Universal Import Fixer (UIF) v1.0 (FINAL) by Magic_h2001

Use this tool for fixing Import Elimination, Directly Imports and Hashed Imports.
so you can use this tool for changing IAT Base Address and Sorting IATs in
New (other) Address.

Tested on:


and any protector with Import Elimination, Directly Imports and Hashed Imports.

This tool is an Import Fixer (not Import Rebuilder ImpRec etc) and Just work
in memory of target process. dont tell me how to use this Tool...if you can
not use this Simple Tool plz DRAG IT TO THE RECYCLE BIN ok?

How to use :
1.fill < Process ID> with target Process ID
2.fill <Code Start> with start address of code that you want to fix it.
  if you fill it with ZERO, UIF will fill it automatically.
3.fill <Code End> with End address of code that you want to fix it.
  if you fill it with ZERO, UIF will fill it automatically.
4.fill <New IAT VA> with address of Empty or unused area
  (in Code section or Data section or any...) that IAT will repair to it.
  if you fill it with ZERO, UIF will fill it automatically.

so you can fill <code Start> , <Code End> with a Dll address area, UIF will
detect it automatically.

for Fast Speed:
  -After Click on <Start> you can Minimize UIF to the taskbar.
  -Just enter Code section start and end.
  -Dont check "Fix Directly Imports" if you dont need to it.

News in Final version (2008.02.23):
+Algorithm improved for better fixing Directly imports.
+Show modules count and progress in StatusBar.
-GUI bug fixed on large fonts >=120 dpi.

News in Final version (2008.01.15):
-Some small bugs fixed.
+Algorithm improved for very big IAT size.
+Auto fill improved for detecting dlls correctly.


============================================================================== Universal Import Fixer (UIF) v1.2 (FINAL) by: Magic_h2001 Use this tool for fixing Import Elimination, Directly Imports and Shuffled, Disordered, Scattered Imports (Just for 32 bit processes). So you can use this tool for changing IAT Base Address and Sorting IATs in New (other) Address. Tested on: Armadillo ASProtect Enigma ExeCryptor eXPressor PeSpin RlPack VMProtect TheMida WinLicense and any protector with Import Elimination, Directly Imports and Shuffled, Disordered, Scattered Imports. Notes: ====== This tool is an Import Fixer (not Import Rebuilder ImpRec etc) and Just work in memory of target process. dont tell me how to use this Tool...if you can not use this Simple Tool plz DRAG IT TO THE RECYCLE BIN ok? Always first use UIF then Dump target process. UIF can fix actual APIs, dont use it for fixing Emulated/Redirected APIs to protector's stub.you must use UIF After fixing Magic IAT jump (or use any methods) to convert Emulated/Redirected APIs to Actual APIs. Samples: Armadillo : Import Elimination ASProtect : Directly Imports Enigma : Shuffled, Disordered, Scattered Imports ExeCryptor : Scattered Imports in Protector Stub eXPressor : Directly Imports PeSpin : Directly, Shuffled, Disordered, Scattered Imports RlPack : Shuffled, Disordered, Scattered Imports VMProtect : Directly Imports TheMida : Directly Imports WinLicense : Directly Imports How to use : ============ 1.fill with target Process ID 2.fill with start address of code that you want to fix it. if you fill it with ZERO, UIF will fill it automatically. 3.fill with End address of code that you want to fix it. if you fill it with ZERO, UIF will fill it automatically. 4.fill with address of Empty or unused area (in Code section or Data section or any...) that IAT will repair to it. if you fill it with ZERO, UIF will fill it automati
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