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1      Overview(概述)
2      Standard Types, Functions, and Behaviors(标准类型,函数与行为)
3      Regular Expressions(正则表达式)
4      Extension Modules(扩展模块)
5      Interpreter and Environment(解释器与环境)
6      Garbage Collection(内存回收)
1 Overview 概述
CPython (the standard for Python) and IronPython are two different implementations of the Python language.  While a Language Reference exists for the Python language, there are a number of features of the language that are incompletely specified.  The following lists all known differences between the two implementations of the Python language.  These differences range from the trivial (such as, IronPython has different error messages in some cases, but raises the same exception type) to the significant (such as, IronPython does not implement some standard extension modules like cmath).
Any other differences not listed here are purely accidental omissions.  Please submit a bug report at www.codeplex.com/ironpython so that we can either fix the difference or update this document until we can fix it.
任何没有列在这里的不同都是因为疏忽而漏掉了。您可以提交问题报告到 www.codeplex.com/ironpython ,我们会修正这些不同或者更新这篇文档直到不同之处被修正为止。
The IronPython team is very concerned about compatibility with CPython, and we plan to fix all incompatibilities that are not acceptable.  Some incompatibilities (for example, those due to garbage collection implementation) are officially acceptable.  We determined this by discussing these issues with the Python community.  In some other cases, the CPython test suite needs to be updated where it makes inappropriate assumptions about implementation characteristics.
This list has been updated to describe the differences between IronPython 1.0 and CPython 2.4.3.
2 Standard Types, Functions and Behaviors 标准类型,函数和行为
IronPython sometimes displays different error messages for SyntaxError exceptions. The raised exception type (SyntaxError) is the same as in CPython.
IronPython has slightly different error messages when parsing arguments to eval().  IronPython identifies the file name as "<string>", but CPython does not report anything as a file name or that the error was found while parsing a string.
IronPython allows __slots__ to be defined on subclasses of tuple (for example, “class foo(tuple): __slots__ = ‘abc’”).  CPython does not allow this and instead raise a TypeError stating non-empty slots are not supported on subtypes of tuple.
IronPython允许__slots__在tuple的子类中被定义(比如“class foo(tuple): __slots__ = ‘abc’”)。而CPython是不允许这样的,它会产生一个TypeError以表明空slot在tuple子类中不被支持。
IronPython cannot call __reduce__ or __reduce_ex_ on None.  IronPython mistakenly believes it does not have an instance and therefore disallows calls of __reduce__ and __reduce_ex__ on None.  For __reduce__ both implementations raise a TypeError but for different reasons.  For __reduce_ex__ IronPython throws an exception, but CPython can successfully reduce the None object.
When dir is used on instances of a type that has a metaclass, the resulting list has some missing attributes.  By default CPython defines __delattr__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __setattr__, and __str__.  IronPython  does not display these in dir()’s results but they are callable.
Tracebacks display carets indicating the column for syntax errors where there are invalid assignments (for example, “def f(x): [x for x in x] = x”).  CPython does not do this.  Reproducing this behavior requires that you use the CPython standard library for displaying tracebacks.
对于非法的赋值语句Traceback会显示标识符来指明出错的列(比如“def f(x): [x for x in x] = x”)。这在CPython上是没有的。重现这种特性需要你使用CPython标准库来显示traceback信息。
When getting a method from a class that has not been instantiated, IronPython returns an unbound method while CPython returns a function.
class C(object):
    def foo(self): pass
print C.__getattribute__(C, 'foo')
class C(object):
    def foo(self): pass
print C.__getattribute__(C, 'foo')
IronPython allows calling __setattr__ on types.  CPython disallows this and raises a type error, stating that you can’t apply __setattr__ to a type object:
class foo(object): pass
foo.__setattr__(foo, ‘__str__’, ‘bar’)
class foo(object): pass
foo.__setattr__(foo, ‘__str__’, ‘bar’)
IronPython modules have a __dict__ attribute that contains the dictionary for the module.  In IronPython “dir(__dict__)” displays the usual attributes for a dictionary, but CPython raises a NameError because __dict__ is not defined.
