Mapinfo MIF/MID文件格式中英文对照解释


=============MapInfo MIF/MID file format description=========

MapInfo MIF/MID 文件格式描述


(from Appendix A of MapInfo Reference)

摘自 MapInfo 参考资料的附录 a


This appendix describes the data interchange format for MapInfo. In this 

appendix, you will find information on:

这个附录描述了 MapInfo 的数据交换格式。在这个附录中,你会发现如下信息:

MIF File header

MIF Data Section

Pen, Brush, Symbol, and Font Codes in MIF

MID File


This versatile format allows generic data to be attached to a variety of

graphical items. It's ASCII, so it is editable, relatively easy to generate,

and works on all platforms supported by MapInfo. Perhaps the best way to 

understand the MapInfo Interchange Format (MIF) is to study the sample file 

at the end of this appendix in conjunction with the explanation of the file 

format. You can also create samples of your own by exporting files to MIF and 

then examining those files in a text editor.

这种通用的格式允许把普通的数据添加到多种的图像元素中。 MIF/MID 文件采用 ASCII 编码,因此它是可编辑的、相对比较容易生成、并且可以工作在 MapInfo 支持的所有平台上。也许理解 MIF 格式的最好的方法是在读完这篇文章后,拿着 MIF 格式说明,研究一个 MIF 文件。你也可以通过“ exporting files to MIF ”创建你自己的 MIF 文件,然后在文本编辑器中好好的研究它。


Mapinfo data is in two file -- the graphics reside in a .MIF file and textual

data is contained in a .MID file. The textual data is delimited data, with 

one row per record and either Carriage Return, Carriage Return plus Line Feed,

or Line Feed between lines. The MIF file has two areas -- the file header and

the data section. Information on how to create MapInfo tables is in the

header; the graphical object definitions are in the data section.

MapInfo 数据存在于两种文件中 -- 图形数据存储在 .MIF 文件、文本数据存储在 .MID 文件。文本数据包括每一项记录的一行和回车,回车加换行,行之间的换行。 MIF 文件的数据包括两部分 -- 文件头和数据区。文件头存放着如何创建 MapInfo 表格的信息;数据区存放着图形对象的解释。







=================MIF FILE HEADER===============


This is a description of MIF file header with optional information in square


下面是 MIF 文件头的描述 ( 包括可选项,下表中由“ [] ”括起来的部分就是可选项 )


Version n 

Charset "characterSetName"

[ DELIMITER "<c>" ] 

[ UNIQUE n,n.. ] 

[ INDEX n,n.. ]

[ COORDSYS... ] 



<name> <type> 

<name> <type> 






1.Version 版本号


The Version clause states whether you are using VERSION 1, VERSION 2, or

VERSION 300 of the format. Version 300, introduced with Mapinfo 3.0, allows

multiple-section polyline objects.

Version ”说明你使用的 MIF 格式的版本 (VERSION 1, VERSION 2, VERSION 300 中的一种 ) Version 300 ,引自 Mapinfo 3.0 ,允许形容由多段组成的折线对象。


2.Charset 字符集


The Charset clause specifies which character set was used to create text in

the table. For example: Specify "WindowsLatin1" to indicate that the file was

created using the Windows US & Western Europe character set; specify

"MacRoman" to specify the Macintosh US & Western Europe character set; or

specify "Neutral" to avoid converting the text into another character set.

If you are not using one of these character sets, you can determine the

correct syntax for your character set by exporting a table and examining the

.MIF file in a text editor.

Charset ”指定表 (此处还不知道是哪一个表) 中创建文本所使用的字符集。比如说: "WindowsLatin1" 说明文件使用的是 the Windows US & Western Europe 字符集; "MacRoman" 说明文件使用的是 the Macintosh US & Western Europe 字符集;或者,注明 "Neutral" 是为了防止将文本转成了另外的字符集。如果你没有使用其中任何一个字符集,你可以通过 exporting a table examining the .MIF file in a text editor 为你的字符集指定正确的语法。


3.Delimiter 分隔符


Specify the delimiting character in quotation marks, for example:

指定引号(即 "" 或者 '' )之间的分隔符,比如说:




The default delimiter is Tab; if you are using the default, you do not need

the DELIMITER line.

