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转载 An Efficient Way to Draw Approximate Circles in OpenGL

转自:http://slabode.exofire.net/circle_draw.shtmlIntroductionOpenGL is well known to not posses any method to rasterize non-straight curves. As such, whenever one is required to draw a curve, on

2014-03-28 15:21:04 924

转载 error: base operand of ‘->’ has non-pointer type ‘JNIEnv’

转自:error: base operand of ‘->’ has non-pointer type ‘JNIEnv’Question:#include stdio.h>#include jni.h> JNIEnv* create_vm() { JavaVM* jvm; JNIEnv* env; JavaVMInitArgs args;

2014-03-27 16:05:08 9283

转载 ndk-build all Error: Cannot run program "ndk-build": Launching failed

转自:Android NDK and Cygwin configuration issueQuestion:I have a problem configuring my system for using the NDK over Windows. Those are the step I made:Installed cygwin.Downloaded the NDKAdde

2014-03-26 17:06:59 6459

转载 如何一次性改变Android应用进出动画

转自:How to change all the activity transitions at once in Android application?Question:I know I can change activity transition using the following code right after startActivity() or finish()ac

2014-03-26 12:39:37 791

转载 The Beauty of Closures

转自:http://csharpindepth.com/Articles/Chapter5/Closures.aspxSome time soon, I want to write about the various Java 7 closures proposals on my blog. However, when I started writing that post I fou

2014-03-24 19:26:31 863

原创 jstring to char*

JNI中将jstring转换为char*jsize lLength = (*pEnv)->GetStringUTFLength(pEnv, lString);char* lstr = (char*) malloc(sizeof(char) * (lLength + 1));(*pEnv)->GetStringUTFRegion(pEnv, lString, 0, lLength, lstr

2014-03-24 16:10:08 1089

转载 How to use addr2line in Android

转自:How to use addr2line in AndroidQuestion:I am stuck with my app, as I am unable to debug as it is a multithreaded one and crashes with error SIGSEGV. I get lot of information from LogCat, whic

2014-03-24 15:07:01 1046

转载 基于 Android NDK 的学习之旅-----JNI LOG 打印

转自:http://www.cnblogs.com/luxiaofeng54/archive/2011/08/14/2138329.html程序都是调出来的。下面我介绍下JNI层的log打印方法的使用,类似与Android sdk提供的log1、Android 应用层 MainActivity.java主要功能代码a)         静态载入 So 库b)

2014-03-24 13:07:05 667

转载 Parcelable vs Serializable

转自:http://www.developerphil.com/parcelable-vs-serializable/When starting on Android, we all learn that we cannot just pass object references to activities and fragments, we have to put those in an

2014-03-23 21:49:05 895

转载 JNI ERROR (app bug): accessed stale local reference

转载:http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14765776/jni-error-app-bug-accessed-stale-local-reference-0xbc00021-index-8-in-a-tabl今天按照Android NDK Beginner Guide学习NDK,遇到了这个VM崩溃的问题。JNI ERROR (app bug): acc

2014-03-21 10:02:20 22780

转载 制作动画效果的Button

转自:http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5918592/i-need-to-make-this-animation-display-as-a-button-backgroundQuestion:if anyone could help I would be really appreciative. Basically I want to get this

2014-03-19 11:05:00 948

转载 Producing optimised NDK code for multiple architectures?

转自:Producing optimised NDK code for multiple architectures?Question:I have some C code for Android that does lots of low-level number crunching. I'd like to know what settings I should use (e.g.

2014-03-17 20:45:38 685

转载 史上最全系列之开发环境搭建之NDK

转自:http://my.eoe.cn/sandking/archive/2999.html前言:由于Monica 小MM 一篇 史上最全Android开发环境搭建 一下子就包含了jdk,android sdk , ADT 等都包含了下去了,无奈只能选了个NDK来写写。一、NDK 是什么?NDK:全称Native Development Kit。是andro

2014-03-17 14:54:46 637

原创 Android加载asset的db

项目需要将预先处理的db文件加载到数据库中,然后读取其中的信息并显示加载数据库的代码参考了http://www.reigndesign.com/blog/using-your-own-sqlite-database-in-android-applications/效果如下:1. 将asset中的db文件复制到database数据库中public class DBHelper

2014-03-14 13:14:03 8845 3

转载 Java基础之理解Annotation


2014-03-12 22:16:30 721

翻译 How to insert double and float values to sqlite?如何向sqlite插入double和float型数据

转自:http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9701616/how-to-insert-double-and-float-values-to-sqlite如下是创建数据库代码:@Override public void onCreate(SQLiteDatabase db) { db.execSQL("CREATE TABLE

2014-03-11 18:35:04 4328

转载 How do servlets work? Instantiation, session variables and multithreading

转自:http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3106452/how-do-servlets-work-instantiation-session-variables-and-multithreadingQuestion:Suppose, I have a webserver which holds numerous servlets. For infor

2014-03-03 12:36:04 849



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