IronPython catches string exceptions by value, but CPython catches string exceptions by reference.  For example, IronPython will catch this exception, but CPython won’t:
                try: raise 'abc'
except 'a' + 'bc': pass
捕获字符串异常时 IronPython使用值而CPython使用引用。比如IronPython会捕获下面这个异常而CPython不会:
                try: raise 'abc'
except 'a' + 'bc': pass
When accessing a file with universal new line support, IronPython and CPython can return different sizes for the file after reading partial strings.
IronPython and CPython display different error messages when calling a user type that does not take any parameters, but they do raise the same exception type.
The sys.version value is different between the two implementations.
The maximum recursion limit in IronPython is unlimited by default, and you can call sys.setrecursionlimit() to set it to the maximum stack height.
IronPython is more lenient regarding the use of keyword arguments in many circumstances.  For example, “[].append.__call__(item=’abc’)” works in IronPython but raises an exception in CPython.  Regarding _weakref, IronPython allows using keyword arguments on the weakproxy method wrappers.  IronPython is also less restrictive for some string methods.  For example, the following works in IronPython but raises an error in CPython:
x = ""
x.center(1, fillchar='*')
x = ""
x.center(1, fillchar='*')
IronPython has a different type hierarchy than CPython for representing system types.  IronPython uses a single base class with distinct subtypes for built-in and user types.  If programmers try to test whether an object is a type object by using Python's identity operator (is), instead of using instanceof(), then they may get different results.
IronPython allows setting attributes on built-in functions.
IronPython does not allow you to set attributes on __builtins__, but CPython does let you do this.
IronPython allows you to set the value of __builtins__, as does CPython, but the results are different.  For example, import will no longer work in IronPython, but the built-in function min() will continue to work.
IronPython reports the value of __builtins__ to be a type, but CPython reports it to be a module.
IronPython does not include local variables in co_varnames.  For example, "foo.func_code.co-varnames" for "def foo (x, y): z = 10" only returns 'x' and 'y'.
IronPython中co_varnames并不包括局部变量。比如对于"def foo (x, y): z = 10","foo.func_code.co-varnames"只返回’x’和’y’。
IronPython raises a ValueError for very large exponents (for example, 10 ** 735293857239475) while CPython hangs trying to compute the number.  We probably won't fix this one.
IronPython对于特别大的指数(比如10 ** 735293857239475)产生一个ValueError而CPython会因尝试计算这个数而挂起。这个问题将不会被修正。
IronPython's compile() function behaves differently than CPython's compile() function in some cases.  CPython's compile function raises a SyntaxError for some trailing whitespace, but it does not do this when compiling a file.  For example, the "x = compile('def f(a):/n/treturn a/n/t', '', 'single')" trailing /t causes an error in this case.  We do not intend to fix this difference.
有时IronPython的compile()函数有不同于CPython的表现。CPython的编译函数对于一些行末空格会产生一个SyntaxError,但在编译一个文件时这不会出现。比如"x = compile('def f(a):/n/treturn a/n/t', '', 'single')"末尾的/t会导致这种状况。这个问题将不会被修正。
IronPython uses unicode characters and strings, not ASCII as CPython does.  For example "'%c' % i" for 255 < i <65536 raises an error in CPython but succeeds in IronPython.  We may wait to see how Python3k incorporates unicode before fixing this issue.
不像CPython使用ASCII,IronPython使用unicode字符和字符串。比如"'%c' % i"对于255 < i <65536会在CPython里产生一个错误而不会在IronPython中有问题。我们修正这个问题之前可能会等待看Python3k如何整合unicode。
IronPython will compile files whose identifiers use non-ASCII characters if the file has an encoding comment such as "# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-".  CPython will not compile such a file in any case.
如果源文件中有如"# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-"这样的编码注释,IronPython编译时可以接受使用非ASCII字符的标识符,而CPython从不会编译这样的文件。
IronPython does not support a DeprecationWarning mechanism.
IronPython does not support a -W switch to control warnings.
IronPython has slightly different system-defined attribute names on some types.  For example, try "dir(True)" in both CPython and IronPython.
Setting sys.std* attributes does not affect IronPython’s console behavior.
If executing within the dynamic context of a generator, and an exception is raised, IronPython exhibits a different behavior than CPython.  IronPython will continually re-raise the same exception every time you call next() on the generator.  CPython raises a StopIteration exception on subsequent calls to next().