默认的分隔符是 Tab ;如果你使用的是默认分隔符,你不需要“ DELIMITER ”这一行。




Specify a number. This number refers to a database column; 3 is the third

column, 7 is the seventh column, and so forth. What happens to column in the

UNIQUE list is subtle. For example, imagine that you have a database with

highways in it. Each highway has only one name, but it might be represented

by several segments. You would put the NAME column in the UNIQUE list, while

the column containing data for the individual segments would not be in that

list. This has the effect of creating two related tables; one with names,

and one with the other attributes of the objects. This is how MapInfo's

various street maps (StreetInfo) are prepared.

指定一个数字。这个数字指定一个数据库的列; 3 是第三列, 7 是第七列,以此类推。发生在 UNIQUE 指定的列上的事情是微妙的。比如说,想象一下你建立一个高速公路的数据库。每一条路都只有一个名字,但是在每一路段中都会把名字重写一遍。这时你会把 NAME 这一列放在一个单独的表中,而包含每个路段的信息的其他列不会放在那个表中。这样就可以创建两个相关的表格:一个 NAME 表,一个包含其他信息。 This is how MapInfo's various street maps(StreetInfo) are prepared. (这句不会翻译)


5.Index 索引


To indicate that columns in the table are indexed, include a number (or a

comma-separated list of numbers) in the Index clause. Each number refers to

a database column; 3 is the third column, 7 is the seventh column, and so

forth. Columns in the INDEX list will have indexes prepared for them.

Index ”指明表中已经建立索引(什么?你不知道什么是索引?自己查阅大学课本)的列,“ INDEX ”项包括一个数字(或者一系列数字)。每一个数字指定一个数据库的列; 3 是第三列, 7 是第七列,以此类推。在“ INDEX ”表中指定的列会建立索引。




Specify the COORDSYS clause to note that the data is not stored in

longitude/latitude( / ) form. When no COORDSYS clause is specified, data is

assumed to be stored in longitude/latitude forms. All coordinates are stored

with respect to the northeast quadrant. The coordinates for points in the

United States have a negative X while coordinates for points in Europe (east

of Greenwich) have a positive X .coordinates for points in the Northern

hemisphere have a positive Y while coordinates for points in the Southern

hemisphere have a negative Y. 

指定“ COORDSYS ”项表示数据不是以经纬度的形式存储的。当没有指定“ COORDSYS ”这一项时,数据被认为是以经纬度的方式存储。 All coordinates are stored with respectto the northeast quadrant.( 这句话不知道怎么翻译 ) 在美国的点的 x 坐标为负而在欧洲的点( Greenwich 以东)的坐标为正。在北半球的点的 y 坐标为正而在南半球的点的坐标为负。


Syntax 1:   (不大懂,最好找两个例子)


CoordSys Earth

[ Projection type, 



[,origin_longtitude ] 

[,origin_lattitude ]



[,azimuth ] 

[,scale_factor ]

[,false_easting ] 


[,range ]] 

[ Bounds (minx,miny) (maxx,maxy) ]


Syntax 2: 


CoordSys Nonearth 

Units unitname

Bounds (minx,miny) (maxx,maxy)

下面是我对“ Syntax 2 ”的理解:

<!--[if !vml]--> <!--[endif]-->


7.Transform 转换


When you have MIF files with coordinates stored with respect to the northwest

quadrant (quadrant 2), you can transform them to northeast quadrant

(quadrant 1) with a transform clause.

你可以通过“ Transform ”实现地理元素的坐标转换。 (这句话是我自己的理解,并没有按原文翻译)



| Quadrant 2: | Quadrant 1: |

| Nortwest Quadrant | Norteast Quadrant |


| Quadrant 3: | Quadrant 4: |

| Southwest Quadrant | Southeast Quadrant |



The transofrm clause has the following syntax: 

Transform ”的用法如下:

TRANSFORM Xmultiplier, Ymultiplier, Xdisplacement, Ydisplacement 


To transform quadrant 2 data into quadrant 1 data, use the following

transform clause:

如果想把第 2 象限的数据转换到第一象限,可以像如下使用“ Transform ”:


TRANSFORM -1,0,0,0


The zeroes instruct MapInfo to ignore that parameter.

