Audio recorder Silverlight 4 sample

Today I want to share with you my Audio Record sample using some new cool features coming in Silverlight 4. The sample demonstrates:

Today I want to share with you my Audio Record sample using some new cool features coming in Silverlight 4. The sample demonstrates:

  • recording audio using the AudioCaptureDevice and CaptureSource classes, and saving it using an AudioSink object,
  • access to local folders on the computer,
  • simple commanding model using the new Command properties and ICommand interface,
  • changing appearance of a standard control (button) using its visual states.

Of course, full source code is attached at the end of the article.

The user interface is really simple:


What we want to achieve:

  1. three state audio recorder with three buttons “Record”, “Stop” and “Save”,
  2. the user first selects the “Record” buttons, the recorder will begin recording; the user clicks the “Stop” button when he is done with recording and finally selects the “Save” button to be prompted by a classic Save file dialog to save the record into a standard WAV file on his disc,
  3. command buttons should have a correct enabled/disabled logic,
  4. a status bar with text helping the user what to do or what is the recorder doing,

Disclaimer: Obviously I’m not the one gifted with graphical skills so don’t expect nifty animations here and there. It’s just a sample. :-)

Recording audio

An AudioCaptureDevice object represents a hardware device cable capturing sound. There may be more than one present and the user may select a default one in the new Silverlight 4 configuration tab:


You can get the default one through the CaptureDeviceConfiguration class:

var audioDevice = CaptureDeviceConfiguration.GetDefaultAudioCaptureDevice();

Then you use a CaptureSource object to capture any input from this source:

_captureSource = new CaptureSource() { AudioCaptureDevice = audioDevice };

Lastly, we need to connect a sink to the capture source. Sinks allow us to process incoming input from the source in any way we want – for example to store in a memory stream. For this we derive a new AudioSink (our is called MemoryAudioSink) and override the most important method – OnSamples:

protected override void OnSamples( long sampleTime, long sampleDuration, byte[] sampleData) { // New audio data arrived, write them to the stream. _stream.Write(sampleData, 0, sampleData.Length); }

To connect and start capturing the sound:

_sink = new MemoryAudioSink(); _sink.CaptureSource = _captureSource; _captureSource.Start()

Writing a WAV file

CaptureSource sends the captured sound to its sinks as raw PCM data. We need to add a standard WAV header to be usable for a user. This is done by the SavePcmToWav method:

public static void SavePcmToWav(Stream rawData, Stream output, AudioFormat audioFormat) { if (audioFormat.WaveFormat != WaveFormatType.PCM) throw new ArgumentException("Only PCM coding is supported."); BinaryWriter bwOutput = new BinaryWriter(output); // Write down the WAV header. // Refer to // for details on the format. // Note that we use ToCharArray() when writing fixed strings // to force using the char[] overload because // Write(string) writes the string prefixed by its length. // -- RIFF chunk bwOutput.Write("RIFF".ToCharArray()); // Total Length Of Package To Follow // Computed as data length plus the header length without the data // we have written so far and this data (44 - 4 ("RIFF") - 4 (this data)) bwOutput.Write(( uint)(rawData.Length + 36)); bwOutput.Write("WAVE".ToCharArray()); // -- FORMAT chunk bwOutput.Write("fmt ".ToCharArray()); // Length Of FORMAT Chunk (Binary, always 0x10) bwOutput.Write(( uint)0x10); // Always 0x01 bwOutput.Write(( ushort)0x01); // Channel Numbers (Always 0x01=Mono, 0x02=Stereo) bwOutput.Write(( ushort)audioFormat.Channels); // Sample Rate (Binary, in Hz) bwOutput.Write(( uint)audioFormat.SamplesPerSecond); // Bytes Per Second bwOutput.Write(( uint)(audioFormat.BitsPerSample * audioFormat.SamplesPerSecond * audioFormat.Channels / 8)); // Bytes Per Sample: 1=8 bit Mono, 2=8 bit Stereo or 16 bit Mono, 4=16 bit Stereo bwOutput.Write(( ushort)(audioFormat.BitsPerSample * audioFormat.Channels / 8)); // Bits Per Sample bwOutput.Write(( ushort)audioFormat.BitsPerSample); // -- DATA chunk bwOutput.Write("data".ToCharArray()); // Length Of Data To Follow bwOutput.Write(( uint)rawData.Length); // Raw PCM data follows... // Reset position in rawData and remember its origin position // to restore at the end. long originalRawDataStreamPosition = rawData.Position; rawData.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); // Append all data from rawData stream into output stream. byte[] buffer = new byte[4096]; int read; // number of bytes read in one iteration while ((read = rawData.Read(buffer, 0, 4096)) > 0) { bwOutput.Write(buffer, 0, read); } rawData.Seek(originalRawDataStreamPosition, SeekOrigin.Begin); }

