CocosBuilder用户手册中文版:4c. Connecting with cocos2d-x

Connecting with cocos2d-x


For any non-trivial use of CocosBuilder you will need to connect your ccb-files with your code. This section explains how this works.


Using Custom Classes


The way you can link your code with CocosBuilder is to use custom classes. To assign a custom class to an object in CocosBuilder, just select the object then enter the name of your custom class in the property inspector. Remember that your custom class needs to be a sub class of the selected object. 

这是一种可以连接你的代码到CocosBuilder 来使用自定义类的方式。指定一个“自定义类”到CocosBuilder中的对象,只需要选择对象,然后输入你的自定义类的名字在属性栏中。记住,你的自定义类需要是你选中的对象的类的子类。(比如,一个CocosBuilder中的一个Sprite对象自定义类,必须派生自Sprite类)

When loading the ccbi-file, you need to create two custom classes (could be one). 


The *custom loader* class derives from *cocos2d::extension::CCLayerLoader*.


The *custom layer* class derives from *cocos2d::extension::CCBSelectorResolver*
, and *cocos2d::extension::CCNodeLoaderListener* classes.




, 和*cocos2d::extension::CCNodeLoaderListener* classes.

In your custom loader class you need to add code for initialization such as    


CCBReader will initialize your custom layer class using the loader class's *loader* method. 
CCBReader 将使用加载器类的“ loader”方法来初始化你的自定义层类。

Please note that CCBReader will not be able to use any custom init methods. To use a custom init method, you can call it from the custom layer class constructor.

将注意,CCBReader 将不会使用任何自定义的init方法。为了使用自定义的初始化方法,你可以在自定义层的类构造函数中调用它。

Linking Member Variables


References to objects in your ccbi-file can be linked to member variables when the file is loaded. These member variables can be either in the root node of the document, in which case it must have been assigned a custom class. 


To link an object, simply declare them in the header file,

To initialize member variables, you can override the onAssignCCBMemberVariable function in the custom layer class and use something like
你可以在自定义层类中,重写onAssignCCBMemberVariable 函数,并使下面的代码来初始化成员变量

    CCB_MEMBERVARIABLEASSIGNER_GLUE(this, "sprtBurst", CCSprite *, this->mSprtBurst);

where *sprtBurst* is the property name set in CocosBuilder.


 Select the object in CocosBuilder, under Code Connections change the *Don't assign* popup menu to either *Doc* root var or *Owner var*. Then enter the name of your member variable to the right of the popup menu.

在CocosBuilder中选择对象,在“代码连接“弹菜单中,从”Don't assign*改成”Doc root val"或者"Owner var". 然后在弹出菜单右侧输入你的成员变量名。

Adding Callbacks to Menus


To add a callback when a CCMenuItemImage is tapped, simply select the CCMenuItemImage in CocosBuilder, then add the name of the method you want to call in the *Selector* field. Set the target either to the *Document root* or the *Owner*.

添加CCMenuItemImage轻触的回调,只需要简单的在CocosBuilder中选择CCMenuItemImage,然后添加你想要调用的方法名在Selector字段中。设置目标为“DocumentDocument root“或”Owner"

The callback will send the CCMenuItemImage as its only parameter to the method that you specify (it uses the id type, and is often named *sender*). You can also chose to leave the parameter out.

CCMenuItemImage将会作为你指定的回调方法的唯一参数进行传递(在OC中经常使用ID类型,并且经常明明问sender,在C++中,通常为cocos2d::Object* sender).你也可以选择无视这个参数.

In your custon class, you override the *onResolveCCBCCMenuItemSelector* function and add code such as 


CCB_SELECTORRESOLVER_CCMENUITEM_GLUE(this, "pressedA:", MenuTestLayer::onMenuItemAClicked);

inside the function.


where *MenuTestLayer* is the name of your custom class.


MenuTestLayer::onMenuItemAClicked can then be declared as

MenuTestLayer::onMenuItemAClicked 可以可以这样声明:

void MenuTestLayer::onMenuItemAClicked(cocos2d::CCObject *pSender) {

Adding Callbacks to CCControl


Adding a callback to a CCControl is similar to adding a callback to a CCMenuItemImage, it just have a few extra options.


Tick the event types that you want to receive callbacks for. For CCControlButton it is most common to use the *Up inside* callback only. Select your target, either *Document root* or *Owner*, and the name of your callback method. The callback method can optionally take two arguments, the sender (i.e. the CCControl) and the type of event. The event types are defined in *CCControl.h*.

在你想收到回调的消息类型上进行标记(CheckBox). 对于CCControlButton最常用的就是只使用"Up inside"回调.选择你的目标,要么Document root,要么Owner,还有你的回调函数的名字.. 回调方法有两个可选实参,sender 和事件类型.事件类型在CCControl.h文件中进行定义

In the custom class, you override the *onResolveCCBCCControlSelector* function and add code such as


CCB_SELECTORRESOLVER_CCCONTROL_GLUE(this, "pressedMenus:", MenuTestLayer::onPressedMenus);

inside the function. Where *MenuTestLayer* is the name of your custom class.