0 告诉 MapInfo 忽略那一项:


When you have an application which creates MIF files in quadrant 2, you can: 

当你的程序在第二象限创建 MIF 文件,你可以:

Add the TRANSFORM clause to the MIF files

Change the application so that it creates coordinates in quadrant 1

Change the application so that it adds a TRANSFORM clause to the MIF Files




Specify the number of column. Then, for each column, create a row containing

the column name, the column type, and, for character and decimal columns, a

number to indicate the width of the field. Valid column types are:

指定列数。然后,为每一列,建立一行(包括 the column name the column type 、一个用来指定域长度的数字 -- 仅为 character decimal 类型的列建立)用来说明其格式。有效的列类型包括:



integer        [ 说明: which is 4 bytes, from -2^31 to 2^31-1]

smallint        [ 说明: which is 2 bytes, so it can only store numbers between -32767 and +32767)]

decimal (width, decimals)





This is an example of the columns section of the header:

下面是 mif 文件头的 COLUMNS 部分的一个例子:


STATE char (15) 


AREA decimal (8,4) 


For the database specified in this header, the MID file has three columns:

通过上面指定的数据库,我们知道对应的 MID 文件有三列:


a 15 character field that represents the STATE column,

an integer field that represents the POPULATION column,

an AREA column that consists of a decimal field with up to 8 total

and 4 character after the decimal.

列名              列类型

STATE           char(15) 15 位长的字符串


AREA            decimal(8,4) 一个最长 8 位、小数点后有 4 位的小数


=================MIF  DATA  SECTION======================


The data section of the MIF file follows the header and must be introduced

with DATA on a single line: 

MIF 文件的“ data ”部分紧跟着文件头并且必须由一个单行“ DATA ”引出:




The data section of the MIF file can have any number of graphical primitives,

one for each graphic object. MapInfo matches up entries in the MIF and MID

files, associating the first object in the MIF file with the first row in the

MID file, the second object in the MIF file with the second row in the MID

file, and so on.

MIF 文件的数据部分可以包括任意长度的图形变量,其中每一项对映着一个图形对象。 MapInfo 自动使 MIF MID 文件里面的每一条相一致,比如说: MIF 文件的第一个 object 对应着 MID 文件的第一行, MIF 文件的第二个 object 对应着 MID 文件的第二行。


When there is no graphic object corresponding to a particular row in the MID

file, a "blank" object (NONE) must be written as a place holder in the

corresponding place in the MIF file. 

MIF 文件中没有图形对象与 MID 文件的行对应时,一个“ blank ”对象必须写在 MIF 文件中相应的位置。




The graphical objects that can be specified are: 



point          //

line           // 线

polyline       // 折线

region         // 区域

arc            //

text           // 文本

rectangle      // 矩形

rounded rectangle   // 圆矩(即 4 个角做“钝化”处理的矩形)

ellipse        // 椭圆


( 下面是针对每一种类型的说明,很简单,我就不翻译了 )


A point object takes two parameters; an X coordinate and a Y coordinate. As an

option, specify the symbol that represents the point. Symbols are designated

by numbers. If you omit the SYMBOL clause, the current symbol is used.


POINT x y 

[ SYMBOL (shape, color, size) ]


MapInfo 4.0 also supports two variations on the SYMBOL clause; see Symbol

discussion later in this appendix.


A line object requires four parameters; an X and a Y coordinate for each end

point. As an option, specify a pen type. When no pen type is specified,

the current pen type is used. 


LINE x1 y1 x2 y2

[ PEN (width, pattern, color) ]


A polyline object consists of one or more sections. If the polyline has more

than one section, include the MULTIPLE keyword, followed by the number of

sections. For each section, specify a numpts argument (which indicates the

number of nodes in that section), followed by an x/y coordinate pair for each

node. Use the optional PEN clause (described later in this appendix) to

specify the line style. If you include the optional SMOOTH keyword, the

polyline is smoothed. 


