本文轉自: http://www.cnblogs.com/star65225692/archive/2008/04/03/1136390.html
using System.Collections;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Drawing.Drawing2D;
using System.Data;
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace Fcc.Tool
/**/ /// <summary>
/// Summary description for ScrollingTextControl.
/// </summary>
ToolboxBitmapAttribute( typeof (ScrollingText), " ScrollingText.bmp " ),
DefaultEvent( " TextClicked " )
public partial class ScrollingText : System.Windows.Forms.Control
private Timer timer; // Timer for text animation.
private string text = " Text " ; // Scrolling text
private float staticTextPos = 0 ; // The running x pos of the text
private float yPos = 0 ; // The running y pos of the text
private ScrollDirection scrollDirection = ScrollDirection.RightToLeft; // The direction the text will scroll
private ScrollDirection currentDirection = ScrollDirection.LeftToRight; // Used for text bouncing
private VerticleTextPosition verticleTextPosition = VerticleTextPosition.Center; // Where will the text be vertically placed
private int scrollPixelDistance = 2 ; // How far the text scrolls per timer event
private bool showBorder = true ; // Show a border or not
private bool stopScrollOnMouseOver = false ; // Flag to stop the scroll if the user mouses over the text
private bool scrollOn = true ; // Internal flag to stop / start the scrolling of the text
private Brush foregroundBrush = null ; // Allow the user to set a custom Brush to the text Font
private Brush backgroundBrush = null ; // Allow the user to set a custom Brush to the background
private Color borderColor = Color.Black; // Allow the user to set the color of the control border
private RectangleF lastKnownRect; // The last known position of the text
public ScrollingText()
// Setup default properties for ScrollingText control
// This turns off internal double buffering of all custom GDI+ drawing
Version v = System.Environment.Version;
if (v.Major < 2 )
this .SetStyle(ControlStyles.DoubleBuffer, true );
this .SetStyle(ControlStyles.OptimizedDoubleBuffer, true );
this .SetStyle(ControlStyles.AllPaintingInWmPaint, true );
this .SetStyle(ControlStyles.UserPaint, true );
this .SetStyle(ControlStyles.ResizeRedraw, true );
// setup the timer object
timer = new Timer();
timer.Interval = 25 ; // default timer interval
timer.Enabled = true ;
timer.Tick += new EventHandler(Tick);
/**/ /// <summary>
/// Clean up any resources being used.
/// </summary>
protected override void Dispose( bool disposing )
if ( disposing )
// Make sure our brushes are cleaned up
if (foregroundBrush != null )
// Make sure our brushes are cleaned up
if (backgroundBrush != null )
// Make sure our timer is cleaned up
if (timer != null )
base .Dispose( disposing );
// Component Designer generated code
#region Component Designer generated code
/**/ /// <summary>
/// Required method for Designer support - do not modify
/// the contents of this method with the code editor.
/// </summary>
private void InitializeComponent()
// ScrollingText
this .Name = " ScrollingText " ;
this .Size = new System.Drawing.Size( 216 , 40 );
this .Click += new System.EventHandler( this .ScrollingText_Click);
// Controls the animation of the text.
private void Tick( object sender, EventArgs e)
// update rectangle to include where to paint for new position
// lastKnownRect.X -= 10;
// lastKnownRect.Width += 20;
lastKnownRect.Inflate( 10 , 5 );
// get the display rectangle
RectangleF refreshRect = lastKnownRect;
refreshRect.X = Math.Max( 0 , lastKnownRect.X);
refreshRect.Width = Math.Min(lastKnownRect.Width + lastKnownRect.X, this .Width);
refreshRect.Width = Math.Min( this .Width - lastKnownRect.X, refreshRect.Width);
// create region based on updated rectangle
// Region updateRegion = new Region(lastKnownRect);
Region updateRegion = new Region(refreshRect);
// repaint the control
// Paint the ScrollingTextCtrl.
protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs pe)
// Console.WriteLine(pe.ClipRectangle.X + ", " + pe.ClipRectangle.Y + ", " + pe.ClipRectangle.Width + ", " + pe.ClipRectangle.Height);
// Paint the text to its new position
// pass on the graphics obj to the base Control class
base .OnPaint(pe);
// Draw the scrolling text on the control
public void DrawScrollingText(Graphics canvas)
canvas.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.HighQuality;
canvas.PixelOffsetMode = PixelOffsetMode.HighQuality;
// measure the size of the string for placement calculation
SizeF stringSize = canvas.MeasureString( this .text, this .Font);
// Calculate the begining x position of where to paint the text
if (scrollOn)
// Clear the control with user set BackColor
if (backgroundBrush != null )
canvas.FillRectangle(backgroundBrush, 0 , 0 , this .ClientSize.Width, this .ClientSize.Height);
canvas.Clear( this .BackColor);
// Draw the border
if (showBorder)
using (Pen borderPen = new Pen(borderColor))
canvas.DrawRectangle(borderPen, 0 , 0 , this .ClientSize.Width - 1 , this .ClientSize.Height - 1 );
// Draw the text string in the bitmap in memory
if (foregroundBrush == null )
using (Brush tempForeBrush = new System.Drawing.SolidBrush( this .ForeColor))
canvas.DrawString( this .text, this .Font, tempForeBrush, staticTextPos, yPos);
canvas.DrawString( this .text, this .Font, foregroundBrush, staticTextPos, yPos);
lastKnownRect = new RectangleF(staticTextPos, yPos, stringSize.Width, stringSize.Height);
private void CalcTextPosition(SizeF stringSize)
switch (scrollDirection)
case ScrollDirection.RightToLeft:
if (staticTextPos < ( - 1 * (stringSize.Width)))
staticTextPos = this .ClientSize.Width - 1 ;
staticTextPos -= scrollPixelDistance;
break ;
case ScrollDirection.LeftToRight:
if (staticTextPos > this .ClientSize.Width)
staticTextPos = - 1 * stringSize.Width;
staticTextPos += scrollPixelDistance;
break ;
case ScrollDirection.Bouncing:
if (currentDirection == ScrollDirection.RightToLeft)
if (staticTextPos < 0 )
currentDirection = ScrollDirection.LeftToRight;
staticTextPos -= scrollPixelDistance;
else if (currentDirection == ScrollDirection.LeftToRight)
if (staticTextPos > this .ClientSize.Width - stringSize.Width)
currentDirection = ScrollDirection.RightToLeft;
staticTextPos += scrollPixelDistance;
break ;
// Calculate the vertical position for the scrolling text
switch (verticleTextPosition)
case VerticleTextPosition.Top:
yPos = 2 ;
break ;
case VerticleTextPosition.Center:
yPos = ( this .ClientSize.Height / 2 ) - (stringSize.Height / 2 );
break ;
case VerticleTextPosition.Botom:
yPos = this .ClientSize.Height - stringSize.Height;
break ;
// Mouse over, text link logic
#region Mouse over, text link logic
private void EnableTextLink(RectangleF textRect)
Point curPt = this .PointToClient(Cursor.Position);
// if (curPt.X > textRect.Left && curPt.X < textRect.Right
// && curPt.Y > textRect.Top && curPt.Y < textRect.Bottom)
if (textRect.Contains(curPt))
// Stop the text of the user mouse's over the text
if (stopScrollOnMouseOver)
scrollOn = false ;
this .Cursor = Cursors.Hand;
// Make sure the text is scrolling if user's mouse is not over the text
scrollOn = true ;
this .Cursor = Cursors.Default;
private void ScrollingText_Click( object sender, System.EventArgs e)
// Trigger the text clicked event if the user clicks while the mouse
// is over the text. This allows the text to act like a hyperlink
if ( this .Cursor == Cursors.Hand)
OnTextClicked( this , new EventArgs());
public delegate void TextClickEventHandler( object sender, EventArgs args);
public event TextClickEventHandler TextClicked;
private void OnTextClicked( object sender, EventArgs args)
// Call the delegate
if (TextClicked != null )
TextClicked(sender, args);
// Properties
#region Properties
Browsable( true ),
CategoryAttribute( " Scrolling Text " ),
Description( " The timer interval that determines how often the control is repainted " )
public int TextScrollSpeed
timer.Interval = value;
return timer.Interval;
Browsable( true ),
CategoryAttribute( " Scrolling Text " ),
Description( " How many pixels will the text be moved per Paint " )
public int TextScrollDistance
