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原创 [Pointers and C-String]D. Liang 7.18 Anagrams

好久没更新了,因为懒otzDescriptionWrite a function that checks whether two words are anagrams. Two words are anagrams if they contain the same letters in any order. For example, “silent” and “listen” are anagrams. The header of the function is as follows:int isAn

2020-05-23 16:01:13 354

原创 进制转换[Pointers and C-String]D. Liang 7.15 Decimal to hex D. Liang 7.16 Decimal to binary

DescriptionWrite a function that parse a decimal number into a hex number as a string. The function header are as follows:char * convertDecimalToHex(int value)HintDon’t submit the main() function.```cchar * convertDecimalToHex(int value){ int num=v

2020-05-23 15:57:58 488

原创 [Arrays]D. Liang 6.29 sicily 1145 校门外的树


2020-05-03 18:26:43 275 2

原创 [Arrays]D. Liang 6.28 纸牌游戏


2020-05-03 18:22:29 418

原创 [Arrays]D. Liang 6.20 Computing the weekly hours for each employee

催更是第一生产力哈哈哈。作业记录DescriptionSuppose the weekly hours for all employee are stored in a two-dimensional array.Each row records an employee’s seven-day work hous with seven columns.For example, the f...

2020-05-03 17:04:52 322

原创 [Arrays]D. Liang 6.19 Sorting students on grades

DescriptionRewrite Listing 6.12, GradeExam.cpp, to display the students in increasing order of the number of correct answers.Suppose the answers for all students are stored in a two-dimensional arra...

2020-05-01 19:56:54 374

原创 [Arrays]D. Liang 6.6 Revising Listing 4.11

DescriptionListing 4.11 determines whether a number n is prime by checking whether 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, …, n/2 is a divisor. If a divisor is found, n is not prime. A more efficient approach to determine wh...

2020-04-30 00:09:00 206

原创 [Functions]D. Liang 5.24 Displaying date and time

DescriptionWrite a program to reads an integer n, which means the total seconds since midnight Jan 1,1970(eg., 1103203148 seconds). Display the date and time at that second.InputAn integer n (long)...

2020-04-29 23:57:20 170

原创 [Functions]D. Liang 5.23 Approximating the square root

DescriptionImplementing the sqrt function. The square root of a number n, can be approximated by repeated performing a calculation using the following formula:nextGuess = (lastGuess + n / lastGuess)...

2020-04-29 23:50:07 227

原创 [Functions]D. Liang 5.19 Using the sqrt function

DescriptionInput two integers A and B (0<A,B<1000, A<B), then prints the square root of all integers between A and B (including A and B).Example Input0 5Example Output Number SquareRoot...

2020-04-29 23:46:06 151

原创 [Loops]D. Liang 4.19 Printing numbers in a pyramid pattern

DescriptionWrite a program that reads an interger n, then display the n levels pyramid pattern. For example, if n=4, the pattern is as follow: 1 1 2 1 1 2 4 ...

2020-04-29 23:33:56 203

原创 [Loops]D. Liang 4.18 Printing four patterns using loop

DescriptionWrite a program that reads two intergers p(1<=p<=4) and n(3<=n<=10), then display one of the following patterns.For example, when n = 6, the outputs are as follow:Pattern 1...

2020-04-29 23:25:17 202

原创 **[Loops]D. Liang 4.16 Finding the factors of an integer**

C语言作业记录。DescriptionWrite a program that reads an integer n and displays all its smallest factors. For example, if the input ingeger is 120, the output should be as follows: 2 2 2 3 5InputAn intege...

2020-04-29 23:18:32 271 4



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