oracle 体系结构(七)

Introduction to Automatic Undo Management 自动撤销管理简介

Oracle maintains information to nullifychanges made to the database. Such information consists of records of theactions of transactions, collectively known as undo. Oracle uses the undo to dothe following:

 Rollback an active transaction

Recover a terminated transaction

Provide read consistency

Recovery from logical corruptions







Automatic undo management isundo-tablespace based. You allocate space in the form of an undo tablespace,instead of allocating many rollback segments in different sizes.



Automatic undo management eliminates thecomplexities of managing rollback segment space and lets you exert control overhow long undo is retained before being overwritten. Oracle strongly recommendsthat you use undo tablespaces to manage undo rather than rollback segments. Thesystem automatically tunes the period for which undo is retained in the undotablespace to satisfy queries that require undo information. If the currentundo tablespace has enough space, then you can set the UNDO_RETENTION parameter to a low threshold value so that the system retains the undo for atleast the time specified in the parameter.



Use the V$UNDOSTAT view to monitor and configure your database system to achieve efficient use ofundo space. V$UNDOSTAT shows various undo and transaction statistics, such asthe amount of undo space consumed in the instance.

用户可以通过V$UNDOSTAT视图来监督和配置自身数据库系统以实现undo空间的高效利用。V$UNDOSTAT视图展现了各种各样undo和事务的统计信息,比如实例中消耗的undo 空间数量。


Note: Earlier releases of Oracle usedrollback segments to store undo, also known as manual undo management mode.Space management for these rollback segments was complex, and Oracle has nowdeprecated that method of storing undo.



The Oracle Database contains an UndoAdvisor that provides advice on and helps automate the establishment of yourundo environment.

Oracle数据库提供了 Undo Advisor,能为用户提供建议,并自动地建立用户的撤销环境。


Undo Mode  (撤销)undo管理模式

Undo mode provides a more flexible way tomigrate from manual undo management to automatic undo management. A databasesystem can run in either manual undo management mode or automatic undomanagement mode. In manual undo management mode, undo space is managed throughrollback segments. In automatic undo management mode, undo space is managed inundo tablespaces. To use automatic undo management mode, the databaseadministrator needs only to create an undo tablespace for each instance and set the UNDO_MANAGEMENT initialization parameter to AUTO. Youare strongly encouraged to run in automatic undo management mode.



Undo Quota (撤销)undo配额

In automatic undo management mode, thesystem controls exclusively the assignment of transactions to undo segments,and controls space allocation for undo segments. An ill-behaved transaction canpotentially consume much of the undo space, thus paralyzing the entire system.The Resource Manager directive UNDO_POOL is a more explicit way tocontrol large transactions. This lets database administrators group users intoconsumer groups, with each group assigned a maximum undo space limit. When thetotal undo space consumed by a group exceeds the limit, its users cannot makefurther updates until undo space is freed up by other member transactionsending.



The default value of UNDO_POOL is UNLIMITED, where users are allowed to consume as much undo space as the undotablespace has. Database administrators can limit a particular user by usingthe UNDO_POOL directive.

UNDO_POOL的默认值是unlimited,也就是说只要undo 表空间有空间,用户就可以无限制的使用这个空间作为undo空间。DBA可以通过使用UNDO_POOL指令限制某个特别的用户。


Automatic Undo Retention 自动撤销信息滞留期管理

OracleDatabase 10g automatically tunes a parameter called the undo retention period.The undo retention period indicates the amount of time that must pass beforeold undo information—that is, undo information for committed transactions—canbe overwritten. The database collects usage statistics and tunes the undoretention period based on these statistics and on undo tablespace size.Provided that automatic undo management is enabled, the database automaticallytunes the undo retention period as follows:

For an AUTOEXTEND undotablespace, the database tunes the undo retention period to be slightly longerthan the longest-running query, if space allows. In addition, when there isadequate free space, the tuned retention period does not go below the value ofthe UNDO_RETENTION initialization parameter.

For a fixed size undo tablespace, the database tunes for the maximumpossible undo retention. This means always providing the longest possibleretention period while avoiding out-of-space conditions and near out-of-spaceconditions in the undo tablespace. The UNDO_RETENTION initialization parameteris ignored unless retention guarantee is enabled.

Automatic tuning of undo retention is not supported for LOBs. Thetuned retention value for LOB columns is set to the value of the UNDO_RETENTIONparameter.



对于固定大小的undo表空间,数据库会调整最大可能的undo保留周期。这意味着数据库可以使用接近撤销表空间极限的容量为用户提供最长的撤销信息保存周期。如果没有启用retention guarantee,那么自动undo管理模式下,undo_retention初始参数会被忽略。


For fixed size and AUTOEXTEND undotablespaces of equal size, depending on the queries that you run, the tuningmethod used in fixed size tablespaces tends to provide a longer retentionperiod. This enables flashback operations to flash back farther in time, andmaximizes the amount of undo data available for long-running queries.



External Views 外部视图

Monitortransaction and undo information with V$TRANSACTION and V$ROLLSTAT. Forautomatic undo management, the information in V$ROLLSTAT reflects the behaviorsof the automatic undo management undo segments.

Oracle通过V$TRANSACTION V$ROLLSTAT两个视图监控事务和undo信息。对于自动撤销管理来说,V$ROLLSTAT中的信息反映了自动撤销管理中undo段的行为。


TheV$UNDOSTAT view displays a histogram of statistical data to show how well thesystem is working. You can see statistics such as undo consumption rate,transaction concurrency, and lengths of queries run in the instance. Using thisview, you can better estimate the amount of undo space required for the currentworkload.

V$UNDOSTAT 可以显示撤销空间运行的历史统计信息。用户可以查询撤销空间使用率,事务并发性,实例中最长的查询的运行时间等统计信息。通过这个视图,用户可以更好地估计在当前工作负荷下系统所需的undo空间容量。
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