LzmTW.uSystem.uWindows.uForms.uMainForm + AboutForm


Imports  System.Windows.Forms
Namespace  LzmTW.uSystem.uWindows.uForms.uMainForm
Public   Class  AboutFormAddtoMainForm
Private   WithEvents  gMainForm  As  Windows.Forms.Form
Private   WithEvents  gServerTimer  As  System.Timers.Timer

Sub   New ( ByVal  mainform  As  Form)

=  mainform
End Sub

Private   Sub  Initialize()

Dim  mMenuManager  As   New  Menu.MenuManager()
With  mMenuManager

Me .gMainForm)

If  .FindToolStripItem( " Help " Is   Nothing   Then
" Help " ))
End   If

If  .FindToolStripItem( " About " Is   Nothing   Then
" Help " , Menu.MenuManager.GetDefaultMenuItem( " About " ))
End   If

With   CType (.FindToolStripItem( " About " ), ToolStripMenuItem)
If  .Text.IndexOf( " {0} " <>   - 1   Then
=   String .Format(.Text, EntryAssemblyInfo.Instance.Title)
" About " AddressOf  OnAboutClick)
End   If

End   With

End   With

Me .gMainForm.Text  =  EntryAssemblyInfo.Instance.Title

=   New  System.Timers.Timer( 6000 )
End Sub

Private   Sub  OnAboutClick( ByVal  sender  As  System.Object,  ByVal  e  As  System.EventArgs)
Using  mAbout  As   New  AboutForm
With  mAbout
End   With
End   Using
End Sub

Private   Sub  gMainForm_FormClosing( ByVal  sender  As   Object ByVal  e  As  System.Windows.Forms.FormClosingEventArgs)  Handles  gMainForm.FormClosing
If  gServerTimer  Is   Nothing   Then   Exit Sub
=   Nothing
End Sub

Private   Sub  gServerTimer_Elapsed( ByVal  sender  As   Object ByVal  e  As  System.Timers.ElapsedEventArgs)  Handles  gServerTimer.Elapsed
2 )
End Sub

Public   Shared   Function  Instance( ByVal  mainForm  As  Form)  As  AboutFormAddtoMainForm
Return   New  AboutFormAddtoMainForm(mainForm)
End Function
End Class
End Namespace


Namespace  LzmTW.uSystem.uWindows.uForms.uMainForm
Friend   Class  AboutForm
Private  TEXT_DECLARE  As   String   =   " 关于 {0} "
Private  PRODUCT_DECLARE  As   String   =   " {0}  版本  {1} "   &  System.Environment.NewLine  &   " {2}.  保留所有权利 "
Private  AUTHORIZATION_DECLARE  As   String   =   " {0} "   &  System.Environment.NewLine  &   " {1} "

Private   Sub  Initialize()
With  EntryAssemblyInfo.Instance
Me .Text  =   String .Format( Me .TEXT_DECLARE, .Title)
Me .ProductLabel.Text  =   String .Format( Me .PRODUCT_DECLARE, .ProductName, .Version, .Copyright)
Me .UserTextBox.Text  =   String .Format( Me .AUTHORIZATION_DECLARE, System.Environment.UserName, System.Environment.MachineName)
Me .DescriptionTextBox.Text  =  .Description
End   With

For   Each  RefAsm  As  Reflection.AssemblyName  In  Reflection.Assembly.GetEntryAssembly.GetReferencedAssemblies
Me .AssemblyListView.Items.Add( New  System.Windows.Forms.ListViewItem( New   String () {RefAsm.Name, RefAsm.Version.ToString}))

End Sub

Private   Sub  AddIcon( ByVal  mainform  As  Windows.Forms.Form)
Me .ICOPictureBox.Image  =   CType (mainform.Icon.ToBitmap, System.Drawing.Image)
End Sub

Private   Sub  SystemInfoButton_Click( ByVal  sender  As  System.Object,  ByVal  e  As  System.EventArgs)  Handles  SystemInfoButton.Click
" MSInfo32 " )

