
Backup iFIX Files Manually and Restore Them to A New iFIX Machine
iFIX only
iFIX Backup and Restore Utility is designed for performing a full or partial backup of iFIX files which are to be restored to the SAME iFIX machine, or to another machine with the same nodename and directory structure.  
In order to restore existing iFIX files to a different iFIX system, it is recommended that the working files from an existing iFIX system be backed up manually on the source machine, and subsequently restored to the alternate/target iFIX system.
为了使现有的iFIX 文件恢复到一个不同的iFIX系统, 推荐在源机器上手动备份来自现有iFIX系统的工作文件, 随后恢复到交替/ 目标的iFIX系统上。
Below is a list of the Dynamics\FIX32 directories and file types to be manually backed up on an existing system and subsequently restored to another iFIX\FIX32 system:
下面是在现有系统上手动备份动态\FIX32目录和文件随后恢复到另一个iFIX \ FIX32系统的一系列步骤。
Step by Step Instructions
Source Machine:
Security Files - If security is enabled on the source machine, disable it and run a security report before you backup any of the other files:
安全文件 - 如果安全功能在源机器上打开,将它关闭且跑在备份任何文件之前运行安全报告:
Open the System Configuration Utility (SCU) file and click Configure then select Security;
Click File, then select Export and click OK. This will create a Security.Rpt file in the Dynamics\Local directory. This is a report of the current security configuration (without the user passwords);
点击文件, 然后选择导出并按OK键。 这将在Dynamics\Local 目录下创建一个Security.Rpt 文件。 这是当前安全配置报告(不需要用户密码);  
Click on the Key icon in the Toolbox to launch the Configuration. Disable the User Based Security by clicking the "Disabled" radio button and click OK;
点击工具箱中的Key图标来启动配置。 点击"Disabled"无线通信按钮来关闭基于用户的安全功能然后点击OK;
Save your changes and close the Security Configurator.
Dynamics\HTR directory - This folder contains historical configurations files which may include .CSV files, .CFG, and .DAT files. All files should be backed up.
Dynamics\ HTR 目录 - 这个文件夹包含历史配置文件,可能包括.CSV 文件,.CFG 和.DAT文件。 所有文件都应该被备份。
Dynamics\HTRDATA directory - This folder contains the .HTC file for each node collected from as well as subfolder for each node collected from containing historical data files, which may include .H04, .H08, or .H24 files. If you want to view old historical data on the new machines, these files should be backed up.
Dynamics\ HTRDATA 目录 - 这个文件夹包含为每个节点从包含的历史数据文件采集数据的.HTC 文件和子文件夹,可能包括 .H04,.H08,或者.H24 文件。 如果你想要在新机器上查看老的历史数据,这些文件应该被备份。
Dynamics\LOCAL directory - This folder contains a number of configuration and initialization files. Any  .INI files, .SCU files, and the Security.Rpt file (if applicable) should be backed up.
Dynamics\LOCAL目录 - 这个文件夹包含许多配置和初始文件。 所有.INI文件,.SCU 文件,和Security.Rpt 文件(如果可用)都应该被备份。
Note, if you are upgrading the version if iFIX, then the .ini files should not be copied to the new machine. It is also recommended that a new SCU file be created manually for each new node and not to backup existing *.SCU files on one machine/restore to another machine due to potential issues with iFIX security; path configuration; etc.
注意如果如果你正在升级iFIX的版本,那么.ini文件不应该被复制到新机器。 同时建议为每个新节点创建一个新的SCU 文件同时不要备份机器上现有的*.SCU文件/因为iFIX潜在的安全问题和道径配置等,它被恢复到另一台机器;
Dynamics\PIC directory -  This folder contains files relevant to pictures. Files to be backed up are .GRF, .TGD, and all of the *.fxg files. If you have created custom color tables (.FTB) or custom dynamos (.FDS) these should be copied as well.
Dynamics\PIC 目录 -  这个文件夹包含与图像相关的文件。 需要备份的文件是.GRF,.TGD 和所有*.fxg 文件。 如果你已经创建了用户自定义彩色表格(.FTB)或者自定义发电机(.FDS),这些也应该被复制。
Dynamics\PDB directory ?This folder contains files relevant to the database, alarming and driver communication.  Files to be backed up are: Driver configuration file, AlarmAreas.AAD and the database file NOTE: The database and driver config file should be saved or exported out as a *.csv file to limit file corruption.
Dynamics\PDB 目录? 这个文件夹包含与数据库相关的文件,发出报警信号和驱动通讯。 需要备份的文件是: 驱动器配置文件,AlarmAreas.AAD和数据库文件
注意: 数据库和驱动器配置文件应该被保存或导出成一个*.csv 文件来防止文件产生错误。
Dynamics\RCC directory - All files (as applicable) are to be backed up
Dynamics\RCC 目录 - 全部文件(可用时)需要备份
Dynamics\RCM directory - All files (as applicable) are to be backed up
Dynamics\RCM 目录 - 全部文件(可用时)需要备份
Finally, if security is enabled, then re-enable User Based Security on the source machine by opening the SCU and clicking on Configure - Security then the Key icon in the Toolbox to launch the Configuration then click the Enabled radio button and OK and Click on the "X" to close the Security Configuration and then click the "Yes" button when prompted with the message "Configuration has changed. Save new changes?"
Target Machine:
Restore the backed up directories/files to the target machine;
把备份目录/ 文件恢复到目标机器;
Create a new SCU file and/or open the restored SCU file and change the node name (as required);
创建一个新的SCU 文件和/或打开被恢复的SCU 文件并且改变节点名称(根据要求);
If security is to be enabled on the target machine, open the Security Configuration in the SCU and click File then Import and import the restored Security.Rpt file;
如果在目标机器上安全功能打开,那么SCU内打开安全配置,点击文件选择“导入”,导入被恢复的Security.Rpt 文件;
Recreate all user passwords for each of the Users prior to enabling security (as failure to do so will lock all users out of the iFIX system);
在安全功能开启之前为每个用户创建所有用户密码 (做不到的话将把全部用户锁定在iFIX系统外);
Finally, once the security information has been imported, and the user passwords have been recreated then reenable User Based Security:
(a) Click the Key icon in the Toolbox to launch the Configuration
(b) Enable the User Based Security by clicking the "Enabled" radio button and click OK
(c) Click on the "X" to close the Security Configuration and then click the "Yes" button when prompted with the message "Configuration has changed. Save new changes"

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