PLINE [ MULTIPLE numsections ]


x1 y1 

x2 y2

[ numpts 2 

x1 y1 

x2 y2 ]

[ PEN (width, pattern, color) ] 



A region object consists of one or more polygons( 多边形 ). Specify the number of

polygons through the numpolygons argument (immediately after the REGION

keyword). For each polygon, specify a numpts argument (which indicates the

number of nodes in that polygon), followed by an x/y coordinate pair for each

node. Use the optional PEN and BRUSH clauses (described later in this

appendix) to specify the object's style. Use the optional CENTER clause to

define the object's centroid explicitly.


REGION numpolygons


x1 y1 

x2 y2

[ numpts 2 

x1 y1 

x2 y2

[ PEN (width, pattern, color) ]

[ BRUSH (pattern, forecolor, backcolor) ] 

[ CENTER x y ]


An arc requires the diagonally opposite corners of its bounding rectangle

and the beginning (a) and ending (b) angles of the arc in degrees, moving

counter-clockwise with zero at three o'clock. As an option, specify the arc

type. (An arc specifies a section of an ellipse, the corners of which are

determined by the bounding rectangle.) 


ARC x1 y1 x2 y2 

a b

[ PEN (width, pattern, color) ]


A text object consists of a text string, up to 255 characters long. To make

the text string wrap onto multiple lines, insert the characters n within the

textstring argument (e.g. "First line nSecond line nThird line". The x1,

y1, x2, and y2 arguments specify the location of the text on the map.


Spacing can be 1.0 (single spacing), 1.5, or 2.0 (double spacing). Use the

Font clause (described later in this chapter) to control the typeface, etc.


TEXT "textstring" 

x1 y1 x2 y2 

[ FONT... ]

[ Spacing {1.0 | 1.5 | 2.0} ]

[ Justify {Left | Center | Right } ] 

[ Angle text_angle ]

[ Label Line {simple | arrow} x y ]


A rectangle requires the coordinates of the diagonally opposite corners. As

an option, specify pen and brush types. 


RECT x1 y1 x2 y2

[ PEN (width, pattern, color) ]

[ BRUSH (pattern, forecolor, backcolor) ]

------------rounded rectangle------------------

A rounded rectangle requires the coordinates of the diagonally opposite

corners and the degree of rounding (a). As an option, specify pen and brush

types. Degree of rounding is expressed in coordinate units.


ROUNDRECT x1 y1 x2 y2 


[ PEN (width, pattern, color) ]

[ BRUSH (pattern, forecolor, backcolor) ]


An ellipse object requires the coordinates of the diagonally opposite corners

of its bounding rectangle. As an option, specify pen and brush types.


ELLIPSE x1 y1 x2 y2 

[ PEN (width, pattern, color) ]

[BRUSH (pattern, forecolor, backcolor) ]




The Pen clause specifies the width, pattern, and color of a linear object,

such as a line, polyline or arc. The Pen clause has the following syntax:


PEN (width, pattern, color)


Width is a number from zero to 7. Note: zero-width lines are invisible.

Color is an integer, representing a 24-bit RGB color value.

Pattern is an integer from 1 to 77; patter number 1 is invisible.


Due to a limitness of a text file patterns cannot be shown, however they are

available in MapInfo Refernce book. More info can be obtained by contacting


MapInfo. ( on internet)




Brush specifies the pattern, foreground color, and background color of a

filled object, such as a circle or region. The Brush clause has the following



BRUSH (pattern, forecolor [, backcolor ] )


The forecolor and backcolor arguments are both integers, representing 24-bit

RGB color values.

Pattern is a number from 1 to 71. Note: Pattern number 1 is "no fill," and

pattern number 2 is a solid fill. Pattern numbers 9-11 are reserved.


Tip: To specify a transparent fill style, use pattern number three or larger,

and omit the backcolor argument. For example: Brush( 5, 255 )


Due to a limitness of a text file patterns cannot be shown, however they are

available in MapInfo Refernce book. More info can be obtained by contacting


MapInfo. ( on internet)




The Symbol clause specifies the appearance of a Point object. There are

three different forms of the Symbol clause, described below.


