Classic First Law

First Law of Bicycling: No matter which way you ride, it’s uphill and against the wind.

First Law of Procrastination: Procrastination shortens the job and places the responsibility for its termination on someone else (i.e., the authority who imposed the deadline).

First Law of Socio-Genetics: Celibacy is not hereditary.

First Rule of History: History doesn’t repeat itself; historians merely repeat each other.

Flo Capp’s Observation: The next best thing to Age of conan gold doing something smart is not doing something stupid.

Flon’s Law: There is not now, and never will be, Age of conan gold a language in which buy wow gold it is the least bit difficult to write bad programs.

Flucard’s Corollary: Anything dropped in the bathroom falls in the toilet.

A man goes to a bar with his dog. He goes up to the bar and asks for a drink. The bartender says “You can’t bring that dog in here!” The guy, without missing a beat, says “This is my seeing-eye dog.” “Oh man, ” the bartender says, “I’m sorry, sorry, here, the first one’s on me.” The man takes his drink and goes to a table near the door.

Another guy walks in the bar with a Chihuahua. The first guys sees him, WoW Gold stops him and says “You can’t bring that dog in here unless you tell him it’s a seeing-eye dog.” The second man graciously thanks the first man and continues to the WoW Gold bar. He asks for a drink. The bartender says “Hey, you can’t bring that dog in here!”

The second man replies “This is my seeing-eye dog.” The bartender says, “No, I buy wow gold don’t think so. They do not have Chiwauas as seeing-eye dogs.” The man pauses for a half-second and replies “What?!?! They gave me a Chihuahua?!?”

by Tad Deriso

There is SL lindens some Age of conan gold compelling force in Age of conan gold all Hackers that seems to draw them to their computers every day. Why they get up at 4am to WoW Gold use the modem, and why they continue to rack up a truly incredible phone bill is beyond WoW Gold me.

Most computer areas, at your home or at your office, tend to be messy. Even SL lindens you try to keep it clean, it is truly impossible. Whether it be empty Coke cans laying all around, soldering devices, electric diodes, buy wow gold computer parts, or integrated circuits, it is not only a pain for your mother to look at, but a prime Russian ICBM missile target as well.

There is much detail needed to explain a Hacker. For instance, instead of organizing his clothes by color, best ones, or style, he organizes his by pile. Also, he likes to sing songs such as, “Let’s get Digital”, “We all live in a yellow subroutine”, and “Somewhere over the RAMbow”.

Most Hackers do well in school. The reason is not to impress their teachers, not to get money from their parents, and not to buy wow gold be SL lindens educated, but they do it so they can hopefully get a scholarship to MIT. You can’t blame them, though, if they are looking out into SL lindens space. It might be because they are worried if MCI traced the calls that they sent to NORAD.

All Hackers, big or small, love computers, whether they be Trash-80’s or an IBM 360/VM workstation. When they get on one, it’s mighty hard to get them off of it. WoW Gold

There are 2 types of Hackers. One who likes to crash local BBS’s, and the one who writes programs in Assembly Language. The Hacker who crashes systems is the one that most people think that SL lindens a Hacker is. A typical example of one is John Fredrickson (A.K.A. “The Phone Man”). He loves Age of conan gold to crash buy wow gold computers, and break into illegal systems. The ones that he has gotten in to are MCI, CitiBank, school systems, IBM, Southern Bell, and Georgia Tech, not to mention all the ones in between.

The second type of Hacker is the programmer. He writes games, utilities, and anything else that he can think of. Take for example, John Harris, a freelance softwa





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