
"本文详细介绍了Yii框架中yiiwebUrlManager类的重要属性和用法,包括启用用户友好的URL、严格解析、URL规则、后缀、入口脚本名称显示、路由参数、缓存和规则配置等。通过示例展示了如何配置RESTful CRUD控制器的URL规则,以及如何进行URL规范化。了解这些配置将有助于优化和管理应用的URL结构。"



1. $enablePrettyUrl  启用url用户友好化

    // 启用url用户友好化
    public $enablePrettyUrl = false;

 2. $enableStrictParsing 是否启用严格解析

    public $enableStrictParsing = false;

 3. $rules  创建和解析url的规则

     * @var array the rules for creating and parsing URLs when [[enablePrettyUrl]] is `true`.
     * This property is used only if [[enablePrettyUrl]] is `true`. Each element in the array
     * is the configuration array for creating a single URL rule. The configuration will
     * be merged with [[ruleConfig]] first before it is used for creating the rule object.
     * A special shortcut format can be used if a rule only specifies [[UrlRule::pattern|pattern]]
     * and [[UrlRule::route|route]]: `'pattern' => 'route'`. That is, instead of using a configuration
     * array, one can use the key to represent the pattern and the value the corresponding route.
     * For example, `'post/<id:\d+>' => 'post/view'`.
     * For RESTful routing the mentioned shortcut format also allows you to specify the
     * [[UrlRule::verb|HTTP verb]] that the rule should apply for.
     * You can do that  by prepending it to the pattern, separated by space.
     * For example, `'PUT post/<id:\d+>' => 'post/update'`.
     * You may specify multiple verbs by separating them with comma
     * like this: `'POST,PUT post/index' => 'post/create'`.
     * The supported verbs in the shortcut format are: GET, HEAD, POST, PUT, PATCH and DELETE.
     * Note that [[UrlRule::mode|mode]] will be set to PARSING_ONLY when specifying verb in this way
     * so you normally would not specify a verb for normal GET request.
     * Here is an example configuration for RESTful CRUD controller:
     * ```php
     * [
     *     'dashboard' => 'site/index',
     *     'POST <controller:[\w-]+>' => '<controller>/create',
     *     '<controller:[\w-]+>s' => '<controller>/index',
     *     'PUT <controller:[\w-]+>/<id:\d+>'    => '<controller>/update',
     *     'DELETE <controller:[\w-]+>/<id:\d+>' => '<controller>/delete',
     *     '<controller:[\w-]+>/<id:\d+>'        => '<controller>/view',
     * ];
     * ```
     * Note that if you modify this property after the UrlManager object is created, make sure
     * you populate the array with rule objects instead of rule configurations.

    // 创建和解析url的规则
    public $rules = [];

 4. $suffix url 后缀,".html,.asp,..."

    // url 后缀,".html,.asp,..."
    public $suffix;

 5. $showScriptName URL中是否显示入口脚本文件名称

    public $showScriptName = true;

 6. $routeParam 路由的GET参数名

    public $routeParam = 'r';

 7. $cache 缓存对象或缓存对象的应用程序组件ID

     * @var CacheInterface|array|string|bool the cache object or the application component ID of the cache object.
     * This can also be an array that is used to create a [[CacheInterface]] instance in case you do not want to use
     * an application component.
     * Compiled URL rules will be cached through this cache object, if it is available.
     * After the UrlManager object is created, if you want to change this property,
     * you should only assign it with a cache object.
     * Set this property to `false` or `null` if you do not want to cache the URL rules.
     * Cache entries are stored for the time set by [[\yii\caching\Cache::$defaultDuration|$defaultDuration]] in
     * the cache configuration, which is unlimited by default. You may want to tune this value if your [[rules]]
     * change frequently.

    public $cache = 'cache';

 8. $ruleConfig 默认url规则配置

    // 默认url规则配置
    public $ruleConfig = ['class' => 'yii\web\UrlRule'];

 9. $normalizer 是否规范化url

     * @var UrlNormalizer|array|string|false the configuration for [[UrlNormalizer]] used by this UrlManager.
     * The default value is `false`, which means normalization will be skipped.
     * If you wish to enable URL normalization, you should configure this property manually.
     * For example:
     * ```php
     * [
     *     'class' => 'yii\web\UrlNormalizer',
     *     'collapseSlashes' => true,
     *     'normalizeTrailingSlash' => true,
     * ]
     * ```
     * @since 2.0.10

    // 是否规范化url
    public $normalizer = false;

 10. 其他属性

    // 换成规则的key
    protected $cacheKey = __CLASS__;

    private $_baseUrl;
    private $_scriptUrl;
    private $_hostInfo;
    private $_ruleCache;






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