Microsoft Xpress Compression

Microsoft uses a compression algorithm called "Microsoft Xpress Compression" for storing data in places, Exchange 2010 for example. CompressOrDecompressWin2k3

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procedure CompressOrDecompressWin2k3(
  inputBuffer: sequence of BYTE,
  inputSize: DWORD
  ref outputBuffer: sequence of BYTE, 
  comp: BOOLEAN)

Informative summary of behavior: The CompressOrDecompressWin2k3 procedure compresses or decompresses data using the compression algorithm LZ77 (section and the basic encoding algorithm DIRECT2 (section The procedure has the following parameters:

  • inputBuffer: A sequence of BYTE containing data to compress or decompress.

  • inputSize: The DWORD value that indicates the size of inputBuffer in bytes.

  • outputBuffer: A sequence of BYTE that is an empty buffer. Compressed or decompressed data is filled into this buffer.

  • comp: A Boolean indicating whether to compress (comp=TRUE) or decompress (comp=FALSE) the inputBuffer. LZ77 Compression Algorithm

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The LZ77 compression algorithm is used to analyze input data and determine how to reduce the size of that input data by replacing redundant information with metadata. Sections of the data that are identical to sections of the data that have been encoded are replaced by a small amount of metadata that indicates how to expand those sections again. The encoding algorithm is used to take that combination of data and metadata and serialize it into a stream of bytes that can later be decoded and decompressed.

Compression Algorithm Terminology

The following terms are associated with the compression algorithm. Some of the terms also apply to the DIRECT2 encoding algorithm defined in the next section.

input stream: The sequence of bytes to be compressed.

byte: The basic data element in the input stream.

coding position: The position of the byte in the input stream that is currently being coded (the beginning of the lookahead buffer).

lookahead buffer: The byte sequence from the coding position to the end of the input stream.

window: A buffer that indicates the number of bytes from the coding position backward. A window of size W contains the last W processed bytes.

pointer: Information about the beginning of the match in the window (referred to as "B" in the example later in this section) and its length (referred to as "L" in the example later in this section).

match: The string that is used to find a match of the byte sequence between the lookahead buffer and the window.

Using the Compression Algorithm

To use the LZ77 compression algorithm:

  1. Set the coding position to the beginning of the input stream.

  2. Find the longest match in the window for the lookahead buffer.

  3. Output the P,C pair, where P is the pointer to the match in the window, and C is the first byte in the lookahead buffer that does not match.

  4. If the lookahead buffer is not empty, move the coding position (and the window) L+1 bytes forward.

  5. Return to step 2.

Compression Process

The compression algorithm searches the window for the longest match with the beginning of the lookahead buffer and then outputs a pointer to that match. Because even a 1-byte match might not be found, the output cannot contain only pointers. The compression algorithm solves this problem by outputting after the pointer the first byte in the lookahead buffer after the match. If no match is found, the algorithm outputs a null-pointer and the byte at the coding position.

Compression Process Example

The following table shows the input stream that is used for this compression example. The bytes in the input, "AABCBBABC", occupy the first nine positions of the stream.

Input stream

Position    1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9
Byte        A    A    B    C    B    B    A    B    C

The following table shows the output from the compression process. The table includes the following columns:

Step: Indicates the number of the encoding step. A step in the table finishes every time that the encoding algorithm makes an output. With the compression algorithm, this process happens in each pass through step 3.

Position: Indicates the coding position. The first byte in the input stream has the coding position 1.

Match: Shows the longest match found in the window.

Byte: Shows the first byte in the lookahead buffer after the match.

Output: Presents the output in the format (B,L)C, where (B,L) is the pointer (P) to the match. This gives the following instructions to the decoder: Go back B bytes in the window and copy L bytes to the output. C is the explicit byte.

Note  One or more pointers might be included before the explicit byte that is shown in the Byte column. That is, a metadata pointer does not always need to be followed by an explicit byte. An input stream of "ABCABCABC", for example, can be represented as "(0,0)A(0,0)B(0,0)C(3,3)(6,3)" using the (B,L)C notation, with the last two elements being pointers without explicit bytes. The compressed output can be any combination of pointers and explicit bytes.

Compression process output































The result of compression, conceptually, is the output column—that is, a series of bytes and optional metadata that indicates whether that byte is preceded by some sequence of bytes that is already in the output.