End Sub

Public   Overloads   Sub  ShowDialog( ByVal  mainform  As  Windows.Forms.Form)
MyBase .ShowDialog(mainform)
End Sub

< Obsolete( " 此方法停用 " ) >  _
Public   Overloads   Sub  Show()
Throw   New  Exception( " 此方法停用 " )
End Sub
End Class
End Namespace


Namespace  LzmTW.uSystem.uWindows.uForms.uMainForm
< Global.Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.DesignerGenerated() >  _
Partial   Class  AboutForm
Inherits  System.Windows.Forms.Form

' Form overrides dispose to clean up the component list.
         < System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCode() >  _
Protected   Overrides   Sub  Dispose( ByVal  disposing  As   Boolean )
If  disposing  AndAlso  components  IsNot   Nothing   Then
End   If
MyBase .Dispose(disposing)
End Sub

' Required by the Windows Form Designer
         Private  components  As  System.ComponentModel.IContainer

' NOTE: The following procedure is required by the Windows Form Designer
         ' It can be modified using the Windows Form Designer.  
         ' Do not modify it using the code editor.
         < System.Diagnostics.DebuggerStepThrough() >  _
Private   Sub  InitializeComponent()
Dim  resources  As  System.ComponentModel.ComponentResourceManager  =   New  System.ComponentModel.ComponentResourceManager( GetType (AboutForm))
Me .AlarmLabel  =   New  System.Windows.Forms.Label
Me .SystemInfoButton  =   New  System.Windows.Forms.Button
Me .OKButton  =   New  System.Windows.Forms.Button
Me .GroupBox1  =   New  System.Windows.Forms.GroupBox
Me .DescriptionTextBox  =   New  System.Windows.Forms.TextBox
Me .UserTextBox  =   New  System.Windows.Forms.TextBox
Me .ICOPictureBox  =   New  System.Windows.Forms.PictureBox
Me .Label3  =   New  System.Windows.Forms.Label
Me .AssemblyListView  =   New  System.Windows.Forms.ListView
Me .ColumnHeader1  =   New  System.Windows.Forms.ColumnHeader
Me .ColumnHeader2  =   New  System.Windows.Forms.ColumnHeader
Me .Label2  =   New  System.Windows.Forms.Label
Me .Label1  =   New  System.Windows.Forms.Label
Me .ProductLabel  =   New  System.Windows.Forms.Label
Me .ImagePictureBox  =   New  System.Windows.Forms.PictureBox
CType ( Me .ICOPictureBox, System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize).BeginInit()
CType ( Me .ImagePictureBox, System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize).BeginInit()
Me .SuspendLayout()
             ' AlarmLabel
             Me .AlarmLabel.Location  =   New  System.Drawing.Point( 16 294 )
Me .AlarmLabel.Name  =   " AlarmLabel "
Me .AlarmLabel.Size  =   New  System.Drawing.Size( 368 64 )
Me .AlarmLabel.TabIndex  =   27
Me .AlarmLabel.Text  =   " 警告:本计算机程序受版权法和国际条约保护。如未经授权而擅自复制或传播本程序(或其中任何部分),将受到严厉的民事和刑事制裁,并将在法律许可的最大限度内受到起诉。 "
             ' SystemInfoButton
             Me .SystemInfoButton.Location  =   New  System.Drawing.Point( 408 326 )
Me .SystemInfoButton.Name  =   " SystemInfoButton "
Me .SystemInfoButton.Size  =   New  System.Drawing.Size( 104 24 )
Me .SystemInfoButton.TabIndex  =   26
Me .SystemInfoButton.Text  =   " 系统信息(&S) "
             ' OKButton
             Me .OKButton.DialogResult  =  System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK
Me .OKButton.Location  =   New  System.Drawing.Point( 408 294 )
Me .OKButton.Name  =   " OKButton "
Me .OKButton.Size  =   New  System.Drawing.Size( 104 24 )
Me .OKButton.TabIndex  =   25
Me .OKButton.Text  =   " 确定 "
             ' GroupBox1
             Me .GroupBox1.Location  =   New  System.Drawing.Point( 8 278 )
Me .GroupBox1.Name  =   " GroupBox1 "
Me .GroupBox1.Size  =   New  System.Drawing.Size( 504 8 )
Me .GroupBox1.TabIndex  =   24
Me .GroupBox1.TabStop  =   False
             ' DescriptionTextBox
             Me .DescriptionTextBox.Location  =   New  System.Drawing.Point( 160 238 )
Me .DescriptionTextBox.Multiline  =   True
Me .DescriptionTextBox.Name  =   " DescriptionTextBox "
Me .DescriptionTextBox.ReadOnly  =   True
Me .DescriptionTextBox.ScrollBars  =  System.Windows.Forms.ScrollBars.Vertical
Me .DescriptionTextBox.Size  =   New  System.Drawing.Size( 352 40 )
Me .DescriptionTextBox.TabIndex  =   23
             ' UserTextBox