Simple commanding with a simple view model

I’m a fan of the new Model-View-ViewModel pattern as it allows you further properly structure your presentation layer while taking advantage of powerful WPF/Silverlight databinding. It wasn’t so simple to use it in Silverlight projects because it did not support commands as the full WPF stack did so you needed to resort to Prism or other frameworks.

However, with Silverlight 4 comes the ICommand interface:

public interface ICommand { event EventHandler CanExecuteChanged; bool CanExecute( object parameter); void Execute( object parameter); }

and new Command properties on ButtonBase-derived controls and the HyperLink control.

With this you can create your own viewmodel wrapping all your code interacting with the user interface and application logic in a single unit-testable class. The user interface will hook into your viewmodel class though public ICommand and dependency properties by leveraging databinding. Your code-behind will be almost empty!

To simplify things I created a SimpleCommand because all of my commands will just call a method on the viewmodel class and I will set their executability directly through a property:

public class SimpleCommand : ICommand { public Action ExecuteAction { get; set; } private bool _canExecute; public bool MayBeExecuted { get { return _canExecute; } set { if (_canExecute != value) { _canExecute = value; if (CanExecuteChanged != null) CanExecuteChanged( this, new EventArgs()); } } } #region ICommand Members public bool CanExecute( object parameter) { return MayBeExecuted; } public event EventHandler CanExecuteChanged; public void Execute( object parameter) { if (ExecuteAction != null) ExecuteAction(); } #endregion }

Let’s dig into the viewmodel class – the heart of the application. First some declarations:

public class RecorderViewModel : DependencyObject { private SimpleCommand _recordCommand; private SimpleCommand _playPauseCommand; private SimpleCommand _saveCommand; private MemoryAudioSink _sink; private CaptureSource _captureSource; private SaveFileDialog saveFileDialog = new SaveFileDialog() { Filter = "Audio files (*.wav)|*.wav" }; public SimpleCommand RecordCommand { get { return _recordCommand; } } public SimpleCommand PlayPauseCommand { get { return _playPauseCommand; } } public SimpleCommand SaveCommand { get { return _saveCommand; } } public static readonly DependencyProperty StatusTextProperty = DependencyProperty.Register("StatusText", typeof( string), typeof(RecorderViewModel), null); public string StatusText { get { return ( string)GetValue(StatusTextProperty); } set { SetValue(StatusTextProperty, value); } }

The constructor initializes the three commands to just call their respective methods on the class:

public RecorderViewModel() { _recordCommand = new SimpleCommand() { MayBeExecuted = true, ExecuteAction = () => Record() }; _saveCommand = new SimpleCommand() { MayBeExecuted = false, ExecuteAction = () => SaveFile() }; _playPauseCommand = new SimpleCommand() { MayBeExecuted = false, ExecuteAction = () => PlayOrPause() }; var audioDevice = CaptureDeviceConfiguration.GetDefaultAudioCaptureDevice(); _captureSource = new CaptureSource() { AudioCaptureDevice = audioDevice }; GoToStartState(); }

