MTM Use-cases
MTM is a lightweight App. It is not designed to take place of a fully functional monitoring platforms like Cisco NDFC/DCNM. Instead, it is designed for users who like customizing the monitoring platforms based on the problems they are trying to solve. Many ready-made use cases are already available in MTM. Users can customize it further or integrate it with other similar apps like UCS Traffic Monitoring (UTM), which monitors traffic in the Cisco UCS servers. Refer to Chapter 9 for more details on the UTM app. MTM 是一款轻量级应用程序。它不是用来取代 Cisco NDFC/DCNM 等全功能监控平台的。相反,它是为那些喜欢根据所要解决的问题定制监控平台的用户而设计的。MTM 中已有许多现成的使用案例。用户可以进一步定制它,或将它与其他类似应用程序集成,如 UCS 流量监控 (UTM),它可以监控 Cisco UCS 服务器中的流量。有关 UTM 应用程序的详细信息,请参阅第 9 章。
MTM groups the switches logically. For example, you can monitor all the switches at a site or all the switches in a fabric on a single dashboard. Then, you can drill down at a switch level or investigate a switchport. MTM 对交换机进行逻辑分组。例如,您可以在一个仪表板上监控一个站点的所有交换机或一个结构中的所有交换机。然后,您可以深入到交换机级别或调查交换端口。
At the time of this writing, MTM is used for monitoring many production environments. Chapter 2 Case Study of An Online Retailer uses MTM. Chapter 6 section DIRL in Action demonstrates DIRL using MTM. The illustrations in the later section on Average and Peak Utilization are taken from MTM running in another production environment. 在撰写本文时,MTM 已用于监控许多生产环境。第 2 章 "在线零售商案例研究 "使用了 MTM。第 6 章 "行动中的 DIRL "一节演示了使用 MTM 的 DIRL。后面有关平均利用率和峰值利用率的章节中的插图取自在另一个生产环境中运行的 MTM。
The following sections explain a handful of MTM use-cases. 下文将介绍一些 MTM 用例。
Finding Slow-drain Devices