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转载 (转)tar 解压.zip文件报错解决一例: gzip: stdin has more than one entry--rest ignored

1 tar -vxtf adtxxxx.zip结果报错提示gzip: stdin has more than one entry--rest ignoredtar: Child returned status 2tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now百思不得其解,还以为自己半瓶子用错了,搜了几个其他配合的参数也不管用。最后终于发...

2019-02-14 20:18:54 2908

转载 emca fails with "Database instance is unavailable" though available

Fix| Friday, November 23, 2012ShareFacebookLinkedInTwitterGoogle PlusEmailCommentemca fails with "Database instance is unavailable" though availableBy: Giri M

2018-02-03 16:48:02 977

转载 IBM developerWorks 上 《Linux环境进程间通信》系列文章链接

 分类:linux文件系统(61) 作者同类文章X1. 深刻理解 Linux 进程间通信(IPC)http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/cn/linux/l-ipc/index.html2. Linux 环境进程间通信(一): 管道及有名管道http://www.ibm.com

2017-09-22 10:27:50 576

转载 如何查看所有分区的文件系统类型?

file -s /dev/sdb1parted /dev/sdb1

2017-08-11 13:41:01 1912

转载 Differences and Similarities Between Index Coalesce and Shrink Space

Differences and Similarities Between Index Coalesce and Shrink Space February 6, 2008 Posted by Richard Foote inIndex Coalesce, Index Shrink, Oracle General, Oracle Indexes, Performance Tu

2017-04-28 16:35:53 474

转载 Oracle RDBMS: Extracting the Table, Index & View Definitions (DDL) and Indexed Columns

https://blogs.oracle.com/mandalika/entry/oracle_extracing_the_table_index(Reproducing a 30 month old blog post from my other blog at blogger. Source URL:    http://technopark02.blogspot.com/2007/0

2017-04-20 10:06:36 471

转载 dba_source存储的内容解释

什么是dba_source字典视图: 存储所有函数、过程、程序包和Java源的完整的文本,对于你了解一个数据库对象的源代码很有用。存储过程在该视图中是以行为单位进行存储的。dba_source视图中存储的是行为单位拆分的存储过程等对象如下找到的内容:select * from dba_source where name='SQLPROF_ATTR' and owner='SYS'; owner

2017-03-25 10:19:24 6703

转载 sql bind capture相关文档

How To Create a Database SQL Trace Based On Capture Bind Variable For A Session Alone (文档 ID 434437.1)Not Every Bind Values Captured in  v$sql_bind_capture (文档 ID 1370816.1)Using  DBMS_XPLAN.D

2017-03-21 14:46:10 355

原创 dba_outlines里的signature理解

官方文档里的解释:SIGNATURE RAW(16)  Signature uniquely identifying theoutline SQL text在11.2.0.4里测试,该signature是忽略sql的大小写及每个单词之间多余的空格。(测试方式如下:SQL> alter session set create_stored_outlines =test;SQL> s

2017-03-11 11:06:22 575

转载 How do adaptive cursor sharing and SQL Plan Management interact?

How do adaptive cursor sharing and SQL Plan Management interact?     By Allison on Feb 11, 2013We've received a lot of questions about how adaptive cursor sharing (ACS) and SQL plan management

2017-03-01 16:39:30 428

转载 How do I force a query to use bind-aware cursor sharing?

How do I force a query to use bind-aware cursor sharing?     By Allison on Feb 13, 2012no_BIND_AWARE是恰恰相反的作用Way back in our original post on adaptive cursor sharing, a commenter asked if t

2017-03-01 16:37:19 503

转载 Oracle 11g 针对SQL性能的新特性(一)- Adaptive Cursor Sharing

Oracle 11g 针对SQL性能的新特性(一)- Adaptive Cursor Sharing     By Roger Song-Oracle on 十月 03, 2011    Oracle 11g对SQL执行计划的生成过程做了很多改变,我们经常看到有客户抱怨,数据库在升级到11g以后,执行计划变得很不稳定,甚至难以预测。实际上,Oracle在最新版本中致力于让优化器变得