The last piece is to define the methods doing the hard work:

protected void Record() { if (!EnsureAudioAccess()) return; if (_captureSource.State != CaptureState.Stopped) return; _sink = new MemoryAudioSink(); _sink.CaptureSource = _captureSource; _captureSource.Start(); // Enable pause command, disable record command _playPauseCommand.MayBeExecuted = true; _recordCommand.MayBeExecuted = false; StatusText = "Recording..."; } protected void PlayOrPause() { if (_captureSource.State == CaptureState.Started) { _captureSource.Stop(); // Disable pause command, enable save command _playPauseCommand.MayBeExecuted = false; _saveCommand.MayBeExecuted = true; StatusText = "Recording finished. You may save your record."; } } protected void SaveFile() { if (saveFileDialog.ShowDialog() == false) { return; } StatusText = "Saving..."; Stream stream = saveFileDialog.OpenFile(); WavManager.SavePcmToWav(_sink.BackingStream, stream, _sink.CurrentFormat); stream.Close(); MessageBox.Show("Your record is saved."); GoToStartState(); }

Putting it all together

I put three buttons and one textblock into the default MainPage.xaml:

< Button Command ="{Binding RecordCommand}" Grid. Column ="0" HorizontalAlignment ="Left" Name ="button1" Template ="{StaticResource RecordCommandStyle}" />
< Button Content ="Stop" Command ="{Binding PlayPauseCommand}" Grid. Column ="1" HorizontalAlignment ="Left" Name ="button3" Width ="75" Template ="{StaticResource StopCommandStyle}" />
< Button Content ="Save" Command ="{Binding SaveCommand}" Grid. Column ="2" HorizontalAlignment ="Left" Name ="button2" Width ="57" Margin ="0,0,0,-1" Template ="{StaticResource SaveCommandStyle}" />
< TextBlock Text ="{Binding StatusText}" Name ="textBlock1" Margin ="8,5,-32,8" Grid. Row ="1" Grid. ColumnSpan ="4" Foreground ="#FF13E3BC" FontSize ="12" />

Note the bindings to the Command properties of the buttons and Text property of the textblock element (but this is nothing special). The whole viewmodel is then set to the page’s DataContext which is the only thing we do inside the code-behind:

RecorderViewModel ViewModel; public MainPage() { InitializeComponent(); ViewModel = new RecorderViewModel(); DataContext = ViewModel; }

That’s it. I didn’t show changing the appearance of the standard button controls using visual states here because this possibility has been with us long before the fourth version but it’s included in the project.


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您想了解如何使用Android的AudioRecorder录制蓝牙麦克风的音频吗?如果是的话,以下是一些基本的步骤: 1. 获取蓝牙设备的音频源 使用`MediaRecorder.AudioSource`中的`VOICE_RECOGNITION`参数获取蓝牙设备的音频源。 2. 配置和准备录音器 创建`AudioRecorder`对象,设置音频源、采样率、声道数、编码格式等参数,并调用`prepare()`方法准备录音器。 3. 启动录音 调用`start()`方法开始录音。录音期间,将蓝牙设备连接到Android设备,并将其设置为音频输入源。录音完成后,调用`stop()`方法停止录音,并释放资源。 下面是一些示例代码,可以帮助您开始录制蓝牙麦克风的音频: ``` private AudioRecorder audioRecorder; private void startRecording() { audioRecorder = new AudioRecorder(); audioRecorder.setAudioSource(MediaRecorder.AudioSource.VOICE_RECOGNITION); audioRecorder.setOutputFormat(MediaRecorder.OutputFormat.MPEG_4); audioRecorder.setAudioEncoder(MediaRecorder.AudioEncoder.AAC); audioRecorder.setAudioSamplingRate(44100); audioRecorder.setAudioChannels(2); audioRecorder.setOutputFile(getFilePath()); // 设置音频文件保存路径 try { audioRecorder.prepare(); audioRecorder.start(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } private void stopRecording() { if (audioRecorder != null) { audioRecorder.stop(); audioRecorder.release(); audioRecorder = null; } } ``` 请注意,这只是一个基本示例。您可能需要根据自己的需求进行更改和优化。




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