Liferay 4.0.0 Final Released!

Liferay Portal 4.0.0 has been released, with fine-grained permissioning, support for Geronimo, Websphere 6, and Weblogic 8.1SP5, Alfresco integration, JSR-170 support, full-page caching, and more. It includes many bundled portlets and themes, and can be deployed on most application server/database combinations, including deployment in servlet containers (as opposed to a full application server).

Liferay also supports single-signon, user customization, and a number of other useful features. Liferay is licensed under the MIT license.

You can find an online demo of Liferay, and a roadmap for future development is available.

  • Security Model
    • Fine-grained Permissions
      • Metadata-based Permission Schemes at all Levels (Portal and Portlet)
      • Custom Permission Grants
        • Role-based Permission Aggregation
        • Grant Individual Permissions to Users
      • Permissions assigned to all Levels of the Enterprise (see below)
    • Enterprise Taxonomy
      • Enterprise
      • Organization
      • Location
      • Community
      • User
  • Page Layout
    • Separate Public/Private Page Hierarchies
      • Communities
      • Users
    • Improve Drag and Drop
    • WSYIWYG Add Content (powered by AJAX)
    • Layout Templates (1-1-1, 2-1-2, etc) refactored from Portlet Aggregator
    • Liferay Archive (LAR)
      • Import/Export Layouts and Preferences for a community
  • Themes
    • Completely Velocity-based (while still maintaining JSP compatibility)
    • Stretchable Themes
      • Page is as wide as the browser
    • Dynamic CSS
      • Modify Theme CSS at runtime (through Portlet Configuration Mode)
    • Page-level Themes
      • Every page has its own Theme (otherwise inherit from the parent page)
  • Performance and Scalability
    • Full-page Caching
    • Smaller Memory Footprint
      • Refactored Model Caching
    • Faster Request/Response Times
      • Reduced Round-trip Javascript Loads
    • Classloader Segregation
      • Portal Classes isolated from Portlet and Theme WARs
      • Allow for different versions of JARs to exist at runtime
      • Third-Party Portlets integrate seamlessly
  • Integration
    • Alfresco
      • Web Client Portlet
      • Publish Alfresco Content in Liferay
    • Struts Bridges
    • JSF Portlet/Servlet Transparency
      • Run a JSF Application in Portlet and Servlet contexts simultaneously
    • FCKEditor Access to Liferay Journal (CMS)
      • Document Library
      • Image Gallery
      • Layouts
    • Java Content Repository (JCR) - JSR-170
      • Document Library refactored to JCR
  • Application Servers
    • Geronimo Support
    • Websphere 6 Support
    • Weblogic 8.1SP5 Support
  • Auto Deploy - automatically deploy WARs from a configured folder
    • Portlets
    • Themes
    • Layouts
  • Portlets
    • Refactor all Portlets
      • Integrate Security Infrastructure
      • Improve UI and User Experience
    • Journal
      • Improve Search Interface (One-step search and edit)
      • Tightly-integrated Article/Structure/Template generation
      • Velocity-based Templates (in addition to XSL)
    • Message Boards
      • Add Categories
    • Portlet Configuration Mode
      • Custom Portlet Configuration
      • Standard Look and Feel
      • Assign Permissions
    • New Portlets
      • Admin (Super User)
      • Enterprise Admin
      • Organizatin Admin
      • Location Admin
    • Private Request Attributes





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