2017-03-01 16:33:44 427

转载 linux less命令简介

less命令可以对文件或其它输出进行分页显示,与moe命令相似,但是比more命令要强大许多。在 less 中导航命令类似于 vi,如下:1 搜索当使用命令 less file-name 打开一个文件后,可以使用下面的方式在文件中搜索。搜索时整个文本中匹配的部分会被高亮显示。1) 向前搜索/ : 使用一个模式进行搜索,并定位到下一个匹配的文本n : 向前查找下一个匹配的文本

2017-02-26 10:59:29 379

转载 How to Edit a Stored Outline to Use the Plan from Another Stored Outline (文档 ID 730062.1)

9876文档 ID …  How to Edit a Stored Outline to Use the Plan from A

2017-02-25 09:35:54 382

转载 ”parse count (total)" and "session cursor cache hits"关系的文章

以下相关连接解释了两个参数的关系 http://t.askmaclean.com/thread-2229-1-1.htmlhttps://antognini.ch/2013/08/the-broken-statistics-parse-count-total-and-session-cursor-cache-hits/http://jonathanlewis.wordpress.c

2017-02-22 17:19:43 599

转载 Oracle 11g 针对SQL性能的新特性(三)- SQL Plan Management

SQL Plan Management (SPM)历史SQL的执行效率,取决于它的执行计划是否高效。 优化器的算法是一个平衡,需要收集尽量少的信息,用尽量快的速度试图去得到一个最优的执行计划,这也决定了它不是万能的。 所以Oracle提供了一些辅助手段来“修复”优化器可能产生的错误,并不断改进这些方法。 Oracle 8: hintOracle 8i&9: stor

2017-02-17 15:04:25 674

转载 Linux Find 命令精通指南

http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/cn/topics/calish-find-096463-zhs.html  简单介绍这一无处不在的命令的强大的方面以及混乱的方面。2008 年 7 月发布Linux                                 find 命令是所有 Linux 命令中最有用的一个,同时也是最混乱的一个。它很

2017-02-17 08:57:41 421

转载 How does SQL Plan Management match SQL statements to SQL plan baselines?

https://blogs.oracle.com/optimizer/entry/how_does_sql_plan_management  How does SQL Plan Management match SQL statements to SQL plan baselines?By Maria Colgan-Oracle on Jan 09, 2013Hap

2017-02-14 15:23:23 335

转载 PLAN_HASH_VALUE - How equal (and stable?) are your execution plans - part 1

http://oracle-randolf.blogspot.tw/2009/07/planhashvalue-how-equal-and-stable-are.html  Oracle provides in recent releases the PLAN_HASH_VALUE information, which according to the documentation, i

2017-02-14 15:19:22 566

转载 Oracle Outlines – aka Plan Stability

http://kerryosborne.oracle-guy.com/2008/12/oracle-outlines-aka-plan-stability/Roughly 10 years ago, Oracle introduced a way to lock down execution plans. This was a response to the inherent unpredic

2017-02-10 17:20:16 514


用AUTOTRACE查看执行的计划的同学常问到执行计划里的BUFFER SORT是什么意思,这里为什么要排序呢?BUFFER SORT不是一种排序,而是一种临时表的创建方式。BUFFER是执行计划想要表达的重点,是其操作: 在内存中存放一张临时表。SORT修饰BUFFER,表示具体在内存的什么地方存放临时表: 在PGA的SQL工作区里的排序区。至少有一种方法可以说服

2017-02-05 17:55:42 3336


A higher DB_FILE_MULTIBLOCK_READ_COUNT (MBRC) number can influence the Oracle optimizer to lean toward full scans.The right number for the database depends on the application (DSS or OLTP). Batch proc

2016-12-07 16:24:24 366

转载 sorts(disk)及sorts(memory)的意义

The sorts (disk) Oracle metric indicatesif the number of disk writes is non-zero for a given sort operation, if so, then this statistic is incrementedsorts(memory) :The sorts memory Oracle metri

2016-11-29 16:05:15 1522

转载 Explain Plan with Parallel Processing

First table creationLet's recreate our Gigabyte sized table and do a full table scan in parallel.CREATE TABLE T2 ( row_id INTEGER NOT NULL, row_pad VARCHAR2( 1000 ))NOLOGGINGPCTFREE 90

2016-11-22 14:55:48 405

转载 hash join hint

Hash Joins Filed under: CBO,Execution plans,Hints,Oracle,Tuning — Jonathan Lewis @ 12:53 pm GMT Sep 7,2013 I’ve written notes about the different join mechanisms in the past – but such t

