
在搜索 MooTools 入门的教材时读到了这篇文章,感觉实在是很难得——主要是指思想(mootools的成员之一)。在目下个人博客风雨难测,珍贵知识命运难料的情况下,转载斯文,望真知灼见能够较长时间的存在一下。
自己一直在用MooTools框架,偶然看见这篇文章,作者是MooTools Team的成员之一,讲解了jQuery和MooTools的一点点区别,主要是我觉得他写JavaS cript代码和他的思维方式很值得学习。另外,对 JavaS cript的编程思想和对框架的选择都有很多很好的建议,对于犹豫在各种框架上的人有很好的指导作用,另外对于想深入对框架进行研究或者想自己开发框架的人也有很好的建议。文章虽然很长,但是我觉得不错,然后就翻译了。水平有限,文笔粗陋,其中有少数地方自己都觉得翻译得有些牵强,欢迎批评指正。


jQuery, MooTools, which is the most popular and well represented framework and What Really Makes One Framework Different From Another


I've been experimenting with several javas cript libraries as well… the problem is finding the right mix of features… Ext.js is very extensive, but very large and complex: steep learning curve.

我一直在尝试一些不同的JavaS cript库,试图找到一些合适的特性组合:Ext.js非常好扩展,但是太大太复杂,学习难度很大。

jQuery is very easy to learn, has some great features, but soon you start looking in the plugins database for much needed functionality that's missing in the official library. The plugin feature is great, but there's a downside as well… soon you get drowned by the number of available plugins, spending a lot time checking out which on es match the quality of the core library. It's a good thing some plugins get listed on the main site, but still, it takes a great deal of effort to find that right mix. I've been working with Microsoft Ajax library as well, but don't like their control extension framework (which is quite complex).

jQuery非常容易学习,有很杰出的特性,但是当你从插件库里去找更多的功能时,发现官方的库里面根本就没有。插件特性非常好,但是也有很不好的地方……很快你就会被无数个可用的插件弄得晕头转向,你需要花很多时间去确定哪些插件才和核心库的质量相匹配。如果主页上列出了这些插件还好,但是,还是要花费很大的力气去找到合适的特性组合。我也同时在使用Microsoft Ajax库,但是不喜欢他们的控件扩展框架(它们实在是太复杂了)。

So, I must first attest that hands down, jQuery was the most popular and well represented framework there. They ruled the roost. John Resig (creator of jQuery) spoke 7 times in 3 days, Microsoft demonstrated how jQuery is included in its SDK, and the crowd attending was definitely there to talk about the framework. More than anything, this made it clear to me that jQuery is doing something right.

因此,我必须首先很轻而易举地证明:jQuery是最受欢迎以及有更好表现的框架。他们是最好的。John Resig(jQuery的作者)在三天里曾七次说:“Microsoft演示了怎样把jQuery包含进了它的SDK,出席会议的人也非常肯定地谈论了这个框架。这些都清楚地让我看到:jQuery正在做一些正确的事情。”

Part of the task I set for myself in attending the conference was to attend as many of these jQuery sessions as I could both to learn as much of jQuery as I could (I have, in the past, dug into it, but I wanted to soak up as much as I could from the development team and John) and also to see if I could pick up on what accounts for the popularity of the framework.


This requires a bit of explanation. The MooTools team (of which I am a part) has never really focused on how popular the framework is. We are interested in writing it for our own use and for its own sake, but we don't really spend much energy trying to convince other people to use it. We don't consider ourselves adversaries to other frameworks - as I've heard it put on numerous recent occassions, we're at war with the browsers, not each other. In my own posts on the topic, my suggestion to people is to try a couple of options and choose the framework that suits your needs and your styles. You really can't make a bad choice (so please stop arguing about it!). jQuery, Prototype. YUI, Dojo, MooTools - we're all doing the same things just using different methods. More on this in a little bit, because I've started to think about this more lately.

