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原创 Steps to Create PlugIn in CRM Dynamics 365

To create a PostOperation Plug-In for Contact (refer to SDK): after a contact generated, the task to say hello also generated:0: Turn on the Plug-in Tracing Log1: Create a ClassLibrary with .Net FrameWork4.6.22: Add two NuGet Packages:3: sign the

2020-06-12 16:57:24 520

原创 Call Action in Web API

You can call the Action in JavaScript in Dynamics 365function dupcontact(executionContext){//get the current organization namevar serverURL = Xrm.Page.context.getClientUrl();//query to send the request to the global Action var query="packt_CreateStu

2020-06-06 17:05:05 184

原创 Some client APIs are deprecated

We should use the new client APIs mentioned in the Replacement Client API instead of the deprecated ones. for example: Xrm.Page will be replaced by Client API form context (formContext).Check Microsoft URLfunction displayName(executionContext){ var

2020-06-03 16:05:44 171

原创 Updates for Web API in Dynamics 365 in version 9.0 (2)

In version 9.0, we don’t need to create any request for using Web API, instead, we will use built-in and pre-defined functions for using Web API. Now Dynamics 365 has a new library Xrm.WebApi and performs CRUD using Web API.Retrieving recordCheck Microso

2020-06-02 17:31:03 147

原创 Updates for Web API in Dynamics 365 in version 9.0 (1)

In version 9.0, we don’t need to create any request for using Web API, instead, we will use built-in and pre-defined functions for using Web API. Now Dynamics 365 has a new library Xrm.WebApi and performs CRUD using Web API.Create an entity recordCheck M

2020-06-02 16:50:34 262 1

原创 Dynamics 365 User Access(On behalf of user)

Dynamics 365 User Access(on behalf of user)Scenario: Field Sales A would like to Check F.S. B’s data on behalf of BIn he Web API Code, we need add MSCRMCallerID in RequestHeadervar req = new XMLHttpRequest(); req.open("get",Xrm.Page.context.getClie

2020-06-02 15:46:01 210

原创 Example 1 :CRM Jscript data verification and skip Save

Example 1:1: Windows OnSave event :a: data verificationverify social ID length 18verify phone numberb: skip "Save2: Field OnChange event:a: “CustomerType” OnChange:Type1 : Social ID mandatory ; phone not mandatoryType2: Social ID not mandatory;

2020-06-02 15:43:15 150

原创 Example 2: Win Type & customized button

Example 2: Win Type & customized button1: Window OnLoad:window type: create, edit, readonlyform type: editable / disable all2: Window OnSave:Field Mandatory submit3: Field OnChange:Retrieve Account info4: btn_Submit :Apply for submitUpdate

2020-06-02 15:42:35 128



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