2016-11-09 13:43:30 1354

原创 Oracle 11g Create Logical Standby

前置检查工作:1 Determine Support for Data Types and Storage Attributes for Tables2 Ensure Table Rows in the Primary Database Can Be Uniquely IdentifiedTable 4–2 Creating a Logical Standby Databa

2016-10-29 09:35:59 334

转载 So When Does An Oracle B-Tree Index Increase In Height ? (Almost Grown)

So when does an Oracle B-Tree index actually increase in height ?I’ve basically been asked this same question a number of times over the past few days with regard to the discussions on indexes and d

2016-10-27 11:28:03 352

转载 How to Switch the Driving Table in a Hash Join (文档 ID 171940.1)

*************************************************************This article is being delivered in Draft form and may containerrors.  Please use the MetaLink "Feedback" button to adviseOracle of an

2016-10-25 16:54:35 310

原创 查看standby database的redo transport status

在主库上查看view v$archive_dest_statusSYNCHRONIZATION_STATUS及SYNCHRONIZED两个栏位可以查看具体状态

2016-10-22 11:36:02 394

原创 Install Grid Infrastructure and Oracle Database SW for Standalone

1 Prerequisites(1)  内存检查如果需要同时安装Grid Infrastrue及Database则内需要至少4G[oracle@sdb1 ~]$ free -m             total       used      free     shared    buffers    cachedMem:        2002       1354  

2016-10-22 11:15:47 560

原创 oracle 11g dataguard 升级为maximize protection

环境:  on oracle linux 5.8 升级主库为maximize protection时需要注意以下两点:1 主库的远程archive log destination至少有一个需要满足设定为AFFIRM  SYNC2 standby 库需要设定有standby redo log

2016-10-20 14:39:49 385

转载 FAL behavior on 11.2 (文档 ID 1394472.1)

In this Document Goal FixThis document is being delivered to you via Oracle Support's Rapid Visibility (RaV) process and therefore has not been subjec

2016-10-17 11:13:14 378

转载 Optimizer Transformations: OR Expansion

Optimizer Transformations: OR Expansion By Maria Colgan-Oracle on Apr 11, 2011We continue our series on Optimizer transformations with OR expansion. I would like to thank Mingxi Wu for the con

2016-10-02 13:08:43 400

转载 While starting out of two DBs one DB getting error: ORA-01102: cannot mount database in EXCLUSIVE mo

While starting out of two DBs one DB getting error: ORA-01102: cannot mount database in EXCLUSIVE mode (文档 ID 2152488.1) 9876文档 ID

2016-09-06 16:50:36 592

转载 linux特殊符号大全

linux特殊符号大全在shell中常用的特殊符号罗列如下:#   ;   ;;      .      ,       /       \       'string'|       !   $   ${}   $?      $$   $*  "string"*     **   ?   :   ^   $#   $@    `command`{}  []   [[]] 

2016-09-05 14:49:44 2664

转载 如何查看Linux是32位还是64位

查看linux机器是32位还是64位的方法: file /sbin/init 或者 file /bin/ls /sbin/init: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.6.18, stripped

2016-08-26 13:45:47 391

转载 oracle password file 命名规则

關於oracle密碼檔的一點學習[2008/9/3]【字體:大 中 小】【列印】創建密碼檔的命令    orapwd  file= entries=最大數目    這裏的file命名規則在unix/linux下 orapw,在windows下為 pwd.ora 1. Log in as the Oracle softw

2016-08-13 14:12:03 508

转载 OR expansion

r expansion is the use of OR's to process something instead of another method. for example (P and Q are predicates):select * from twhere P or Qcan be "or expanded" to something likeselec

2016-08-07 16:52:20 341

原创 查看mysql 版本

1 使用mysql连接服务器时2 使用语句SHOW VARIABLES LIKE "%version%";[root@sdb5-11g ~]# mysql -u rootWelcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.Your MySQL connection id is 5Server version: 5.7

2016-08-05 09:22:40 397

转载 Fixed Objects Statistics and why they are important

Fixed Objects Statistics and why they are importantBy Maria Colgan-Oracle on Jan 09, 2012Fixed objects are the x$ tables and their indexes. The v$performance views in Oracle are defined in top

2016-07-28 10:57:08 357


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