这里需要一些解释。MooTools团队(我也是其中之一)从来没有真正关注过这个框架有多受欢迎。我们只是对写这个框架感兴趣,为我们自己使用和它本身目的去写,但是我们真的没有花很多精力去让其他人去使用这个框架。我们从不认为其它框架是我们的竞争对手——因为我曾经在很多场合都听说过这样的话,我们在和浏览器进行斗争,而不是相互斗争。在我的这篇文章中,我给你们的建议是:多尝试一些选择,然后选择适合你的需求和你的风格的框架。你真的不能做一个坏的选择(因此,请停止争吵!)。jQuery、Prototype、YUI、Dojo、 MooTools——我们都只是用不同的方法在做同样的事。关于这一点写得有点多,因为我最近一直在思考这个。

Bill Scott Continues to Teach Me Things

Bill Scott在继续教我一些事情

While at the event in Boston, I ran into Bill Scott. Bill worked at Yahoo on the YUI team as their lead evangelist and is a great speaker (though he wasn’t speaking in Boston other than a 5 minute “flash” talk about his current work). Bill helped to start the Rico framework a while back (I hope I don’t mischaracterize this - I don’t really know his history there), and then switched to YUI. Then he left Yahoo about a year ago and moved to Netflix and is leading the team there doing a lot of stuff - not just JavaS cript (focused more on their new API and the user experience as a whole). Netflix is using jQuery and I had a chance to sit down and talk to him about that.

当这个事情还在Boston的时候,我偶然遇见了Bill Scott。Bill是Yahoo的YUI团队的领导者,是一个很好的演讲者(尽管他在Boston的时候只做了一个关于他当前工作的五分钟的“闪电演讲”)。一段时间以前,他帮助开始了Rico框架的开发,随后转到了YUI。接着在一年前,他离开了Yahoo,去了Netflix,带领团队做了许多工作——不只是JavaS cript(更多地关注了他们的新API和用户体验)。Netflix也在使用jQuery,因此我有机会和他坐下来谈论这些事情。

I want to be careful here, and remind anyone reading this that I don’t have anything bad to say about jQuery, and I don’t want to start a flame war on this post or others. jQuery and MooTools (and Prototype and Dojo and YUI, yada, yada, yada) are different and not competing with each other. They solve problems in different ways and I, personally, happen to like the way MooTools solves the problems it tries to solve. It’s way too easy for me to make an incorrect statement about jQuery as I’m still learning it, so please forgive me if I misspeak (er- mistype?) here.

在这里我要小心一些,并提醒正在阅读这篇文章的各位读者,我没有任何关于 jQuery的坏话要说,我也不想在这篇文章或者其他文章中挑起一场无谓的争论。jQuery和MooTools(以及Prototype、Dojo、 YUI等等等等)都是不同的而且没有相互竞争。它们用不同的方式解决问题,而我,就个人而言,碰巧喜欢Moot解决问题的方式以及它尝试解决问题的方式。由于我还在学习jQuery,因此很容易我可能就会写一些不正确的jQuery语句,如果我有什么说得不正确的地方,还请大家谅解。

Programming to the Pattern


So in talking to Bill, I spoke about some of my recent thinking about what I’ve been calling “Programming to the Pattern.” It goes something like this: when I write my co de, I can choose to be an architect, or a construction worker. I can design, or I can implement. In reality, I must do both, but I can choose which on e I want to do more and, in many ways, it’s possible for me to do almost entirely on e or the other - though not 100%.


What the hell am I talking about? Let me put it to you this way: if you write 20 lines of co de to describe a user interaction on a page to make it snazzy or easier to use, is it worth writing another 5 or 10 lines to make that co de reusable? If you program the experience directly, you’ll always write it again and again. But if you program the pattern, you’ll write less and less.


Consider a user experience where, say, on e has a log-in box that shows up when the user clicks “log in.” The user clicks “log in” and the box appears. The user fills out the form and the box displays a spinning indicator while it sends an ajax request. When the response comes back it tells (in the box) the user that they are now logged in and then a moment later it winks out.