scrollPixelDistance = value;
return scrollPixelDistance;
Browsable( true ),
CategoryAttribute( " Scrolling Text " ),
Description( " The text that will scroll accros the control " )
public string ScrollText
text = value;
this .Invalidate();
this .Update();
return text;
Browsable( true ),
CategoryAttribute( " Scrolling Text " ),
Description( " What direction the text will scroll: Left to Right, Right to Left, or Bouncing " )
public ScrollDirection ScrollDirection
scrollDirection = value;
return scrollDirection;
Browsable( true ),
CategoryAttribute( " Scrolling Text " ),
Description( " The verticle alignment of the text " )
public VerticleTextPosition VerticleTextPosition
verticleTextPosition = value;
return verticleTextPosition;
Browsable( true ),
CategoryAttribute( " Scrolling Text " ),
Description( " Turns the border on or off " )
public bool ShowBorder
showBorder = value;
return showBorder;
Browsable( true ),
CategoryAttribute( " Scrolling Text " ),
Description( " The color of the border " )
public Color BorderColor
borderColor = value;
return borderColor;
Browsable( true ),
CategoryAttribute( " Scrolling Text " ),
Description( " Determines if the text will stop scrolling if the user's mouse moves over the text " )
public bool StopScrollOnMouseOver
stopScrollOnMouseOver = value;
return stopScrollOnMouseOver;
Browsable( true ),
CategoryAttribute( " Behavior " ),
Description( " Indicates whether the control is enabled " )
new public bool Enabled
timer.Enabled = value;
base .Enabled = value;
return base .Enabled;
Browsable( false )
public Brush ForegroundBrush
foregroundBrush = value;
return foregroundBrush;
ReadOnly( true )
public Brush BackgroundBrush
backgroundBrush = value;
return backgroundBrush;
public enum ScrollDirection
public enum VerticleTextPosition
using System.Collections;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Drawing.Drawing2D;
using System.Data;
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace Fcc.Tool
/**/ /// <summary>
/// Summary description for ScrollingTextControl.
/// </summary>
ToolboxBitmapAttribute( typeof (ScrollingText), " ScrollingText.bmp " ),
DefaultEvent( " TextClicked " )
public partial class ScrollingText : System.Windows.Forms.Control
private Timer timer; // Timer for text animation.
private string text = " Text " ; // Scrolling text
private float staticTextPos = 0 ; // The running x pos of the text
private float yPos = 0 ; // The running y pos of the text
private ScrollDirection scrollDirection = ScrollDirection.RightToLeft; // The direction the text will scroll
private ScrollDirection currentDirection = ScrollDirection.LeftToRight; // Used for text bouncing
private VerticleTextPosition verticleTextPosition = VerticleTextPosition.Center; // Where will the text be vertically placed
private int scrollPixelDistance = 2 ; // How far the text scrolls per timer event
private bool showBorder = true ; // Show a border or not
private bool stopScrollOnMouseOver = false ; // Flag to stop the scroll if the user mouses over the text
private bool scrollOn = true ; // Internal flag to stop / start the scrolling of the text
private Brush foregroundBrush = null ; // Allow the user to set a custom Brush to the text Font
private Brush backgroundBrush = null ; // Allow the user to set a custom Brush to the background
private Color borderColor = Color.Black; // Allow the user to set the color of the control border
private RectangleF lastKnownRect; // The last known position of the text
public ScrollingText()
// Setup default properties for ScrollingText control
// This turns off internal double buffering of all custom GDI+ drawing
Version v = System.Environment.Version;
if (v.Major < 2 )
this .SetStyle(ControlStyles.DoubleBuffer, true );
this .SetStyle(ControlStyles.OptimizedDoubleBuffer, true );
this .SetStyle(ControlStyles.AllPaintingInWmPaint, true );
this .SetStyle(ControlStyles.UserPaint, true );
this .SetStyle(ControlStyles.ResizeRedraw, true );
// setup the timer object
timer = new Timer();
timer.Interval = 25 ; // default timer interval
timer.Enabled = true ;
timer.Tick += new EventHandler(Tick);
/**/ /// <summary>
/// Clean up any resources being used.