             Me .UserTextBox.BackColor  =  System.Drawing.SystemColors.Control
Me .UserTextBox.BorderStyle  =  System.Windows.Forms.BorderStyle.FixedSingle
Me .UserTextBox.Enabled  =   False
Me .UserTextBox.Location  =   New  System.Drawing.Point( 104 74 )
Me .UserTextBox.Multiline  =   True
Me .UserTextBox.Name  =   " UserTextBox "
Me .UserTextBox.ReadOnly  =   True
Me .UserTextBox.Size  =   New  System.Drawing.Size( 400 32 )
Me .UserTextBox.TabIndex  =   18
             ' ICOPictureBox
             Me .ICOPictureBox.Location  =   New  System.Drawing.Point( 104 238 )
Me .ICOPictureBox.Name  =   " ICOPictureBox "
Me .ICOPictureBox.Size  =   New  System.Drawing.Size( 40 32 )
Me .ICOPictureBox.TabIndex  =   22
Me .ICOPictureBox.TabStop  =   False
             ' Label3
             Me .Label3.Location  =   New  System.Drawing.Point( 104 214 )
Me .Label3.Name  =   " Label3 "
Me .Label3.Size  =   New  System.Drawing.Size( 96 16 )
Me .Label3.TabIndex  =   21
Me .Label3.Text  =   " 产品详细信息: "
             ' AssemblyListView
             Me .AssemblyListView.Columns.AddRange( New  System.Windows.Forms.ColumnHeader() { Me .ColumnHeader1,  Me .ColumnHeader2})
Me .AssemblyListView.Location  =   New  System.Drawing.Point( 104 126 )
Me .AssemblyListView.Name  =   " AssemblyListView "
Me .AssemblyListView.Size  =   New  System.Drawing.Size( 400 80 )
Me .AssemblyListView.TabIndex  =   20
Me .AssemblyListView.UseCompatibleStateImageBehavior  =   False
Me .AssemblyListView.View  =  System.Windows.Forms.View.Details
             ' ColumnHeader1
             Me .ColumnHeader1.Text  =   " 项目 "
Me .ColumnHeader1.Width  =   209
             ' ColumnHeader2
             Me .ColumnHeader2.Text  =   " 版本 "
Me .ColumnHeader2.Width  =   168
             ' Label2
             Me .Label2.Location  =   New  System.Drawing.Point( 104 110 )
Me .Label2.Name  =   " Label2 "
Me .Label2.Size  =   New  System.Drawing.Size( 120 16 )
Me .Label2.TabIndex  =   19
Me .Label2.Text  =   " 引用程序集: "
             ' Label1
             Me .Label1.Location  =   New  System.Drawing.Point( 104 58 )
Me .Label1.Name  =   " Label1 "
Me .Label1.Size  =   New  System.Drawing.Size( 168 16 )
Me .Label1.TabIndex  =   17
Me .Label1.Text  =   " 本产品使用权属于: "
             ' ProductLabel
             Me .ProductLabel.Location  =   New  System.Drawing.Point( 104 14 )
Me .ProductLabel.Name  =   " ProductLabel "
Me .ProductLabel.Size  =   New  System.Drawing.Size( 400 40 )
Me .ProductLabel.TabIndex  =   16
             ' ImagePictureBox
             Me .ImagePictureBox.Image  =   CType (resources.GetObject( " ImagePictureBox.Image " ), System.Drawing.Image)
Me .ImagePictureBox.Location  =   New  System.Drawing.Point( 8 6 )
Me .ImagePictureBox.Name  =   " ImagePictureBox "
Me .ImagePictureBox.Size  =   New  System.Drawing.Size( 88 272 )
Me .ImagePictureBox.TabIndex  =   15
Me .ImagePictureBox.TabStop  =   False
             ' AboutForm
             Me .AcceptButton  =   Me .OKButton
Me .AutoScaleDimensions  =   New  System.Drawing.SizeF( 6.0 !,  12.0 !)
Me .AutoScaleMode  =  System.Windows.Forms.AutoScaleMode.Font
Me .CancelButton  =   Me .OKButton
Me .ClientSize  =   New  System.Drawing.Size( 520 365 )
Me .Controls.Add( Me .AlarmLabel)
Me .Controls.Add( Me .SystemInfoButton)
Me .Controls.Add( Me .OKButton)
Me .Controls.Add( Me .GroupBox1)
Me .Controls.Add( Me .DescriptionTextBox)
Me .Controls.Add( Me .UserTextBox)
Me .Controls.Add( Me .ICOPictureBox)
Me .Controls.Add( Me .Label3)
Me .Controls.Add( Me .AssemblyListView)
Me .Controls.Add( Me .Label2)
Me .Controls.Add( Me .Label1)
Me .Controls.Add( Me .ProductLabel)
Me .Controls.Add( Me .ImagePictureBox)
Me .FormBorderStyle  =  System.Windows.Forms.FormBorderStyle.FixedToolWindow
Me .MaximizeBox  =   False
Me .MinimizeBox  =   False
Me .Name  =   " AboutForm "
Me .ShowInTaskbar  =   False
Me .StartPosition  =  System.Windows.Forms.FormStartPosition.CenterScreen
Me .Text  =   " AboutForm "
CType ( Me .ICOPictureBox, System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize).EndInit()
CType ( Me .ImagePictureBox, System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize).EndInit()
Me .ResumeLayout( False )
Me .PerformLayout()

