CMOS Memory Map

Below is a typical CMOS RAM memory map for an AT PC.  Under a 128byte ISA compatible CMOS, 16 bytes (00h-0fh) is the real time clock, 32 bytes (10h-2Fh) is the ISA configuration data, 16 bytes (30h-3Fh) is the BIOS specific configuration data and 64 bytes (40h-7Fh) is the ESCD (Extended System Configuration Data).


Offset HexOffset DecField SizeFunction


01 byteRTC seconds.  Contains the seconds value of current time
01h11 byteRTC seconds alarm.  Contains the seconds value for the RTC alarm
02h21 byteRTC minutes.  Contains the minutes value of the current time
03h31 byteRTC minutes alarm.  Contains the minutes value for the RTC alarm
04h41 byteRTC hours.  Contains the hours value of the current time
05h51 byteRTC hours alarm.  Contains the hours value for the RTC alarm
06h61 byteRTC day of week.  Contains the current day of the week
07h71 byteRTC date day.  Contains day value of current date
08h81 byteRTC date month.  Contains the month value of current date
09h91 byteRTC date year.  Contains the year value of current date
0Ah101 byteStatus Register A 
   Bit 7 = Update in progress (0 = Date and time can be read, 1 = Time update in progress)
   Bits 6-4 = Time frequency divider (010 = 32.768KHz
   Bits 3-0 = Rate selection frequency (0110 = 1.024KHz square wave frequency)
0Bh111 byteStatus Register B
   Bit 7 = Clock update cycle (0 = Update normally, 1 = Abort update in progress)
   Bit 6 = Periodic interrupt (0 = Disable interrupt (default), 1 = Enable interrupt)
   Bit 5 = Alarm interrupt (0 = Disable interrupt (default), 1 = Enable interrupt)
   Bit 4 = Update ended interrupt (0 = Disable interrupt (default), 1 = Enable interrupt)
   Bit 3 = Status register A square wave frequency (0 = Disable square wave (default), 1 = Enable square wave)
   Bit 2 = 24 hour clock (0 = 24 hour mode (default), 1 = 12 hour mode)
   Bit 1 = Daylight savings time (0 = Disable daylight savings (default), 1 = Enable daylight savings)
0Ch121 byteStatus Register C - Read only flags indicating system status conditions
   Bit 7 = IRQF flag
   Bit 6 = PF flag
   Bit 5 = AF flag
   Bit 4 UF flag
   Bits 3-0 = Reserved
0Dh131 byteStatus Register D - Valid CMOS RAM flag on bit 7 (battery condition flag)
   Bit 7 = Valid CMOS RAM flag (0 = CMOS battery dead, 1 = CMOS battery power good)
   Bit 6-0 = Reserved
0Eh141 byteDiagnostic Status
   Bit 7 = Real time clock power status (0 = CMOS has not lost power, 1 = CMOS has lost power)
   Bit 6 = CMOS checksum status (0 = Checksum is good, 1 = Checksum is bad)
   Bit 5 = POST configuration information status (0 = Configuration information is valid, 1 = Configuration information in invalid)
   Bit 4 = Memory size compare during POST (0 = POST memory equals configuration, 1 = POST memory not equal to configuration)
   Bit 3 = Fixed disk/adapter initialization (0 = Initialization good, 1 = Initialization bad)
   Bit 2 = CMOS time status indicator (0 = Time is valid, 1 = Time is invalid)
   Bit 1-0 = Reserved
0Fh151 byteCMOS Shutdown Status
   00h = Power on or soft reset
   01h = Memory size pass
   02h = Memory test pass
   03h = Memory test fail
   04h = POST complete; boot system
   05h = JMP double word pointer with EOI
   06h = Protected mode tests pass
   07h = protected mode tests fail
   08h = Memory size fail
   09h = Int 15h block move
   0Ah = JMP double word pointer without EOI
   0Bh = Used by 80386
10h161 byteFloppy Disk Drive Types
   Bits 7-4 = Drive 0 type
   Bits 3-0 = Drive 1 type
   0000 = None
   0001 = 360KB
   0010 = 1.2MB
   0011 = 720KB
   0100 = 1.44MB
11h171 byteSystem Configuration Settings
   Bit 7 = Mouse support disable/enable
   Bit 6 = Memory test above 1MB disable/enable
   Bit 5 = Memory test tick sound disable/enable
   Bit 4 = Memory parity error check disable/enable
   Bit 3 = Setup utility trigger display disable/enable
   Bit 2 = Hard disk type 47 RAM area (0:300h or upper 1KB of DOS area)
   Bit 1 = Wait for <F1> if any error message disable/enable
   Bit 0 = System boot up with Numlock (off/on)
12h181 byteHard Disk Types
   Bits 7-4 = Hard disk 0 type
   Bits 3-0 = Hard disk 1 type
   0000 = No drive installed
   0001 = Type 1 installed
   1110 = Type 14 installed
   1111 = Type 16-47 (defined later in 19h)
13h191 byteTypematic Parameters
   Bit 7 = typematic rate programming disable/enabled
   Bit 6-5 = typematic rate delay
   Bit 4-2 = Typematic rate
14h201 byteInstalled Equipment
   Bits 7-6 = Number of floppy disks (00 = 1 floppy disk, 01 = 2 floppy disks)
   Bits 5-4 = Primary display (00 = Use display adapter BIOS, 01 = CGA 40 column, 10 = CGA 80 column, 11 = Monochrome Display Adapter)
   Bit 3 = Display adapter installed/not installed
   Bit 2 = Keyboard installed/not installed
   Bit 1 = math coprocessor installed/not installed
   Bit 0 = Always set to 1
15h 211 byteBase Memory Low Order Byte - Least significant byte