/// </summary>
protected override void Dispose( bool disposing )
if ( disposing )
// Make sure our brushes are cleaned up
if (foregroundBrush != null )
// Make sure our brushes are cleaned up
if (backgroundBrush != null )
// Make sure our timer is cleaned up
if (timer != null )
base .Dispose( disposing );
// Component Designer generated code
#region Component Designer generated code
/**/ /// <summary>
/// Required method for Designer support - do not modify
/// the contents of this method with the code editor.
/// </summary>
private void InitializeComponent()
// ScrollingText
this .Name = " ScrollingText " ;
this .Size = new System.Drawing.Size( 216 , 40 );
this .Click += new System.EventHandler( this .ScrollingText_Click);
// Controls the animation of the text.
private void Tick( object sender, EventArgs e)
// update rectangle to include where to paint for new position
// lastKnownRect.X -= 10;
// lastKnownRect.Width += 20;
lastKnownRect.Inflate( 10 , 5 );
// get the display rectangle
RectangleF refreshRect = lastKnownRect;
refreshRect.X = Math.Max( 0 , lastKnownRect.X);
refreshRect.Width = Math.Min(lastKnownRect.Width + lastKnownRect.X, this .Width);
refreshRect.Width = Math.Min( this .Width - lastKnownRect.X, refreshRect.Width);
// create region based on updated rectangle
// Region updateRegion = new Region(lastKnownRect);
Region updateRegion = new Region(refreshRect);
// repaint the control
// Paint the ScrollingTextCtrl.
protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs pe)
// Console.WriteLine(pe.ClipRectangle.X + ", " + pe.ClipRectangle.Y + ", " + pe.ClipRectangle.Width + ", " + pe.ClipRectangle.Height);
// Paint the text to its new position
// pass on the graphics obj to the base Control class
base .OnPaint(pe);
// Draw the scrolling text on the control
public void DrawScrollingText(Graphics canvas)
canvas.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.HighQuality;
canvas.PixelOffsetMode = PixelOffsetMode.HighQuality;
// measure the size of the string for placement calculation
SizeF stringSize = canvas.MeasureString( this .text, this .Font);
// Calculate the begining x position of where to paint the text
if (scrollOn)
// Clear the control with user set BackColor
if (backgroundBrush != null )
canvas.FillRectangle(backgroundBrush, 0 , 0 , this .ClientSize.Width, this .ClientSize.Height);
canvas.Clear( this .BackColor);
// Draw the border
if (showBorder)
using (Pen borderPen = new Pen(borderColor))
canvas.DrawRectangle(borderPen, 0 , 0 , this .ClientSize.Width - 1 , this .ClientSize.Height - 1 );
// Draw the text string in the bitmap in memory
if (foregroundBrush == null )
using (Brush tempForeBrush = new System.Drawing.SolidBrush( this .ForeColor))
canvas.DrawString( this .text, this .Font, tempForeBrush, staticTextPos, yPos);
canvas.DrawString( this .text, this .Font, foregroundBrush, staticTextPos, yPos);
lastKnownRect = new RectangleF(staticTextPos, yPos, stringSize.Width, stringSize.Height);
private void CalcTextPosition(SizeF stringSize)
switch (scrollDirection)
case ScrollDirection.RightToLeft:
if (staticTextPos < ( - 1 * (stringSize.Width)))
staticTextPos = this .ClientSize.Width - 1 ;
staticTextPos -= scrollPixelDistance;
break ;
case ScrollDirection.LeftToRight:
if (staticTextPos > this .ClientSize.Width)
staticTextPos = - 1 * stringSize.Width;
staticTextPos += scrollPixelDistance;
break ;
case ScrollDirection.Bouncing:
if (currentDirection == ScrollDirection.RightToLeft)
if (staticTextPos < 0 )
currentDirection = ScrollDirection.LeftToRight;
staticTextPos -= scrollPixelDistance;
else if (currentDirection == ScrollDirection.LeftToRight)
if (staticTextPos > this .ClientSize.Width - stringSize.Width)