假设有这样一个用户体验:当哟哦难怪乎点击“log in”按钮的时候,显示一个登陆框。当用户点击“log in”的时候,这个登陆框就出现。用户提交登陆表单,登陆框发出一个ajax请求并显示一个提示信息。当请求完成时,这个登陆框告诉用户已经登陆了并在过一会儿后消失。

I could express this as javas cript right on the page or maybe in my site-wide co de (presumably the log-in box is on every page, right?). It would look something like this (I’m going to abbreviate this somewhat) - note I’m using MooTools syntax here, but it looks about the same as it would in most frameworks these days, as we all borrow good ideas from each other:

我可以用JavaS cript来表现这些,就写在当前这个页面上或者在我的全站代码里面(可能这个登陆框在每个页面上都有,是吧?)。它可能是这样一段代码(我会在某种程度上省略一些代码)——注意:我这里使用的是 MooTools的语法,不过它看起来和现在的大多数框架都差不多,因为我们都相互借鉴好的点子:

window.addEvent('domready', function(){       $('loginLink').addEvent('click', function(e){           e.stop(); //don't follow the link         $('loginPopup').show();       });   //loginPopup contains loginForm     $('loginForm').addEvent('submit', function(e){           e.stop(); //don't submit the form         $('loginForm').send({               on Complete: function(result) {                   $('loginPopup').set('html', result); //show the result                 (function(){                       $('loginPopup').hide();                   }.delay(1000)); //wait a sec, then hide the popup             }           })       });   });  

Pretty straight forward, right? But what if we take a step back and ask ourselves, what’s this pattern here? Could we ever see a part of it again? Certainly, a popup that contains a form that submits, updates itself and then does something could crop up again. Right?


This is what I mean by “Programming the Pattern”. In my old co de, I would have maybe written the co de above. If it were part of my site, I might have a namespace and named this a method called “showLogin”, then called mySite.showLogin on domready. Or, maybe even more likely, my site would end up with a bunch of methods like this. showLogin, logOut, makeToolTips, autoScroll, setupDraggers, etc. Then I’d have a method called mySite.init that called all these.

这就是我所说的“编程模式”。在我以前的代码中,我可能像上面的那样写代码。如果它是我的网站的一部分,我可能有一个名字空间(namespace)并且给它们一个叫做“showLogin”的方法,然后在on domready事件中调用mySite.showLogin。或者,更可能是这样子的,我的网站需要很多这样的方法。showLogin、 logOut、makeToolTips、autoScroll、setupDraggers等等。然后我会写一个叫做mySite.init的方法来调用所有的这些方法。

But even moving back to my older co de I would have just had a giant domready method with all these layout/interaction instructions all in on e big startup method.


If you’ve ever had co de like this, you’ll know that it’s never, ever fun to maintain. It takes a lot of effort to just understand what you were going after in the first place. Go look at that co de example again and imagine encountering something like it that’s 3 or 5 or 10 times longer and imagine encountering it again a year later. Just unraveling the intended beha vior can be daunting.


Now, let’s program the pattern. A popup, with a form, that updates itself. That’s a pattern that could totally crop up again. Here’s the same thing as a MooTools class:

 1. var PopupForm = new Class({    2.     Implements: [Events, Options],    3.     options: {    4.         requestOptions: {/*the user can fill in additional ajax options*/},    5.         on Complete: $empty //do nothing on complete by default  6.     },    7.     initialize: function(link, form, popup, options) {    8.         this.form = $(form);    9.         this.link = $(link);   10.         this.popup = $(popup);   11.         this.setOptions(options);   12.         this.makeRequest();   13.         this.attach();   14.     },   15.     makeRequest: function(){   16.         this.request = this.form.retrieve('send', this.options.requestOptions);   17.         this.request.addEvent('complete', function(response){   18.             popup.set('html', response);   19.             this.fireEvent('complete');   20.         }.bind(this));   21.     },   22.     attach: function(){   23.         this.link.addEvent('click', this.show.bind(this));   24.         this.form.addEvent('submit', function(e){   25.             e.stop();   26.             this.request.send();   27.         }.bind(this));   28.     },   29.     show: function(){   30.         this.popup.show();   31.     },   32.     hide: function() {   33.         this.popup.hide();   34.     }   35. });  

Now, my class is admittedly nearly twice as long, and it still isn’t attached to my login link. To make that work, I have to initialize it:

window.addEvent('domready', function(){   new PopupForm($('loginLink'), $('loginForm'), $('loginPopup'), {           on Complete: function(){               }.delay(1000, this)); //wait a sec, then hide the popup         }       })   });  

Trade-offs, But Big Benefits


So in addition to being twice as long, I had to bang out another 9 lines before I was finished. 15 lines vs 42 doesn’t look like a good trade off, but lately this is how I write nearly all my co de. Changing to this way of thinking has saved me from writing many, many more lines of co de and saved me a lot of time in ways I hadn’t originally considered.