Because representing the metadata itself requires bytes in the output stream, it is inefficient to represent a single byte that has previously been encoded by two bytes of metadata (offset and length). The overhead of the metadata bytes equals or exceeds the cost of outputting the bytes directly. Therefore, the protocol considers sequences of bytes to be a match only if the sequences have three or more bytes in common. DIRECT2 Encoding Algorithm

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The basic notion of the DIRECT2 encoding algorithm is that data appears unchanged in the compressed representation, and metadata is encoded in the same output stream, and in line with, the data.

The key to decoding the compressed data is recognizing what bytes are metadata and what bytes are data. The decoder MUST be able to identify the presence of metadata in the compressed and encoded data stream. Bitmasks are inserted periodically in the byte stream to provide this information to the decoder.

This section describes the bitmasks that enable the decoder to distinguish data from metadata. It also describes the process of encoding the metadata.


To distinguish data from metadata in the compressed byte stream, the data stream begins with a 4-byte bitmask that indicates to the decoder whether the next byte to be processed is data (a "0" value in the bit), or if the next byte (or series of bytes) is metadata (a "1" value in the bit). If a "0" bit is encountered, the next byte in the input stream is the next byte in the output stream. If a "1" bit is encountered, the next byte or series of bytes is metadata that MUST be interpreted further.

For example, a bitmask of 0x01000000 indicates that the first seven bytes are actual data, followed by encoded metadata that starts at the eighth byte. The metadata is followed by 24 additional bytes of data. A bitmask of 0x112000000 indicates that there will be metadata in the 4th, 8th, and 11th elements (note that the actual byte positions in the compressed data may be different because metadata elements will range from 2 to 6 bytes in length), with the remaining elements being data bytes.

When the bitmask has been consumed, the next four bytes in the input stream are another bitmask.

The bitmask must also contain a "1" in the bit following the last encoded element, to indicate the end of the compressed data. For example, given a hypothetical 8-bit bitmask, the string "ABCABCDEF" should be compressed as (0,0)A(0,0)B(0,0)C(3,3)D(0,0)E(0,0)F. Its bitmask would be b'00010001' (0x11). This would indicate three bytes of data, followed by metadata, followed by an additional 3 bytes, finally terminated with a "1" to indicate the end of the stream.

The final end bit is always necessary, even if an additional bitmask has to be allocated. If the string in the above example was "ABCABCDEFG", for example, it would require an additional bitmask. It would begin with the bitmask b'00010000', followed by the compressed data, and followed by another bitmask with a "1" as the next bit to indicate the end of the stream.

Encoding Metadata

In the output stream, actual data bytes are stored unchanged. Bitmasks are stored periodically to indicate whether the next byte or bytes are data or metadata. If the next bit in the bitmask is a "1", the next set of bytes in the input data stream is metadata (unless the last element of data was read, in which case the "1" bit would indicate the end of the stream as noted above). This metadata contains an offset back to the start of the data to be copied to the output stream, and the length of the data to be copied.

To represent the metadata as efficiently as possible, the encoding of that metadata is not fixed in length. The encoding algorithm supports the largest possible floating compression window to increase the probability of finding a large match; the larger the window, the greater the number of bytes that are needed for the offset. The encoding algorithm also supports the longest possible match; the longer the match length, the greater the number of bytes that are needed to encode the length.

Metadata Offset

The protocol assumes the metadata is two bytes in length. The three low-order bits are used to encode the length. The high-order 13 bits are a first complement of the offset, which is represented as a negative signed value in 2's complement. The offset is only encoded with those 13 bits. This value cannot be extended and defines the maximum size of the compression floating window. For example, the metadata 0x0018 is converted into the offset b'000000000011', and the length b'000'. The offset is '-4', computed by inverting the offset bits, treating the result as a 2's complement, and converting it to an integer.

Match Length

Unlike the metadata offset, the match length is extensible. If the length is less than 10 bytes, it is encoded in the three low-order bits of the 2-byte metadata. Although three bits seems to allow for a maximum length of six (the value b'111' is reserved), because the minimum match is three bytes, these three bits actually allow for the expression of lengths from three to nine. The match length goes from L = b'000' + 3 bytes, to L = b'110' + 3 bytes. Because smaller lengths are much more common than the larger lengths, the algorithm tries to optimize for smaller lengths. To encode a length between three and nine, we use the three bits that are "in-line" in the 2-byte metadata.