Symbol Clause -- MapInfo 3.0 Syntax


The Symbol clause specifies the appearance of a Point object. There are

three different forms of the Symbol clause. To specify a symbol style using

"Old MapInfo Symbols" (the symbols that were used in earlier version of

MapInfo), use the following syntax: 


SYMBOL (shape, color, size)


The shape argument is an integer value, 31 or larger; 31 represents a blank

symbol (i.e. the object will not be visible). The standard set of symbols

includes symbols 32 through 67, inclusive, but the user can customize the

symbol set by using the Symbol application.

The color argument is an integer representing a 24-bit RGB color value.

The size argument is an integer from 1 to 48, representing a point size.


The following table lists the default symbols provided with Mapinfo:


Due to a limitness of a text file symbols cannot be shown, however they are

available in MapInfo Refernce book. More info can be obtained by contacting

MapInfo. ( on internet)


Symbol Clause -- TrueType Font Syntax


To specify a symbol style based on a character from a TrueType font, use

the following syntax:


SYMBOL (shape, color, size, fontname, fontstyle, rotation)


The fontstyle argument is an integer that controls settings such as Bold.

The following table lists the values you can use as fontstyle.



fontstyle value Effect on Symbol style


0 Plain text

1 Bold text 

16 Black border around symbol

32 Drop shadow 

256 White border around symbol



To specify two or more style attributes, add the values from the lef column.

For example, to specify Bold and Drop Shadow, use 33.

The rotation argument is a floating-point number, representing a rotation

angle, in degrees.


Symbol clause - Custom Bitmap File Syntax


To specify a symbol style based on a character from a TrueType font, use the

following syntax: 


SYMBOL (filename, color, size, customstyle)


The filename argument is a text string that identifies a bitmap file (e.g.

"Arrow.BMP" in the CustSymb directory.


The customstyle argument is an integer that controls whether color and

background attributes are used. The following table lists the values


you can use as customstyle:



customstyle value Effect on Symbol style


0 Both the Shadow Background setting and the

Apply Color setting are off; symbol appears

in default states. White pixels in the bitmap

appear transparent, allowing whatever is

behind the symbol to show through.


1 The Show Background setting is on; white

pixels in the image are opaque.


2 The Apply Color setting is on; non-white

colors in the image are replaced with the

Symbol's color value.


3 Both Show Background and Apply Color settings

are on.





The Font clause specifies the appearance (typeface, color, etc.) or text

objects. The Font clause has the following syntax:


FONT ("fontname", style, size, forecolor [, backcolor] )


Fontname in double quotation marks is the typeface to be displayed. Style is

the text attribute of the typeface as shown in the following table. Size

must be 0 in a MIF file, because each text object on a Map is attached to

the map itself (thus the text size changes as you zoom in or out). Forecolor

is an integer representing a 24-bit RGB color. The background color is

optional; if you include it, MapInfo fills the are behind the text with the

color you specify.



style value Effect on Font Appearance



0 Plain 1 Bold

2 Italic 4 Underline

16 Outline (only supported on the Macintosh)

32 Shadow 256 Halo

512 All Caps 1024 Expanded




To specify two or more style attributes, add the values from the left column.

For example, to specify Bold and All Caps, use 513.




Colors are often defined in relative concentractions of red, green, and blue.

Each color is a number from 0 to 255, inclusive; the RGB value of a color is

calculated by the following formula: 


(red * 65536) + (green * 256) + blue


These are some often used colors and their values: 


Red: 16711680

Green: 65280 

Blue: 255 

Cuan: 65535

Magenta: 16711935 

Yellow: 16776960 

Black: 0




=====================MID FILE=================


The MID file contains data, one record of data per row, delimited by the

character specified in the delimiter statement. The default delimiter is

Tab. Each row in the MID file is associated with a corresponding object in

the MIF file; first row with first object, second row with second object.

If delimiter character is included as part of the data in a field, enclose

the field in quotation marks.


The MID file is an optional file. When ther is no MID file, all fields are blank.

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