* My co de is now far more legible. I have small methods that just do on e thing and I know what it’s doing and why. My classes are named things that describe what they do, and the classes themselves are small things that just do on e thing. If I need a class that does two things, I write two classe and a small controller class that calls them.

* 我的代码现在更加清晰易读了。我有一些很小的方法,它们只做一件事情,但是我知道它们在做什么以及为什么做。我的类的名字描述了它们要做的事情,而且它们也很小,也只做一件事情。如果我需要一个做两件事情的类,我会写两个类和一个小的控制类来调用它们。

* My co de is reusable - if the pattern ever comes up again, I don’t have to write it again. I’ve amazed myself in how often this has happened. Stuff I never, ever thought I’d reuse ends up coming back to me in a week and there I am using it again.

* 我的代码可以重复使用——如果这个模式再度出现,我不需要再重复写这些代码。我曾经被它们出现的频率吓倒。我从来没有想过要重用一周以内的代码,但是我现在又开始重新使用他们了。

* The points where my application - the web page I’m working on at the moment - touches my generic co de are very small. I don’t write much co de about the pages themselves - all I do is instantiate classes for a given page element. This small footprint means that there’s less co de that’s on ly good for that page.

* 我的应用程序在哪——我现在正在做的web页面上,我的代码一般都很少。我不给页面单独写多少代码——我所做的只是针对每个给定的页面元素实例化一些类。这些小的“脚印”(页面执行时间?)意味这越少的代码对页面越好。

* When it’s time to refactor - perhaps there’s a new version of the framework I’m using, or a new browser bug is found, or a new browser hits the market (oh, hi chrome), or I find a bug in my own co de (which is the most frequent of all these reasons), I have to go fix it. If I’m writing all my co de for each page I have to go refactor it everywhere. If, on the other hand, my pages just instantiate my classes, I on ly have to refactor my classes. Since I control the interface to my classes, I can completely rewrite the class without having to touch the co de that instantiates them.

* 什么时候需要重构——可能我现在使用的框架已经有新的版本了,或者发现了一个新的浏览器bug,或者一个先的浏览器冲击了市场(例如Chrome),或者我在自己的代码里面发现了一个bug(这是这几个原因里面最常见的),我需要立即修正它们。如果我为每个页面都写了有代码,那么我将需要一一修正。从另外一个方面来说,如果我的页面只是实例化了我的几个类,我只需要修改我的类就行了。因为我控制着类的接口,所以我可以完全重写我的类,而不需要接触那些实例化它们的代码。

* Finally, I end up changing the way I think about the user experience I develop. I’m much more likely to develop an experience and reuse it than create a new on e from scratch. This creates an experience consistency that, to me, means a better user experience.

* 最后,我彻底地改变了我的关于开发用户体验的思维方式。我更喜欢开发一个体验,然后重用它,而不是从头开始做一个新的。这可以创造一个连贯的体验,对我而言,意味着更好的用户体验。

Extensibility - Because I Like To Tweak Things


This brings me to the last big benefit that coding this way provides, assuming that you are writing your co de in a way that lets you take advantage of it: extensibility. MooTools has a class based hierarchy (inspired by Dean Edwards excellent work), but don’t let the name fool you. It’s called a class but it’s really just an object factory that makes taking advantage of the prototypal inheritance model in JavaS cript easier.