If the length of the match is greater than nine bytes, an initial bit pattern of b'111' is put in the three bits. This does not signify a length of 10 bytes, but instead a length that is greater than or equal to 10, which is included in the low-order nibble of the following byte.

Every other time that the length is greater than nine, an additional byte follows the initial 2-byte metadata. The first time that the additional byte is included, the low-order nibble is used as the additive length. The high-order nibble is "reserved" for the next metadata instance when the length is greater than nine. Therefore, the first time that the decoder encounters a length that is greater than nine, it reads the next byte from the data stream and the low-order nibble is extracted and used to compute the length for this metadata instance. The high-order nibble is remembered and used the next time that the decoder encounters a metadata length that is greater than nine. The third time that a length that is greater than nine is encountered, another extra byte is added after the 2-byte metadata, with the low-order nibble used for this length and the high-order nibble reserved for the fourth length that is greater than nine, and so on.

If the nibble from this "shared" byte is all "1s" (for example, b'1111'), another byte is added after the shared byte to hold more length. In this manner, a length of 24 is encoded as follows:

  • b'111' (in the three bits in the original two bytes of metadata), plus

  • b'1110' (in the nibble of the "shared' byte" of extended length)

  • b'111' means 10 bytes plus b'1110', which is 14, which results in a total of 24.

If the length is more than 24, the next byte is also used in the length calculation. In this manner, a length of 25 is encoded as follows:

  • b'111' (in the three bits in the original two bytes of metadata), plus

  • b'1111' (in the nibble of the "shared" byte of extended length), plus

  • b'00000000' (in the next byte).

This scheme is good for lengths of up to 278 (a length of 10 in the three bits in the original two bytes of metadata, plus a length of 15 in the nibble of the "shared" byte of extended length, plus a length of up to 254 in the extra byte).

A "full" (all b'1') bit pattern (b'111', b'1111', and b'11111111') means that there is more length in the following two bytes.

The final two bytes of length differ from the length information that comes earlier in the metadata. For lengths that are equal to 280 or greater, the length is calculated only from these last two bytes, and is not added to the previous length bits. The value in the last two bytes, a 16-bit integer, is three less than the metadata length. These last two bytes allow for a match length of up to 32,768 bytes + 3 bytes (the minimum match length).

The following table summarizes the length representation in metadata.

Note  Length is computed from the bits that are included in the metadata plus the minimum match length of three.

Length representation in metadata

Match length

Length bits in the metadata


b'111' (three bits in the original two bytes of metadata)


b'1110' (in the high-order or lower-order nibble, as appropriate, of the shared byte)


b'111' (three bits in the original two bytes of metadata)


b'1111' (in the high-order or lower-order nibble, as appropriate, of the shared byte)


b'00000000' (in the next byte)


b'111' (three bits in the original two bytes of metadata)


b'1111' (in the high-order or lower-order nibble, as appropriate, of the shared byte)


b'00000001' (in the next byte)


b'111' (three bits in the original two bytes of metadata)


b'1111' (in the high-order or lower-order nibble, as appropriate, of the shared byte)


b'11111110' (in the next byte)


b'111' (three bits in the original two bytes of metadata)

b'1111' (in the high-order or lower-order nibble, as appropriate, of the shared byte)

b'11111111' (in the next byte)

0x0115 (in the next two bytes). These two bytes represent a length of 277 + 3 (minimum match length).

Note  All of the length is included in the final two bytes and is not additive, as were the previous length calculations for lengths that are smaller than 280 bytes.


b'111' (three bits in the original two bytes of metadata)

b'1111' (in the high-order or lower-order nibble, as appropriate, of the shared byte)

b'11111111' (in the next byte)

0x0116 (in the next two bytes). This is 278 + 3 (minimum match length).

Note  All of the length is included in the final two bytes and is not additive, as were the previous length calculations for lengths that are smaller than 280 bytes.

A "full" bit pattern in that last half word does not mean that more metadata is coming after the last bytes.

The LZ77 compression algorithm produces a well-compressed encoding for small valued lengths, but as the length increases, the encoding becomes less well compressed. A match length of greater than 278 bytes requires a relatively large number of bits: 3+4+8+16. This includes three bits in the original two bytes of metadata, four bits in the nibble in the "shared" byte, eight bits in the next byte, and 16 bits in the final two bytes of metadata.





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