16h221 byteBase Memory High Order Byte - Most significant byte
17h231 byteExtended Memory Low Order Byte - Least significant byte
18h241 byteExtended Memory High Order Byte - Most significant byte
19h251 byteHard Disk 0 Extended Type - (10h to 2Eh = Type 16 to 46 respectively)
1Ah261 byteHard Disk 1 Extended Type - (10h to 2Eh = Type 16 to 46 respectively)
1Bh271 byteUser Defined Drive C: - Number of cylinders least significant byte
1Ch281 byteUser Defined Drive C: - Number of cylinders most significant byte
1Dh291 byteUser Defined Drive C: - Number of heads
1Eh301 byteUser Defined Drive C: - Write precomp cylinder least significant byte
1Fh311 byteUser Defined Drive C: - Write precomp cylinder most significant byte
20h321 byteUser Defined Drive C: - Control byte
21h331 byteUser Defined Drive C: - Landing zone least significant byte
22h341 byteUser Defined Drive C: - Landing zone most significant byte
23h351 byteUser Defined Drive C: - Number of sectors
24h361 byteUser Defined Drive D: - Number of cylinders least significant byte
25h371 byteUser defined Drive D: - Number of cylinders most significant byte
26h381 byteUser Defined Drive D: - Number of heads
27h391 byteUser Defined Drive D: - Write precomp cylinder least significant byte
28h401 byteUser Defined Drive D: - Write precomp cylinder most significant byte
29h411 byteUser Defined Drive D: - Control byte
2Ah421 byteUser Defined Drive D: - Landing zone least significant byte
2Bh431 byteUser Defined Drive D: - Landing zone most significant byte
2Ch441 byteUser Defined Drive D: - Number of sectors
2Dh451 byteSystem Operational Flags
   Bit 7 = Weitek processor present/absent
   Bit 6 = Floppy drive seek at boot enable/disable
   Bit 5 = System boot sequence
   Bit 4 = System boot CPU speed high/low
   Bit 3 = External cache enable/disable
   Bit 2 = Internal cache enable/disable
   Bit 1 = Fast gate A20 operation enable/disable
   Bit 0 = Turbo switch function enable/disable
2Eh461 byteCMOS Checksum High Order Byte - Most significant byte
2Fh471 byteCMOS Checksum Low Order Byte - Least significant byte
30h481 byteActual Extended Memory Low Order Byte - Least significant byte
31h491 byteActual Extended Memory High Order Byte - Most significant byte
32h501 byteCentury Date BCD - Value for century of current date
33h511 bytePOST Information Flags
   Bit 7 = BIOS length (64KB/128KB)
   Bit 6-1 = reserved
   Bit 0 = POST cache test passed/failed
34h521 byteBIOS and Shadow Option Flags
   Bit 7 = Boot sector virus protection disabled/enabled
   Bit 6 = Password checking option disabled/enabled
   Bit 5 = Adapter ROM shadow C800h (16KB) disabled/enabled
   Bit 4 = Adapter ROM shadow CC00h (16KB) disabled/enabled
   Bit 3 = Adapter ROM shadow D000h (16KB) disabled/enabled
   Bit 2 = Adapter ROM shadow D400h (16KB) disabled/enabled
   Bit 1 = Adapter ROM shadow D800h (16KB) disabled/enabled
   Bit 0 = Adapter ROM shadow DC00h (16KB) disabled/enabled
35h531 byteBIOS and Shadow Option Flags
   Bit 7 = Adapter ROM shadow E000h (16KB) disabled/enabled
   Bit 6 = Adapter ROM shadow E400h (16KB) disabled/enabled
   Bit 5 = Adapter ROM shadow E800h (16KB) disabled/enabled
   Bit 4 = Adapter ROM shadow EC00h (16KB) disabled/enabled
   Bit 3 = System ROM shadow F000h (16KB) disabled/enabled
   Bit 2 = Video ROM shadow C000h (16KB) disabled/enabled
   Bit 1 = Video ROM shadow C400h (16KB) disabled/enabled
   Bit 0 = Numeric processor test disabled/enabled
36h541 byteChipset Specific Information
37h551 bytePassword Seed and Color Option
   Bit 7-4 = Password seed (do not change)
   Bit 3-0 = Setup screen color palette
   07h = White on black
   70h = Black on white
   17h = White on blue
   20h = Black on green
   30h = Black on turquoise
   47h = White on red
   57h = White on magenta
   60h = Black on brown
38h-3dh56-616 bytesEncrypted Password - (do not change)
3Eh621 byteExtended CMOS Checksum - Most significant byte
3Fh631 byteExtended CMOS Checksum - Least significant byte
40h641 byteModel Number Byte
41h651 byte1st Serial Number Byte
42h661 byte2nd Serial Number Byte
43h671 byte3rd Serial Number Byte
44h681 byte4th Serial Number Byte
45h691 byte5th Serial Number Byte
46h701 byte6th Serial Number Byte
47h711 byteCRC Byte
48h721 byteCentury Byte
49h731 byteDate Alarm
4Ah741 byteExtended Control Register 4A
4Bh751 byteExtended Control register 4B
4Ch761 byteReserved
4Dh771 byteReserved
4Eh781 byteReal Time Clock - Address 2
4Fh791 byteReal Time Clock - Address 3
50h801 byteExtended RAM Address - Least significant byte
51h811 byteExtended RAM Address - Most significant byte
52h821 byteReserved
53h831 byteExtended RAM Data Port
54h841 byteReserved
55h851 byteReserved
56h861 byteReserved
57h871 byteReserved
58h881 byteReserved
59h891 byteReserved
5Ah901 byteReserved
5Bh911 byteReserved
5Ch921 byteReserved
5Dh931 byteReserved




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