$this -> monCyl  ++ ;

if ( $offset == 0   &&   $leap > 0   &&   $i == $leap + 1 )
if ( $this -> isLeap)
$this -> isLeap  =   false ;
else  {
$this -> isLeap  =   true ;
$i -- ;
$this -> monCyl -- ;

if ( $offset < 0 ) {
$offset   +=   $temp ;
$i -- ;
$this -> monCyl -- ;

$this -> month  =   $i ;
$this -> day  =   $offset   +   1 ;

function  cyclical( $num ) {
$Gan   =   Array ( " " , " " , " " , " " , " " , " " , " " , " " , " " , " " );
$Zhi   =   Array ( " " , " " , " " , " " , " " , " " , " " , " " , " " , " " , " " , " " );
return   $Gan [ $num % 10 ] . $Zhi [ $num % 12 ];
/* *
  * 输出,根据需要直接修改本函数或在派生类中重写本函数
function  display() {
$nStr   =   array ( '   ' , ' ' , ' ' , ' ' , ' ' , ' ' , ' ' , ' ' , ' ' , ' ' , ' ' , ' 十一 ' , ' ' );
echo   sprintf ( " 农历 %s%s月%s<br> " , ( $this -> isLeap ? " " : "" ) , $nStr [ $this -> month] , $this -> cDay( $this -> day));
echo   sprintf ( " %s年 %s月 %s日 " , $this -> cyclical( $this -> yearCyl) , $this -> cyclical( $this -> monCyl) , $this -> cyclical( $this -> dayCyl));
/* *
  * 中文日期
function  cDay( $d ) {
$nStr1   =   array ( ' ' , ' ' , ' ' , ' ' , ' ' , ' ' , ' ' , ' ' , ' ' , ' ' , ' ' );
$nStr2   =   array ( ' ' , ' ' , ' 廿 ' , ' ' , '   ' );

switch ( $d ) {
case   10 :
$s   =   ' 初十 ' ;
break ;
case   20 :
$s   =   ' 二十 ' ;
break ;
case   30 :
$s   =   ' 三十 ' ;
break ;
default   :
$s   =   $nStr2 [ floor ( $d / 10 )];
$s   .=   $nStr1 [ $d % 10 ];
return   $s ;
//  农历类定义结束

//  测试例

$d   =   new   Date ;
echo   " <br>现在是: " ;
$d -> display();

$d -> setYear( 2037 );
echo   " <br>现在是: " ;
echo   $d -> getYear() . " " ;
echo   $d -> getMonth() . " " ;
echo   $d -> getDate () . " " ;
echo   "  星期 " . $d -> getDay() . "   " ;
echo   $d -> getHours() . " " ;
echo   $d -> getMinutes() . " " ;
echo   $d -> getSeconds() . " 秒<br> " ;

$d -> UTC( 1998 , 10 , 2 , 22 , 0 , 8 );
echo   $d -> toLocaleString() . " <br> " ;

$d   =   new   Date ;
$ld   =   new  Lunar( $d );
$d -> display();
$ld -> display();
$d -> UTC( 1998 , 10 , 2 , 22 , 0 , 8 );
$ld   =   new  Lunar( $d );
$d -> display();
$ld -> display();
$ld   =   new  Lunar( 2002 , 2 , 12 );
$ld -> display();

echo   __LINE__ . " <BR> " ;

$d1   =   " 2002-01-11 " ;
$d2   =   date ( " Y-m-d " , $d -> add( " d " , 35 , $d1 ));

echo   $d1 . " " .   Date :: diff( " d " , $d1 , $d2 ) . " 天后是$d2<br> " ;
echo   $d1 . " 的10天前是 " . date ( " Y-m-d " , Date :: add( " d " ,- 10 , $d1 )) . " <br> " ;
$d3   =   date ( " Y/m/d H:i:s " );
echo   " 现在是 " . $d3 . " 距离2002/2/12 12:59:59还有 " . Date :: diff( " s " , $d3 , " 2002/2/12 12:59:59 " ) . " 秒<br> " ;




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