help display this help 显示帮助信息
listusers display existing accounts 显示现有账户
countusers display the number of existing accounts 显示现有账户数量
adduser [username] [password] add a new user 添加一个新用户
verify [username] verify if specified user exist 核实指定用户是否存在
deluser [username] delete existing user 删除存在的用户
setpassword [username] [password] sets a user's password 设置用户密码
setalias [user] [alias] locally forwards all email for 'user' to 'alias' 设置邮箱别名
showalias [username] shows a user's current email alias 显示别名
unsetalias [user] unsets an alias for 'user' 删除用户别名
setforwarding [username] [emailaddress] forwards a user's email to another email address 转发用户的电子邮件地址到另一个电子邮件地址
showforwarding [username] shows a user's current email forwarding 显示用户的当前邮件转发
unsetforwarding [username] removes a forward 删除转发
user [repositoryname] change to another user repository 改变另一个用户库
shutdown kills the current JVM (convenient when James is run as a daemon)关闭当前的服务
quit close connection 关闭连接
最新推荐文章于 2022-03-09 15:25:50 发布