



You Asked

Hi Tom - 
Just happened to notice this weird behavior at my client place.. Part of my streams (capture) troubleshooting, I was tracing back the duration of active transactions. 

I just had a simple script polling v$transaction polling info and spooling the duration into a text file (duration = sysdate - start_date) for active transactions. Then I added v$session to the query to get session info (v$session.taddr = v$transaction.addr used as join).. I doubted a few culprit rows were missing and I made it at outer join and now I am getting few more transactions without a session. 

Question is. 
a) have you seen this behavior of transaction being active in v$transaction without any matching row in v$session.. Any clues on what could be the root cause would be much appreciated. 

( Environment: 3 tier archiceture with transaction manager sitting somewhere in middle tier (Weblogic). All are XA transactions from application and database calls are mostly distributed transactions ) 

Thanks in advance & Happy holidays. 

PS: I just happened to see "Submit your question" and am sending this.. I will get access to server on Monday and can upload the actual monitoring script as is, if needed. 

and we said...

if a session has more than one transaction going - and I believe you'll see that a lot in XA as they are an external resource manager and some fairly odd things take place due to that - then there isn't a single transaction associated with a session - but many and the simple data model of a one to one relation doesn't work 

ops$tkyte%ORA11GR2> create table t ( x int );

Table created.

ops$tkyte%ORA11GR2> create or replace procedure p( p_count in number )
  2  as
  3      pragma autonomous_transaction;
  4  begin
  5      if ( p_count = 0 )
  6      then
  7          dbms_output.put_line( 'at the end: ' );
  8          for x in ( select to_char(rownum,'09') || ') transaction ' || 
rawtohex(vt.addr) ||
  9                            ' associated with session (' || vs.sid || ', ' || 
vs.serial# || ')' data
 10                       from v$transaction vt, v$session vs
 11                      where rawtohex(vt.addr) = vs.taddr (+) )
 12          loop
 13              dbms_output.put_line( x.data );
 14          end loop;
 15          for x in ( select username || ' - ' || taddr  data
 16                       from v$session
 17                      where username = user )
 18          loop
 19              dbms_output.put_line( x.data );
 20          end loop;
 21      else
 22          insert into t values ( p_count );
 23          p( p_count-1 );
 24      end if;
 26      commit;
 27  end;
 28  /

Procedure created.

ops$tkyte%ORA11GR2> insert into t values ( 0 );

1 row created.

ops$tkyte%ORA11GR2> select 'transaction ' || rawtohex(vt.addr) || ' associated with 
session (' || vs.sid || ', ' || vs.serial# || ')' data
  2    from v$transaction vt, v$session vs
  3   where rawtohex(vt.addr) = vs.taddr (+);

transaction 26C64010 associated with session (74, 381)

ops$tkyte%ORA11GR2> select username || ' - ' || taddr  data
  2    from v$session
  3   where username = user;

OPS$TKYTE - 26C64010

ops$tkyte%ORA11GR2> exec p(10);
at the end:
01) transaction 26C64010 associated with session (, )
02) transaction 26C5C11C associated with session (, )
03) transaction 26C5D408 associated with session (, )
04) transaction 26C64664 associated with session (, )
05) transaction 26C5B484 associated with session (, )
06) transaction 26C5CDB4 associated with session (, )
07) transaction 26C5A1A8 associated with session (, )
08) transaction 26C5BAD8 associated with session (, )
09) transaction 26C5C770 associated with session (, )
10) transaction 26C5AE40 associated with session (, )
11) transaction 26C5DA4C associated with session (, )

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

ops$tkyte%ORA11GR2> select 'transaction ' || rawtohex(vt.addr) || ' associated with 
session (' || vs.sid || ', ' || vs.serial# || ')' data
  2    from v$transaction vt, v$session vs
  3   where rawtohex(vt.addr) = vs.taddr (+);

transaction 26C64010 associated with session (74, 381)

ops$tkyte%ORA11GR2> select username || ' - ' || taddr  data
  2    from v$session
  3   where username = user;

OPS$TKYTE - 26C64010

ops$tkyte%ORA11GR2> commit;

Commit complete.

5 stars  Excellent explanation   December 19, 2011 - 9am UTC
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Reviewer:  Oraboy 
Thanks Tom. Couldn't have asked for a better explanation.

I clearly missed the point, a session could have multiple active transactions. But I am still 
unclear on how the application code could do this.

To my limited understanding, the application code should grab a connection/session from connection 
pool and use that pass on its db work & after its done, it releases back to connection pool. Since 
each unit of work would be capsuled within its transaction boundary, shouldn't the relation between 
transaction and session be always 1:1? 

I can understand "pragma transaction" in plsql..but this application does not use any DB procedure. 
Your response actually made me more curious , now I want to dig through application code and its 
transaction management to understand more.

Thanks once again for this invaluable site.

Followup   December 19, 2011 - 4pm UTC:

XA is magic, it does strange things - really odd things. I don't have the ability to test it - but I'm pretty sure it would be the cause. 

.. shouldn't the relation 
between transaction and session be always 1:1? .. 

not with XA. It in general is many to many. 
5 stars  Autonomous transactions?   December 19, 2011 - 9pm UTC
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Reviewer:  Nathan Marston from Adelaide AU
Wouldn't this cause the relationship between transactions and sessions to be many to one also?

Followup   December 20, 2011 - 8am UTC:

no, it would be one to many. An autonomous transaction belongs to exactly one session. A session can have many autonomous transactions. 

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