Memory used by a single oracle server process

Memory used by a single oracle server process

This question is Not Answered.

    We have memory free very less in one of our Solaris 10 server running Oracle 11g R2 (not cluster ). The memory free will be sometimes 2 GB out of 24 GB. I was looking at the memory consumption.
    ps -efo pmem,rss,pid,pcpu,args | sort -r | head -20
    19.3 4730640 27430  0.0 oracleTBDB (LOCAL=NO)
    19.3 4727152  5282  0.0 oracleTBDB (LOCAL=NO)
    19.3 4724896  5362  0.0 oracleTBDB (LOCAL=NO)
    19.3 4723324 27422  0.0 oracleTBDB (LOCAL=NO)
    19.3 4722212  5346  1.0 oracleTBDB (LOCAL=NO)
    Let's take the first PID =27430. This process was reported to hold 4730640 KB, which means 4.7 GB. I know this includes shared memory. 
    So I gave a pmap for this.
    ibsjpsrv3 oracle [TBDB]:pmap -x 27430 | grep -v 000
    27430:  oracleTBDB (LOCAL=NO)
             Address     Kbytes        RSS       Anon     Locked Mode   Mapped File
    ---------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
            total Kb    5592364    4901764      92792          -
    ibsjpsrv3 oracle [TBDB]:pmap -x 27430 | grep shmid
    0000000060000000    5244928    4710400          -          - rwxs-    [ dism shmid=0x14 ]
    As per metalink document [ SOLARIS: Determining Background Process Size using pmap [ID 107750.1]], the memory used by a BG process, here it is not a BG process but a server connection.

    shared memory= 4710400

    I was thinking how I can derive memory used by this process alone.
    So RSS - shared memory = PGA + (code + data ) ?

    If Yes then PGA + (code + data ) = 4901764 - 4710400 = 191364 kb = 186 MB.

    Let's see the PGA used by this from database.
    SQL> select s.sid from v$session s ,v$process p where p.addr=s.paddr and p.spid='&1';
    Enter value for 1: 27430
    old   1: select s.sid from v$session s ,v$process p where p.addr=s.paddr and p.spid='&1'
    new   1: select s.sid from v$session s ,v$process p where p.addr=s.paddr and p.spid='27430'
    SQL> COLUMN sid                     FORMAT 999            HEADING 'SID'
    SQL> COLUMN oracle_username         FORMAT a12            HEADING 'Oracle User'     JUSTIFY right
    SQL> COLUMN os_username             FORMAT a9             HEADING 'O/S User'        JUSTIFY right
    SQL> COLUMN session_program         FORMAT a18            HEADING 'Session Program' TRUNC
    SQL> COLUMN session_machine         FORMAT a8             HEADING 'Machine'         JUSTIFY right TRUNC
    SQL> COLUMN session_pga_memory      FORMAT 9,999,999,999  HEADING 'PGA Memory'
    SQL> COLUMN session_pga_memory_max  FORMAT 9,999,999,999  HEADING 'PGA Memory Max'
    SQL> COLUMN session_uga_memory      FORMAT 9,999,999,999  HEADING 'UGA Memory'
    SQL> COLUMN session_uga_memory_max  FORMAT 9,999,999,999  HEADING 'UGA Memory MAX'
      2      s.sid                sid
      3    , lpad(s.username,12)  oracle_username
      4    , lpad(s.osuser,9)     os_username
      5    , s.program            session_program
      6    , lpad(s.machine,8)    session_machine
      7    , (select ss.value from v$sesstat ss, v$statname sn
      8       where ss.sid = s.sid and
      9             sn.statistic# = ss.statistic# and
     10    = 'session pga memory')        session_pga_memory
     11    , (select ss.value from v$sesstat ss, v$statname sn
     12       where ss.sid = s.sid and
     13             sn.statistic# = ss.statistic# and
     14    = 'session pga memory max')    session_pga_memory_max
     15    , (select ss.value from v$sesstat ss, v$statname sn
     16       where ss.sid = s.sid and
     17             sn.statistic# = ss.statistic# and
      = 'session uga memory')        session_uga_memory
     18   19    , (select ss.value from v$sesstat ss, v$statname sn
     20       where ss.sid = s.sid and
     21             sn.statistic# = ss.statistic# and
     22    = 'session uga memory max')    session_uga_memory_max
     23  FROM
     24      v$session  s
     25      WHERE s.sid=&1
     26  ORDER BY session_pga_memory DESC
     27  /
    Enter value for 1: 520
    old  25:     WHERE s.sid=&1
    new  25:     WHERE s.sid=520
     SID  Oracle User  O/S User Session Program     Machine     PGA Memory PGA Memory Max     UGA Memory UGA Memory MAX
    ---- ------------ --------- ------------------ -------- -------------- -------------- -------------- --------------
     520 APP_USER_MB  appuser JDBC Thin Client      zone2     76,082,400    229,895,392     68,541,416    215,665,464
    Here I got PGA as 76 MB. Can i relate this to my previous calculation which has PGA + (code + data ) = 186 MB ?

