OGRESE 混合纹理的源码 外加注释

#pragma once  //混合纹理
#include "OgreResource.h"
#include "OgreTexture.h"
namespace OgreSE
/** Interface describing a manual resource loader.
		Resources are usually loaded from files; however in some cases you
		want to be able to set the data up manually instead. This provides
		some problems, such as how to reload a Resource if it becomes
		unloaded for some reason, either because of memory constraints, or
		because a device fails and some or all of the data is lost.
		This interface should be implemented by all classes which wish to
		provide manual data to a resource. They provide a pointer to themselves
		when defining the resource (via the appropriate ResourceManager), 
		and will be called when the Resource tries to load. 
		They should implement the loadResource method such that the Resource 
		is in the end set up exactly as if it had loaded from a file, 
		although the implementations will likely differ	between subclasses 
		of Resource, which is why no generic algorithm can be stated here. 
		The loader must remain valid for the entire life of the resource,
		so that if need be it can be called upon to re-load the resource
		at any time.
class CoverageMap : public Ogre::ManualResourceLoader
	//混合纹理贴图的构造函数 name:混合纹理贴图名字,group 纹理资源所在的组 width height 纹理宽和高 channels纹理的通道数目 black=true 则第一个通道被填充为255
	CoverageMap(const std::string& name, const std::string& group, 
		UINT width, UINT height, int channels, bool black = true);	// black为false则第一个通道被填充为255

	// 功能:	从图片中加载,图片的通道数不能大于纹理的
	void LoadFromImage(const Ogre::Image& image);
	// 功能:	保存到图片,图片的通道数不应大于纹理的
	void SaveToImage(Ogre::Image& image);
	// 功能:	得到索引xy处通道c的数值
	inline unsigned char GetValue(UINT x, UINT y, UINT c) const;
	// 功能:	设置索引xy处通道c的数值
	void SetValue(UINT x, UINT y, UINT c, unsigned char val);
	// 功能:	把内存中的编辑缓存更新到纹理像素缓存中
	void UpdateTexture();
	// 功能:	重载 ManualResourceLoader,用于实现reload 纹理
	void loadResource(Ogre::Resource*);
	// 功能:	覆盖图纹理的名字
	const std::string& GetName() const;
	// 功能:	得到通道的数量
	UINT GetChannelCount(){return m_nChannelCount;};
	// 功能:	某通道是否是空白,也就是全黑
	bool IsBlank(UINT c);
	void SetBlank(UINT c);	// 只是设置空白标记不用真清空
	// 功能:	从流中加载索引图缓存数据
	void Load(Ogre::DataStreamPtr& stream);
	void Save(std::ofstream& stream);

	// 功能:	根据通道数得到纹理格式 / 根据纹理格式得到通道数
	Ogre::PixelFormat GetFormat(int channels);	//根据通道数得到纹理格式
	int GetChannels(Ogre::PixelFormat format); //根据纹理格式得到通道数

	UINT				m_nWidth, m_nHeight;	// 长,宽,缓存大小(m_nWidth*m_nHeight*m_nChannelCount)
	int					m_nChannelCount;	// 通道数
	unsigned char*		m_pData;			// 编辑缓存
	Ogre::TexturePtr	m_Texture;			// 索引图纹理
	std::vector<bool>	m_BlankFlag;		// 设置通道为空白标记(为了合并重复纹理时不用真的清空通道)				


#include "StdAfx.h"
#include "SECoverageMap.h"
#include "OgreTextureManager.h"
#include "OgreHardwarePixelBuffer.h"
namespace OgreSE

//	// black为false则第一个通道被填充为255
CoverageMap::CoverageMap(const std::string& name, const std::string& group, UINT width, UINT height,
							int channels, bool black)
: m_nWidth(width), m_nHeight(height), m_nChannelCount(channels)//m_nWidth长,m_nHeight宽,缓存大小((m_nWidth*m_nHeight*m_nChannelCount))
	UINT nSize = width*height*channels; //混合纹理的大小
	m_pData = new unsigned char[nSize];//编辑缓存
	memset(m_pData, 0, nSize);
	// 第一个索引图的第一个通道设为255,这样地形被第一个纹理完全填充
	if (!black)
		for (size_t i = 0; i < nSize; i += m_nChannelCount)
			m_pData[i] = 255;
	// 手工创建一个混合纹理,名字是name 
	if (Ogre::TextureManager::getSingletonPtr()->resourceExists(name))
	m_Texture = Ogre::TextureManager::getSingletonPtr()->createManual(name, group, Ogre::TEX_TYPE_2D,
		width, height, 1, 0, GetFormat(channels), Ogre::TU_DEFAULT, this);
	m_BlankFlag.assign(m_nChannelCount, false);

	delete[] m_pData;

