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原创 What is Facebook's architecture?

<br />很早之前就在quora上看见这个介绍了,当时只是简单瞄了几眼,仔细看了几处兴趣的地方,今天又回过头去看看,可以根据它深入学习一些东西啊!<br /> <br />原文地址:http://www.quora.com/What-is-Facebooks-architecture<br /> <br />From various readings and conversations I had, my understanding of Facebook's current architecture i

2011-04-28 23:56:00 1191

原创 mranney / node_redis源代码阅读

<br /> redis - a node.js redis client<br /> mranney / node_redis<br /> <br /> <br />This is a complete Redis client for node.js. It supports all Redis commands, including MULTI, WATCH, and PUBLISH/SUBSCRIBE.<br /> <br />npm install hiredis redis <br /> <br

2011-04-24 01:43:00 3552

原创 5 Ways to Make Ajax Calls with jQuery

文章来源:http://net.tutsplus.com/tutorials/javascript-ajax/5-ways-to-make-ajax-calls-with-jquery/推荐阅读:http://docs.jquery.com/Tutorials:Getting_Started_with_jQuery全面学习:http://api.jquery.com/browser/There are at least five ways to make AJAX calls with the jQuery

2011-04-18 11:14:00 1066

原创 Node.js – Debugging with node-inspector

本文主要介绍如何使用node-inspector来debug nodejs程序,按照下面的step进行介绍:使用npm安装node-inspector (npm install node-inspector) 启动node-inspector (node-inspector &) 通过--debug执行nodejs (node --debug example.js) 在chrome中输入http://,打开的tab我们称其为debug tab (firefox不支持)在Scrip

2011-04-17 21:39:00 5411

原创 ry / node_chat源码阅读

通过阅读一个小的nodeJS project来学习nodeJS是一个不错的注意,而ry/node_chat代码相当精巧,而且贴近我们日常场景,所以选择它来开始我的nodeJS project源码阅读:ry/node_chat的代码结构如下:我会主要分析服务器端的两个nodeJS文件,fu.js和server.js,而client.js涉及的部分只是为了帮助理解server.js的逻辑。 fu.js的源代码分析(汉字注释部分是我添加的内容)// 通过require引用http, fs, sys, url对象或

2011-04-16 16:11:00 1674

原创 Getting Started With Node.js and mongoDB

<br /><br /> “Evented I/O for V8 Javascript” – http://nodejs.orgApplication engine for “scalable network applications”Really freaking fast: One process, zero* threads (Almost) no blockingHigh concurrency with low overhead No thread swappi

2011-04-15 23:17:00 1008

原创 A Node.js and MongoDB Powered Twitter Clone

这里主要分析开源项目:https://github.com/tglines/nodrr的代码,有兴趣可以自己阅读源代码1)代码结构: app.js是整个代码的入口,包含了expressJs生成的固有代码、mongoose相关代码、 controllers内部模块的导入public包含css, js目录views主要是一些ejs/jade模板信息models可以放一些业务逻辑,这里面有如何定义mongodb中对象modelcontrollers就是一些导向入口,比如某个link应该由谁来处理2)models包

2011-04-13 23:22:00 1881

原创 highcharts快速入门

<br />官方网站:http://www.highcharts.com/<br /> <br />e.g:在网页中显示这个图形:<br /> <br /><br /> <br />1)Add these JavaScript inclusions in the head of your page<br /><mce:script type="text/javascript" src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.4.4/jquery.min.