这是这种编码方式给我代理的最后一个大好处,假设你现在写代码的方式能够利用它的可扩展性。 MooTools有一种基于类的层次结构(灵感来源于Dean Edwards的杰出工作),不要被这个名字给欺骗了。尽管它叫做类,实际上就只是一个object工厂,只不过让JavaS cript里面的原型继承模型变得更容易跟简单而已。

You don’t need MooTools to do this of course. JavaS cript will let you do it yourself. But because this is the way MooTools works from the ground up, it makes it hard to avoid writing your own co de this way. Writing your own classes is really easy, and extending a class - even if you didn’t write it - is easy, too.

你当然不需要MooTools来做这些。JavaS cript可以让你自己来实现。但是由于MooTools底层就是这样做的,因此很难避免让你去写这样的代码。写一个你自己的类真的很容易,扩展一个类也很容易——即使你没有写过这个类。

Let’s take our FormPopup above. let’s say we want to have the popup appear with an effect. Just to make it interesting, lets say that there is already co de out there using it, so we don’t want to alter it, but for the page we’re on, we want the popup to fade in and fade out rather than just appear.


MooTools lets you take any class (even the on es you didn’t write) and extend them into new classes. You don’t need to duplicate the whole class to add your differences - you on ly write the part you want to add or change.

var PopupForm.Fx = new Class({       Extends: PopupForm,               opacity: 0,           }).tween('opacity', 1);       },   this.popup.tween('opacity', 0).chain(function(){       }   });  

Now we have a new class called PopupForm.Fx that will fade the popup in and out. We haven’t changed PopupForm at all. What’s more, if we later find a bug in on e of PopupForm’s methods, we can fix it in that on e place and it’s fixed for both classes AND all the places we use it.


When I write my co de this way, it means that every page, site, and project I work on I add a few more tools to my toolbox when I go to the next project. I’ve released over 70 plugins for MooTools in the last year or two, and this is just the co de that I thought other people could use. Form validators, date pickers, and more. I’ve written many more extensions for my own projects that aren’t so generic, but they are no less reusable for my own work.


Looking Under the Hood


All this brings me back to what I really wanted to talk about, which is my thinking about MooTools and what makes it different from many other frameworks. Watching the jQuery presentations (again, jQuery is just different - not better or worse), I realized that MooTools and jQuery are very different in the solutions they present.


When talking with Bill Scott about his team and their use of jQuery, I asked him about what they do to program to patterns. Bill’s a great guy to ask about this because he spent a lot of last year giving a great talk about user experience patterns and YUI (I highly recommend it). He lead the project for the whole YUI pattern library. Here’s a guy who is all about creating patterns for reusability. I asked him about working with jQuery, which has mechanisms for creating plugins, but not a way to extend those plugins and, frankly, the plugin mechanism seems a little awkward to me (for instance, if you want to call a plugin method, you must do jQuery(domId).pluginName(”methodName”, [arg1, arg2]); - I hope I have that right - this seems incredibly esoteric to me).

当和Bill Scott谈论他的团队和他们对jQuery的使用,我询问了他们对于按模式编程的所做的工作。Bill是相当适合问这个问题的人选,因为他去年花了很长时间做了一个关于用户体验模式和YUI的演讲(我强烈推荐这个)。他领导了整个YUI项目模式库。他是一个一直致力于为重用而创建模式的人。我问了他关于在jQuery中创建插件的机制,而不是扩展那些插件,坦率地说,这个插件机制对于我来说有一点尴尬(例如,你为了调用一个插件的方法,你必须这样写:jQuery(domId).pluginName(”methodName”, [arg1, arg2]);——我希望我说的是对的——这对于我来说实在是神秘莫测)

After hearing me talk about the reusability and extensibility patterns built into MooTools, he made an excellent point: He knows enough about JavaS cript to have his own methods for making use of JavaS cript’s inheritance mechanisms. In other words, he uses jQuery for DOM manipulation and effects and for some of its plugins, but when he writes his own co de, he has his own class system (I don’t think he used the word “class” though - but basically some sort of factory to create reusable and extendable objects).