    I would like to have a second opinion on this to confirm whether this is correct, or is there any better way to see / tackle high menmory consumption ?

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      • 1. Re: Memory used by a single oracle server process
        Jonathan LewisHero
        SSNair wrote:
        SQL> SQL> SELECT
        2      s.sid                sid
        3    , lpad(s.username,12)  oracle_username
        4    , lpad(s.osuser,9)     os_username
        5    , s.program            session_program
        6    , lpad(s.machine,8)    session_machine
        7    , (select ss.value from v$sesstat ss, v$statname sn
        8       where ss.sid = s.sid and
        9             sn.statistic# = ss.statistic# and
        10    = 'session pga memory')        session_pga_memory
        11    , (select ss.value from v$sesstat ss, v$statname sn
        12       where ss.sid = s.sid and
        13             sn.statistic# = ss.statistic# and
        14    = 'session pga memory max')    session_pga_memory_max
        15    , (select ss.value from v$sesstat ss, v$statname sn
        16       where ss.sid = s.sid and
        17             sn.statistic# = ss.statistic# and = 'session uga memory')        session_uga_memory
        18   19    , (select ss.value from v$sesstat ss, v$statname sn
        20       where ss.sid = s.sid and
        21             sn.statistic# = ss.statistic# and
        22    = 'session uga memory max')    session_uga_memory_max
        23  FROM
        24      v$session  s
        25      WHERE s.sid=&1
        26  ORDER BY session_pga_memory DESC
        27  /
        SID  Oracle User  O/S User Session Program     Machine     PGA Memory PGA Memory Max     UGA Memory UGA Memory MAX
        ---- ------------ --------- ------------------ -------- -------------- -------------- -------------- --------------
        520 APP_USER_MB  appuser JDBC Thin Client      zone2     76,082,400    229,895,392     68,541,416    215,665,464
        I've just posted a response on Oracle-L, but for the benefit of readers here I'll just repeat that you're probably better off looking at v$process because that shows the max allocated, allocated, and used - which may capture your discrepancy. (v$process_memory then gives a breakdown of the use by process).

        Jonathan Lewis
        • 2. Re: Memory used by a single oracle server process
          Hi Jonathan,

          Thank you so much for the hint.

          Checking the views you suggested shows me this
          SQL> select PGA_USED_MEM/1024/1024 used_mb,PGA_ALLOC_MEM/1024/1024 alloc_mb,PGA_FREEABLE_MEM/1024/1024 free_mb,PGA_MAX_MEM/1024/1024 max_mb from v$process where spid=27430;
             USED_MB   ALLOC_MB    FREE_MB     MAX_MB
          ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
          71.9989109  87.611393     12.625 220.923893
          SQL> select CATEGORY,ALLOCATED/1024/1024 allocated_mb,USED/1024/1024 USED_MB,MAX_ALLOCATED/1024/1024 max_mb from  v$process_memory where pid=114;
          CATEGORY        ALLOCATED_MB    USED_MB     MAX_MB
          --------------- ------------ ---------- ----------
          SQL               .136795044      .004920959 153.053238
          PL/SQL            60.8475571     .006774902 66.7705688
          JAVA              4.70097351      4.69393921 6.37259674
          Freeable              12.625               0
          Other             9.30106735           9.30106735
          This comes close to what I got from 'session_pga_memory' which is close to 71 MB.

          Still, I did not get the memory I derived from this calculation .

          shared memory= 4710400 ( shmid from pmap )
          RSS = 4901764 from pmap and ps .

          So RSS - shared memory = PGA used by this process + (code + data ) ?

          If Yes then PGA + (code + data ) = 4901764 - 4710400 = 191364 kb = 186 MB.

          I am getting PGA as 71 MB, so rest ( 186 - 71 ) is the memory for code + data ?

          I suspect, I might be missing something here ?

          Kind Regards,

          Edited by: SSNair on Aug 23, 2011 3:20 AM
          • 3. Re: Memory used by a single oracle server process
            Jonathan LewisHero
            SSNair wrote:
            Hi Jonathan,

            I am getting PGA as 71 MB, so rest ( 186 - 71 ) is the memory for code + data ?

            I suspect, I might be missing something here ?
            I am not extremely familiar with pmap - but you mention (code + data) - won't pmap be reporting the code size for the Oracle executable ? If so doesn't that account for something lik 100MB for you version and platform ?

            You could post the whole pmap output for this process.

            Jonathan Lewis
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