Getting Started With Burp Suite

Burp Suite is an integrated platform for performing security testing of  web applications. It is not a point-and-click tool, but is designed to be  used by hands-on testers to support the testing process. With a little bit  of effort, anyone can start using the core features of Burp to test the  security of their applications. Some of Burp's more advanced features will  take further learning and experience to master. All of this investment is  hugely worth it - Burp's user-driven workflow is by the far the most  effective way to perform web security testing, and will take you way beyond  the capabilities of any conventional point-and-click scanner. Burp is  intuitive and user-friendly, and the best way to start learning is by doing.  These steps will get you started with running Burp and using its basic  features. You can then read on deeper into the documentation to become more proficient in using this supremely powerful tool.

Note: Using Burp Suite may result in unexpected effects  in some applications. Until you are fully familiar with its functionality  and settings, you should only use Burp Suite against non-production systems.

Launching Burp

Burp Suite is a Java application and is distributed as a standalone Java  executable file, with the .JAR extension. You can download Burp Suite Free  Edition from the  website. For Burp Suite Professional users, you canlog in and download the  latest Professional build using your account details. The Burp JAR file can  be executed using a Java Runtime Environment, and there is no need to unpack  the contents of the JAR file itself.

To launch Burp, first check whether Java is installed:

  • Open a command prompt:
    • On Windows, click the Start button, type "cmd"  into the search box, and click on the "cmd.exe" item under  "Programs".
    • On Mac OS X, in the system dock, click on Applications, then  Utilities, then
    • On Linux, look in your lists of applications for an item called  "console" or "shell".
  • In the command prompt window, type: java -version
  • If Java is installed, you will see a message like:java version "1.6.0_21". To run Burp,  you will need a version of Java that is 1.6 or later.
  • If Java is not installed, or if your version of Java is older than  1.6, you will need to install Java. Download the latest Java Runtime Environment (JRE), run the  installer, and then open a new command prompt and start again.

With Java installed, on some platforms you may be able to run Burp  directly by double-clicking the Burp JAR file. However, it is preferable to  launch Burp from the command line, as this gives you more control over its  execution, in particular the amount of memory that your computer assigns to  Burp. To do this, in your command prompt type a command like:

java -jar -Xmx1024m /path/to/burp.jar

where 1024 is the amount of memory (in  Mb) that you want to assign to Burp, and /path/to/burp.jar is the location of the Burp JAR file on your  computer.

If everything is working, a splash screen should display for a few  seconds, and then the main Burp Suite window should appear. If nothing  happens, or if an error message appears, please refer to thetroubleshooting help.

Display Settings

The first time you run Burp, it is worth taking a moment to check your  display settings. Burp lets you select different sized fonts for different  parts of the UI, and you may want to change these settings, depending on  your screen resolution.

First, look at the text shown in Burp's menus, tab captions, buttons and  other text. If you want to change the main UI font size, go to the Options  tab, then go to the Display sub-tab, and edit the font size in theUser Interface section. Then restart  Burp and check whether the new font is suitable.

Second, go to the Repeater tab and look at the HTTP message shown in the  request panel. If you want to change the font size for HTTP messages, go to  the Options tab, then go to the Display sub-tab, and edit the font size in  the HTTP Message Display  section. Then go back to the Repeater tab and check whether the new font is  suitable (there is no need to restart).

Configuring Your Browser

Burp is designed to be used alongside your browser. Burp functions as an  HTTP proxy server, and all HTTP/S traffic from your browser passes through  Burp. To do any kind of testing with Burp, you need to configure your  browser to work with it.

Firstly, you need to confirm that Burp's Proxy listener is active and  working. Go to the Proxy tab, then the Options sub-tab, and look in the  Proxy Listeners section. You should see an entry in the table with the  checkbox ticked in the Running column, and "" showing in the  Interface column. If this is not the case, try pressing the "Restore  defaults" button to the left of the panel. If the listener is still not  running, then Burp was not able to open the default Proxy listener port  (8080). You will need to select the table entry, click "Edit", and change  the port number of the listener to a different number. See theProxy listeners help for more  details.

Secondly, you need to configure your browser to use the Burp Proxy  listener as its HTTP proxy server. To do this, you need to change your  browser's proxy  settings to use the proxy host address (by default, and port (by  default, 8080) for both HTTP and HTTPS protocols, with no exceptions. The  details of how to do this vary by browser and version, but are roughly as  follows:

  • Internet Explorer - Go to the Tools menu, select Internet Options,  go to the Connections tab, and click on the "LAN settings" button. Make  sure the "Automatically detect settings" box is unchecked. Make sure the  "Use automatic configuration script" box is unchecked. Make sure the  "Use a proxy server for your LAN" box is checked. Enter your Burp Proxy  listener address in the "Address" field (by default, Enter  your Burp Proxy listener port in the "Port" field (by default, 8080).  Make sure the "Bypass proxy server for local addresses" box is  unchecked. Then click on the "Advanced" button. Make sure the "Use the  same proxy server for all protocols" box is checked. Delete anything  that appears in the "Exceptions" field. Then click "OK" to close all of  the options dialogs.
  • Chrome - The Chrome browser picks up the HTTP proxy settings  configured on the host computer. If you are using Chrome, you can open  your computer's built-in browser and follow the instructions for  configuring that. If you aren't sure where the built-in proxy settings  are, open Chrome, go to the Customize menu, select Settings, click on  "Show advanced settings", and click the "Change proxy settings ..."  button. This will open the relevant configuration options for your host  computer.
  • Firefox - Go to the Firefox menu, click on Options, click on  Advanced, go to the Network tab, and click on the Settings button in the  Connection section. Select the "Manual proxy configuration" radio  button. Enter your Burp Proxy listener address in the "HTTP proxy" field  (by default, Enter your Burp Proxy listener port in the  "Port" field (by default, 8080). Make sure the "Use this proxy server  for all protocols" box is checked. Delete anything that appears in the  "No proxy for" field. Then click "OK" to close all of the options  dialogs.
  • Safari - Go the Safari menu, click on Preferences, click on  Advanced, and by the Proxies label click the "Change Settings" button.  This will open the Network configuration settings for your current  network adapter. In the Proxies tab, check the "Web Proxy (HTTP)" box,  and enter your Burp Proxy listener address in the "Web Proxy Server"  field (by default,, and your Burp Proxy listener port in the  (unlabeled) port field (by default, 8080). Ensure the "Bypass proxy  settings for these Hosts & Domains" box is empty. Repeat these steps for  the "Secure Web Proxy (HTTPS)" checkbox. Click "OK" and "Apply" and close  the open dialogs.