MenuTestLayer::onPressedMenus can then be declared as


void HelloCocosBuilderLayer::onMenuTestClicked(CCObject * pSender, cocos2d::extension::CCControlEvent pCCControlEvent) {

Options for Loading ccb-files


CocosBuilder documents, or ccb-files, needs to be published into a compact binary format, ccbi, before they can be loaded into your application. Once published they can be easily loaded with a single line of code. To load a node graph, add the CCBReader.h and CCBReader.m files to your Cocos2D [project](, then call the _nodeGraphFromFile:_ method as follows.

CCBReader *ccbReader = new cocos2d::extension::CCBReader(ccNodeLoaderLibrary); 
CCNode* myNode = ccbReader->readNodeGraphFromFile("MyNodeGraph.ccbi");

The initialization for ccNodeLoaderLibrary can be done in two ways.

1. If you're using a custom class:

CCNodeLoaderLibrary * ccNodeLoaderLibrary = CCNodeLoaderLibrary::newDefaultCCNodeLoaderLibrary(); 

ccNodeLoaderLibrary->registerCCNodeLoader("HelloCocosBuilderLayer", HelloCocosBuilderLayerLoader::loader());

In this case, *HelloCocosBuilderLayer* is the name of the custom class specified in CocosBuilder

2. If not using a custom class, you can initialize a default NodeLoader:

   CCNodeLoaderLibrary * ccNodeLoaderLibrary = CCNodeLoaderLibrary::newDefaultCCNodeLoaderLibrary();

You may need to cast the returned value depending on what sort of object is the root node in your ccbi-file and how you will use it in your code. For instance, if you load a CCParticleSystem, use the following code.

    CCParticleSystem* myParticles = (CCParticleSystem*) ccbReader->readNodeGraphFromFile("MyParticleSystem.ccbi");

For your convenience, CCBReader can also wrap your node graph in a scene. To load your ccbi-file in a scene call _sceneWithNodeGraphFromFile:_

    CCScene* myScene = ccbReader->sceneWithNodeGraphFromFile("MyScene.ccbi");

### Passing an Owner Variable
Sometimes you need to be able to access member variables from and get callbacks to another object than the root node of a ccb-file. To do this you will need to pass a *owner* to the CCBReader. To get the variable or callback assigned to the owner, make sure that you've selected owner when declaring the member variable name or callback in CocosBuilder. The call the *nodeGraphFromFile(file, owner)* or *sceneWithNodeGraphFromFile(file, owner)* method of CCBReader when loading your file.

    HelloCocosBuilderLayer *pOwner = new HelloCocosBuilderLayer();
    CCNode* myNode = ccbReader->readNodeGraphFromFile("MyNodeGraph.ccbi", pOwner);

### Accessing Variables and Callbacks in a sub ccb-file
If you are using sub ccb-files specifying the root node as target will refer to the root node of the sub ccb-file. The owner target is the object that you pass to the CCBReader.

## Example

Please take a look at *HelloCocosBuilderLayer.h*, *HelloCocosBuilderLayer.cpp*, and *HelloCocosBuilderLayerLoader.h* from the ExtensionsTest in the TestCPP project of cocos2d-x.

## Setting scale and design size

 For CocosBuilder based projects in cocos2d-x, the AppDelegate needs to setup the game to read the correct resources from the correct directories from the project files. It is based on the device screen size. You also need to set the scaling factor and the design resolution size of the GL view. 
 For portrait mode, you can add this code to *AppDelegate.cpp* in *AppDelegate::applicationDidFinishLaunching*

    CCSize designSize = CCSizeMake(320, 480);
    CCSize resourceSize = CCSizeMake(320, 480);
    CCSize screenSize = CCEGLView::sharedOpenGLView()->getFrameSize();

    std::vector<std::string> searchPaths;
    std::vector<std::string> resDirOrders;
    TargetPlatform platform = CCApplication::sharedApplication()->getTargetPlatform();
    if (platform == kTargetIphone || platform == kTargetIpad)
        searchPaths.push_back("Published-iOS"); // Resources/Published-iOS

        if (screenSize.height > 768)
        resourceSize = CCSizeMake(1536, 2048);
      else if (screenSize.height > 640)
        resourceSize = CCSizeMake(768, 1536);
    }else if (screenSize.height > 480)
            resourceSize = CCSizeMake(640, 960);
    else if (platform == kTargetAndroid || platform == kTargetWindows)

        if (screenSize.height > 960)
            resourceSize = CCSizeMake(640, 960);
        else if (screenSize.height > 480)
            resourceSize = CCSizeMake(480, 720);
            resourceSize = CCSizeMake(320, 568);

    CCEGLView::sharedOpenGLView()->setDesignResolutionSize(designSize.width, designSize.height, kResolutionShowAll);

For landscape mode, you can change the order of resolutions. So (320, 480) becomes (480,320) , (640, 960) becoms (960, 640) etc. in all places.





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