End Sub
Friend   WithEvents  ColumnHeader1  As  System.Windows.Forms.ColumnHeader
Friend   WithEvents  ColumnHeader2  As  System.Windows.Forms.ColumnHeader
Protected   Friend   WithEvents  AlarmLabel  As  System.Windows.Forms.Label
Protected   Friend   WithEvents  OKButton  As  System.Windows.Forms.Button
Protected   Friend   WithEvents  GroupBox1  As  System.Windows.Forms.GroupBox
Protected   Friend   WithEvents  DescriptionTextBox  As  System.Windows.Forms.TextBox
Protected   Friend   WithEvents  UserTextBox  As  System.Windows.Forms.TextBox
Protected   Friend   WithEvents  ICOPictureBox  As  System.Windows.Forms.PictureBox
Protected   Friend   WithEvents  Label3  As  System.Windows.Forms.Label
Protected   Friend   WithEvents  AssemblyListView  As  System.Windows.Forms.ListView
Protected   Friend   WithEvents  Label2  As  System.Windows.Forms.Label
Protected   Friend   WithEvents  Label1  As  System.Windows.Forms.Label
Protected   Friend   WithEvents  ProductLabel  As  System.Windows.Forms.Label
Protected   Friend   WithEvents  ImagePictureBox  As  System.Windows.Forms.PictureBox
Protected   Friend   WithEvents  SystemInfoButton  As  System.Windows.Forms.Button
End Class
End Namespace







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