When you've configured your browser, you need to test that it is working  properly. With Burp running, in your browser go to any HTTP URL (don't use  HTTPS for the moment). Your browser should sit waiting for the request to  complete. In Burp, go to the Proxy tab, and then the Intercept sub-tab.  These tabs should be highlighted, and there should be an HTTP request  showing in the main panel. Click on the "Intercept is on" button so that it  says "Intercept is off". Go back to your browser, and you should (shortly)  see the URL you requested being loaded in the normal way. If things aren't  working in the way described, please refer to thetroubleshooting help.

Finally, you need to configure your browser to be able to send HTTPS  requests through Burp without any problems. This step isn't strictly  necessary to use Burp in a basic way or only for non-HTTPS URLs, but it only  needs to be done once and is necessary to get the most out of Burp when  testing applications that use HTTPS. The  reason for this requirement is that Burp breaks SSL connections between your  browser and destination web servers, in order to view and modify the plain  contents of HTTPS messages. SSL is designed to prevent this happening, and  so by default your browser will show a security warning when you visit an  HTTPS URL using Burp. To ensure that applications using HTTPS function  properly, you need to install Burp's Certificate Authority (CA) SSL  certificate in your browser trust store. For detailed help on doing this,  please refer to the help on  installing Burp's CA certificate. When you have done this, you can  confirm things are working properly by closing all your browser windows,  opening a new browser and visiting any HTTPS URL. The browser should not  display any security warnings, and the page should load in the normal way  (you will need to turn off interception again in the Proxy Intercept tab if  you have re-enabled this).

The Basics of Using Burp

Once you have Burp running, and haveconfigured your browser to work with Burp, go to the  Proxy Intercept tab, and ensure that interception is turned on (if the  button says "Intercept is off" then click it to toggle the interception  status). Then go to your browser and visit any URL.

Each HTTP request made by your browser is displayed in the Intercept tab.  You can view each message, and edit it if required. You then click the  "Forward" button to send the request on to the destination web server. If at  any time there are intercepted messages pending, you will need to forward  all of these in order for your browser to complete loading the pages it is  waiting for. You can toggle the "Intercept is on / off" button in order to  browse normally without any interception, if you require. For more help, seeGetting started with Burp Proxy.

As you browse an application via Burp, the Proxy history keeps a record  of all requests and responses. In the Proxy, go to the History tab and  review the series of requests you have made. Select an item in the table and  view the full messages in the Request and Response tabs.

Also, as you browse, Burp builds up a site map of the target application.  Go to the Target tab, and the Site Map sub-tab, to view this. The site map  contains all of the URLs you have visited in your browser, and also all of  the content that Burp has inferred from responses to your requests (e.g. by  parsing links from HTML responses). Items that have been requested are shown  in black, and other items are shown in gray. You can expand branches in the  tree, select individual items, and view the full requests and responses (where  available). For more help, see Using the Target  tool.

Burp Suite is designed to be a hands-on tool, where the user controls the  actions that are performed. At the core of Burp's user-driven workflow is  the ability to pass HTTP requests between the Burp tools, to carry out  particular tasks. You can send messages from the Proxy intercept tab, the  Proxy history, the site map, and indeed anywhere else in Burp that you see  HTTP messages. To do this, select one or more messages, and use the context  menu to send the request to another tool.

The Burp tools you will use for  particular tasks are as follows:

  • Spider - This can be used  for automatically crawling an application, to discover its content and  functionality.
  • Scanner - This is used to  automatically scan HTTP requests to find security vulnerabilities.
  • Intruder - This allows  you to perform customized automated attacks, to carry out all kinds of  testing tasks.
  • Repeater - This is used to  manually modify and reissue individual HTTP requests over and over.
  • Sequencer - This is used  to analyze the quality of randomness in an application's session tokens.
  • Decoder - This lets you transform bits of  application data using common encoding and decoding schemes.
  • Comparer - This is used to perform a  visual comparison of bits of application data to find interesting  differences.

You can combine Burp's different tools in numerous ways, to perform  testing tasks ranging from very simple to highly advanced and specialized.  For more detailed help on Burp's user-driven workflow, seeUsing Burp Suite.

If you don't want to use Burp as a hands-on testing tool, and only want  to perform a quick and easy vulnerability scan of your application, please  refer to Using Burp as a  Point-and-Click Scanner.

Next Steps

There is extensive documentation for all of Burp's tools and  features, and the typical workflow you need to use when testing with  Burp.






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