IronPython does not handle falling off the end of generator functions the same way as CPython.  When you call next() after a last yield statement has executed, IronPython continually returns execution to the point immediately after that yield statement, executes to the end of the function, and then raises a StopIteration exception.  CPython executes from the last yield to the end of the function only one time, and then subsequent calls to next() immediately raise a StopIteration exception.
IronPython does not allow yield statements in nested try blocks.
IronPython raises an exception when it cannot convert a string to a unicode string, and CPython just returns the argument to unicode().
IronPython's _codecs module implementation is incomplete.  There are several replace_error/lookup_error handlers that IronPython does not implement.
IronPython的_codecs模块实现不完整。有些replace_error/lookup_error handler没有实现。
IronPython does not implement type.mro, and user overrides do not affect how a type's __mro__ works.  In CPython you can override a type’s mro method to alter the method resolution order, but IronPython raises an exception if you try to set type.mro.  Calling mro on any type raises an exception, but __mro__ still works on types.
IronPython does not support overriding __getattribute__ for some user-defined subclasses of built-in types.
When printing expression results in the console, IronPython calls __str__ on new style classes while CPython calls __repr__.
IronPython gives different error messages and raises different exceptions in some situations using the complex built-in function.  For example, calling complex on an old style class instance in CPython raises an AttributeError due to no __float__ function existing, but IronPython raises a TypeError.  Doing the same thing on a new style class raises a TypeError in both implementations, but CPython's message explains the argument must be a string or number while IronPython's message just says it cannot convert to complex.
IronPython raises different exceptions than CPython (and sometimes raises exceptions when CPython does not) in isinstance() with complex class definitions that affect bases and return bases in various ways.  See CodePlex bug 2169 for details.
如果复杂类型在定义中影响到基类而且通过多种方式返回基类,在对这种对象调用isinstance()时,IronPython产生不同的异常(有时甚至是CPython没有的异常)。详情请参考 CodePlex bug 2169
IronPython’s behavior differs from CPython’s behavior if you call del on __builtin__.pow and then try to print the value of pow within a module.  Importing or executing the module from the command line in IronPython will print "<built-in function pow>" while CPython raises a NameError.
在你调用对__builtin__.pow调用del,而后试图在一个模块里打印pow的值时,IronPython表现不同。在IronPython中从命令行引入或者执行模块会打印"<built-in function pow>",而CPython产生一个NameError。
IronPython has extra attributes ('msg' and 'clsException') on exception objects.
IronPython在异常对象中有额外的属性('msg' and 'clsException')。
IronPython does not return a code object if it encounters a syntax warning when calling compile().  IronPython raises a SyntaxWarning exception, but CPython catches and prints the exeption before returning a code object.
IronPython does not invoke the __setattr_ attributes for old style classes when setting an attribute.   See CodePlex bug 2295 for more info.
IronPython不会在设置属性时对旧式类调用__setattr__属性。详情参考 CodePlex bug 2295
IronPython supports fromkeys() on some dictionaries for which CPython does not provide fromkeys() support.  For example, “file.__dict__.fromkeys” returns a method in IronPython and raises a TypeError in CPython.
IronPython allows you to set a key of value 2 in class’s __dict__, but CPython does not.  CPython only allows you to do this with the __dict__ of a class instance, not the class itself.  Try “C.__dict__[2]  = ‘2’”.
IronPython允许你设置设置类中的__dict__的键为2的值,但是CPython不可以。CPython只允许通过类实例的__dict__来实现这种操作。可以试验“C.__dict__[2]  = ‘2’”。
IronPython supports __slots__ for subtypes of type, but CPython does not.  For example, the following works in IronPython:
class foo(type):
__slots__ = [“abc”]
class foo(type):
__slots__ = [“abc”]
IronPython doesn’t support supplying named values for format string directives if the name has parentheses in it, for example, “%((foo))s” % {‘(foo)’ : ‘fooval’ }.
IronPython在字符串格式化指令中不支持包含括号的命名值,比如“%((foo))s” % {‘(foo)’ : ‘fooval’ }。
When formatting float numbers, IronPython doesn’t raise an Overflow exception for formatting with too high a precision (for example, >=67).
IronPython doesn’t support overriding __getattribute__ on built-in objects.
IronPython cannot create weakref proxies that reference deque and set objects.
IronPython supports ‘continue’ statements in ‘finally’ clauses.