void CoverageMap::loadResource(Ogre::Resource*)
	// the texture has requested to (re)load, we just copy our edit buffer
	// into the texture
void CoverageMap::UpdateTexture()
	// 把编辑缓存写入纹理缓存  m_Texture 索引图纹理
	/** Return hardware pixel buffer for a surface. This buffer can then
			be used to copy data from and to a particular level of the texture.
			@param face 	Face number, in case of a cubemap texture. Must be 0
							for other types of textures.
                            For cubemaps, this is one of 
                            +X (0), -X (1), +Y (2), -Y (3), +Z (4), -Z (5)
			@param mipmap	Mipmap level. This goes from 0 for the first, largest
							mipmap level to getNumMipmaps()-1 for the smallest.
			@returns	A shared pointer to a hardware pixel buffer
			@remarks	The buffer is invalidated when the resource is unloaded or destroyed.
						Do not use it after the lifetime of the containing texture.
	Ogre::HardwarePixelBufferSharedPtr buffer = m_Texture->getBuffer();
	//m_nWidth m_nHeight 长,宽,缓存大小
			/** A primitive describing a volume (3D), image (2D) or line (1D) of pixels in memory.
     	In case of a rectangle, depth must be 1. 
     	Pixels are stored as a succession of "depth" slices, each containing "height" rows of 
     	"width" pixels.
	Ogre::PixelBox pixelBox (m_nWidth, m_nHeight, 1, GetFormat(m_nChannelCount), m_pData);
	Ogre::Image::Box imageBox (0, 0, m_nWidth, m_nHeight);
	/** Copies a region from normal memory to a region of this pixelbuffer. The source
			image can be in any pixel format supported by OGRE, and in any size. 
		   	@param src		PixelBox containing the source pixels and format in memory
		   	@param dstBox	Image::Box describing the destination region in this buffer
            @remarks The source and destination regions dimensions don't have to match, in which
            case scaling is done. This scaling is generally done using a bilinear filter in hardware,
            but it is faster to pass the source image in the right dimensions.
			@note Only call this function when the buffer is unlocked. 
	buffer->blitFromMemory(pixelBox, imageBox);

const std::string& CoverageMap::GetName() const
	return m_Texture->getName();//获取混合纹理的名字
unsigned char CoverageMap::GetValue(UINT x, UINT y, UINT c) const
	return m_pData[(y*m_nWidth + x)*m_nChannelCount + c];
void CoverageMap::SetValue(UINT x, UINT y, UINT c, unsigned char val)
	m_pData[(y*m_nWidth + x)*m_nChannelCount + c] = val;

Ogre::PixelFormat CoverageMap::GetFormat(int channels)
	switch (channels)
	case 1: return Ogre::PF_BYTE_A;
	case 2: return Ogre::PF_BYTE_LA;
	case 3: return Ogre::PF_BYTE_RGB;
	case 4: return Ogre::PF_BYTE_RGBA;
	case -1: return Ogre::PF_BYTE_A;
	case -2: return Ogre::PF_BYTE_LA;
	case -3: return Ogre::PF_BYTE_BGR;
	case -4: return Ogre::PF_BYTE_BGRA;
	default: return Ogre::PF_UNKNOWN;
int CoverageMap::GetChannels(Ogre::PixelFormat format)
	switch (format)
	case Ogre::PF_BYTE_A: return 1;
	case Ogre::PF_BYTE_LA: return 2;
	case Ogre::PF_BYTE_RGB: return 3;
	case Ogre::PF_BYTE_BGR: return -3;
	case Ogre::PF_BYTE_RGBA: return 4;
	case Ogre::PF_BYTE_BGRA: return -4;
	default: return 0;
// 功能:	某通道是否是空白,也就是全黑
bool CoverageMap::IsBlank(UINT c)
	if (m_BlankFlag[c])
		return true;

	for(unsigned short m = 0; m < m_nHeight; ++m)
		for(unsigned short n = 0; n < m_nWidth; ++n)//遍历混合纹理的所有的单元的通道c,如果有某个通道数值!=0那么就返回false
			if (GetValue(n,m,c) != 0)
				return false;
	return true;
void CoverageMap::SetBlank(UINT c)
	m_BlankFlag[c] = true;
void CoverageMap::Load(Ogre::DataStreamPtr& stream)
	stream->read((void*)m_pData, m_nWidth*m_nHeight*m_nChannelCount);

void CoverageMap::Save(std::ofstream& stream)
	stream.write((char*)m_pData, m_nWidth*m_nHeight*m_nChannelCount);
void CoverageMap::LoadFromImage(const Ogre::Image& image)
 	if (image.getWidth() != m_nWidth || image.getHeight() != m_nHeight)
		OGRE_EXCEPT(Ogre::Exception::ERR_INVALIDPARAMS, "Given image doesn't conform(符合) to the used width and height.", "CoverageMap::LoadFromImage");
 	if (image.getFormat() != GetFormat(m_nChannelCount) && image.getFormat() != GetFormat(-m_nChannelCount))
 		OGRE_EXCEPT(Ogre::Exception::ERR_INVALIDPARAMS, "Given image is of invalid pixel format.", "CoverageMap::loadFromImage");
 	memcpy(m_pData, image.getData(), image.getSize());//为编辑缓存 m_pData填充数据
	if (GetChannels(image.getFormat()) <= -3)
		UINT nSize = m_nHeight * m_nWidth * m_nChannelCount;
 		// need RGB(A), but given BGR(A) so invert  我们需要RGB(A)格式的 但是给的是BGR(A)所以我们需要调整位置
 		for (UINT i = 0; i < nSize; i += m_nChannelCount)
			unsigned char c = m_pData[i];
			m_pData[i] = m_pData[i+2];
			m_pData[i+2] = c;
void CoverageMap::SaveToImage(Ogre::Image& image)
// This method loads an image into memory held in the object. The 
   //           pixel format will be either greyscale or RGB with an optional
     //         Alpha component.
	//the type can be determined by calling getFormat().   

	image.loadDynamicImage(m_pData, m_nWidth, m_nHeight, 1, GetFormat(m_nChannelCount));






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