currentDirection = ScrollDirection.RightToLeft;
staticTextPos += scrollPixelDistance;
break ;
// Calculate the vertical position for the scrolling text
switch (verticleTextPosition)
case VerticleTextPosition.Top:
yPos = 2 ;
break ;
case VerticleTextPosition.Center:
yPos = ( this .ClientSize.Height / 2 ) - (stringSize.Height / 2 );
break ;
case VerticleTextPosition.Botom:
yPos = this .ClientSize.Height - stringSize.Height;
break ;
// Mouse over, text link logic
#region Mouse over, text link logic
private void EnableTextLink(RectangleF textRect)
Point curPt = this .PointToClient(Cursor.Position);
// if (curPt.X > textRect.Left && curPt.X < textRect.Right
// && curPt.Y > textRect.Top && curPt.Y < textRect.Bottom)
if (textRect.Contains(curPt))
// Stop the text of the user mouse's over the text
if (stopScrollOnMouseOver)
scrollOn = false ;
this .Cursor = Cursors.Hand;
// Make sure the text is scrolling if user's mouse is not over the text
scrollOn = true ;
this .Cursor = Cursors.Default;
private void ScrollingText_Click( object sender, System.EventArgs e)
// Trigger the text clicked event if the user clicks while the mouse
// is over the text. This allows the text to act like a hyperlink
if ( this .Cursor == Cursors.Hand)
OnTextClicked( this , new EventArgs());
public delegate void TextClickEventHandler( object sender, EventArgs args);
public event TextClickEventHandler TextClicked;
private void OnTextClicked( object sender, EventArgs args)
// Call the delegate
if (TextClicked != null )
TextClicked(sender, args);
// Properties
#region Properties
Browsable( true ),
CategoryAttribute( " Scrolling Text " ),
Description( " The timer interval that determines how often the control is repainted " )
public int TextScrollSpeed
timer.Interval = value;
return timer.Interval;
Browsable( true ),
CategoryAttribute( " Scrolling Text " ),
Description( " How many pixels will the text be moved per Paint " )
public int TextScrollDistance
scrollPixelDistance = value;
return scrollPixelDistance;
Browsable( true ),
CategoryAttribute( " Scrolling Text " ),
Description( " The text that will scroll accros the control " )
public string ScrollText
text = value;
this .Invalidate();
this .Update();
return text;
Browsable( true ),
CategoryAttribute( " Scrolling Text " ),
Description( " What direction the text will scroll: Left to Right, Right to Left, or Bouncing " )
public ScrollDirection ScrollDirection
scrollDirection = value;
return scrollDirection;
Browsable( true ),
CategoryAttribute( " Scrolling Text " ),
Description( " The verticle alignment of the text " )
public VerticleTextPosition VerticleTextPosition
verticleTextPosition = value;
return verticleTextPosition;
Browsable( true ),
CategoryAttribute( " Scrolling Text " ),
Description( " Turns the border on or off " )
public bool ShowBorder
showBorder = value;
return showBorder;
Browsable( true ),
CategoryAttribute( " Scrolling Text " ),
Description( " The color of the border " )
public Color BorderColor
borderColor = value;
return borderColor;
Browsable( true ),
CategoryAttribute( " Scrolling Text " ),
Description( " Determines if the text will stop scrolling if the user's mouse moves over the text " )
public bool StopScrollOnMouseOver
stopScrollOnMouseOver = value;
return stopScrollOnMouseOver;
Browsable( true ),
CategoryAttribute( " Behavior " ),
Description( " Indicates whether the control is enabled " )
new public bool Enabled
timer.Enabled = value;
base .Enabled = value;
return base .Enabled;
Browsable( false )
public Brush ForegroundBrush
foregroundBrush = value;
return foregroundBrush;
ReadOnly( true )
public Brush BackgroundBrush
backgroundBrush = value;
return backgroundBrush;
public enum ScrollDirection
public enum VerticleTextPosition