IronPython’s built-in function reversed() behaves slightly differently than CPython’s reversed() function.  For example, calling len() on the result of “reversed(xrange(5))”  raises a TypeError.  Also, calling len() on the result of calling reversed() on custom iterators (for example, a class that supports __getitem__ and __len__) fails.  This behavior happens because the reversed() iterator doesn’t provide access to the original __len__ implementation.
IronPython’s implementation of buffer doesn’t support binary operations between buffers and strings (for example, concatenation with a buffer and string).
IronPython does not call __len__ on old style classes when slicing.  This results in the end index potentially being negative in IronPython.  CPython adjusts to the appropriate end index, but it raises an AttributeError if the old style class does not have a __len__ attribute.
IronPython does not allow opening partitions and drives for read as binary files, but CPython does allow this.  For example, IronPython detects the “//./” idiom in “f = file(r'//./PhysicalDrive', 'rb')” and raises a ValueError since .NET does not support this functionality.
IronPython不允许像读取二进制文件那样打开分区和驱动器,但是CPython可以。比如IronPython会检查出“f = file(r'//./PhysicalDrive', 'rb')”中的“//./”,并产生一个ValueError。这是因为.NET不支持这样的功能。
IronPython’s built-in apply function has a bug in that it requires at least two arguments.
Printing numbers on a machine with French locales produces different output:
>>> x = 1.234
>>> x
>>> print x
>>> x = 1.234
>>> x
>>> print x
Small integer caching in IronPython is different than in standard CPython.  If you set i = 2  and then test "i is 2", the code produces different results in IronPython and CPython.  However, the consistency of the result of such expressions is not guaranteed even within CPython, which seems to be using different small integer caching strategies for different situations:
小整型缓存方面IronPython与标准CPython不同。如果你设i=2然后测试"i is 2"将会得到不同的结果。但是这种表达式的结果的一致性连CPython也没有保证。CPython好像针对不同的情况使用了不同的小整数缓存策略:
>>> i=5
>>> i is 5
>>> i=5000
>>> i is 5000
>>> i = 5
>>> i is 5
>>> i = 5000
>>> i is 5000
3 Regular Expressions 正则表达式
IronPython returns a regular expression match when your pattern matches the beginning of a string, but you supplied a start index past the start of the string.  In this same case CPython returns None.
IronPython raises a more specific exception (IndexError instead of sre_constants.error) when using an invalid group reference in regular expressions with named groups -- for example, “re.sub(r'(?P<id>b)', '/g<1>/g<30>blah', 'bb')”.
Since the IronPython regular expression implementation uses the .NET Framework regular expressions implementation, IronPython supports some syntax not supported by CPython (note, CPython has a similar syntax for affecting the entire pattern, but it is different than these mechanisms in syntax and scope of effect):
由于IronPython的正则表达式实现使用了.NET Framework的相应部分,它支持一些CPython不支持的语法(注意:CPython对于整个模式有一个类似的语法,但是这在语法和应用范围上有所区别):
·          (?i:foo)  -- ignore case 忽略大小写
·          (?m:foo) -- multi-line mode (^ and $ match at the beginning and end, respectively, of any line, not just beginning and end of the whole string) 多行模式(^和$分别匹配任意行的而非整个字符串的开始和结尾)
·          (?s:foo) -- single line mode (period “.” matches every character instead of every character except /n) 单行模式(点号匹配除/n以外的所有字符)
·          (?x:foo  bar) -- ignore whitespace in the pattern 忽略模式中的空白
4 Extension Modules 扩展模块
IronPython support importing .NET Frameworks assemblies as extension modules.  Usually you need to import the built-in extension module clr and then call one of the clr.AddReference... functions.
IronPython支持引入.NET Frameworks程序集作为扩展模块。通常你需要import内置模块clr,然后调用clr.AddReference...函数中的一个。
Some CPython built-in extension modules do not exist in IronPython:
The sys module does exist though it is not listed in sys.builtin_module_names.
IronPython has these additional modules: 're', 'copy_reg', 'socket'.  These are built in rather than being implemented in Python either to leverage the .NET Frameworks or to avoid dependencies on CPython for a minimal installation.