在听我谈完关于MooTools里面的可重用性和可扩展性模式之后,他做了一个很精妙的总结:他对JavaS cript非常了解,可以利用 JavaS cript本身内置的一些机制来完成他自己的一些方法。换句话说,他用jQuery进行Dom操作、实现特效以及用于一些其他插件,但是当他写自己的代码的时候,他有了自己的类系统(尽管我不确定他用了“类”这个词——但是本质上有一些工厂去创建这些可重用和可扩展的object)。

JavaScript Has Its Own Methods For Reuse


This, frankly, was something I hadn’t considered. jQuery is really, really good at obscuring the DOM and its headaches from the user. It’s simple to use and very expressive. Viewed as a part of a broader framework (i.e on e in which the user is just making use of JavaS cript’s inherent potential as an object oriented language) it makes a lot of sense.

这个,坦率地讲,是我没有考虑到的。jQuery在模糊DOM方面做得非常非常的好,使得用户不再那么头疼。它使用起来非常简单而且非常善于表现。作为一个宽泛的框架(即在这个框架中,用户只是把JavaS cript当作一种面向对象语言)的一部分来看,它是很明智的。

But then Bill said something else that made me seriously consider the participants in all the talks at the Ajax Experience. He said something to the effect: “But I guess I just never really thought that other people wouldn’t do that.” That other people would use jQuery (or any other Framework, or even just vanilla JavaS cript) and NOT make use of JavaS cript’s (somewhat hidden) inheritance system.

但是Bill随后说的话让我认真地思考了在Ajax体验过程中的参与者。他是这样说的:“我从来没有认真地认为其他人不会这么做。”其他人可以使用jQuery(或者其他任何框架,甚至只是“香草味”的JavaS cript)而不利用JavaS cript的任何本身特性(包括隐藏的特性)。

This is when three things clicked for me. Three really big things that, to me, on ly reinforce my preference for MooTools.


Everyone Is a Noob At Something


The first big thing was that a lot of people (maybe not all, or a majority, or even a third - who knows) using the frameworks don’t think think this way. MooTools users, jQuery users, YUI users. They just write the co de to get the page to do what they want (and to be clear, I wrote a lot of my co de this way until earlier this year - now almost everything I write are classes). These people are excited about what they are able to do in the browser and they are excited with how fun/powerful/slick/usable/whatever their sites are. When they need to refactor them, it will be painful, but they are happy non-the-less (again, I am/was on e of these people - I’m not talking down).


I think it’s safe to say that of all the frameworks, jQuery makes this experience easy to get into. It so completely obscures the browser and feels so much like CSS in many ways that it’s like a gateway drug. You do a little, and then you can’t stop. If jQuery has accomplished nothing else, it has introduced a lot of people to JavaS cript and got them to stick around. This is no minor accomplishment.

我认为现在可以安全地说,在那些框架中,jQuery让这中体验变得非常容易切入。它是如此完整地模糊了浏览器,而在很多方面又是如此地像CSS,就像一剂入门毒药。你做了一点点,然后你就再也不能停止。如果jQuery没有完成其他任何东西,只是把JavaS cript介绍给那些人然后让他们坚持使用,这就是个不小的成就。

But We All Learn Eventually


The second big thing that became apparent to me was that sooner or later, people writing this way are going to get really, really good at it, and when they do, they’ll want to be more efficient. They may not take the same road as I’m currently on - the number of frameworks out there illustrate that there are a lot of ways to skin this cat. But they will get past the “hey look, I can make a slick ajax login box” phase and will want to start developing co de that’s easier to reuse, maintain, and extend. That’s when they’ll re-read Crockford’s book and ask themselves why they aren’t doing some of the stuff in there.


Again, regardless of which framework they are using, this is going to happen. Step on e: learn javas cript syntax basics. Step two: learn to do some fun effects/ajax with a framework. Step four through seven hundred and nineteen: make a bunch of stupid mistakes and learn some stuff the hard way. Step seven hundred and twenty: get really good at JavaS cript and look back on your previous work with disdain. This is the way of all programming experience, am I right people? (Hey, afford me on e generalizing, sweeping statement about all programming languages, ok?)