2011-04-12 23:29:00 2000

原创 A Simple MVC Setup In Node.JS

<br />文章来源:http://www.travisglines.com/<br /> <br />I’m sure many of you have heard about the new server side javascript project called node.js. I’ve been using myself to build full stack dynamic websites and find it a very nice environment to create

2011-04-12 16:24:00 953

原创 mongoose入门

<br />Mongoose is a MongoDB object modeling tool designed to work in an asychronousenvironment.<br /> <br />http://mongoosejs.com/<br /><br /> <br />1.0 e.g.<br /> <br />var mongoose = require('mongoose');var db = mongoose.connect('mongodb://localhost/

2011-04-12 13:43:00 2176

原创 A Simple Web Service In Node.Js + CouchDB

<br /> <br />作者基于例子来讲解如何用nodejs开发web程序,特别是存储部分使用了CouchDB,通过阅读可以熟练使用Journey, Cradle, Winston和Optimist。<br /> <br />文章来源:http://blog.nodejitsu.com/a-simple-webservice-in-nodejs<br /> <br />I recently gave a talk at ADICU Devfest 2011 on node.js. The talk was

2011-04-12 00:21:00 5062

原创 Keep A Node.Js Server Up With Forever

把你的nodejs脚本交给forever吧,它可以让你的nodejs起死回生!文章来源:http://blog.nodejitsu.com/keep-a-nodejs-server-up-with-foreverOne of the great benefits of using node.js is the reduction in dependencies needed to run a production web application. By using the 'http' module we

2011-04-11 23:05:00 2310

原创 Creating Web Applications in JavaScript with Express.js and ejs

用node.js + express.js + ejs显示网页文章来源:http://www.daniweb.com/web-development/javascript-dhtml-ajax/reviews/349689Pros: Very easy to create powerful web sites. And you get to use JavaScript for your server-side processing. You can switch out the default

2011-04-11 19:56:00 1542

原创 Learning Server-Side JavaScript with Node.js

<br />作者通过几个实际的例子将Node.js讲解得相当清晰<br /> <br />原文链接:http://net.tutsplus.com/tutorials/javascript-ajax/learning-serverside-javascript-with-node-js/<br />翻译链接:http://www.grati.org/?p=181<br /> <br />Node.js is all the buzz at the moment, and makes creating h

2011-04-09 20:07:00 3169

原创 阶段性总结

<br />1)拓宽自己的技术视野,不要被技术所局限<br />2)在专长的方面深入进去,至少是小范围内的权威<br />3)能够挖掘技术在团队中的实际应用场景

2011-04-08 13:41:00 457

原创 Social Data and Log Analysis Using MongoDB

主要讲述用Mongodb实现日志分析,展示了从前端到后端的整体架构和一些用例解析:文章来源:http://www.slideshare.net/doryokujin/social-data-and-log-analysis-using-mongodbCurrent Architecture:The Future Architecture:

2011-04-07 15:48:00 1520

原创 Virtual Memory technical specification

<br />文章来源:http://redis.io/topics/internals-vm<br />推荐阅读:http://redis.io/topics/virtual-memory<br />               http://antirez.com/post/redis-virtual-memory-story.html<br /><br /> <br />This document details the internals of the Redis Virtual Memory s

2011-04-06 12:47:00 931

原创 Facebook's New Realtime Analytics System: HBase to Process 20 Billion Events Per Day

<br />文章来源:http://highscalability.com/blog/2011/3/22/facebooks-new-realtime-analytics-system-hbase-to-process-20.html<br /> <br />Facebook did it again. They've built another system capable of doing something useful with ginormous streams of realtime dat

2011-04-05 23:23:00 1383

原创 How glow.mozilla.org gets its data

<br />文章来源:http://blog.mozilla.com/data/2011/03/22/how-glow-mozilla-org-gets-its-data/<br />I’m sure you’ve heard by now, Firefox 4 is officially released.  The Metrics team has done our part by working with webdev to release a new real-time download v

2011-04-05 22:54:00 609

原创 Introduction to HBase By Jonathan Gray

在这个ppt里面,Hbase committer讲述关于HBase的五个方面:1)Introduction to Apache HBase2)Data Model3)The Hbase shell4)HBase Architecture5)Java APIhttp://parleys.com/#sl=0&st=5&id=2218

2011-04-03 17:30:00 3261

原创 How Digg is Built

<br />文章来源:http://about.digg.com/blog/how-digg-is-built<br /> <br />At Digg we have substantially rebuilt our infrastructure over the last year in what we call "Digg V4". This blog post gives a high-level view of the systems and technologies involved and h

2011-04-01 13:45:00 826



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