IronPython有些额外的模块,包括're', 'copy_reg', 'socket'。它们都是内置的而非用Python类实现,为了影响.NET Frameworks或者去除最小安装时的对CPython依赖。
Passing malformed data to binascii.a2b_base64 results in different error messages.  IronPython will raise a TypeError in this situation, and CPython will raise a binascii.Error.  For example try executing “binascii.a2b_base64(‘A’)”.
IronPython’s pickle module doesn’t support fast mode.
The pickle implementation in IronPython doesn’t handle all cases of pickling deque objects (recursive deque for example) and sets.
The doctest module does not run in IronPython.
IronPython doesn’t support the select module.
IronPython doesn’t support the _testcapi module.
IronPython doesn’t implement socket.getservbyname() because IronPython uses .NET base class libraries to implement the socket module, and they don’t provide the support for that function.
IronPython doesn’t support the makefile method on socket objects.
IronPython does not have an xxsubtypes built-in module.
IronPython has no os.system function.
5 Interpreter and Environment 解释器与运行环境
IronPython does not by default have the standard CPython libs on its path (for example, .  You can fix this by adding these two lines to the site.py file in the IronPython lib directory:
import sys
import sys
IronPython does not redirect the interpreter's error output in response to setting sys.stderr.
IronPython has different command line editing support than CPython.
IronPython supports different command line options than CPython supports.  Invoke ipy.exe with the "-?" switch to see options.
IronPython's sys.builtin_module_names tuple contains different values than CPython's result.  See section Extension Modules for differences.
IronPython的sys.builtin_module_names包含与CPython不同的值。详情参考 Extension Modules
IronPython has several incompatibilities relating to the interpreter and the sys module’s hooks:
·          settrace
Calling this raises a NotImplementedException.
·          api_version
This always has the value: "IronPython does not support the C APIs, the api_version is not supported".
这个值总是"IronPython does not support the C APIs, the api_version is not supported"。
·          displayhook
Setting this will throw a NotImplementedException.
·          _getframe
Calling this function raises a ValueError exception.
·          __excepthook__
IronPython does not support __excepthook because it does not implement sys.excepthook().  IronPython does not currently support replacing function definitions in the sys module.  Note, excepthook is an attribute in the sys module, but it is bound to a string: "IronPython does not support sys.excepthook".
IronPython不支持__excepthook因为它没有实现sys.excepthook()。IronPython现在不支持替换sys模块中函数的定义。注意,excepthook是sys模块中的一个属性,但它被绑定到了一个字符串"IronPython does not support sys.excepthook"。
·          setcheckinterval
IronPython does not use the value set with this function.
IronPython 不使用这个函数设置的值。
IronPython allows access to __dict__, __module__, __class__, and __init__ at the global level, but CPython does not.
IronPython 在全局层面允许访问__dict__,__module__,__class__和__init__,而CPython是不可以的。
Python prohibits using identifiers before the occurrence of global statement if the global statement includes the identifier.  In these cases, CPython reports a syntax warning while IronPython raises a SyntaxWarning exception. For example:
def f():
    a = 1
    global a
def f():
    a = 1
    global a
The sys._getframe() function is not supported by IronPython.  In addition, the semantic of deleting the sys._getframe is different than CPython’s.  In IronPython, once sys._getframe is deleted, it is not possible to store a value to sys._getframe.
6 Garbage Collection 内存回收
IronPython has a more modern GC whereas CPython uses reference counting, and IronPython's GC choice is considered to be a valid and acceptable implementation.  This has several effects which are listed below.
IronPython users don't need to worry about handling circular references as these are guaranteed to be collected properly.  This behavior is acceptable.
IronPython does not have guarantees for when finalization or system resource freeing occurs.  This can cause problems for people who use open("foo", 'r').read() excessively.  This behavior is acceptable.
IronPython不保证终结化或者系统资源回收何时出现。这对于过度使open("foo", 'r').read()的人会是一个问题。这种表现可以接受。
IronPython does not immediately invoke __del__ methods when del is called on a variable; it happens during the next GC pass.  Similarly, using del on an object that a weakref object refers to and then immediately testing if the weakref is None may return False.  This behavior is acceptable.
Calling sys.getrefcount raises a NotImplementedError.  Alternatively IronPython could always return some positive constant since there's a reference that was passed to getrefcount.
In CPython you can observe the re-use of some tuple objects in some situations, but this is an implementation detail that no one should depend on.  In IronPython there is no such re-use.




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