再说一遍,不管你在用什么框架,这都会发生。第1步:学习JavaS cript基本语法。第2步:学习利用框架做一些有趣的效果或者ajax应用。第4步(译者注:貌似是第3步,不过不必较真)到719步:犯一大堆很愚蠢的错误并学习一些东西。第720步:真正掌握JavaS cript然后很蔑视地回头看看你以前的工作。这是所有的编程经验,我是对的吗?(嘿,感谢我用一句通用的全面的话概括了所有的编程语言吧!)

With Frameworks, What Matters Is Hidden Deep Inside


And this, finally, led me to the third big thing. The thing that reaffirms my choice of MooTools. All the frameworks out there are increasingly becoming very similar to each other at the edges. I.E. they all eventually look something like this:


The on ly real difference is terminology. On e framework might use $, another might do something like, oh, Y.get, or jQuery(id), followed by different verbs that are synonymous with the next framework. At the edges, they all do the same thing. This is because we all see good patterns in each others’ work and incorporate it - again, we’re all working against the same thing - the browsers - for the same purpose.

唯一的真正区别只是他们的术语不一样。一个框架可能使用$,另外一个可能做同样的事情,例如 Y.get或者jQuery(id),未来的框架只是使用了同意的不用词汇而已。在边缘,他们都做同样的事情。这是因为我们都彼此看到了对方工作中好的模式然后加以吸收——再重申一遍,我们全部在和同一个东西做斗争——浏览器——为了同样的目的。

But where they are different is deep down in the core. The developers of these frameworks don’t spent their days writing co de to animate login boxes. Sure, they write that stuff for their own projects, but the framework work itself is down inside. Sooner or later, anyone starting out learning on e of these frameworks is going to get to a point where writing co de at the edges are going to want to start making use of the mojo down in the core. They are going to re-read Crockford’s book and think, “I am going about this the hard way - I’m repeating myself too much, and that thing I wrote today was almost, but not quite, identical to the thing I wrote yesterday. There has to be a better way.” People like Bill Scott are already doing this, but everyone just getting started are still impressed by seeing something bounce on the screen (as well they should be).

但是在核心深处,他们是各不相同的。这些框架的开发者不会花大量的时间来写一个让登陆框变化的代码。当然,他们为各自的项目完成这样的工作,这些框架本身的工作在内部进行。迟早,任何人开始学习其中的一个框架,就会接触到边缘代码,然后就会想去利用核心的代码。他们会重新阅读 “Crockford的书”并想:“我在用很困难的方式做这个——我不停地重复太多了,那个东西和我昨天写的东西几乎一样,虽然不完全一样。那里肯定有更好的方式。”像Bill Scott这样的人已经在做这些了,但是每个刚刚开始的人还深深地铭记着从屏幕上看到的那些绚丽的东西(当然,他们应该这样)。

When they get really good and are ready to take that next step, they will look to the core of their library of choice for guidance. After spending months grinding out co de with whatever framework they started with, they’ll look to the experts of that framework for answers, and the experts are writing the core. Every framework has a mechanism for writing plugins and extending them and I will admit that I am on ly familiar with a few of them in a cursory manner. I cannot pass judgement on any of them save MooTools, so I’ll limit my pronouncements to that. Nearly all of the functionality in MooTools is implemented as extensions to native objects (arrays, strings, etc) and classes. Throughout the library the principals of (shallow) inheritance and reuse are illustrated in an easy to read and easy to use manner. It is because of this that my own co de has gotten so much better than it used to be (and I’m a contributor! - don’t hold that against the framework, please).


Why MooTools Rocks (At Least, Why I Think It Does)


So now, when people ask me why I think MooTools is the better choice, I’ll still tell them that it’s not about what’s better than the next on e, and that all the frameworks are good choices, but the reason that I, personally, prefer MooTools is finally something I can put into words. All the frameworks achieve similar goals in different ways, but, for me at least, MooTools helps me solve my design and implementation challenges on ce, which is definitely good enough reason for me.


而且JQuery本身的强大是在于对Dom节点的查找及批处理,它的核心思想就是 少写一点,多做一点。


难道我们要为 $("div").css("border","1");封装一个类叫做BorderUtil,且这个类有一个方法叫做addBorder(borderWidth)吗?


Javas cript语言的重用性当然也很重要,但很多情况下其意义不及易用性,原因在于:





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