What is Jump POW Algorithm?

What is Jump POW Algorithm?

Converting meaning POW Hash computing to General Parallel Computing.
Most cryptocurrencies are based on a fixed hash algorithm, no matter how complicated the algorithm is and how much space complexity it has. In the long term, there is always the risk that mining could be replaced by ASIC hardware and finally centralized.Jump Hash constantly changes as blockchain’s data changes, Jump Hash selects one hash algorithm from an algorithm pool which contains dozens of algorithms according to certain rules, the combination of hash algorithm which will be used constantly changes at each block.MassGrid will eventually integrate 30 different Hash algorithms, to design an ASIC for MassGrid mining, all 30 hash algorithms must be implemented in the hardware and only 1/30 of the chip resource will be used during computing each time, the rest will be idle.Taken together, Jump Hash significantly increases the GPU’s energy efficiency relative to ASIC, as GPU power consumption and price goes down, GPU-based Jump Hash POWs will outperform ASIC economically.

Why do we use Jump POW algorithm?

  1. By implementing Jump Hash in our network, we can force all POW nodes to use GPU for computing. Therefore, this POW network could also be used to do any kinds of parallel computing. After upgrading miners, users could distribute their computing task through our POW network to miners, and miners will get payment by leasing their hardware to customer.
  2. Because Jump Hash algorithm is not efficient enough on ASIC, we could avoid to have a few select big miners centralize our network, hence making it safer than any other centralized mining network.
  3. So far , the safety of hash algorithm hasn’t been theoretically proven yet, as we combine so many hash algorithms, it is far more safer than just using a single algorithm. Hackers have to solve all of these 30 algorithms to hack our network.

Jump Hash Algorithm GPU and ASIC comparison
The programmable hardware structure of each computing unit on GPU dynamically switches algorithm to be able to achieve 100% hardware resource efficiencyOnly 1/30 of chip resource will be used in the ASIC because of non-programmable hardware structure, the remaining resource are idle.

POW Computing Process
In our blockchain, every time a new data block needs to be generate, the Jump Hash algorithm first extracts the data feature of the block or the previous block, and then selects one or several hash algorithm combinations according to the features of the data. Then uses this algorithm or a combination of algorithms for hashing, returning the correct result if hit or otherwise continuing.

POW Verification Process
When verifying the legitimacy of a data block, the Jump Hash algorithm first extracts the data feature of the block or the previous block, and then selects one or several hash algorithm combinations according to the features, uses the algorithm or combination of algorithms for hashing, and compare the hash results to see it is correct.

To learn more about our project and to stay up to date on the latest development, you can visit us on the following pages:
Website: http://www.massgrid.com
Whitepaper: http://massgrid.com/assets/download/MassGridWhitePaper_En.pdf
Twitter: https://twitter.com/MassGrid
Medium: https://medium.com/@massgrid

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