Maven: The Complete Reference - 4.1. Introduction

mvn lifecyce|phase

4.1. Introduction

Maven models projects as nouns which are described by a POM. The POM captures the identity of a project: What does a project contain? What type of packaging a project needs? Does the project have a parent? What are the dependencies? We’ve explored the idea of describing a project in the previous chapters, but we haven’t introduced the mechanism that allows Maven to act upon these objects. In Maven the “verbs” are goals packaged in Maven plugins which are tied to a phases in a build lifecycle. A Maven lifecycle consists of a sequence of named phases: prepare-resources, compile, package, and install among other. There is phase that captures compilation and a phase that captures packaging. There are pre- and post- phases which can be used to register goals which must run prior to compilation, or tasks which must be run after a particular phase. When you tell Maven to build a project, you are telling Maven to step through a defined sequence of phases and execute any goals which may have been registered with each phase.
A build lifecycle is an organized sequence of phases that exist to give order to a set of goals. Those goals are chosen and bound by the packaging type of the project being acted upon. There are three standard lifecycles in Maven: clean, default (sometimes called build) and site. In this chapter, you are going to learn how Maven ties goals to lifecycle phases and how the lifecycle can be customized. You will also learn about the default lifecycle phases.

4.1.1. Clean Lifecycle (clean)
The first lifecycle you’ll be interested in is the simplest lifecycle in Maven. Running mvn clean invokes the clean lifecycle which consists of three lifecycle phases:

The interesting phase in the clean lifecycle is the clean phase. The Clean plugin’s clean goal (clean:clean) is bound to the clean phase in the clean lifecycle. The clean:clean goal deletes the output of a build by deleting the build directory. If you haven’t customized the location of the build directory it will be the ${basedir}/target directory as defined by the Super POM. When you execute the clean:clean goal you do not do so by executing the goal directly with mvn clean:clean, you do so by executing the clean phase of the clean lifecycle. Executing the clean phase gives Maven an opportunity to execute any other goals which may be bound to the pre-clean phase.

For example, suppose you wanted to trigger an antrun:run goal task to echo a notification on pre-clean, or to make an archive of a project’s build directory before it is deleted. Simply running the clean:clean goal will not execute the lifecycle at all, but specifying the clean phase will use the clean lifecycle and advance through the three lifecycle phases until it reaches the clean phase. Triggering a Goal on pre-clean shows an example of build configuration which binds the antrun:run goal to the pre-clean phase to echo an alert that the project artifact is about to be deleted. In this example, the antrun:run goal is being used to execute some arbitrary Ant commands to check for an existing project artifact. If the project’s artifact is about to be deleted it will print this to the screen

Triggering a Goal on pre-clean.




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